All Good Things…(Part 1)

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

All Good Things…(Part 1)

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 фев 2009, 21:16

[3 March 3072; SBC]I have failed.
At least, that is what I think as I look at the casualty reports from Solaris City, smuggled out by loyalists to my unit’s final redoubt, here in Nowhere. Looking out of the windows of this commandeered office building, I can see the squat forms of the 25th’s `Mechs as they stalk the perimeter. Gone is the bright, purifying white of the Militia, instead each `Mech and vehicle has been redone with a camouflage scheme that serves to hide them in theory from any would-be assaulters.
But those attackers will never arrive – not with their attention occupied with beating each other to pulp in the broken streets of the capital. And after Hewitt’s disastrous artillery bombardment of the city, what little goodwill the citizens felt towards us is gone, their loyalty turning once more to the ridiculous “stables” that are factional alliances in all but name. Slowly tearing the soul of the city apart in some misguided attempt to even old scores, or even increase their “market-share”. That people gamble on the deaths of innocents sickens me.
And they call us the barbarians…
The Twenty-fifth is the foremost of the Militia’s “Phantom” divisions – the core personnel that landed here nearly four years ago all veterans of the fighting in the Lothian League and the Marian Invasion. As a native of Andiron, I was raised from the slums by the intervention of the Order. Nearly all the Twenty-fifth comes from a Periphery background, with a similar story. I have seen the propaganda that claimed the Militia’s Periphery soldiers are willing dupes eager to vent their anger on the citizens of the Inner Sphere that had for so long deemed them inferior. But I know the truth.
We are here, because we believe.

-from an alleged excerpt of Precentor Sariana Pryor’s journal, published by pro-Blake elements on Solaris VII shortly after the Twenty Fifth Division’s departure. Veracity unconfirmed at this time.


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