BattleChat Log: 26 June 2011

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BattleChat Log: 26 June 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 июн 2011, 18:57

(reposted from CBT forums)

<Habeas2>: As always, this chat isn't being logged officially, and I retain the right to boot people out if they get unruly, so keep questions respectful and brief, and we'll all get through this.
<Habeas2>: Cake--and grief counselling--will be made available at the end of the test cycle.
<Habeas2>: Ok, that dispenses with the reading of the rules, as always I am your host and God Emperor of all Things BattleTech. Ask me your questions, people; I'm not afraid!

<Nathan48>: Was Origins exciting and all that?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - I was not at Origins, so I don't really know

<WolfLancer4>: what is air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - 42

<DarkISI>: Will we see more TRO Prototypes previews before its release?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Em, maybe....

<WolfLancer4>: will TRO prototypes only consist of units with advanced or experimental tech on them?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Nope

<Trboturtle>: miss much?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Nope
<Habeas2>: These people are lightweights; they've asked a whopping three questions

<Trboturtle>: any word about how Origins went?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - I did not attend Origins, and so I have no news I can confer from there

<WolfLancer4>: last year with TRO 3085 IWM had a few minis on hand from it...will we see something like that for Prototypes or is that something you do not know?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - At this time, I am unsure what IWM has on hand ffrom TRO: prototyps, but given how down-to-the-wire the project has come, I doubt we'll see minis in time for GenCon release (presuming that was what you were looking at).
<WolfLancer4>: indeed i was. was just wondering if something like the 3085 lance pack would be available for prototypes
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - At this time, I don't think we'll have a Prototypes Lance Pack, at least not in time for GenCon. It may emerge later this year, however.

<Nathan48>: Will TRO 3058 Record sheets coming out around Gen-Con
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - Hmmm. I'm afraid I have no news on RS 3058 at this time. Sorry.

<xtrahmxwohld>: did BT win any awards this year?
<DarkISI>: xtrahmxwohld - no. But there was one for Shadowrun
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - Nothing, as DarkISI said.

<Trboturtle>: Okay....Is everything that is due for release at Gencon on schedule?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - At this point, we hope to have at least three new print products at GenCon this year
<DarkISI>: Which three?
<Trboturtle>: great!
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - I'd rather not say, so as to avoid jinxing things.

<WolfLancer4>: any news on the Clan XTRO?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - The Clan XTR will be released soon.

<xtrahmxwohld>: are we still carrying them?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - As far as I'm concerned, yes, we are still carrying them.
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - BattleTech is carrying Shadowrun.
<DarkISI>: ah, interesting. People who have no access to any information usually try to tell me it would be the other way around.
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Shadowrunners only *think* they're better than BattleTechers. BattleTechers KNOW they're better than Shadowrunners! MWAHAHAHAH!
<WolfLancer4>: herb that comment gets you a slice of pizza at gencon
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Just a slice?
<WolfLancer4>: well ok a whole pizza
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - That's better!

<Trboturtle>: Can I express advocating viloence against certain pices of electronics?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - If you think it will help.
<trboturtle>: Ahyone have a shotgun I can borrow? I need to inflict damage on some part of this network.....
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - They don't let me play with firearms any more, since "The Incident"....
<trboturtle>: Is that why Randall has that epic beard?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Yes. That's his penance beard.
<trboturtle>: ah

<Trboturtle>: Any idea how Origins went?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Origins was going fine until a sudden zombie attack wiped out everyone leaving me in charge of CGL and BattleTech for the foreseeable future. MWAHAHAHAHA.

<DarkISI>: what was the most interesting part during the development of TRO Prototypes for you?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Designing all of the units so the writers and artists didn't have to.

<JoeChummer>: Hello, all. Did I miss anything?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Nope. Just started. About 30 minutes ago.

<Trboturtle>: So we can see Nuke in Levithans then? Cool!
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - In second edition Leviathans, the WWII years, yes, there will be nukes. Oh yes. There WILL be nukes....

<Hammer>: Any update on IO? <sorry if asked earlier was late to the chat>
<Habeas2>: Hammer - At this time, all I can truly say is that we have resolved a manpower shortage that was slowing production to a crawl, but IO remains behind schedule.

<JoeChummer>: Are there any surprise/advance products that'll be available at GenCon this year?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - If there were, would it be as much of a surprise if we told you?

<DarkISI>: Can we get vampires in Battletech? I want to see Buffy try to stake a 'Mech
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - FOr you? Sure.
<WolfLancer4>: gods no! no vampires!
DarkISI dances around. Yeah!
<trboturtle>: Need a big stake,,,,
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Well, DarkISI asked. You don't want it to seem like we're ignoring the fan base do you? I thought you guys wanted more fan service?
<WolfLancer4>: why do i suddenly see buffy piloting an atlas wielding a huge stake....
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - You see that because you wish it to be so. Be honest.
<trboturtle>: I'm still waiting for a Battletech movie.....
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - I'm not
<Cavalier>: Charles Marik totally looked like Vlad Tepes.
<Habeas2>: Cavalier - He did? Cool!
<JoeChummer>: I was thinking something along the lines of a 'Mech-sized Pequod harpoon gun...
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - We have the Taser
<Cavalier>: Just saying.
<trboturtle>: I mean, they're making a Battleship AND Candyland Movies!!! CANDYLAND!!!
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - DOn't remind me of thos emovies.
<WolfLancer4>: *shudders from the thought of those movies*
<DarkISI>: Boy... have I opened a can of worms there...
<Trboturtle>: and they're remaking Fringht Night and Child's play movies.....

<Trboturtle>: Anyhow....any word on Battletech Novels?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - New more news on BattleTech novels, I'm afraid. We remain committed to doing them, but there are numerous issues we have to sort out first.
<Trboturtle>: With What Loren been liking to, I would think Enovels would be getting a very close look.....
<One-EyedJack>: Do they still print books out of paper? All the bookstores have closed around here, I expect the libraries to go soon.
<Habeas2>: One-EyedJack - yes, they do.

<WolfLancer4>: any chance of a third battlecorps book like first strike?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Absolutely.

<JoeChummer>: Herb, I have older copies of TROs 3058 and 3060. Is there anything in the new CGL-branded versions that are worth an upgrade?
<JoeChummer>: Besides, I'm kinda loath to replace Chaffee cover art
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - The newer TROs for 3058 and 3060s add new variants, mostly, and notable pilots. They may also address the rounding error of the older BT rulesets regarding the use of ferro-fibrous/ferro-aluminum armor. I would thus recommend getting the newer TROs. Nobody says you have to throw out your older ones.
<JoeChummer>: Good to know. Wasn't planning on tossing out anything. Heck, I still have my original TRO3050.

<One-EyedJack>: When is the next TRO planned that will move us past 3085?
<Habeas2>: One-EyedJack - Next year

<xtrahmxwohld>: any chance of the next Brooklyn Stevens story this year?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - I would love to. Bear in mind, I have the outline and details of the final book done--readied a LONG time ago, in fact. Only the piolished final writing has to be done, but I always backburner my BC work when BT products have to flow, so in the event of a time crunch, Stevens always suffers.

<One-EyedJack>: So any movement on more of the premium plastic Mechs?
<Habeas2>: One-EyedJack - Not at this time. Sorry.
<One-EyedJack>: A shame.

<Trboturtle>: Anything for AToW on the horizon?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - We are presently working on a core rule companion for AToW, designed to further expand on the rules for AToW gameplay.
<Trboturtle>: any RPG modules for AToW?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Not at this time. They never particularly sold well, to be honest. There are some thoughts for addressing this, but we have yet to implement them as other projects have taken priority.
<Trboturtle>: A matter of directing resources to thing that will you...

<One-EyedJack>: Is the War of Reaving happening this year?
<Habeas2>: One-EyedJack - We're not entirely sure yet. Developing and printing cycles being what they are, we may have another year before we see WoR (which, beleive me, is something of a disappointment to myself as well).

<DarkISI>: why do I always get hungry as hell when I'm up late at night?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - It's called "grazing", the desire to eat out of sheer boredom. I recognize that I am a dull individual--it's why my wife dumped me, after all--but, come on, man! I'm here for YOU guys! Sheesh!

<JoeChummer>: How many volumes in total are planned for XTRO: Primitives?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - At this time, there are five Primitives XTRs planned

<One-EyedJack>: Is the Clan box set still being worked on or was it scrapped in favor of the 25 th set?
<Habeas2>: One-EyedJack - It is still being worked on.

<JoeChummer>: And are the Primitive construction rules already available somewhere (and I just didn't pay attention), or are they still forthcoming?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - The Primitive COnstruction rules appeared in Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents. There are no plans to change those rules in the future, so they are still valid.

<Trboturtle>: what's the next XTRO due out?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - XTR Clans remains the next one planned for release at this time

<Nathan48>: Willthere be a Field Report and Objectives coming out soon?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - Due to schedule demands, there may be a delay in the next Field Report and Objectives PDFs, but new ones of each series should emerge within the next two months
<Nathan48>: Thanks

<JoeChummer>: Are there plans for any of the Clan OZs in the Objectives series?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes

Habeas2>: Hello, because of the loss of the earlier chat today (due to a personal schedule conflict), I will extend this chat for an additional hour. There is now 60 minutes remaining.
<WolfLancer4>: woohoo!
<WolfLancer4>: does that mean more cake at the end?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - No. Only more greif counselling.
<WolfLancer4>: oh darn
<xtrahmxwohld>: the cake is delicious and moist
<DarkISI>: phew... lucky that I managed to clear my Monday completely. Will have to sleep late in the day
<trboturtle>: BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!!

<DarkISI>: Which XTR will be next after Clans?
<WolfLancer4>: i hope another primitive
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - There is a good possibility that the next XTR after CLans will be ComStar or the Periphery. Periphery, Volume 2 is a distant outside chance too.

<JoeChummer>: Now that Historical: Reunification War has been released in PDF, what is next in line for the Historical series?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - At this time, we are planning to visit the Liberation of Terra for our future Historicals
<JoeChummer>: And ditto for the Era Report series....?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - The next Era Report will look at the Dark Age setting.
<WolfLancer4>: will the DA era report perhaps see the light of day before the end of the year?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - No
<DarkISI>: I was expecting a Jihad Era Report next. Dark Age sounds interesting
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - A Jihad Era Report would be redundant, considering the last few years of products basically tracked the entire era

<DarkISI>: There is discussion about an unseen Locust in Historical: Reunification Wars on the forums (haven't had a chance to look for it myself yet). Was that intentional and does this mean we will see more images of unseens in future products?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Hmmm. That Locust image may have slipped by us. I'll need to review.
<JoeChummer>: Herb, I believe the Locust image in question is on page 17.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - As I said, we will need to review. The image may have to be pulled now.
<JoeChummer>: I was under the impression that the Locust was no longer on the unseen list...?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - In the interests of avoiding legal difficulties for ourselves and the BattleTech license holders at Topps, we have to review each and every instance of the use of Unseen images, I'm afraid.

<trboturtle>: any update on the boxed set?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - A few Box Sets should be on hand for sale at GenCon. An order for more has already been placed and we are merely awaiting delivery. I cannot give release dates at this time.

<DarkISI>: Since it was announced that there will be a primitive Thunderbolt in one of the XTR Primitives, can you tell us in which one?
<Habeas2>: XTR Primitives, VOlume III is currently slated to present us with a Primitive Thunderbolt.

<WolfLancer4>: will your "baby" mech show up in one of those XTROs?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Yes
<WolfLancer4>: will it show up in one of the next two primitive TROs?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Hmmm. I don't remember exactly
<DarkISI>: what the hell is a "baby" Mech? I can only think of a 10t super light with a pacifier where its cockpit should be....
<JoeChummer>: What is this talk of a "baby" 'Mech?
<JoeChummer>: I thought Protos were baby 'Mechs
<WolfLancer4>: its a mech that shows up in Herb's proliferation story on Battlecorps
<Habeas2>: DarkISI/JoeChummer - The "baby" is the nickname given to an as-yet-unidentified Terran Hegemeony BattleMech spotted in the second story of the BattleCorps Proliferations Series ("Prometheus Unbound")
<WolfLancer4>: yes and its had my attention since reading it
<JoeChummer>: Oh, THAT. I didn't realize the actual 'Mech in question was not yet released.
<DarkISI>: there are times when I really regret not having a BC subscription...
<JoeChummer>: Great story, BTW.
<Habeas2>: Thank you
<JoeChummer>: The whole Proliferation Cycle was great, if you ask me.
<Habeas2>: Again, thank you

<trboturtle>: ANything on the horizon you want to mention tonight?
<Habeas2>: Someday soon, the lst vestiges of the old Republic will be swept away, while we place the regional governors in direct authority ver their domains, and fear of this Line Developer will keep the local systems in line.
<DarkISI>: so you are going to play Star Wars - The Old Republic
<trboturtle>: I suddenly have an image of the Death Star wearing beard......
<Habeas2>: I have no such plans. I can barely get in any WoW time and I actually already own the software!
<JoeChummer>: This Line Developer is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Seriously, though, the biggest plans we have at this moment revolve around bringing the Jihad era to its final conclusion before 2012, then presenting the fans with as complete and coherent a look at the Dark Age setting as possible, while also adding support to historical settings. The goal is that, by 2013, the two "present" periods (Jihad and Dark Age) will be complete enough for players of the classic BT game to enjoy. After that, we venture into new territory for the universe.
<WolfLancer4>: and by new territory do you mean another time jump?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - Yes
<xtrahmxwohld>: and then we'll only have one "present"
<WolfLancer4>: will the time jump keep us in the 3100s or will it go into the 3200s?
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - You'll see.
<WolfLancer4>: sounds steinerish
<Habeas2>: WolfLancer4 - And thus, by definition, superior.

<DarkISI>: Do you know anything about the status of MechWarrior 5?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - CGL does not really get consulted on the status of computer and video games based on the property, since we do not have electronic rights. Thus I'm afraid we know about as much about MW5 as you do.
<DarkISI>: That's sad. I had hoped they would talk with you, to make it possible to get an accompanying Battletech product out, when MW 5 is released
<JoeChummer>: Yeah, or at least to pick the collective brain of CGL's writers...
<trboturtle>: we have brains??

<DarkISI>: Can you tell us which unit from TRO Prototypes you like the most? (and, while you are at it, reveal a unit in TRO Prototypes )
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Since I designed all of them, it's hard to pick a favorite. But for some bizarre reason, I kind of like the WIldkatze aerospace fighter
<DarkISI>: bizarre reasons are usually the best reasons

<DarkISI>: Where does the title for TRO Prototypes derive from?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Honestly, because many (but not all) of the featured units hail from the XTR series PDFs published to date, many are essentially new variants of existing machines, with all-new twists. This TRO is also the first of its kind in that it will actually show a new progression in technology and draw on current advanced-level rules for its entire contents.
<Habeas2>: Because it is NOT an Experimental TRO in any sense, and because we really want to leave the state of the Inner Sphere largely open at the in-universe year of its publication, this doesn't reflect 3090 so much as it provides players a glimpse of the developments that will occur throughout the interval between the Jihad and Dark Age settngs

<DarkISI>: Is my English as bad as it feels right now? I'm really tired....
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - It's terrible. It almost looks like something my writers would hand in.
<WolfLancer4>: ouch
<DarkISI>: that explains Jason's Twitter rants ^^
<Trboturtle>: Could be worse -- Jason S could be editing it......
<xtrahmxwohld>: speaking of, is schmeztger going over the edge?
<Trboturtle>: Going?
<xtrahmxwohld>: speaking of, is schmeztger going over the edge?
<Trboturtle>: Going?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - I think he may just need a break from it all.
<DarkISI>: Trboturtle - well, he can always edit the log I will post the moment this chat is finished
<DarkISI>: But, to be a bit more serious. If his Twitter account is any indication, he seemed really stressed recently
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Nope. He was just having fun at his colleagues' expense.

<Habeas2>: And on that note, cue the music.
<Trboturtle>: we have music?
<Habeas2>: Sure. WHy not?
<WolfLancer4>: *cues the death march*
<JoeChummer>: I was thinking something more along the lines of the Steiner version of "Hail to the Chief"

<Habeas2>: Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided Public Relations Activity.
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Re: BattleChat Log: 26 June 2011

Сообщение Stan » 27 июн 2011, 21:57

<One-EyedJack>: Is the War of Reaving happening this year?
<Habeas2>: One-EyedJack - We're not entirely sure yet. Developing and printing cycles being what they are, we may have another year before we see WoR (which, beleive me, is something of a disappointment to myself as well).

Неопределенность с Войной в домашних мирах на этот год... :(

Добавлено спустя 15 минут 53 секунды:
<Trboturtle>: what's the next XTRO due out?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - XTR Clans remains the next one planned for release at this time

Следующий XTRO - Кланы

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 46 секунд:
<Trboturtle>: Anyhow....any word on Battletech Novels?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - New more news on BattleTech novels, I'm afraid. We remain committed to doing them, but there are numerous issues we have to sort out first.

Новостей по выпуску романов нет.
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите.
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Re: BattleChat Log: 26 June 2011

Сообщение RNC_Dron » 27 июн 2011, 22:17

Очень интересно, что будет после нового тайм-скачка.

И, кстати, интересно также, будут ли они делать линии мехам A, B, C, D, E, F для крупных фракций, как раньше. И Фронтлайн/Секондлайн для Кланов, как ранее.
Clan Nova Cat
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Tau Galaxy
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Re: BattleChat Log: 26 June 2011

Сообщение Stan » 27 июн 2011, 22:25

<JoeChummer>: How many volumes in total are planned for XTRO: Primitives?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - At this time, there are five Primitives XTRs planned

5 томов XTRO ПримитивТех!? :shock:
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите.
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Re: BattleChat Log: 26 June 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 июн 2011, 23:22

<DarkISI>: Do you know anything about the status of MechWarrior 5?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - CGL does not really get consulted on the status of computer and video games based on the property, since we do not have electronic rights. Thus I'm afraid we know about as much about MW5 as you do.

Каталисты не знают статус продуктов основанных на электронных правах.
Лукавят однако. Т.к. Биллс первым опубликовал в твиттере ссылки на тизеры из мв5. Политика неразглашения...
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: BattleChat Log: 26 June 2011

Сообщение Kane » 27 июн 2011, 23:55

Сплошное разочарование :cry: ! Гражданской войны кланов не видать, пластиковых минек классного качества тоже! И т.д. и т.п. (
Только интересная ремарка по поводу скачка во времени с возможностью перехода в 3200-тые.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
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