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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 дек 2010, 09:05

A New Game
by Steven Mohan, Jr.

The arrival of the Clans was an existence-altering event across the Inner Sphere, but no one had more personal experience than the soldiers trapped fighting them.

Unit Digest: Hawke's Horde
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Hawke's Horde was a pirate group based in the Taurian Concordat just after the turn of the Thirty-First Century. They had a short-but-violent life.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 дек 2010, 22:33

Interview: Brent Evans
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Brent Evans is the Catalyst Game Labs Art Director, which means he has his fingers in the pretty little pies of every project that is released. We asked him a few BattleTech-specific questions...
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 22 дек 2010, 22:28

The Blood of Man
by Craig A. Reed

In our final Jihad Hot Spots: Terra-linked story, Craig Reed show us that the Jihad was one of those great conflicts, where one side was easily painted as evil and the other side painted as righteous. Even in such a tableau, of course, black and white are not so clearly cut...
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 дек 2010, 11:04

By Blood Betrayed
by Blaine Lee Pardoe

IN HIS BROTHER'S FOOTSTEPS Harley Rassor is a simple farm boy in a complex techno-universe -- more than happy to work the land of planet Slewis with his father. His restless older brother left to join the elite mercenary corps, Able's Aces...and paid with his life. Now, Harley's father wants him to join the fight -- and learn what happened to his brother. What he learns is that the Aces are in turmoil. His instructor -- tough-as-nails Lieutenant Livia Hawke -- also happens to be his brother's ex-lover. Rumors of suspected payoffs and setups are commonplace. And the entire unit is in danger of being disbanded. Then pirates launch a devastating raid on the Rim Collection's resources, sparking an all-out fight that will put the Aces in the thick of battle -- and reveal to Harley that there are worse things in war the death....
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 08 янв 2011, 09:02

Ship Profile: Dcs Galedon Ii
by BattleCorps Exclusive

A profile of the last of one of the great ships, just before its final battle.

Scenario: Tactics of Desperation I
by Scenarios

The first wave of a the Kuritan attack on Hesperus II

Scenario: Tactics of Desperation Ii
by Scenarios

Fight out the last of the engagement to see who controls the skies over Hesperus!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 29 янв 2011, 16:21

Dagger Point
by Thomas S. Gressman

COVERT OPERATIONS Edwin Amis, new commander of the Eridani Light Horse, faces a tough decision: Should he openly defy the First Lord of the Star League? Sun-Tzu Liao, the First Lord, has sent Star League troops as "peace-keepers" to the St. Ives Compact to prevent open rebellion by angry citizens -- but they're not seeking peace. Amis knows the mission is only a guise for reclaiming territory for the Capellan Confederation, and he's ready to station counter-forces on Milos, close to the heart of the Capellan capital. But on Milos, things are already escalating -- Death Commando Chen Shao had his ruthless partner, Nessa Ament, have secretly murdered a dissident's family in cold blood. Now, in what could erupt into full-scale war, both forces are at each other's throats....

The Hunted
by Nicholas Marsala

Nick Marsala takes us along for the ride when the Word of Blake comes to Thorin at the start of the Jihad. Don't miss the two scenarios to follow that let you play the action here!

Scenario: Urban Brawl
by Scenarios

Play the action described in Nick Marsala's "The Hunted" now!

Scenario: Hunting the Hunters
by Scenarios

Play the combat described in Nick Marsala's "The Hunted" now!

A Wolf in the Eyrie
by Philip A. Lee

When an unconventional Jade Falcon is assigned to the Fifth Battle Cluster, tensions are raised--then brought to the breaking point during a raid into the Lyran Alliance.

Interview: Doug Chaffee
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Longtime BattleTech illustrator Doug Chaffee answers a few questions for BattleCorps.com

Interview: Daniel Isberner
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Daniel Isberner, one of the gracious people who spends their time fact-checking new products and working on the Master Unit List project takes some time to answer some questions for BattleCorps.com!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 30 янв 2011, 20:38

The Dying Time
by Thomas S. Gressman

AN END TO ALL THINGS Only days after the demise of legendary warrior Grayson Death Carlyle, the mercenary forces of the Gray Death Legion are called into action. Their mission is to protect Hesperus II in the Isle of Skye. With civil war raging, it is vital that the planet's famous Defiance BattleMech production facilities not fall into the hands of the enemy. Seeing the Lyrans and Davionists at each other's throats, the Skye separatists have seized the opportunity to instigate a new rebellion, and they too threaten the safety of Hesperus II and its factories. Now commanding the Legion is Lori Carlyle, widow of Grayson. But what Lori doesn't realize is that her troops are little more than pawns in the continuing hostilities between the factions of Victor Steiner-Davion and his ever-cunning sister, Katrina -- and that the Gray Death are about to enter a battle they are meant to lose. If there is one constant in this universe, it is that pawns are made to be sacrificed....
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 03 фев 2011, 12:13

Desperate Measures
by Blaine Lee Pardoe

In this next installment of Blaine Pardoe's popular Son of Blake sequence, Raul Tinker takes the war to a whole new level!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 04 фев 2011, 21:48

Scenario: Twins
by Scenarios

When tension erupt into a duel between assault 'Mech pilots, the conflagration soon pulls in even more troops on both sides. By Stephen Frabartolo.

Measure of a Hero
by Blaine Lee Pardoe

WINNER TAKE ALL Colonel Felix Blucher's orders from the Archon were simple enough: quash the Davion Loyalist uprising on Thorin. But Blucher never planned on facing the fearless Archer Christifori, local militia leader and decorated MechWarrior in the Clan Wars. As tensions rise between Blucher's Lyran Alliance and the Davion Loyalist population, Archer is torn between obedience to the Archon or allegiance to his people. But when Blucher's forces go too far, Archer takes up the Loyalist cause and becomes commander of the rebel army. The final confrontation looms and the rebels face long odds -- but it takes more than 'Mechs to win Thorin's freedom. It takes a hero....
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 фев 2011, 10:31

Scenario: Scapegoats
by Scenarios

When combat turns against a weak commander, he or she might turn that blame against someone or something else to save his or her own skin... as happened on Hot Springs.

Interview: J. Heidler
by BattleCorps Exclusive

J. Heidler, one of Catalyst's fact-checkers, Master Unit List team members, and record sheet guru, takes some time to answer questions!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 19 фев 2011, 11:51

Unit Digest: Killian's Commandos
by BattleCorps Exclusive

In his story "A Cover of Paint" Christopher Purnell introduced us to Killian's Commandos. Now see the mercenary company's unit digest!

Ship Profile: Rws Krait
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Matthew Hawk shows us one of the smaller WarShips of the Rim Worlds Republic Navy, from just before the Star League fell!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 фев 2011, 07:07

Stable Report: Ice Giants
by BattleCorps Exclusive

In the Ice Giants Stable, exiled Rasalhagians who favor the dead Republic over the new Dominion fight for a chance to prove their rightness. Stable Report by Craig Reed Jr.

Добавлено спустя 11 часов 4 минуты 41 секунду:
Call of Duty
by Blaine Lee Pardoe

POWER PLAY The planet of Odessa is caught between two adversaries whose personal antagonism may cost them much more than their lives. On one side is Count Nicholas Fisk, ruler of Odessa and a staunch supporter of Katrina Steiner, the ruler of the Lyran Alliance. In an effort to help stamp out the rebellion against Katrina's rule that has sprouted up across dozens of Alliance worlds, Count Fisk hopes to lure one of the more successful rebels to ultimate destruction. On the other side of the conflict are Leftenant General Archer Christifori and his Archer's Avengers, who support Prince Victor and his bid to oust Katrina. Though he knows that Odessa is a trap, the possibility of winning over the famed mercenary unit Snord's Irregulars to the cause is too tempting to pass up. But where peace is expected, battle ensues. And the black and white of friend and foe quickly turns to shades of gray while treachery abounds.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 мар 2011, 09:37

Unit Digest: 22nd Coventry Medical
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Darrell Myers builds us a frontline support medical regiment based on Coventry in 3064!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 апр 2011, 12:16

Ship Profile: Rws Tadeo Amaris
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Craig Reed shows us the elite crew of a Rim Worlds commerce raider just before the fall of the Star League
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 июн 2011, 07:57

Unit Digest: 1065th Millerton Armored
by BattleCorps Exclusive 02 June 2011

Exclusive: Dragonfire
by BattleCorps Exclusive 18 May 2011

The Spider Dances
by Jason Schmetzer 18 May 2011

A Dish Served Cold
by Chris Hartford 17 May 2011

Fall Down Seven Times, Get up Eight
by Randall N. Bills 16 May 2011

Nothing Ventured
by Christoffer M. Trossen 15 May 2011

Prometheus Unbound
by Herbert A. Beas II 14 May 2011

by Ilsa J. Bick 13 May 2011

Unit Digest: Wasat Avengers
by BattleCorps Exclusive 09 May 2011

Unit Digest: Langston's Lancers
by BattleCorps Exclusive 02 May 2011

Initiation to War
by Robert Charette 28 April 2011

Grand Theft Agro
by Alex Fauth 26 April 2011

Stable Report: Silhouette Stables
by BattleCorps Exclusive 18 April 2011
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 03 июл 2011, 05:07

Unit Digest: Knights Defensor
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Craig Reed illustrates for us a new order of a militant knights founded by the New Avalon Catholic Church after the Jihad.
02 July 2011
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 04 июл 2011, 09:06

A Veiled Betrayal
by Christopher Purnell

The Star League's war against the Periphery touched hundreds of worlds--but the Star League's were not the only interested hands. Sometimes the League's invasion merely provided the opportunity.
03 July 2011

Unit Digest: 210th Combine Punishment Battalion
by BattleCorps Exclusive

In our latest unit digest, Craig Reed introduces us to a DCMS penal battalion.
04 July 2011
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 июл 2011, 08:04

Unit Digest: Pike's Pikemen
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Craig Reed offers us a Periphery-based garrison/cadre mercenary unit built around one extended family.
05 July 2011
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 июл 2011, 09:16

Scenario: Dragon's Fire
by Scenarios

When a prominent mercenary leader is killed, the pirates think they'll have an easy time of it--except that the new CO is worse. Readers who remember Langston's Lancers will recognize this one...

Scenario: Killing Dragons
by Scenarios

Some of the Dragons from yesterday's scenario escaped--but Colonel Langston and his Lancers aren't about to let them get away.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 июл 2011, 09:36

Unit Digest: Jalastar Defense Force
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Darrell Myers provides us with the 3074 TOE of the Jalastar Factory Defense Force in the Federated Suns.

Scenario: Vendetta
by Scenarios

Darrell Myers provides a scenario to complement his unit digest for the Jalestar Defense Force; play it now, to see how the JDF fares against Taurian raiders.
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