Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 авг 2011, 13:36

<Habeas2>: Welcome again to another Live BattleChat! As always, I am your host, Herbert Beas, Line Developer del BattleTech Classico, and I'll be taking any of your pre-GenCon questions today.
<Habeas2>: Standard rules apply: I'm not logging this, so if you want the logs, it's on you. Be respectful. Be brief, and give others a turn, and be ready for a kicking if you fail to abide.
<Habeas2>: Sehr gut?
<Habeas2>: Gut!

<WolfLancer4>: its starting and i have food...all is good
<DarkISI>: that rhymes. A poet.
<WolfLancer4>: huh....it does a little

<Sarcasmo>: How stressed/excited are you fro GenCon, Herb?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - I'd be scared out of my mind if I wasn't so damned busy!
<Sarcasmo>: Thank God for busy, then!

<Stormcrow>: Is this your 1st GenCon?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - No; this will be my 11th GenCon, I believe.
<Sarcasmo>: Er, that was stormcrow that asked that. I know all of us Filtveltians look alike...
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Sorry; saw a screen name the same approximate length, beginning with an S, and well... Yes, Stormcrow, it'll be my 11th GenCon (I think)

<DarkISI>: Why have you moved the Battlechats to Sundays? Saturdays were far more convenient for us folks who have to get up early the next morning and live in a different time zone
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Sundays are not a permanent day, just a time-to-time day. Chats will be held on Saturday or SUnday, as fits in my schedule. Sorry for the inconvenience.
<DarkISI>: I will survive

<Stormcrow>: How many surprises are in store at GenCon?
<Habeas2>: Stormcrow - A few, I'm sure. SOme they haven't even told ME about yet

<nathan48>: What is the next big project you would like to see done before the end of this year?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - I hope to get Reckoning, FIeld Manual: 3085, and the Time of War Companion out before this year's done. Of these, the first two are definite priorities, as they wrap up the "classic" era.

<Trboturtle>: How are things looking for Gencon, in general?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Things look good for GenCon on the whole; we're getting much better at organizing and preparing for these events.

<Sarcasmo>: is there anything at GenCon YOU wanna see or do? Non CGL related?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Honestly? Last year the only reason I left things CGL-related was to shop for things I thought my wife would like. Since we are now separated, I see no reason to wander the halls at all. Kind of sad, huh?
<Sarcasmo>: Not really that sad Herb. I don't play anything but BattleTech, so I don't think there is much there for me. I might check out that DUST game if CDT isn't working me to death.
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Heh. Last year, DUST was on sale right in front of our booth.
<Sarcasmo>: well hell, that will cut down on walking then, eh?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Sure will.

<Damage>: How stressed is Ben over WoR? How stressed are you over WoR?
<Habeas2>: Damage - Ben right now is just hapy its done. Me, I panicked every day until it went to print.
<Habeas2>: You cannot be truly in charge of something if you're not in a state of panic that it'll miss deadlines

<WolfLancer4>: what is this FM 3085? havent heard of it till now. i thought the field reports were taking the place of the field manuals...
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Really? I was sure I mentioned it before....
<WolfLancer4>: if you did then im an idiot and missed it
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - I will not make broad statements about your level of intelligence at this time, but seriously, no, the Field Reports were not planned to replace the Field Manuals entirely, but to provide a mid-point view of the status of various militaries. This will be valuable for players campaigning in the Jihad.
<WolfLancer4>: well dip me in mud and call me sally...cool
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Hey, Sally, you have a little mud on you...

<nathan48>: Will the WOR supplement be out before the end of the year?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - We hope so. There are a few technical glitches we didn't think about in the rush to get the book to print, but they should be easily resolved by the end of the year.

<DarkISI>: How well do you think TRO Prototype was received and did it go as good or bad as you had expected?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Interesting question, that. Looking at the numbers... it seems to be okay for now, but there are other factors we're watching as well. As projects go, it danced a fine line, what with relying heavily on previous XTRs to much of its base content.

<Trboturtle>: Can we get pictures of the booth?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - What, now? The booth's not even in Indy yet!
<Kamas>: The store booth, or the agony booth?

<Sarcasmo>: whats been your favorite project to work on so far this year?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Asking me what my favorite project has been is a bit like asking a mother to name her favorite child. I tend to like them all, though I'll admit that some were much harder to deliver than others.

<Damage2>: Will CGL try to put out scenarios for AToW ?
<Habeas2>: Damage2 - Yes

<WolfLancer4>: is the Clan XTRO near release date yet?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4/Sally - Yes
<WolfLancer4>: lol

<DarkISI>: why is some idiot neighbor of mine playing the flute? And why can't he at least be any good at it?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Because he can, and because he's got to practice to get better.
<DarkISI>: I have been hearing that guy for weeks now... he isn't getting any better

<Damage2>: Herb - any chance you would come to Dallas for AKON?
<Habeas2>: Damage2 - Sorry, no. Leaving aside my well-known dislike for all things Texan, I also really hate travel, and do not have much in the way of disposable income for such things. These days, GenCon is about the only convention I attend.
<Damage2>: but but, Dallas in July is full of ...... awesome!!
<Trboturtle>: No, it's full of Cowboys......
<Moonsword>: Damage2: I think you mean heat and possibly humidity.

<jymset>: better late than never. Hi Herb, all
<Roman_Maroni>: Hello you farging iceholes.
<WolfLancer4>: im not an icehole...im a mudhole
<Trboturtle>: Stupid system keeps bouncing me in and out!!
<Habeas2>: Jymset - Hello

<Roman_Maroni>: Herb, can you tell us what maps will be in the next Hexpack? Will it have a special tile like the dropship?
<Habeas2>: ROman_Maroni - Watch your language. And no, I don't know the maps, but I'm expecting something mountainy and canyony.

<Kamas>: Herb - what was the hardest thing you've had to write?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - *looks around and leans in conspiratorially* CAV

<Habeas2>: Xotl - Yes, well, for some reason, that exclamation point never gets included in the links
<Xotl>: Thanks Herb.
<jymset>: Xotl! You are to blame for my tardiness here!!!!!
<Xotl>: jymset - Excellent: all is proceeding according to plan then.

<Sarcasmo>: Oh, I almost forgot! Thank you for giving my favored faction a retromech factory!

<Trboturtle>: ANy news on the novel front?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Sadly, nothing I can truly get into. Every single time I talk to my bosses, I push for novels. We'll really need them for the changes ahead, after all, but due to various license, legal, and logistical reasons, novels are just not happening right now.
<Trboturtle>: So, it's not just one problem but a mess of them?
<Sarcasmo>: I take it it's not only Topps that you have to deal with to get novels done then?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Yes. Odly, one of the problems we do NOT have is a lack of authors who want to do them
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - No
<Trboturtle>: That explains much -- people have been complaining about no new novels, and now we have something more than a vague answe...r
<Sarcasmo>: would doing novel length e-books (a la Bonfire) be easier? or do you really want DTF?
<Sarcasmo>: ...and realsing them on amazon etc...
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Fact is, having print books is just better; we get more access to the mass market that way, after all. E-books are a growing market, though, and we do not plan to exclude it as an option.
<Sarcasmo>: well I will always be a book guy (working at a library and such) but it really does seem that ebooks will keep grabbing market share. and if that's the only way we can get them, well so be it.

<DarkISI>: Weirdo wants to know about the future of Warships in the past. No idea what he means, but he wants to know ^^
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Are Weirdo's fingers broken? Why can't he link into the chat and ask himself?
<DarkISI>: Habeas2, no idea why he can't ask himself. He wrote in the forums that he can't make it, but would like somebody to ask the question
<Damage2>: DarkISI- he's most likely on his way to play BT. they start around noonish.
<Moonsword>: Herb: Okay, fine, I'D like to know about the future of WarShips in historical documents (which I think he's talking about) to the extent you can share anything.
<Habeas2>: Moonsword - At this time, Catalyst remains committed to (eventually) exploring as much of the various periods of history as are viable for BattleTech, including the past, so it is likely we'll see more WarShips from the past, though we are running short on excuses for introducing new ones...
<Damage2>: new warships?
<Habeas2>: Damage2 - Yes

*** Roman_Maroni is now known as Chunga
<jymset>: @ Chunga - bwaha
<Sarcasmo>: Chunga cracks me up!
*** Chunga is now known as Lizzie_Borden
<Stormcrow>: Lizzie Borden was a pretty decent 80s band

<P_Dupree>: any hint if the german Box set can be ready for the Spiel in Essen?
<Habeas2>: P_Dupree - There's a distinct possibility, yes, but we cannot make guarantees at this time

<Moonsword>: What are you most looking forward to as BattleTech moves back into the Dark Age and beyond?
<Habeas2>: Moonsword - Uncharted waters
<Kamas>: Related, how long do you want to spend in the Dark Age timeline (3130-3145) before getting to said uncharted waters?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - We plan to spend about one year on Dark Age material, to properly cover all of its events and the outcome of the curent arcs, before moving forward. It's a rather ambitious plan, though, and could stretch for up to a year and a half.

<Lizzie_Borden>: Let me axe you a question. what mech will you play on Saturday night Masters game?
<Habeas2>: Lizzie_Borden - I dunno; depends on what miniatures the Demo Team brings that I can play
<Sarcasmo>: Habeas2: PANTHER
<Stormcrow>: Give Herb a Firefly

<ScottSR>: when did the idea of having the WoR begin? does that stretch back to FASA? the original idea of the clans? later?
<Moonsword>: Didn't the Jihad plans kind of start out that way and then snowball?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - As far back as FASA, when we planned the Jihad, there was a big question mark as to what we'd do with the Clans back home, but few details. They were left undefined when WizKids got the IP, and we threw a lot of herrings in there that we knew we'd have to work out later.

<Kamas>: Excellent, thank you. How far out do you have rough plans for the future of CBT, in-universe dates? There was descriptions of immigration on/off Earth in the old boards going past 3250; was that foreshadowing or leg-pulling?
Habeas2>: Kamas - No leg pulling; we've planned events well into the 33rd century
<Kamas>: Awesome.
<Habeas2>: Moonsword - The biggest change in the Jihad plans between FASA and WizKids was the length of time involved and who the "hero" would be. And, honestly, we were not even sold on the hero part, because Victor was really getting "old", so to speak.
<Sarcasmo>: Man, talk about getting the short end of the stick... /lamejoke

<ScottSR>: did you have any role in the WoR plot development,, or was that mostly/all ben and randall?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Yes, but I kept my hands off the details. I merely wanted it done so we could give closure to the Clans as well. Ben and Paul actually did a LOT of the timeline work. EVen Randall's ideas were kind of seconded off--some scrapped by myself, even, because they simply didn't fit where we planned to go in the future. My primary concern, though, was HAVING the WoR come out. And Paul gave a LOT of real good input on the pl
<DarkISI>: Herb, your answer to ScottSR ended with "And Paul gave a LOT of real good input on the pl". What is missing?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Oh, the rest was that Paul gave a LOT of really good input on the plot arcs that made the WoR work. For instance, having the Vipers start the whole mess. This was to make up for what may have been one of the universe's more railroaded moments, when the Vipers were ejected from the IS shortly after the Refusal War. This put a powerful Invading Clan back in the Clan Homeworlds with a SERIOUS axe to grind. In a way, we
<DarkISI>: this time it ends on "SERIOUS axe to grind. In a way, we "
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - The rest was "In a way, we can blame the Falcons for the WoR."
<jymset>: what, the JF "caused" the Reaving?! Yay for Viper independence of will and ... *ahem*

<Xotl>: It seems the Homeworld Clans are being walled off for quite a while from the Inner Sphere. Do you know what's going to occur with them post-Reaving during the Dark Age, or has that been left to be determined?
<Habeas2>: Xotl - We have some basic plans for the Homeworlders, but much like the Dark Age setting, they are being left nebulous in case we need to change course for story reasons.

<nathan48>: Is there any hint you can give us about the next TRO's that will be coming out next year?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - It's title will be TRO: 3150
<nathan48>: thanks

<Sarcasmo>: Holy hell! 3150? Will there be new weapons/technology out? or will it by like 3050 where all the new rules were included in the TRO?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Do you really think we'd advace the universe over a century and NOT give new tech?
<Sarcasmo>: well, there are those that still refuse to acknowledge anything after 3050, I didn't know if you wanted to offer a bit of technological stability for a while. Like the succession wars...

<Damage2>: 3085 to 3150? nothing in between?
<Habeas2>: Damage2 - Though it is a time jump from 3085 to 3150, it's a ead zone, story wise. The conflicts within that span are brush wars with limited scope and universal effect. Best to gloss them over.

<ScottSR>: If you were to change anything(s) about the jihad story arc [timeframe, length, worlds hit, damage done, damage not done, etc], what would it be?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - More damage done; turns out we didn't cause nearly as much damage as we wanted to.
<Trboturtle>: Run out of nukes??
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Actually, we strted listening to people whining about us enjoying the nukeage a bit. That will teach us to be merciful to fictional factions!
<Trboturtle>: well, there were nukes, bioweapons, chemical weapons, orbital strikes, starvation, concentration camps, and rampaging wombats....what did you cut back on??

<Moonsword>: Why has the Deep Periphery been placed off limits post-3085? Was it just to focus attention back on the Inner Sphere?
<Habeas2>: Moonsword - The Deep periphery is simply too far afield for all the action we have planned for the future. The factions may be large in their area, but they're weaker than the near Periphery states, and we already have about 30 factions in the Sphere. Fact is, the universe is bigger than we need it to be.

<ScottSR>: Ben mentioned there might be an upcoming WoR Supplemental, can you tell us anything about that?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The WoR Supplemental is to have the Record Sheets and some additional material that didn't make it into WoR

<ScottSR>: following up with the jihad/damage question, what level of damage were you hoping to have? and is it just general/"reduce the standing size of house armies", "there are still too many warships", or something else?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - the level of damage done in th Jihad, frankly, should have left the realms inches from a 3rd War paradigm, barely able to recoup losses with their production rates (while at the same time retaining the 3075 level of technology. This would help reinforce what we've been quietly saying all along: That there wasn't so much a military downsizing in the post-Jihad as there was a long road of recovery.

<jymset>: how do you feel TRO Prototypes has been received, what were things that you personally felt worked, or did not?
<DarkISI>: Jymset, I asked basically the same question very early in the chat ^^
<DarkISI>: but not exactly
<jymset>: dang, this is all Xotl's fault!

<Kamas>: Will trimming those numbers down be a key point to the post-3150 era?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - Yup

<Sarcasmo>: Ahhh, save Filtvelt!
<Moonsword>: Of course. It can be the Flitvelt March.

<ScottSR>: are we likely to have a "clan pdf day" where xtro clans, fr clans AND WoR call come out at the same time?
<Lizzie_Borden>: that's a great idea scott
<WolfLancer4>: it a "clan pdf day" were to occur clan players would die from shock i believe
<WolfLancer4>: if*
*** Lizzie_Borden is now known as Chunga
<ScottSR>: WolfLancer4: there are worse ways to go...
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The schedule NEARLY worked out that way. Unfortunately, there were some production problems, and so that alignment just won't happen.

<Hersh67>: Did someone ask about Warships for Weirdo?
<Moonsword>: Yes.
<Sarcasmo>: moonsword: bite your tongue!
<Trboturtle>: Sounds like a charity..."Warships for Weirdo!"
<Habeas2>: Hersch67 - yes
<Hersh67>: Coulda been worse: Weirdo for Warships! (Might be a campaign slogan in that one.)
<DarkISI>: "Weirdo for Warship captain!" The stuff of nightmares
<Moonsword>: Nah.
<Moonsword>: He probably won't ram planets.
<Moonsword>: Miss them with the NACs, maybe, but not ram them.
<DarkISI>: just scratch them
<Stormcrow>: Wierdo would still miss by a whole in an orbital bombardment
<Moonsword>: If you'd been around for a billion years you'd itch, too

<ScottSR>: were xtro clans and fm clans held back production wise to change thier content to include homeworlds clans due to the move up in schedule of WoR?
<ScottSR>: I mean "include content referencing the events of the clan homeworlds"
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The XTRs in general slowed down due to quality issues that were dragging their production times down, and thus Clans fell all the way to... well, any day now. In June, EVERYTHING basically shut down to get three books to print, including WoR. So that snarled all other PDFs.
<Moonsword>: Are you expecting the PDF production rate to pick back up now that those books are out the door?
<Habeas2>: Moonsword - Nope.

<Hersh67>: Um, was a street date given for WoR?
<Habeas2>: Hersh67 - Nope

<ScottSR>: can you tell us anything about release timeframe for pdf's of xtro clans and WoR? for example "at the end of this battlechat" would be a perfectly enjoyable answer for xtro clans
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Expect to see them sometime in the next month, or two, or maybe three.

<ScottSR>: how are the future JTP and DATP pdf's rolling along? are there still plans to do more JTP's?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - There are a few more JTPS left to go, but we'll be moving to more HTPs and DATPs now.

<Trboturtle>: What's the lateset on Interstellar Ops?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Seriously? You probably don't want to know. I may cancel it out of spite.

<Oystein>: I want more warships to kill!

<Hersh67>: One does not acuse Herb of being cruel. It's more like a description.
<Trboturtle>: Herb's gods have tought him well......

<ScottSR>: maybe its already been asked today, but any word on H:RW supplemental? will that just be record sheets, or other stuff as well?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Mostly record sheets will be in H:RW. There simply wasn't room for them and RS have become a quality drag in many ways.

<ScottSR>: I think before you talked about hesperus2 and solaris 7 as locations for future JTP's, are there others planned as well that you can say anything about?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Beyond Hesperus and Solaris, I am not sure of any other Turning Points on our agenda.

<Hersh67>: Please tell me someone is recording this. I realized way too late that this was going down.
<DarkISI>: I am. As usual
<Hersh67>: Thanks, Dark ISI.
<Trboturtle>: Nope...this conversation with self-destruct five seconds after it's complete...
<DarkISI>: which will be in about five seconds. Past 7 already
<Trboturtle>: shush!
<Hersh67>: Sounds like we have a WoB infiltrator in the chatroom.
<Damage2>: nah. it will be deconstructed. and wild assumptions will be made!
<DarkISI>: I have to go back to my books and restart learning. I need this to end ^^
<Kamas>: Put him in a LAM and shoot him into the sun!
<Hersh67>: Not a bad idea, Kamas. You get rid of both the LAM and the WoBbie. Good riddance.
<Moonsword>: Hey, hey. Let's not be mean to the Blakist scum.
<Moonsword>: Let's at least let him go out in style.
<Moonsword>: UrbanMech into the sun!
<Hersh67>: Give me a good reason not to be mean to them after their temper tantrum.

<Kamas>: Is there still a plan to put a strategic-level campaign game like Succession Wars into IO, or is there potential for that to be spun off into a new product?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - IO is where the srategic game will be going, if we ever get it done.

<Kamas>: Also, on a technical aspect, what program do you use to lay out the RS? Illustrator, Acrobat, or what? Just curious what you use.
<Habeas2>: Kamas - Illustrator, IIRC.
<ScottSR>: has any more word been forthcoming about the second of the remaining jihad source books? name, content, plots, etc?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The final Jihad books are: Jihad: The FInal Reckoning, and Wars of Reaving.
<ScottSR>: how is WoR a "jihad" book, other than sharing the same in-game timeframe???
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Exactly
<Habeas2>: The Jihad is an era of play. This is its wrap up. It applies to the CLans as surely as it does to the Sphere

<Habeas2>: On that note, I want to thank everyone for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs sponsored BattleTech Line Developer-aided Public Relations Activity. As usualy, a second chat is scheduled for 8 PM today (roughly 6.75 hours from now)
<Xotl>: Cheers.
<Hersh67>: Thank you, Herb.
<Moonsword>: Thanks for hosting it.
<Trboturtle>: yep -- thanks!
<Damage2>: ttfn
<WolfLancer4>: thanks herb
<nathan48>: thanks
<Trboturtle>: off to write!!
<Habeas2>: Auf weidersehn!
<Kamas>: May the pieces of Blake be with you

<Habeas2>: Welcome to another live BattleChat. As ever, I am your host and sole speaker, Herbert Beas, Lord of Nukes, Fire, and Death. As always, the rules are simple: Misbehave and I will kick you. Let everyone speak. Give me time to answer. Keep questions short. Violate these rules and I will kick you. Enjoy!
<Habeas2>: So...
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - Yes, it has started.
<Nathan48>: Good evening
<Habeas2>: Hello all.

<harlen_thomas>: Mr. Beas: any word on the updates/overhaul of "Heavy Metal"
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - None at this time, I'm afraid.
<harlen_thomas>: Thank you.

<Orin>: Ben Rome mentioned in one of his WoR blog posts that the product had gone to print, but wasn't going to make GenCon. Does that mean it will miss that "published as PDF" phase where errata will be compiled prior to publication?
<Habeas2>: Orin - It is currently unlikely that we will receive the occasional "beta cycle" we have been able to enjoy between PDF and print releases, on Wars of Reaving, if that is what you are asking.
<Orin>: yah - that's where I was going with that
<AdrianGideon>: We don't always have that luxury.

<Orin>: Approximately how many more print (rather than PDF only) sourcebooks are we looking at before we time jump to the DA era?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Approximately? If the schedule holds, about 4 or 5.
<DarkISI>: In addition to Orin's question: How many products (print and PDF) are we approximately looking at for the Dark Age era?
<Orin>: cool. Thanks. You've mentioned in passing that the DA era may seem like more of a pit stop era wise before jumping even further into the future. Ben has hinted on his blog that plans extend many years in advance. Approximately how long will the "DA Era Phase" last before the "big jump"
<Orin>: in real years that is
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - At this particular moment, we are planning at least 4 print and 5 PDF products that will be set in the Dark Age time period.
<Habeas2>: Orin - The plan we currently have (notice I say "currently" and "at this moment" a lot in these remarks; that's important) to use the products selected to cover a roughly 20-year expanse of the Dark Age time period, from about 3130 through 3150.
<Habeas2>: Orin - Oh, in real years, we plan mainly to resolve the entire Dark Age era by the beginning of "real year" 2013.
<Orin>: Cool - thanks.
<harlen_thomas>: Similar to the end of the Fourth War and the Clan Invasion?
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - Somewhat, yes.

<Habeas2>: Everyone - AdrianGideon is one of the layout guys for Catalyst Game Labs, and is the one usually chained to all things BattleTechy for us.

<Nathan48>: This may sound stupid, So WoR will not be in PDF version or avaiable for Gen-Con or imediattly after?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - That is difficult to say at this time, it went to the printers very much down to the wire, so we cannot even give a street date yet. We gunned for GC but, well, we'll see.

<JoeChummer>: I saw Randall posted a photo of the BT dice you'll have at GenCon. How exactly are they packaged in terms of colors and such?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Not sure; they don't tell me anything these days. ;P

<ScrapYardArmory>: What comes after the dark age?
<Orin>: that's a secret surprise ScrapYardArmory
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - A whole new era. Open sea. Here there be dragons!

<LordHarlock>: So, the year 3150 is the end of the Dark Ages?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - To be slightly more accurate, 3150 is more of a "watershed point", much like how 3025 was the year we first saw when BT was new, and all the big stuff followed.

<xtrahmxwohld>: What year are we jumping to? 3150?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - 3150 is the reference point we are using for the Dark Age, roughly a few years after the latest novels.
<LordHarlock>: So seven years to fill in details after Bonfire of Worlds? That could be intresting.

<Habeas2>: Standby
<Trboturtle>: comuning with the cats...

<JoeChummer>: Almost afraid to ask, but when might we hope to see Handbook: House Kurita? I know it's still in the pipeline; just curious about whether a timeframe's been established.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - 2012.
<JoeChummer>: That soon, huh? Color me surprised
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes. But I do not know the color of surprise. Will pink do?
<JoeChummer>: Eh, I'm not afraid of pink.

<Fubl>: Could we possible see a Historical : Brush wars 2 after the other on tap Historicals to cover some of the brush wars that happen between 3085 and 3130?
<Habeas2>: Fubl - That is, at present, one of the Dark Age era print books we are considering, though it will not be titled "Brush Wars 2".
<AdrianGideon>: "Brush Wars 2: Back to the Brush"

<ScrapYardArmory>: How is work going on Interstellar Operations?
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - At a crippled limp, I'm afraid.
<JoeChummer>: Sounds like IO needs some actuator repair...
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Or a mercy killing.
<JoeChummer>: Hopefully not. Unless starting from ground zero again would be quicker...
<JoeChummer>: D'oh. "Ground zero" was probably a bad choice of words, considering our host.

<Orin>: What do you envisage as the lifecycle for the core rulebooks? Will changes in equipment mean that 10 years after the publication of Total Warfare, it will be time for a 2nd edition? Or will it only be necessary to update TacOps to cover the evolution of equipment?
<Habeas2>: Orin - We are presently not planning a major revision of the core rulebooks at this time. The future technological developments in the game universe are being designed to work with extant rules.
<harlen_thomas>: as an addendum to Orin's question, have you thought of changing/updating the rules at all? Maybe going to a D10 or other 'extremes'
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - No

<Trboturtle>: assuming that the books for Gencon make it to the show, what other DTF books are on the schedule for the rest of the year? (Not published -- on the schedule...)
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Jihad: The Final Reckoning, Field Manual: 3085, A Time of War Companion

<DarkISI>: On Twitter Randall has said that the overseas printers screwed you (multiple times), can you reveal what's going on?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - I'm afraid not, no.
<AdrianGideon>: DarkIS - Not related to BT.
<DarkISI>: AdrianGideon - Good to hear (at least for the BT fan in me)
<Klep>: Habeas2: have the overseas printers caused randall to "hulk out" and destroy downtown seattle?
<Habeas2>: Klep - I would pay real money to see THAT
<Klep>: i'm pretty sure everyone would
<DarkISI>: except for the people living in downtown Seattle
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - I dunno about that!

<Nathan48>: Will the BT T-shirts that will be selling Gen-con be available after?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - Only as supplies last. Supplies do not often last very long.

<Maelwys>: What's going to be in the Time of War Companion?

<LordHarlock>: So are we going to see another Objectives PDF anytime soon?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - Likely not until after GenCon. The next Objectives PDF is Draconis Combine.
<LordHarlock>: So I'll just put my hopes back to seeing Obectives Federated Suns till closer to the end of the year. Oh well, I can wait.
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - We have not scheduled a FedSuns Objectives PDF. We felt there was insufficient interest in the fan base, and wanted to get the rest of the series back on schedule instead.
<Klep>: lol
<JoeChummer>: Herb, are you implying that no one has expressed interest in undertaking raids against the FedSuns?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - No, just that there's nothing worth anything in the Fedaerated Suns.
<JoeChummer>: L_O_L
<LordHarlock>: Oh well, I guess I'll just go back to my corner and discuss the ramifications of John Davion's policies on the economy of FS Arcadia. The lint seems to like my dialogues. That Lint is a bit strange.

<ScrapYardArmory>: Regarding Interstellar Operations, how large of a playtesting effort do you anticipate to complete the proposed revision to the Inner Sphere in Flames Strategic Game rules?
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - We believe the current playtesting apparatus we have in place is sufficient for the work being done on the Interstellar Operations strategic game ruleset.

<Fubl>: Is there going to be any Battlecorps stories to go along with WOR, it has been awhile since there was a planned arc or has there just been a lack of Authors putting work towards to projects over Bc?
<Habeas2>: Fubl - A number of factors have been weighing down on BattleCorps' output, not the least of which included using the BC EiC to edit several print sourcebooks in rapid succession.

<toad>: Will we see some kind of Field Report/Handbook (or similar product) dealing with Comstar post schims to the DA or ipcoming era?
<Habeas2>: Toad - No. Post-Jihad ComStar is actually a non-entity when you get down to it.
<JoeChummer>: Who runs the HPG network then? (My apologies for not being current with the DA storyline...)
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - ComStar. But aside from saying "They still run the HPGs", we have nothing else to say. ComStar's military is nonexistent after the Jihad, and they do not even have a single world to their name any more. They are just a corporation, like the way they were when they started.

<Trboturtle>: Can we declare the WOB dead, buried in a deep hole somewhere on an unknown planet?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - You can...

<Orin>: From what I can follow on Twitter, Randall seems to be increasingly using the variant Quick Strike BattleForce rules published in SO in his regular BattleTech games at a Seattle FLGS. Given the speed at which this variant can be played, have you considered publishing Quick Strike as a full game, rather than a variant tucked into SO?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Yes
<Orin>: Does considered mean "thought about it" or "maybe will do something about it beyond thinking about it"
<Habeas2>: Orin - Now you're pushing.
<Orin>: Sometimes you can be very Sphinx like
<Habeas2>: Orin - Oscar is pleased.

<Fletch>: Herb, any idea what communications have occurred between your cats and Ben's cats and what if any influence they have had on the outcome of WoR?
<DarkISI>: Fletch... now you have opened Pandora's Box
<Habeas2>: Fletch - Not sure, but it may explain why Kurita races around my apartment so much in the early morning hours.
<Habeas2>: This morning she flung herself eight feet and landed on me while I was still in bed

<Fubl>: Clan Coyote how are they suppose to be taken as Clan: Jerk to other clans or Clan old Man Wagging cane and Yelling keep off the grass
<Habeas2>: Fubl - The latter
<Klep>: Clan Coyote = Clan Curmudgeon
<DarkISI>: I always thought Clan Coyote was playing with explosive traps, trying to catch the Roadrunner
<Trboturtle>: Clan Roadrunner.....
<BJones>: That's why ATM's have "ACME" on the side of them

<toad>: Will any more of the WOB's 3 hidden words be revealed?
<Habeas2>: Toad - Someday.

<Maelwys>: Any hints as to what's going to be in the Time of War Companion?
<Habeas2>: Maelwys - Our goal for the AToW Companion is to cram it full of additional rules and gear for more in-depth gaming. SOme examples include guides for creating creatures and worlds, more exotic gear, expanded personal combat rules, and even conversion rules from MW1, MW2, and MW3 to AToW.
<Klep>: what about additional life modules?
<Habeas2>: Klep - No.

<Orin>: How do you determine what is a fact rather than hearsay when publishing fluff books? Is there a list somewhere of "this actually happened" versus "well it might have happened, but that report might be unreliable"
<Habeas2>: Orin - It all comes down to what we need for the story when we need it (and how much "this was a lie/misinterpretation" the Line Developer can stomach).
<Orin>: Are you the final say on what is a "fact", or is it more consensus driven?
<Habeas2>: Orin - In general, yes. I am the final say.

<Fubl>: Any Chance to see another interstellar players book I know some people do not like the soft fact books
<Habeas2>: Fubl - There's always a CHANCE.

<JoeChummer>: Are there any more Historicals planned beyond the Fall of Terra ones?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes. At least three more are planned, in fact
<Fletch>: will the Historical series be completed before the move out of the Dark Ages so you can concentrate on new materials only?
<Habeas2>: Fletch - The Historical series is not one with a defined beginning and end. It ends only when we have run out of interesting historical conflicts to cover that aren't taken care of via Era Reports and Plot Books.
<JoeChummer>: Any names/events you can reveal? I'm a huge fan of the Historical series.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - One of the currently-planned Historicals we are considering is Brush Wars 2. It would cover the key conflicts of the 3050s-3060s: St. Ives-CC War, The first COmbine-Dominion War, and maybe the Refusal War.
<Klep>: cool
<JoeChummer>: I'd put in a vote for the Refusal War, as that's where I cut my teeth on Battletech

<Orin>: I remember reading something somewhere once about a bit meeting where you all got together to plan out the general narrative - will you use that consensus approach again for "big jump" - or will you direct the process more (such as how the new TRO process involves you doing unit design before sending it out to writers and artists)
<Habeas2>: Orin - We already have
<Orin>: cool. Thanks

<Trboturtle>: What is your work day like?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - I get up between 10AM and 12PM, take my pills, walk down the hall, start my computers, make breakfast, get e-ails, run errands, and work until 2-4 AM, when I take more pills, and go to bed. I take breaks throughout that amount to little more than clearing my head between documents and e-mails.

<Fubl>: Did the Jihad storyline Drag on to long Schedule wise, even though we have gotten some amazing products out of it?
<Habeas2>: Fubl - Actually, it's pretty much on schedule.

<Orin>: BattleTech has always seemed to be strongly influenced by an 80's Sci-Fi aesthetic. Will that always be the case, or in doing a big jump (which seems sort of like a soft reboot of the setting) might you move towards a more "modern" sci-fi aesthetic?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Nope. We're being ever-mindful of our aesthetic origins. Indeed, the original time jump was planned for even farther into the future (to, like 3500), and one of the reasons to force it back was to keep it "connected" to the "universe we know". It will always be about bulky, walking tanks
<JoeChummer>: So, does that mean there will likely not be any products that deal exclusively with pre-BattleMech time periods?
<AdrianGideon>: BattleTech: WWI
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Why would there be? Fact is, the closest we want to get to "real" history is the Age of War. Times before that? Not terribly interesting for BattleTech
<harlen_thomas>: muzzle loading cannons!
<Topgun43228>: Hmmmm ... something like the story about the development and creation of the Mackie? heh
<Habeas2>: TopGun43228 - We came close enough to that in the Proliferation series, no?

<harlen_thomas>: do you ever feel 'limited' by time? Where as in WH40K one decade, or century is just like another, where BT is sometimes greatly effected by individual months.
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - Every damned day

<Orin>: What (if any given how little time you have to read) Sci-Fi books published in the last decade have been favorites for you?
<Habeas2>: Orin - I have had little to no time for reading sci-fi other than BattleTech
<harlen_thomas>: what kind of genres do you read Mr. Beas>
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - I prefer military sci-fi. And comedy. I do not want to be depressed when reading fiction; if I want depression, I'll face reality
<harlen_thomas>: a favored author or "universe"?
<Habeas2>: Harlen - I have liked work by Isaac Asimov, Ben Bova, and WIlliam Forstchein (sp?). I only discovered Douglas Adams' work months before he died, sadly, and wanted to meet him real bad to talk shop.

<ColonelShadow>: is there chance for a TRO: Age of War?
<Habeas2>: ColonelShadow - Yes
<harlen_thomas>: ohhhhh! More TRO!
<BJones>: Given the appearance of the MUL now, were the developers tempted to make more unit designs extinct after the Jihad? or possibly the DA to make the tech race march on?
<Habeas2>: BJones - Tempted? Making units extinct should become a regular thing!
<LordHarlock>: Especially the Garm.
<DarkISI>: We have discussed it in the MUL. The Garm will be the only 'Mech available to anyone in the 3250 setting
<LordHarlock>: So DarkISI, I guess the people of the 33rd Century have lost their ability to see then. What a strange new world created by Fortress Republic?

<Orin>: Are you in anyway tempted to have our first reaction to the big jump be: "holy crap, what happened to the Federated Suns?"
<Habeas2>: Orin - More like "Holy crap, what happened to EVERYBODY!?"

<bad_syntax>: Is the chat starting in like 50 minutes?

<Maelwys>: With the recent revamp in the Rules level for many pieces of technology, how is that going to be handled with regards to the MUL and other things? Will designs get their Rules level designation from when they were created, or will it be done on an era by era basis?
<Habeas2>: Maelwys - An interesting question, that. I honestly had not considered it when I opted to revise the equipment rules levels. We will likely now need a combined year/level system.
<bad_syntax>: can just use a # herb, then you could say equipment is "tech level 5", and you'd only have to give a tech level to each faction per era... room for expansion and a lot less to track
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - The issue there is that many fans want period-specific units, and then want to control tech levels (3050 Clan Standard; 3025 Inner Sphere Advanced; 3075 Mixed Experimental). See?
<bad_syntax>: right, so in 3050 the Clans are, say, TL8, in 3060 they are TL9, the IS in 3050 is TL6. "Experimental" simply means +1 TL, and is available perhaps 10 years before equipment introduction, advanced, at least to me and based on recent changes, would be more complex rules and would never change

<Orin>: Was the Dark Age setting something that you had much input into?
<Habeas2>: Orin - I had some input, but the controlling interest was always WizKids.

<Fubl>: Might we see any other new type of PDF only Products?
<Fubl>: ohh looking new pdf...
<Habeas2>: At present, there are at least three all new PDF-exclusive series we are waiting to launch. At least one has had two samples partially completed. The other two are more iffy.

<Orin>: Is it possible that "big jump" will launch with novels, or is that more a hope given the problems that seem to exist with publication of new BT novels? (I'm guessing that with a 2013+ tentative launch, that at some stage soon writing must commence)
<Habeas2>: Orin - You have no idea--none at all--how badly I want novels restarted. There is simply no way to say when or how they will do so, unfortunately
<Orin>: I take it that going ebook only (not just through BattleCorps) but Kindle/Nook etc isn't a viable option?
<Habeas2>: Orin - ebook only is NOT an option, no

<bad_syntax>: Any way PDFs can have errata integrated with them, so when we buy the PDF we can always get notified of any official changes?
<harlen_thomas>: isn't there an option when you DL from battlecorp to be notified when there are changes to the title you ordered bad_syntax?
<bad_syntax>: yeah harlen, but the books are rarely updated, if ever
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - That's only something we can do periodically. It takes time to compile, approve, and work in errata, and then re-upload and replace the original documents as appropriate. As a general rule, though, when we do so, anyone who bought a PDF should receive a notice that the PDF was updated.

<Trboturtle>: So, they can make a movie, based on the Battleship game, and there's a movie in preproduction, based on the Candyland game. So why no Battletech movie??
<bad_syntax>: with what they've done with transformers a BT movie would be extremely possible I would think
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Because we know they'd only ****** up a BattleTech movie and we want to keep it pure. That's my story and IO' sticking to it

<Hersh67>: TRO Time of War, will that include the Warships of the day?
<Habeas2>: Hersh67 - Dunno; it's not even on the schedule now

<toad>: This moring chat you mentioned new Warships in the past and future . Will there be any new "WarShipsy type tech" to go with them?
<Habeas2>: Toad - Maybe

<bad_syntax>: wow, a new XTRO whiel we chat
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - Did it post now? Yes, folks, XTR Clans should be up now (or any moment now) for sale.
<bad_syntax>: already readin it
<bad_syntax>: seems like TPTB want all the mechs to fly now (wings everywhere, improved jump jets, etc, etc)
<harlen_thomas>: First FR: Periphery and now XTRO: Clans? Are you trying to break me before GenCon?
<Habeas2>: Toad - You are welcome

<bad_syntax>: Is there any chance of a PDF/DTF mapbook, that has a 2 page spread of all the maps produced in all the house books consolidated into 1 place? The work is mostly done, word count is nearly nil, and its a huge pain to need 5 books open on your table to see an entire 2864 or 3040 map This would also really help when IO comes out.
<JoeChummer>: My dream BT product would be a coffee-table atlas like filled with era-specific maps...
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - There is a chance of a map book. When or how we do it is up in the air.
<bad_syntax>: all the maps are really already done too, just combine them (if they aren't already) and release the dozen or so eras in a single 24 page PDF or maybe DTF if there is enough demand
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - No; all maps are NOT already done. Trust us
<bad_syntax>: well at least all the ones from the handbooks
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - Did Handbook: Kurita come out and I missed it?
<bad_syntax>: well the kurita book I hope comes out soon, I spent the last 2 weeks of my life typing in 40,000 worlds from all the maps everywhere getting their ownership, its the last one I'm waiting for... figured ya'll had it pretty close internally

<Orin>: are QuickStrike record sheets something we're likely to see more of in the near future, or is it a longer term thing?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Quick Strike sheets take time and have a low priority for now; we want to produce more, but it could be a while before we see movement tere.

<Orin>: Other than GenCon and other events, do you get to play BattleTech often anymore? Is it less fun when you're involved with its production?
<Habeas2>: Orin - No I don't. And I must admit that when a hobby becomes a job, play becomes work.

<bad_syntax>: Any chance on the new rules in IO that cover battles above battleforce being released separately and early to help get more diverse feedback than just internal assets can provide so the rules end up being very well balanced against us crazy players?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - What is this balance you speak of?
<bad_syntax>: well ISIF from Combat Operations was completely broken production wise as an example, any playtesting should have seen that I would have thought

<Orin>: any temptation to go the "Big Jump" early and handle DA in a "Historicals" context?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Always, but we do not wish to cause the same issues the Dark Age developed when it came out before we were done with the "classic" setting. This time, no one can complain of spoilers.

<JoeChummer>: Herb, before I forget: I recently finished reading Handbook: House Steiner recently, and I noticed it only had timelines for the 2nd and 3rd succession wars rather than for each SW and for other time periods like the other Handbooks did. Any reason for those two times lines specifically and not the others?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Because Steiner detailed the First and FOurth SWs better in its text. The other Handbooks, well, the added timelines to fill space better.

<bad_syntax>: Is the MUL a completed project, or will it be expanded upon aside from just adding missing or newly created units?
<DarkISI>: Completed? *Has a nervous breakdown*
<bad_syntax>: just hoping to see actual years, costs, maybe stuff like armor/movement, BF2 stats, whatever someday on it
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - The MUL will never be "completed". It is a living project
<Fletch>: I have to say kudos to the MUL team, they do great work
<harlen_thomas>: I echo the kudos to the MUL team.
<JoeChummer>: I concur. To the MUL team, I say "Seyla"
<bad_syntax>: no new units in the MUL since its initial release tho, even though we have had quite a few other products
<DarkISI>: Since I'm the only MUL-Team member here right now (I think, can be wrong): Thank you, it's our pleasure
<Topgun43228>: DarkISI, not quite the only one.
<DarkISI>: Not the only one? Who are you? Your name leaves me clueless ^^
<Topgun43228>: Dark .... relatively new. Heck I'm not even sure it is official or still just on a 'trial' basis so no worries. You aren't losing your mind.
<DarkISI>: nothing to lose, it's long gone

<JoeChummer>: Ah, I see. I liked the timelines in the other Handbooks for being able to recap-at-a-glance rather than having to re-read a whole chapter to find a specific event. But I get what you mean. HB:HS was a great read, by the by...

<xtrahmxwohld>: why do cats like to chew on tape? or pull tape off of boxes?
<Fletch>: I have a cat that chews plastic all the time
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - Because they crave something to make them vomit; their stiomachs are upset.
<Fletch>: <--- is home sick, please don't talk about vomit
<JoeChummer>: I think it's cos they're trying to throw us off balance in preparation to take over the world.
<JoeChummer>: Herb, I'm assuming you haven't yet tried nukes on your cats?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - The cats don't care about nukes
<JoeChummer>: Well, freebirth. There goes that idea.
<xtrahmxwohld>: I think my cats just like to pull the tape off of boxes. It must offend them

<Orin>: Any other games that you're wanting to investigate at GenCon? I know that Randall mentioned that he wanted to check out BattleShip Galaxies
<Habeas2>: orin - I don't venture beyond BattleTech much, so I doubt I'll be cruising the halls much this year. After all, no need for souveniers now that the wife and I are separating

<bad_syntax>: Is there any chance of having populations (or *something*) retcon'd so we can stop having arguments about "FASAnomics" in the forums?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - The best way to stop having "FASAnomics" arguments is not to start them to begin with. Look, guys, we can't even change the way a BattleMech looks without losing fan base, do you think we'e going to retcon everything we find inconvenient?
<Fletch>: the game would be so much better without fans...

<Fubl>: Herb: is there going to be an update to fix Xtro clans, at least on my copy the Cougar entry is Bolded
<Habeas2>: Fubl - If needed.

<bad_syntax>: are sales the only way ya'll really have to "monitor the fan base" to see if its growing/falling?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - Until they sart lining up to be tagged and relesed back into the wild, yeah

<bad_syntax>: the best thing that could happen to BT now then, would be a great computer/console/facebook game or perhaps a great movie, and I'm betting CGL has no ability or money to get something like that started eh?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - No
<harlen_thomas>: Perhaps telling the BattleTech developer what he needs to do in a live and open chat is the best way to go about things...
<harlen_thomas>: *not* the best way to go about things.
<bad_syntax>: well, I'm writing a strategic game, but it'll hardly be polished and will obviously be free once its completed. Just trying to figure out any way at which I can help the game outside of just buying the PDF/DTF of every single thing released

<Orin>: How often does the license have to be renewed with Topps?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Every few years

<Orin>: do you have a favorite piece of art from TRO 3085? (or is that like trying to choose between your cats?)
<Habeas2>: Orin - TRO 3085? No no favorites there.

<Klep>: actually does any studio have an option on battletech film rights?
<Habeas2>: Klep - No idea.
<Klep>: i know that kind of thing happens all the time without there necessarily being any intent to follow through

<bad_syntax>: once the whole Jihad or Dark Age thing is done, will the universe be moving forward or take a break to look back at the past succession wars and age of war eras? (or perhaps both)
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - No breaks. Always forward

<bad_syntax>: was there any bump in sales after any of the transformers movies came out?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - None we noticed

<Orin>: The trend seems to be away from Warships - is that something that we might not see much of after the "big leap"?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Can't say yet
<Orin>: as it would almost seem after the DA that you could do XTRO: Warships and cover all hulls in existence
<Habeas2>: Orin - We have learned that single unit type TROs are a bad idea. Do not expect a repeat of TR 3057 again.

<bad_syntax>: How many full time paid members are there making BT books, part time, and volunteers?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - As I recently said somewhere.... there are maybe 3 CGL staffers full-time on BattleTech, one part-timer, roughly 20 paid contractors, and over 70 volunteers involved in almost every single BattleTech production
<Habeas2>: An all of us put in more hours than we claim
<bad_syntax>: i bet
<bad_syntax>: heck, *I* put in 20+ hours a week to BT, and am not one of those listed
<Habeas2>: You saw my remark earlier about my work day. I usually report only about 6 hours a day on my timesheet. To account for bathroom breaks, brain drain, meals, snacks, and other incidental distractions
<JoeChummer>: Do BattleCorps authors/editors/etc. factor into that number?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - BattleCorps is run by one editor-in-chief, who uses freelancers for all content, and a small fact-check group of about 10 volunteers
<bad_syntax>: being creative means you are pretty much *always* working though, you may be sitting in a waiting room at a hospital, thinking about some story, times like that are still work
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - Exactly. I tell people I'm technically working as long as I am conscious.
<bad_syntax>: and sometimes when your sleeping
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - What happens when I sleep STAYS in my sleep. And trust me that it's better for all concerned that way

<JoeChummer>: What's the difference between a "paid contractor" and a "freelancer"?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Absolutely nothing
<JoeChummer>: That's what I figured

<harlen_thomas>: what is your favorite part of working for a game company
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - That I can do this without leaving my house

<xtrahmxwohld>: any plans to publish a CGL branded TRO3057?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - Yes

<bad_syntax>: Aside from the new scales coming out with IO, are there any other "rulesets" in the works? Perhaps like battletroops, a risk themed game, a new succession wars, etc?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - No. We're drawing a line at IO
<Klep>: a risk-themed game already exists
<Klep>: Succession Wars
<bad_syntax>: its hardly *new*
<Klep>: but it IS risk-themed
<bad_syntax>: and its what inspired me to write my own version, which will come out soon after IO so I can update lots of algorithms

<rjstreet>: Does that mean no map-based campaign rules or the like? <where's my beg smiley....>
<Habeas2>: Rjstreet - Only what you get in IO.

<Habeas2>: 9 minutes till I close this super-sized chat down
<rjstreet>: When are we getting that again? <ducks for cover> I kid!
<Habeas2>: RJstreet - WHenever it's done, presuming I don't cancel it out of spite.
<bad_syntax>: doh, don't wanna see it get cancelled, I'd cray
<bad_syntax>: er, cry

<Habeas2>: Please refrain from advertising in the official Live BattleChats.

<harlen_thomas>: Is GenCon a vacation for you, or is it even worse the "normal"
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - GenCon is a working vacation. WHich means, no. It's nto a vacation. I just get to socialize a little more

<rjstreet>: In all seriousness, are there expectations of any hardcover titles after IO?
<Habeas2>: Rjstreet - Yes

<JoeChummer>: Will IO come with some kinda of special mapsheet, or will we have to play with the Inner Sphere map that came with the BT Intro Box?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Unknown at this time
<JoeChummer>: That's okay; I was half kidding anyway

<Orin>: Any plans for more full color sourcebooks (apart from the rulebooks) like StarCorps Dossiers?
<Habeas2>: Orin - Yes

<harlen_thomas>: how many times a year do you get to face-time with Randall and the other "big wigs"? or is it just GenCon?
<Habeas2>: Harlen_Thomas - Only at GenCon do we have "face-time" Ideally, every week we should be doing Skype conference calls, but the funny part there is, we're usually too busy producing material to DO those!

<bad_syntax>: any chance for a consolidated XTRO every 10 or so? Maybe not DTF but PDF with all errata?
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - That depends greatly on how well TRO: Prototypes does. But we may not do direct compilations of the XTRs

<bad_syntax>: any possibility of having some of the maps or pictures get sent to one of the print-on-demand sites so we can order larger versions of them? I got a great RIS map that way
<Habeas2>: Bad_Syntax - Nothing we considered at this time

<bad_syntax>: can whoever drew the warships in reunification war be used for all remaining warships? They rocked!

<harlen_thomas>: Thank you for answering our questions, Mr. Beas.
<JoeChummer>: Yes, thank you, Herb
<rjstreet>: This has been great - thanks for taking so much time out of your day!
<Orin>: As always your time and attention is appreciated Herb!
<bad_syntax>: doh, thanks for taking the time!

<Habeas2>: Thank you for participating in the Catalyst Game Labs sponsored BattleTech Line Developer-aided Public Relations Activity!
<Fletch>: the PRA is appreciated
<trboturtle>: Pre GebnCon special!!
<Klep>: see you later this week, herb
<trboturtle>: GenCon*
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение Click » 01 авг 2011, 13:45

Смерть стоит того, чтобы жить, а любовь стоит того, чтобы ждать...(с) Цой
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 авг 2011, 13:59

Выжимка первой части:
- Херб надеется увидеть до конца года - Reckoning, FIeld Manual: 3085, и the Time of War Companion
- Будут сценарии для РПГ
- С книгами, как всегда все тяжело, даты релизов остается неизвестными. Одна из проблем – нет авторов, которые бы хотели писать.
- На Темный век планируют полтора года реального времени, что будет дальше покажет время
- Один из ТРО в следующем году - 3150, в котором будут(!) новые технологии (итересно на что у них хватит травы? :D )
- Будет еще несколько Поворотных точек джхада (JTP), но упор будет сделан на точки Темного века(DATP) и Исторические(HTP).
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 01 авг 2011, 14:21

Ажно 3150... Лихо....
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Rabid Coyote
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение KolbunD » 01 авг 2011, 14:26

- Херб надеется увидеть до конца года - Reckoning, FIeld Manual: 3085, и the Time of War Companion

не один он надеется
- С книгами, как всегда все тяжело, даты релизов остается неизвестными. Одна из проблем – нет авторов, которые бы хотели писать.

Я хочу. Пусть русский учат
- Один из ТРО в следующем году - 3150, в котором будут(!) новые технологии (итересно на что у них хватит травы? )

ого, нифига се ...
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 авг 2011, 14:28

Выжимка второй части:
- Планирует четыре или пять продуктов по Темному веку, на данный момент
- Выйдет ли ПДФ WOR до ГенКона пока не ясно
- К концу года планируется - Objectives PDF Draconis Combine.
- Возможно когда-нить нам откроют более 3 скрытых миров Слова.
- В данный момент планируется 3 HTP по Fall of Terra. Один из текущих HTP - Brush Wars 2, которая будет охватывать ключевые моменты 3050-3060 годов, войны Ляо - Сент Ив, Драконы - Мишки, и может быть война Отказа.
- Возможно будет ТРО: Age of War
- Планируется ТРИ новых серии ПДФ (мы хотим больше ваших денег ;-) )
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Зарегистрирован: 17 июл 2009, 17:41
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 01 авг 2011, 14:40

DeJaVu писал(а):Один из текущих HTP - Brush Wars 2, которая будет охватывать ключевые моменты 3050-3060 годов, войны Ляо - Сент Ив, Драконы - Мишки, и может быть война Отказа

А вот это было бы очень кошерно.
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Rabid Coyote
Лучший Фанфикописатель 2007, 2008
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Откуда: Near Periphery
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 авг 2011, 14:43

Мне одному кажется, что Херб слил поразительно много информации?
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение acefalcon » 01 авг 2011, 14:50

Блин, да ФМ: 3085 с накидками по республике - это ж чудо чудное и диво дивное! В общем-то планы грандиозные и подозрительно подробные
Jack, you have debauched my sloth!
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение KolbunD » 01 авг 2011, 14:53

DeJaVu писал(а):Мне одному кажется, что Херб слил поразительно много информации?

закидоны из-за того, что в последее время было много брожжения и смуты насчет того, что дескать авторы БТ заборзели и обленились. Вот он и напихал кучу плюшек. Это же америкосы - все на бабле держиться, вот он и предупредил каб гатовилися усе
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Лучший Фанфикописатель 2009, 2011
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение Scorpion Dog » 01 авг 2011, 17:19

А что такое Reckoning?
Слава Слоноликому, взметывающему похлопыванием ушей пыльцу камфары, от которой, словно от преждевременно опустившихся сумерек, розовеют небеса.
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Re: Бэттлчат 31 июля 2011

Сообщение KolbunD » 01 авг 2011, 17:36

Scorpion Dog писал(а):А что такое Reckoning?

если я не ошибаюсь, это последняя часть по Джихаду
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
Аватара пользователя
Лучший Фанфикописатель 2009, 2011
Сообщения: 4030
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2008, 12:26
Откуда: Минск
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