Книги по вселенной

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Книги по вселенной

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 ноя 2007, 11:58

Decision at Thunder Rift
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: September 1986
ISBN 0-931787-69-6
Book One of the Saga of the Gray Death Legion. Grayson Death Carlyle is the young son of the commander of Carlyle's Commandos, a mercenary unit employed by the Lyran Commonwealth. When the Commandos are destroyed in a sneak attack on the planet Trell I, Grayson must help the people of Trell throw off the invading forces while trying to live up to his father's legacy.

The Sword and the Dagger
Author: Ardath Mayhar
Publication Date: (04/1987)
ISBN 0-931787-77-7
Ardan Sortek stumbles upon a plot to replace Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns, with a clever double under the control of Maximilian Liao, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation and sworn enemy of the Davion family.

Mercenary's Star
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: (1987)
ISBN 1-55560-030-1
Book Two of the Saga of the Gray Death Legion. The fledgling Gray Death Legion, formed in the fighting on Trell I, takes on their first assignment: train the inhabitants of Verthandi to fight their Draconis Combine overlords. But what starts as just a job for Grayson Carlyle and his unit soon becomes personal.

The Price of Glory
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: (1987)
ISBN 1-55560-038-7
Book Three of the Saga of the Gray Death Legion. Grayson Death Carlyle has gone from being the young son of a mercenary commander to the leader of his very own unit in just a few short years. Now under contract to the Free Worlds League, the Gray Death Legion falls prey to political machinations and secret agreements between ambitious men and stands accused of a horrific crime. In a race against time, they must find a way off the planet Helm before they are utterly destroyed.

Warrior: En Garde
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (06/1988)
ISBN 1-55560-046-8
27 Nov 3026-10 Jun 3027 Book One of the Warrior Trilogy. Justin Xiang Allard is exiled from the Federated Suns and makes his way to Solaris VII, the Gaming World, where he catches the eye of agents from the Capellan Confederation. With his former life in ruins, Justin pledges himself to the Capellan Chancellor. Meanwhile, someone has kidnapped Melissa Steiner, heir to the throne of the Lyran Commonwealth and bethrothed of Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns. Daniel Allard and the Kell Hounds mercenary unit must face a foe from their past to rescue her.

Warrior: Riposte
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (08/1988)
ISBN 1-55560-068-9
10 Oct 3027-02 Feb 3029. Book Two of the Warrior Trilogy. The wedding of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner is fast approaching and tensions are rising throughout the Inner Sphere. Morgan Kell, co-founder of the Kell Hounds mercenary unit, is recalled from his self-imposed exile to take up command once more as the Hounds gear up for war. At the climax of the wedding ceremony on Terra, attended by dignitaries from across human space, Hanse Davion declares war on the Capellan Confederation. The Fourth Succession War begins.

Wolves on the Border
Author: Robert N. Charrette
Publication Date: (1988)
ISBN 1-55560-087-5
Wolf's Dragoons is one of the most feared and respected mercenary units in the entire Inner Sphere. Currently under contract to the Draconis Combine, they become the target of a plot by an ambitious and devious Warlord to gain their services permanently. Their liaison with the Combine, Minobu Tetsuhara, is an honest man and a friend to the Dragoons' leader, Colonel Jaime Wolf, and is caught between duty and friendship as war looms.

Warrior: Coupé
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (04/1989)
ISBN 1-55560-073-5
03 Mar 3029-15 Dec 3029. Book Three of the Warrior Trilogy. As the Fourth Succession War continues, Morgan Kell and his Kell Hounds race towards a final showdown with Yorinaga Kurita. Justin Xiang Allard, now a high-ranking member of Capellan intelligence, tries to hold back the invading Davion forces but is hampered at every turn. And to make matters worse, he may have a spy within his office!

Heir to the Dragon
Author: Robert N. Charrette
Publication Date: (08/1989)
ISBN 1-55560-095-6
Honor and respect towards ones elders is an important part of the Japanese-influenced culture of the Draconis Combine. Theodore Kurita, only son of the reigning Coordinator, has grandiose ideas about the future of his nation but he is hindered by his father's conservative nature and fear of change. During the chaos of the Fourth Succession War and the War of 3039, Theodore not only must survive on the battlefield, he must also navigate the treacherous waters of the Combine court. Can father and son reconcile for the good of their people?

Lethal Heritage
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (1989)
ISBN 1-55560-091-3
Book One of the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy. A new generation of characters makes its debut in this series. Victor Steiner-Davion, heir to the throne of the Federated Commonwealth, is fresh from the academy and posted to the back end of nowhere. Kai Allard-Liao, son of the great Justin Xiang Allard and Candace Liao, fears he can never live up to the tremendous legacy of his parents. Shin Yodama is a yakuza soldier in the army of the Draconis Combine, assigned to safeguard the grandson of Coordinator Takashi Kurita. Phelan Kell has followed in his father Morgan's footsteps and serves in the mercenary Kell Hounds. All four of these young men must face dangers both internal and external when a mysterious invader from beyond the Periphery threatens everything they know and love.

Blood Legacy
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (12/1990)
ISBN 1-55560-092-1
Book Two of the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy. The Clans have been stopped temporarily through the sacrifice of a young pilot. Jaime Wolf, commander of the mysterious and elite Wolf's Dragoons mercenary unit, takes the opportunity to reveal the origin of this new menace: they are the descendants of the Star League Defense Force, which left the Inner Sphere over two hundred years ago after the collapse of the League. The Dragoons, themselves former Clanners, intend to train the heirs of the Successor States to fight and defeat the Clans, if old prejudices and hatreds don't tear the Inner Sphere apart first. The first real test of this new-found sense of cooperation is the defense of Luthien, capital world of the Draconis Combine. But just what is the ultimate objective of the Clans?

Lost Destiny
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (09/1991)
ISBN 1-55560-094-8
Book Three of the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy. The man once known as Phelan Kell has risen through the ranks in Clan Wolf and now stands to win a coveted Bloodname, the highest honor the Clans can bestow. Kai Allard-Liao is missing and presumed dead in the wake of a Clan Jade Falcon attack. Victor Steiner-Davion must mount a rescue of a man who once would have been considered his mortal enemy: Hohiro Kurita. And behind it all, ComStar lurks, ready to betray their Clan allies for the chance to fulfill their destiny as the saviors of humanity.

Way of the Clans
Author: Robert Thurston
Publication Date: (1991)
ISBN 0-451-45101-5
Book One of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy. Cadet Aidan of Clan Jade Falcon dreams of one day being a Warrior and contributing his genetic material to his Clan's breeding program. But first he has to make it out of the sibko, not an easy task when he has to compete against his fellow cadets and endure the scorn of Falconer Joanna.

Author: Robert Thurston
Publication Date: (10/1991)
ISBN 0-451-45117-1
Book Two of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy. Aidan is a Warrior, though his path to this role was not one he ever would have imagined. Masquerading as a freeborn named Jorge, he has to hide his true self for fear of his Clan's reaction. When an opportunity to prove his value comes, Aidan leaps to take advantage of the glory he wins and claim his rightful place among the trueborn Warriors of Clan Jade Falcon.

Falcon Guard
Author: Robert Thurston
Publication Date: (12/1991)
ISBN 0-451-45129-5
Book Three of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy. Star Colonel Aidan Pryde has achieved many of the dreams he once had for himself. But the path he took to reach his goals has made him a pariah within the ranks of Clan Jade Falcon, begrudgingly accepted because of the need for as many Warriors as possible to feed the progress of the Clans' invasion of the Inner Sphere. When ComStar challenges the Clans to one final decisive battle on the planet Tukayyid, Aidan gets one last shot at redemption.

Wolf Pack
Author: Robert N. Charrette
Publication Date: (04/1992)
ISBN 0-451-45224-0
Wolf's Dragoons have seen and done it all. With their true identity and purpose revealed during the Clan invasion, they have begun to rebuild both their reputation and their forces. However, an overly-ambitious former Clanner and the insecure scion of Jaime Wolf's own family threaten to undo everything the Dragoons have achieved in their half-century as mercenaries. Jaime Wolf and his Dragoons must decide once and for all if they belong to the Clans or the Inner Sphere... or perhaps are something different from either.

Natural Selection
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (07/1992)
ISBN 0-451-45172-4
Raiders equipped with Clan weaponry are hitting worlds along the Clan Occupation Zone/Federated Commonwealth border. Archon-Prince Designate Victor Steiner-Davion and Khan Phelan Ward of Clan Wolf agree to jointly defeat the raiders despite their differences. Melissa Steiner is assassinated by a bomb blast, adding to the tension of the raids.

Decision at Thunder Rift (Reprint)
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: (09/1992)
ISBN 0-451-45184-8
Book One of the Saga of the Gray Death Legion. Grayson Death Carlyle is the young son of the commander of Carlyle's Commandos, a mercenary unit employed by the Lyran Commonwealth. When the Commandos are destroyed in a sneak attack on the planet Trell I, Grayson must help the people of Trell throw off the invading forces while trying to live up to his father's legacy.

Mercenary's Star (Reprint)
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: (11/1992)
ISBN 0-451-45194-5
Book Two of the Saga of the Gray Death Legion. The fledgling Gray Death Legion, formed in the fighting on Trell I, takes on their first assignment: train the inhabitants of Verthandi to fight their Draconis Combine overlords. But what starts as just a job for Grayson Death Carlyle and his unit soon becomes personal.

The Price of Glory (Reprint)
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: (01/1993)
ISBN 0-451-45217-8
Book Three of the Saga of the Gray Death Legion. Grayson Death Carlyle has gone from being the young son of a mercenary commander to the leader of his very own unit in just a few short years. Now under contract to the Free Worlds League, the Gray Death Legion falls prey to political machinations and secret agreements between ambitious men and stands accused of a horrific crime. In a race against time, they must find a way off the planet Helm before they are utterly destroyed.

Ideal War
Author: Christopher Kubasik
Publication Date: (03/1993)
ISBN 0-451-45212-7
Paul Masters is a MechWarrior of House Marik, closely associated with Captain-General Thomas Marik. When Thomas gives him a copy of Le Morte d'Arthur, he becomes part of the newly-formed Knights of the Inner Sphere. He is then dispatched to Gibson, where he falls into a political trap between the noble ruler, the rebellious locals, and the Word of Blake, all fighting a Vietnam-like counter insurgency, complete with body counts. The mounting fighting brings in Captain-General Marik, leading him to invade and settle the argument. The rebels bring in nuclear weapons at the climax and Masters is installed as the noble ruler.

Main Event
Author: James D. Long
Publication Date: (05/1993)
ISBN 0-451-45245-3
The Black Thorns, a newly minted Mercenary Company, accepts a garrison contract on the backwater world of Borghese after brutal fighting on the world of Galatea. What seems like a normal tour of duty is punctuated by political infighting and a Clan invasion. Will their charismatic leader lead them to victory against the Clans, or will he lose his command again?

Blood of Heroes
Author: Andrew Keith
Publication Date: (07/1993)
ISBN 0-451-45259-3
After an historic exhibition match between Grayson Death Carlyle and Jaime Wolf, an assassination attempt almost takes the lives of the Gray Death command. Soon after, an enemy invasion force lands on their hold, and Alexander Caryle, the son of Lori Kalmar and Grayson Death Carlyle, must go into battle to save his homeworld. However, once the dust settles, there's an indication that this conflict may be a symptom of something larger in the Lyran Alliance.

Far Country
Author: Peter Rice
Publication Date: (10/1993)
ISBN 0-451-45291-7
A DEST (Draconis Elite Strike Team) group, accompanied by a small mercenary group, make a misjump from Kurita space and land on a planet inhabited by 500-year-old colonists and a mysterious alien lifeform. Amidst their battles to survive and return to the inner sphere, they form a bond with highly intelligent birds who see them as the fulfillment of their own prophecy.

Assumption of Risk
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (1993)
ISBN 0-451-45283-6
Kai Allard-Liao has returned to the world that made his father famous, the gaming planet of Solaris VII. But being the Gaming World's Champion is the least of his worries as conflicts abound, from the arrival of a former lover to the assassination plot of a political leader.

Author: James D. Long
Publication Date: (05/1994)
ISBN 0-451-45366-2
The Black Thorns, fresh from their victory at Borghese (but lacking funds) take a high-profile contract on the world of Wolcott, a Draconis Combine world deep within the holdings of Clan Nova Cat and Clan Smoke Jaguar. Prompted by their fiscal desperation, they take on a risky contract that will lead them deep into the Clans. Can they make it out alive, or will they be swallowed by a superior Clan force?

Close Quarters
Author: Victor Milán
Publication Date: (09/1994)
ISBN 0-451-45378-6
First of the Camacho's Caballeros novels. Hired to provide protection for Chandrasekhar Kurita's business holdings on Hachiman, Camacho's Cablleros and Cassie Suthorn begin to feel out a plot to take down the high-ranking noble. When an alliance between his foes threatens Chandrasekhar's interests, Cassie and the Caballeros face a tough battle between their friends in the Ninth Ghost Regiment and Ninyu Kerai Indrahar, the spymaster manipulating the whole conflict.

Time Period covered - 30 June 3056 to 2 November 3056 (Ch 1 is 6 May 3034, Ch 2 & 3 are 19 July 3047)

I am Jade Falcon
Author: Robert Thurston
Publication Date: (03/1995)
ISBN 0-451-45380-8
Star Commander Joanna and Khan Natasha Kerensky face off on the planet Twycross during the Refusal War between the Jade Falcons and the Wolves. For Natasha Kerensky, it is an opportunity to bog down the Falcons while elements of the Wolves flee to the Inner Sphere. For Joanna, it may be her last opportunity to die in battle before being transferred back to the clan homeworlds.

Highlander Gambit
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (06/1995)
ISBN 0-451-45381-6
During the Fourth Succession War, the famed Northwind Highlanders were granted their homeworld by the Federated Suns in return for breaking ties with their employer, the Capellan Confederation. Now thirty years later, an elite Death Commando and descendant of a Highlander is ordered by his ruler to sacrifice everything he is and everything he has to destroy the bonds between the Federated Commonwealth and the Highlanders, even if it means the Highlanders' destruction.

Tactics of Duty
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: (08/1995)
ISBN 0-451-45382-4
A Gray Death Legion novel.

Lethal Heritage (Reprint)
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (09/1995)
ISBN 0-451-45383-2
Book One of the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy. A new generation of characters makes its debut in this series. Victor Steiner-Davion, heir to the throne of the Federated Commonwealth, is fresh from the academy and posted to the back end of nowhere. Kai Allard-Liao, son of the great Justin Xiang Allard and Candace Liao, fears he can never live up to the tremendous legacy of his parents. Shin Yodama is a yakuza soldier in the army of the Draconis Combine, assigned to safeguard the grandson of Coordinator Takashi Kurita. Phelan Kell has followed in his father Morgan's footsteps and serves in the mercenary Kell Hounds. All four of these young men must face dangers both internal and external when a mysterious invader from beyond the Periphery threatens everything they know and love.

Blood Legacy (Reprint)
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (11/1995)
ISBN 0-451-45384-0
Book Two of the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy. The Clans have been stopped temporarily through the sacrifice of a young pilot. Jaime Wolf, commander of the mysterious and elite Wolf's Dragoons mercenary unit, takes the opportunity to reveal the origin of this new menace: they are the descendants of the Star League Defense Force, which left the Inner Sphere over two hundred years ago after the collapse of the League. The Dragoons, themselves former Clanners, intend to train the heirs of the Successor States to fight and defeat the Clans, if old prejudices and hatreds don't tear the Inner Sphere apart first. The first real test of this new-found sense of cooperation is the defense of Luthien, capital world of the Draconis Combine. But just what is the ultimate objective of the Clans?

Lost Destiny (Reprint)
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (12/1995)
ISBN 0-451-45385-9
Book Three of the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy. The man once known as Phelan Kell has risen through the ranks in Clan Wolf and now stands to win a coveted Bloodname, the highest honor the Clans can bestow. Kai Allard-Liao is missing and presumed dead in the wake of a Clan Jade Falcon attack. Victor Steiner-Davion must mount a rescue of a man who once would have been considered his mortal enemy: Hohiro Kurita. And behind it all, ComStar lurks, ready to betray their Clan allies for the chance to fulfill their destiny as the saviors of humanity.

Bred for War
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (12/1995)
ISBN 0-451-45379-4
Covers the origins and the fighting of the Refusal War fought between Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon. Also covers that forming of the Lyran Alliance and the brief war between the Capellan Confederation, Free Worlds League, and the Federated Commonwealth. Time Period covered - May 3057 to January 3058

Star Lord
Author: Donald G. Phillips
Publication Date: (02/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45386-7
An heir to the Usurper Stefan Amaris appears deep in the periphery, and it's up to a crack team of Free Worlds League troops to infiltrate his operation and assassinate the would-be Star Lord. There's only one catch: between them and him lie hundreds of battlemechs, with no way home!

Malicious Intent
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (03/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45531-2
Set right after the refusal war between Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Wolf, this novel focuses on Clan Jade Falcon's attack on Coventry, which has the unintended side effect of uniting disparate elements of the Inner Sphere. Vlad of Clan Wolf attempts to rebuild his clan with political intrigue.

Time Period covered - December 3057 to June 3058

Wolves on the Border (Reprint)
Author: Robert N. Charrette
Publication Date: (05/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45388-3
Wolf's Dragoons is one of the most feared and respected mercenary units in the entire Inner Sphere. Currently under contract to the Draconis Combine, they become the target of a plot by an ambitious and devious Warlord to gain their services permanently. Their liaison with the Combine, Minobu Tetsuhara, is an honest man and a friend to the Dragoons' leader, Colonel Jaime Wolf, and is caught between duty and friendship as war looms.

Hearts of Chaos
Author: Victor Milán
Publication Date: (06/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45523-1
Camacho's Caballeros are sent to the planet Towne, where hints of a plot against the Combine continue to surface. Once there, they find the planet split between support for the local Davionists, and the desire for stability among the Draconis Combine. Behind the Combine troops, however, lie the Kokoryu-Kai, a mysterious organization that wants to overthrow the Coordinator of the Combine. Can the Caballeros quell this rebellion, or will they be crushed under the tide of discontent?

Time Period covered - 24 December 3056 to 23 April 3058

Operation Excalibur
Author: William H. Keith, Jr.
Publication Date: (08/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45526-6
The Gray Death Legion detaches themselves from the planet Glengarry, and takes service with their erstwhile enemy, the rebellious governor of Hesperus. Under the guise of turncoats, they play a dangerous game of brinkmanship that culminates in a battle among the 'Mech factory itself. Can they bring Hesperus back into the Lyran Alliance, or will they destroy the factory they swore to protect?

Heir to the Dragon (Reprint)
Author: Robert N. Charrette
Publication Date: (09/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45527-4
Honor and respect towards ones elders is an important part of the Japanese-influenced culture of the Draconis Combine. Theodore Kurita, only son of the reigning Coordinator, has grandiose ideas about the future of his nation but he is hindered by his father's conservative nature and fear of change. During the chaos of the Fourth Succession War and the War of 3039, Theodore not only must survive on the battlefield, he must also navigate the treacherous waters of the Combine court. Can father and son reconcile for the good of their people?

Black Dragon
Author: Victor Milán
Publication Date: (11/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45528-2
On the Coordinator's Birthday, Camacho's Caballeros are invited to Luthien to be honored for their work on the planet Towne. However, while they wait for their honors, Cassie Suthorn begins to unravel a plot to kill the coordinator. With Ninyu Kerai Indrahar's help, she finds the Kuroyu-kai plotting a nefarious scheme to kill the Coordinator with his own bodyguards. If they interfere, the Caballeros could be branded murderers, but if they don't, the future of the Combine could be in jeopardy.

Impetus of War
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (12/1996)
ISBN 0-451-45529-0
The Draconis Combine hires out the famous Northwind Highlanders for a daring mission into clan space. 'Cat' Stirling and Loren Jaffrey take the Stirling Fusilers to the planet of Wayside V deep behind clan lines for a strike on the Smoke Jaguar's supply lines.

Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (04/1997)
ISBN 0-451-45597-5
Using fast and furious hit-and-run tactics, Marcus GioAvanti and mercenaries have earned a tough reputation throughout the Inner Sphere. But the Inner Sphere isn't where their newest job is taking them—because their latest employer resides in that remote and mysterious region of space known as the Periphery. Marcus and his Angels will have to face the real force behind the hostilities—the religious cult known as Word of Blake.

Binding Force
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (07/1997)
ISBN 0-451-45604-1
February 3058 - The year of the Horse. The Capellan Confederation is trying to "pacify" the Chaos March - starting with the Sarna Supremacy. House Hiritsu is assigned to take Sarna, but the House Master is assassinated at the time they arrive into the system. Aris Sung - a young mechwarrior - fights his way trough the campaign, trying to find the killer of the House Master, survive the war - and prove that the will of the House Master is the will of the House.

Exodus Road
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (08/1997)
ISBN 0-451-45612-2
Book I of the Twilight of the Clans series.

The Smoke Jaguars are one of the most powerful Clans, yet are the most savage and demanding on their people. When one mechwarrior Trent feels that his clan has betrayed him, a captured ComStar agent convinces him to travel the Exodus road not once, but twice, and returns with a prize worthy of the Inner Sphere: Huntress, the Capitol of Clan Smoke Jaguar!.

Grave Covenant
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (09/1997)
ISBN 0-451-45613-0
Book II of the Twilight of the Clans series.

The states of the Inner Sphere have reformed the Star League, and begin the campaign to destroy Clan Smoke Jaguar, while the Clans plan to continue the invasion. Within the clans, however, warden and crusader tensions may doom a resumption before it starts. Can Lincoln Osis lead the Smoke Jaguars to victory, or will they be annihilated, tooth and claw?

The Hunters
Author: Thomas S. Gressman
Publication Date: (12/1997)
ISBN 0-451-45624-6
Book III of the Twilight of the Clans series.

Task Force Serpent has the Eridani Light Horse, MacLeod's Regiment of the Northwind Highlanders, 1st Kathil Ulhans, 11th Lyran Guards, ComGuards, Kingston's Rangers, 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere, and two Special Forces teams. Not to mention its WarShips, and Space Craft. All commanded by Marshal of the Armies Morgan Hasek-Davion. Its mission is to reduce Huntress, homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar, to an agrarian planet. But how can these once-rival forces combine, and are there enemies lurking amongst them?

Author: Robert Thurston
Publication Date: (02/1998)
ISBN 0-451-45665-3
Book IV of the Twilight of the Clans series.

Mechwarriors Horse, Diana, and Star Captain Joanna arrive at Huntress to bolster the small Clan Jade Falcon outpost named Falcon's Eyrie. When there, they find secret research by the scientist caste, and must fight to restore their clan's honor. Little do they know that soon after they leave, a far greater force will arrive on Huntress ...

Warrior: En Garde (Reprint)
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (04/1998)
ISBN 0-451-45683-1
27 Nov 3026-10 Jun 3027. Book One of the Warrior Trilogy. Justin Xiang Allard is exiled from the Federated Suns and makes his way to Solaris VII, the Gaming World, where he catches the eye of agents from the Capellan Confederation. With his former life in ruins, Justin pledges himself to the Capellan Chancellor. Meanwhile, someone has kidnapped Melissa Steiner, heir to the throne of the Lyran Commonwealth and bethrothed of Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns. Daniel Allard and the Kell Hounds mercenary unit must face a foe from their past to rescue her.

Warrior: Riposte (Reprint)
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (06/1998)
ISBN 0-451-45685-8
10 Oct 3027-14 Feb 3029. Book Two of the Warrior Trilogy. The wedding of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner is fast approaching and tensions are rising throughout the Inner Sphere. Morgan Kell, co-founder of the Kell Hounds mercenary unit, is recalled from his self-imposed exile to take up command once more as the Hounds gear up for war. At the climax of the wedding ceremony on Terra, attended by dignitaries from across human space, Hanse Davion declares war on the Capellan Confederation. The Fourth Succession War begins.

Sword and Fire
Author: Thomas S. Gressman
Publication Date: (08/1998)
ISBN 0-451-45676-9
Book V of the Twilight of the Clans series.

Huntress. The Capitol of the Smoke Jaguars. After the death of Marshall Morgan Hasek-Davion, Ariana Winston, the General in charge of the Eridani Light Horse, is chosen to lead Task Force Serpent. As they wind their way among the stars, they finally reach their goal and begin the pacification. However, a new wave of Jaguars is on its way from the Inner Sphere, pushed out by Victor Steiner-Davion's Operation Bulldog. Can they survive this new influx of clan troops, or has their task been doomed all along?

Shadows of War
Author: Thomas S. Gressman
Publication Date: (09/1998)
ISBN 0-451-45707-2
Book VI of the Twilight of the Clans series.

Morgan Hasek-Davion is dead. Arianna Winston is leading a desperate defensive on Huntress while enraged Clan Smoke Jaguar troops flood the field. As the Serpent forces lose more and more men, death seems certain. But in the knick of time, Operation Bulldog arrives and eradicates the last of the Smoking Jaguars. But in the wake of their victory, Victor Steiner-Davion reveals the true goal of their fight: Strana Mechty, the homeworlds of the Clans, itself!

Warrior: Coupé (Reprint)
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (11/1998)
ISBN 0-451-45702-1
03 Mar 3029-15 Dec 3029. Book Three of the Warrior Trilogy. As the Fourth Succession War continues, Morgan Kell and his Kell Hounds race towards a final showdown with Yorinaga Kurita. Justin Xiang Allard, now a high-ranking member of Capellan intelligence, tries to hold back the invading Davion forces but is hampered at every turn. And to make matters worse, he may have a spy within his office!

Prince of Havoc
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (12/1998)
ISBN 0-451-45706-4
Book VII of the Twilight of the Clans series.

Victor Steiner-Davion leads his battered, but victorious forces to Strana Mechty, and begins the bidding process for the Clan invasion itself. The Inner Sphere mechwarriors fight for honor, for hope, and for their lives, and in the end emerge victorious. But Clan Wolf Khan Vlad Ward lets off a parting shot as the coalition forces leave his homeworld: the Inner Sphere may not be as stable as when they left.

Falcon Rising
Author: Robert Thurston
Publication Date: (03/1999)
ISBN 0-451-45738-2
Book VIII of the Twilight of the Clans series.

After the Great Refusal, Khan Marthe Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon decides to sharpen the Clan's talons in the Inner Sphere, and allows Freeborn Mechwarrior Diana, daughter of Aidan Pryde, to compete for a bloodname.

Threads of Ambition
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (05/1999)
ISBN 0-451-45745-5
Book one of the Capellan Solution.

Isis Marik, fiance of Sun-Tzu Liao, is attacked in Capellan Space by a rogue St. Ives Compact unit. This gives Sun-Tzu the excuse he has been waiting for to go to war with the Compact. Despite their small numbers, the Compact forces put up the fight of their lives to maintain their freedom.

The Killing Fields
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (08/1999)
ISBN 0-451-45754-4
Book two of the Capellan Solution.

Sun-Tzu Liao's "Xin Sheng" movement has picked up momentum with the occupation of many St. Ives Compact worlds, but as the fighting continues into a bloodier conflict both sides are left to wonder what they are fighting for.

Ghost of Winter
Author: Stephen Kenson
Publication Date: (10/1999)
ISBN 0-451-45760-9
Set on a snowy backwater planet where raiders have discovered that a cache of Clan omnimechs remains hidden. The nearly non-existent militia must not only find it first, but then figure out of a way to get the raiders off their planet.

Roar of Honor
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (10/1999)
ISBN 0-451-45761-7
A novel about a conflict between Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Wolf.

By Blood Betrayed
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe, Mel Odom
Publication Date: (11/1999)
ISBN 0-451-45766-8
A Mechwarrior series book focusing around a backwater planet in the Rim Collection and a young mechwarrior's quest to find his brother's betrayer.

Dagger Point
Author: Thomas S. Gressman
Publication Date: (04/2000)
ISBN 0-451-45783-8

Measure of a Hero
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (07/2000)
ISBN 0-451-45794-3
First Archer Christifori novel. A novel of the FedCom Civil War.

Time Period covered - October 3062 to February 3063 (Prologue is April 3060)

Path of Glory
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (12/2000)
ISBN 0-451-45807-9
A novel about an alliance between Clan Nova Cat and the Draconis Combine at the beginning of the FedCom Civil War.
Illusions of Victory
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (2000)
ISBN 0-451-45790-0
A novel of the FedCom Civil War centering around a Solaris VII fighter.

Time Period covered - 10 August 3062 to 31 August 3062 (Prelude is September 3059)

Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (04/2001)
ISBN 0-451-45824-9
A novel of the FedCom Civil War.

Time Period covered - 8 October 3062 to 10 December 3062 (Prelude is March 3060)

Test of Vengeance
Author: Bryan Nystul
Publication Date: (06/2001)
ISBN 0-451-45836-2
A book centering around Clan Ghost Bear and an elemental's attempt to rise in rank within the clan.

Patriots and Tyrants
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (09/2001)
ISBN 0-451-45845-1
A novel of the FedCom Civil War.

Call of Duty
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (10/2001)
ISBN 0-451-45856-7
Second Archer Christifori novel. A novel of the FedCom Civil War.

Initiation to War
Author: Robert N. Charrette
Publication Date: (11/2001)
ISBN 0-451-45851-6

The Dying Time
Author: Thomas S. Gressman
Publication Date: (01/2002)
ISBN 0-451-45866-4
Grayson Death Carlyle was the young son of the commander of Carlyle's Commandos, a mercenary unit employed by the Lyran Commonwealth. Now he goes on his death bed, after years of radiation and unimaginable wounds from the Mech cockpit. His wife takes up the reigns as the Death Legion embark on their greatest challenge since their birth. The Gray Death Legion return to Hesperus but this time to protect the facility during the raveges of the FedCom Civil War, once Sky Separatist launch a major assault, their survival, even as Katharine’s most beloved merc unit comes ino question.

Imminent Crisis
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (03/2002)
ISBN 0-451-45872-9
A novel of the FedCom Civil War set around the Capellan March and it's internal struggles.

Storms of Fate
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (04/2002)
ISBN 0-451-45876-1
A novel of the FedCom Civil War.

Operation Audacity
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (06/2002)
ISBN 0-451-45885-0
Third Archer Christifori novel. During the FedCom Civil War, Clan Jade Falcon attacks and seizes planets in the Lyran Alliance. Prince Victor Steiner-Davion sends Major General Archer Christifori to check the Clan advance by taking Clan worlds behind those recently captured.

Time Period covered - 23 May 3064 to 27 February 3065

Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (08/2002)
ISBN 0451458931
Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and his allies attempt to crush the Loyalists under Victor's sister, Katrina and bring an end to the FedCom Civil War.

Classic BattleTech: The Legend of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy
Author: Robert Thurston
Publication Date: (10/2003)
ISBN 0-451-45951-2
This is an omnibus reprint of Way of the Clans, Bloodname, and Falcon Guard.

MechWarrior: Dark Age Novels

Ghost War
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Publication Date: (12/2002)
ISBN 0-451-45905-9
Sam Donnelly investigates a terrorist organization on the planets Helen and Basalt.

Time Period covered - 12 November 3132 to 2 March 3133

A Call to Arms
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (02/2003)
ISBN 0-451-45912-1
Customs officer Raul Ortega must deal with a Steel Wolf attack on the planet Achernar, one of the few worlds with a working HPG station.

The Ruins of Power
Author: Robert Vardeman
Publication Date: (04/2003)
ISBN 0-451-45928-8
War comes to Mirach, and the pacifistic governor wants none of it. His son Austin must take up the sword instead.

A Silence in the Heavens
Author: Martin Delrio
Publication Date: (06/2003)
ISBN 0-451-45932-6
Book One of The Proving Grounds Trilogy. The Steel Wolves, led by Anastasia Kerensky, assault Northwind. They are opposed by Tara Campbell and her Highlanders, as well as Paladin Ezekiel Crow.

Truth and Shadows
Author: Martin Delrio
Publication Date: (08/2003)
ISBN 0-451-45938-5
Book Two of The Proving Grounds Trilogy. While Tara Campbell and Ezekiel Crow grow closer, Anastasia Kerensky makes another attempt on Northwind. Meanwhile, a dark secret threatens to unravel the alliance against the Steel Wolves.

Service for the Dead
Author: Martin Delrio
Publication Date: (11/2003)
ISBN 0-451-45943-1
Book Three of The Proving Grounds Trilogy. Anastasia Kerensky leads her Steel Wolves to Terra, the capital of the Republic of the Sphere. Tara Campbell not only must stop the Wolf leader, but also confront a traitor closer to home.

By Temptations and By War
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (12/2003)
ISBN 0451459474
The planet Liao holds special significance to the Capellan Confederation and its ruling House Liao. Chancellor Daoshen Liao sends an agent to regain the planet from the Republic and resurrect a long-dead Warrior House. The mystery of the Betrayer of Liao is resolved.

Fortress of Lies
Author: J. Steven York
Publication Date: (02/2004)
ISBN 0-451-45963-6
Duke Aaron Sandoval uses his nephew Erik to make alliances and oppose the Capellan advance into the Republic.

Patriot's Stand
Author: Mike Moscoe
Publication Date: (04/2004)
ISBN 0-451-45970-9
When an unscrupulous businessman hires Hansen's Roughriders to help him conquer the planer Alkalurops, the determined natives must put their fate in the hands of a rag-tag group of mercenaries.

Flight of the Falcon
Author: Victor Milán
Publication Date: (06/2004)
ISBN 0-451-45983-0
Clan Jade Falcon enters the fray as the Hazen sibkin, Malvina and Alex, lead an incursion into the Republic. Their target: Skye.

Blood of the Isle
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (08/2004)
ISBN 0-451-45988-1
An unlikely alliance has arisen between the loyal Highlanders, the secessionist Stormhammers and the predatory Steel Wolves to protect the planet Skye against Clan Jade Falcon.

Hunters of the Deep
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (10/2004)
ISBN 0-451-46005-7
Clan Sea Fox roams the spacelanes like interstellar Gypsies, buying and selling at every world and living almost entirely on their enormous ArcShips and CargoShips. In the midst of his regular duties, ovKhan Petr Kalasa of Delta Aimag uncovers intrigue among his fellow merchants.

The Scorpion Jar
Author: Jason M. Hardy
Publication Date: (12/2004)
ISBN 0-451-46020-0
The death of a legendary hero triggers further crisis in the Republic of the Sphere. With all of his fellow Paladins gathered on Terra to elect a new Exarch, Jonah Levin investigates the mystery behind this tragic murder and uncovers a conspiracy that could bring the Republic to the brink of destruction.

Target of Opportunity
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (02/2005)
ISBN 0-451-46016-2
ComStar once ruled the realm of interstellar communications throughout the Inner Sphere. Then came the Jihad, launched by a fanatical splinter group. The organization rebuilt, but the crash of the Hyperpulse Generator net nearly three years ago may just be the fatal blow for ComStar. One young Adept thinks he may have the answer to restoring communications, but will he be allowed to test his theory or will he become the pawn of warring factions?

Sword of Sedition
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (04/2005)
ISBN 0-451-46022-7
Book One of the Republic in Flames duology. Strife continues to build in the Republic government and the new Exarch struggles to repair the damage. With dignitaries from across human space arriving to honor a fallen hero, Terra becomes a pressure cooker that may just explode and bring devastation to everyone.

Daughter of the Dragon
Author: Ilsa J. Bick
Publication Date: (06/2005)
ISBN 0-451-46034-0
Katana Tormark was once a powerful figure in the Republic until the crash of the HPG system brought out her true allegiance. Now she conquers in the name of the Draconis Combine. But does Coordinator Vincent Kurita support or despise her?

Heretic's Faith
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (08/2005)
ISBN 0-451-46040-5
Clan Nova Cat is known for following their mystical visions, even when the path appears strange to outsiders. Led by the visions of the Mystic Caste, the Nova Cats take up an offer of alliance extended to them by Katana Tormark, now Warlord of Dieron. Will they take the opportunity to reconnect with their sundered brethren in the Republic? Or destroy them?

Fortress Republic
Author: Loren L. Coleman
Publication Date: (10/2005)
ISBN 0-451-46053-7
Book Two of the Republic in Flames duology. With more and more threats appearing on his doorstep, Exarch Jonah Levin has a tough decision to make. Will his attempts to save the Republic or doom it instead? Meanwhile, Julian Davion, stripped of his position as Prince's Champion, leads a multinational force against the Senatorial rebellion and Caleb Davion assumes control of the Federated Suns.

Blood Avatar
Author: Ilsa J. Bick
Publication Date: (12/2005)
ISBN 0-451-46074-X
The first body that turns up in Farway, a secluded town on the planet Denebola, is from out of town. When the Denebola Bureau of Investigation and the legate’s office from half the planet away decide to help identify the murder victim, Sheriff Hank Ketchum knows he’s in over his head. Enter the infamous Detective Jack Ramsey. With the help of the talented and beautiful local medical examiner, Amanda Slade, Ramsey digs into the case and discovers evidence that puts Farway at the heart of a conspiracy. But who’s the greater threat—the Clans, the Word of Blake or the legate’s intelligence operative?

Trial by Chaos
Author: J. Steven York
Publication Date: (06/2006)
ISBN 0-451-46072-3

Principles of Desolation
Author: Jason M. Hardy
Publication Date: (08/2006)
ISBN 0-451-46081-2

Wolf Hunters
Author: Kevin Killiany
Publication Date: (11/2006)
ISBN 0-451-46095-2
LONE WOLVES DIE ALONE. BUT THE PACK LIVES FOREVER. Anastasia Kerensky has declared the Steel Wolf Clan to be mercenaries, re-christening them Wolf Hunters. The combination of autonomy and wealth will make them more than a match for any MechWarrior battalion suicidal enough to challenge them. But the real challenge comes from within the Clan. Star Colonel Varnoff believes Kerensky has betrayed them all-and with a loyal faction of Steel Wolves at his side vows to destroy all the Wolf Hunters.

Surrender Your Dreams
Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe
Publication Date: (12/2006)
ISBN 0-451-46120-7

Dragon Rising
Author: Ilsa J. Bick
Publication Date: (02/2007)
ISBN 978-0-451-46141-4
Sequel to Daughter of the Dragon.

Masters of War
Author: Michael Stackpole
Publication Date: (04/2007)
ISBN 978-0-451-46137-7

A Rending of Falcons
Author: Victor Milán
Publication Date: (06/2007)
ISBN 978-0-451-46159-9
Sequel to Flight of the Falcon.

Pandora's Gambit
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (08/2007)

Fire at Will
Author: Blaine Pardoe
Publication Date: (10/2007)

The Last Charge
Author: J. Steven York
Publication Date: (12/2007)

To Ride the Chimera
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (02/2008)

German-Language BattleTech Novels

Author: Peter Heid
Publication Date: (2001)
ISBN 3-453-18790-3

Wahnsinn und Methode
Author: Michael Diel
Publication Date: (2004)
ISBN 3-89064-592-5

Clangründer: Abkehr
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (07/2004)
ISBN 3-89064-596-8
Book One of the Clangründer Trilogy.

Über dem Gesetz
Author: Michael Diel
Publication Date: (01/2005)
ISBN 3-89064-517-8

Clangründer: Traum
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (02/2006)
ISBN 3-89064-597-6
Book Two of the Clangründer Trilogy.

Die Albatros-Akte
Author: Reinhold H. Mai
Publication Date: (11/2005)
ISBN 3-89064-526-7

Früchte voll Bitterkeit
Author: Hermann Ritter
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN 3-89064-458-9

Katze unter Bären
Author: Arous Brocken
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN 3-89064-490-2

Wiege der Basilisken
Author: Reinhold H. Mai
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN 3-89064-471-6

In Ungnade
Author: Chris Hartford
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN 3-89064-475-9
Titled "Fall From Grace" in English; A 'Marik' story set during the early Star league (2771-2616)

Clangründer: Bande
Author: Randall N. Bills
Publication Date: (2006/2007) - а возиожно и 2008
ISBN 3-89064-598-4
Book Three of the Clangründer Trilogy.

En Passant (Schattenkrieg 1)
Author: Michael Diel
Publication Date: 2006/2007
ISBN 3-89064-479-1


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