Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 30 май 2011, 15:18

<Habeas2>: Starting with the usual standard messages: Official chat. Be good, and I won't boot you out of the chat. Be courteous to your fellow posters by keeping your queries brief, and I'll do my best to answer all questions. I don't log these chats, so if you want something for posterity, the logging duties are on you. Thank you all for coming.
<Centurion03>: Firstly, Greetings from South Africa
<Habeas2>: This chat is scheduled to run a minimum of one hour, which means we're continuing until .... 1:10 PM Civilized Coast Time (that's Eastern time, as I see it).
<Habeas2>: Centurion03 - Greetings!

<Centurion03>: Thanks, Mr Habeas, if I may jump in with a question. Is there going to be a Field Report: RAF?
<Habeas2>: Centurion03 - No. There is no scheduled Field Report for the RAF, because the Field Report series is actually set in 3079, a few years before the RAF is even formed.
<Centurion03>: Should have figured... Always check dates...

<xtrahmxwohld>: How is work on Int Ops progressing?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - Sadly, rather slowly.

<clemash>: with the work on the historical terra being done will you be talking to the camospecs guys to add rwr paint schemes?
<Habeas2>: Clemash - That is one thing we are considering, yes

<nathan48>: Since Catalyst Game Labs has been releasing Battletech in the first two quaters of this year, according to the retail information, and all the extras the fans of Battletech has been able to receive. Congradulatios and job well done.
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - Thank you

<xtrahmxwohld>: Is the next book on schedule? (gah, drawing a blank on the name)
<Centurion03>: Era Report 3062...
<xtrahmxwohld>: no, the next Jihad book
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - Um, there are a number of products underway. Hard to be sure what you mean.
<Centurion03>: Oooh, you mean Jihad: Final Reckoning
<xtrahmxwohld>: yes! That's it
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - Jihad: Final Reckoning is still in its writing phase as we speak.
<xtrahmxwohld>: sorry, brain fried. too many hours filling sandbags in the sun

<scook958>: Got here late so hope this was not already asked. Can you tell us what the next XTRO is?
<Habeas2>: Scook958 - The next scheduled XTR is Clans

<nathan48>: Will Battletech Objectives be coming out bi-monthly or what is there schedule
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - The original plan was for a monthly release, but unforeseen events may prompt a slightly more extended schedule.

<sarcasmo>: Herb: are you getting the results you thought you would with the "retcon/reselect/reseen" poll?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Somewhat, yes.

<Skumm>: Herb, did you go outof your way to make that particular poll as inflamatory as it seems to be?
<Habeas2>: Skumm - No
<Skumm>: i was always under the impression you could play with what you liked.
<Skumm>: follow up: Where would you ever come acroos that "unit is unseen, what would you loke to do" scenario
<Skumm>: sorry my typing is crap this morning
<Habeas2>: Skumm - The poll was not intended to be inflammatory at all. Any who perceive it as such are misreading the question and/or trying to guess at ulterior motives. The poll simply asks what players would do when unable to select an Unseen miniature for game play.
<Skumm>: ahhh why wopuld they be unable to select one?
<Skumm>: *IF* someone has an unseen available, should it not be available for play?
<Skumm>: sorry for being a devils advocate here, but i have all the unseens, so i would never have this issue, as an example
<Habeas2>: Skumm - The poll's basic inquiry is a hypothetical situation, and one not necessarily grounded in any specific eventuality. It simply presupposes that Unseen miniatures are unavailable.
<Skumm>: fair enough

<Skumm>: along a similar vein.... can you divulge the issue regarding the funding of the old thunderbolt resculpt? is there still licensing issues there?
<Habeas2>: Skumm - Yes
<Skumm>: annoying, but understandable

<Skumm>: How do TPTB feel about the less that favorable opinions expressed about many of the new 3085 designs? many of them are .... less than useful?
<Habeas2>: Skumm - Fact is, sales are still fairly good on the 3085 TRO. And while units can be sub-optimal for play, well, so were many of the 3025ers, and those are still popular.

<sarcasmo>: Did whatever was holding up the 1R primitive Shadowhawk get resolved?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Checking
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - Regarding the Primitive Shadow Hawk, yes, the issues holding up its approvals got resolved.
<sarcasmo>: Excellent! A fine way to get us our unseen fix in a completely legal way.

<sarcasmo>: I only ask as it was stated that a primitive Thunderbolt was soon to be revealed.
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - A primitive Thunderbolt is scheduled for the third volume of the XTR: Primitives series

<nathan48>: Can you tell us what the next Battletech Objectives will be?
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - It should be the Draconis Combine

<scook958>: What phase is Wars of Reaving in?
<Habeas2>: Scook958 - Writing

<Centurion03>: Rather excited about War of Reaving... I have been wondering what happened in the Clan Homeworlds since I started playing Dark Age

<Skumm>: will there be any ret-conning of the post jihad dark ages to make it more fiut in with Classic battletech. Some of that stuff makes little or no sense
<Habeas2>: Skumm - We actually loathe "retcons" as many fans interpret them, though technically, by simply filling in the blanks, we are retconning everything now. Retcon = Retroactive Continuity; by describing the Jihad, Wars of Reaving, and even the Dark Age in CBT-style terms, we are retconning without changing a single detail.

<nathan48>: Will we see any previews for TRO 3090? Like we did last year for TRO 3085 .
<Habeas2>: Nathan48 - Previews for the next TRO should start appearing in the coming weeks

<wolfhound_88>: sorry i'm late. hate working saturdays

<Centurion03>: Herb, it was recently revealed that the 25th Anniversary Box Set was pretty much sold out in 10 days. Can you give us an idea of the numbers involved?
<Habeas2>: Centurion03 - Less the few hundred or so copies retained so that CGL could actually have some available at the major conventions, a full print run (IIRC) of 25th Anniversary Box Sets sold out to various retailers in a ten-day span. A typical print run can be about 5K to 10K copies; not sure how many box sets we printed, though.
<Centurion03>: No wonder I couldn't manage to get one here way down in South Africa... Well Done CGL!

<sarcasmo>: is 3090 going to be "introducing" more Dark Age designs? Also, does my beloved Filtvelt get any love?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - At least one unit in the next print TRO is hailing from Filtvelt. A few designs will be familiar to Dark Age players
<sarcasmo>: Wha! Bestill my beating heart! I was expecting a resounding "No". Well you just made my weekend!

<Chunga>: I'll apologize in advance if this has been asked already, but what is the status of the novel line? They've not been mentioned in many months anymore. Were they cancelled or hung up with the troubles last year?
<Habeas2>: Chunga - While we still have no news to report on the novels front, CGL remains committed to getting BattleTech novels back into print in the future. Unfirtunately, there's a few hurdles we have to get by in order to make it happen.

<skumm>: is there any way ot reserve a box set for say origins? Been intending to get one there anyway
<Habeas2>: Skumm - I am afraid box sets at the cons are strictl first come-first served. Fast sellers tend to get rationed to ensure the company has product to show for the entire con.

<skumm>: are the dark age novels considered canon Herb?
<Habeas2>: Skumm - Yes
<Habeas2>: Some details may not be accurate, due to in-character biases and perceptions, but they are canon

<xtrahmxwohld>: will there be more new novels in ePub format pending getting them in print?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - It is quite possible. We are exploring other fiction avenues, but I can't get into specifics right now

<xtrahmxwohld>: are there any novels actively being worked on in hopes of getting them out?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - As long as the status of novels lies in limbo we really can't, in good conscience, hire novelists to write anything. There are, however, outlines of several books prepared to cover the major story arcs coming up.
<xtrahmxwohld>: cool

<skumm>: have you nuked anything lately?
<Habeas2>: Skumm - Is Texas still around?
<DarkISI>: Habeas2 - sadly, yes
<Habeas2>: Skumm/DarkISI - Then sadly, I have not nuked anything lately.... aside from some leftovers I had for dinner a couple nights ago.

<Centurion03>: Herb, purely out of interest, Does CGL attend any International Conventions?
<Centurion03>: I mean, not in the US
<Habeas2>: Centurion - CGL occasionally attends Essen in Germany. I'm not familiar with any other international cons we show at.
<DarkISI>: do you know if CGL will attend the Spiel in Essen this year?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Currently there are no plans for CGL to attend Spiel, but plans can change at the last minute (per Randall)
<DarkISI>: Then I hope they change. Would give me a reason to finally show up there and take a look at things

<sarcasmo>: How are GenCon preparations coming?
<skumm>: or origins, since its 1st
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - GenCon preps are going pretty good. Naturally, that means we are in "Mad Scramble Mode" now.

<wolfhound_88>: can you tell us roughly the breakdown of mechs to battle amour to vechiles in the new TRO? I.e about1/2 mechs, 1/5 battle armour 1/4 venchiles
<Habeas2>: Wolhound_88 - Hmmm. Standby. Analyzing....
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - Re: Next TRO's proportions - 7% battle armor, 4% ProtoMechs, 31% Mechs, 25% Aerospace, 33% Vehicles
<wolfhound_88>: thanks herb. hmm 4% protos? most intresting

<sarcasmo>: what is your favorite book that has been published in the last year or so?
<Habeas2>: Sarcasmo - A Time of War

<Lance>: Habeas2 - what has been your favorite map created for the setting sofar?
<Habeas2>: Lance - One I cannot reveal yet

<Centurion03>: Herb, how are the designs for a TRO decided upon?
<Habeas2>: Centurion03 - It varies with the TRO. The current one is a selection of units that have been previously glimpsed, referenced, upgraded, or all new. The next is pretty much a roster of all Dark Age units that never got proper stats or which didn't appear until after 3090.
<Habeas2>: Centurion03 - And, starting with the current TRO, the construction of said units is done at the development level.

<wolfhound_88>: have the new ebooks vesions of things like warrior triloghy and blood of keresky been well recvied?
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - Yes, I beleive they have

Next Live BattleChat! - (Saturday, 28 May 2011) at 8 PM (EDT)
Topic set by Habeas2 on Sat May 28 2011 19:08:47 GMT+0200
<Habeas2>: Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-assisted Public Relations activity! See you in less than 7 hours!

<Habeas2>: Welcome to the second BattleChat of the day/month. Glad you all could make it.
<Habeas2>: As ever, the usual rules apply in this chat: Be nice or I kick you. Be courteous to fellow chatters. Try to keep your questions brief, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
<Habeas2>: The chat is scheduled to run a minimum of 1 hour, which means I'll go on until 9:15 PM EDT (Civilized Coast Time) to make up for my delay.
<Habeas2>: This chat's not being logged by me, so if you want a log, it's on you to make it.
<Habeas2>: That all said, welcome again!

<Fletch_CHH>: Long time log reader, 1st time chat participant: Has CGL considered licensing CBT shirts/merchandise and selling through somewhere like Think Geek?
<Habeas2>: Fletch_CHH - Hmmm. I think we have our shirts done through a vandor we work with directly. I'd have to look into that, really.

<MEP>: First off, thanks for doing taking the time to do this on the holiday weekend. Secondly, with the impending shipping of the cities hexpack are there any plans to continue the hexpack product line or release some other kind of map pack product?
<Habeas2>: MEP - Yes, we plan to continue the hex pack series.

<MEP>: any hint as to what could be next? hexpack wise?
<Habeas2>: MEP - Yes. The next hexpack may have mountains.
<MEP>: fantastic. moveable hills would be great

<wolflancer4>: i am a little out of the loop with the xtro releases so when is the next one due out?
<Habeas2>: Wolflancer4 - The next XTR is scheduled for next month. I cannot give an exact day.
<wolflancer4>: if not a certain day then can you say early june or late june?
<Habeas2>: Wolflancer4 - Afraid not. Sorry.
<wolflancer4>: no problem and thanks for your answer. looking forward to the clan one

<Fletch_CHH>: There are a few hints and bits coming out via twitter/blogs/facebook on the War of Reaving. Is this book be written in the same style as the Jihad series?
<Habeas2>: Fletch_CHH - The War of Reaving should have a rather unique style.

<MEP>: I've seen a lot of tweeting about an online MUL database lately. Is this something fans could pay to have access to? or would it be added to classicbattletech.com as part of the site?
<Habeas2>: MEP - The MUL database project is something we've been working on for some time. It is not et ready for public access
<MEP>: right, but when it is ready, what will the model be? Subscription? free?
<MEP>: or not determined yet?
<Habeas2>: MEP - Undetermined at this time.

<DarkISI>: You mentioned some kind of freaky Protomech on Twitter. Something more you can/want to share?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Ah, you know, I may want to keep that secret till I see the final art. The description I gave promises something that might give nightmares, though.

<Fletch_CHH>: Is there a way a new gaming club can get there hands on CBT posters from an official source?
<Habeas2>: Fletch_CHH - My best guess would be the BattleShop, but there may not be any there. I seem to recall that even we at Catalyst have to special order our promotional material
<xtrahmxwohld>: would posters be an item that could be added to the Battleshop?
<xtrahmxwohld>: it'd be nice to see t-shirts in the Battleshop again too
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - If they are not there already (and I'm afraid I really don't know), they could be added, if we can mke them available. So much depends on supply and demand.
<wolflancer4>: shirts would be nice. with more than just davion, kurita, and ghost bear ones like there was a few years ago
<Habeas2>: Wolflancer4, Xtrahmxwohld, Fletch_CHH - Noted.

<ScottSR>: so what did I miss? any massive invasions by the grand tetatae imperium or anything like that?
<wolflancer4>: you missed the tanite brainslugs being nuked and all of them dying
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - That's so last week. Right now, we're anticipating an attack by Jedi
<ScottSR>: as long as they bring experimental streak ELRM's for us to steal and play with...
<wolflancer4>: silly jedi and their attacking everybody
<Habeas2>: Nope, just some silly thing called midichlorines, and these dinky laser swords
<Fletch_CHH>: Jedi! Lucku I still have my towel from last Wednesday
<MEP>: Fletch: Just wipe the force right off of yourself and carry on

<MEP>: I know this would be determined by supply & demand, but based on what you've seen so far from Starter: Fist & Falcon, is there any chance of getting more PDF starterbooks? Maybe a Clan Invasion Era one ?
<Habeas2>: MEP - Hmmmm. Researching.
<Habeas2>: MEP - The outlook is not that good; apparently, even in PDF form, the Starters don't go over so well.
<MEP>: oh well. At least the Chaos Campaigns keep coming.

<ScottSR>: I think you said last month that the next field report and the next XTRO would probably be clans. I'm trying to think, what would qualify as "experimental" for the clans? partial wings, protomech moymer booster, er pulse lasers, streak lrm, artemis V FCS, other stuff?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The experimental tech for the Clans will be any item tagged Experimental in TacOps, in the Clan Tech base
<ScottSR>: <runs away to grab personal copy of Tac Ops> hmmm

<ScottSR>: Also, on the subject of XTRO: clans, its never been relevant before since no one else fields them but are we likely to see protomechs in this XTRO?
<Fletch_CHH>: Scott - freaky protomech mentioned earlier
<ScottSR>: ah, so noted. will read someone's posting of chat transcript later.
<wolflancer4>: course that freaky proto could also go in tro 3090 or wars of reaving so no telling where it will show up....
<Fletch_CHH>: good point
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Yes, there is at least one ProtoMech in XTR: Clans

<Fletch_CHH>: Tanks?
<Habeas2>: Fletch_CHH - Yes

<xtrahmxwohld>: how big will TRO 3090 be?
<Habeas2>: Xtrahmxwohld - The next print TRO is slated to be 208 pages long.

<MEP>: As the universe continues to progress after the dark age and new tech is introduced, how do you plan to consolidate that? Reprints of Tac Ops? New Core tech-related rulebook? Kind of distant future thinking I know, but just wondering.
<Habeas2>: MEP - You will actually see a glimpse of how we plan to tackle that in the next TRO.

<wolflancer4>: can you say if the clan xtro will have IS clan stuff only or a mix of homeworld and IS clans?
<Habeas2>: Wolflancer4 - IS Clan stuff only; the report is from an IS source spying on the Clans, and postdates the shutdown of communication into the Homeworlds.
<wolflancer4>: interesting and very nice at the same time thank you

<J_Schmetzer>: Herb, did you know Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is on TV right this second?
<wolflancer4>: wait im missing indie? curse my not having cable or those dish things that make tv show up
<Habeas2>: J_Schemtzer - I don't watch TV any more. But I like that movie.

<ScottSR>: [VotOA]: "Mr. Habeas. Can you confirm that former clan Jade Falcon Khan Marthe Pryde was indeed assassinated, presumably by the WOB, as opposed to the 'purported claim' of "technical equipment malfunction'"?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - "I'm afraid I cannot confirm or deny events that I did not witness"

<J_Schmetzer>: You will now go buy the PDF of Era Report: 3062. Or else I will sick the flying monkeys on you.
<J_Schmetzer>: And your little dogs, too.
<J_Schmetzer>: I will sick your little dogs on you.
<wolflancer4>: Oh! the pdf is released now?
<MEP>: is era report 3062 pdf available? I checked like an hour ago and it wasn't there yet
<J_Schmetzer>: It's maybe been out three minutes.... muwhaha.
[Editor's note] No, I did not change the order of posts here
<wolflancer4>: pdf bought and downloading

<ScottSR>: [VotOA]:"Sir, there are "unsubstantiated reports" of what apparently is a "cover art for the WOR" that appears to show units of clan wolf defending what appears to be the kerensky blood chapel. Can you comment or elaborate for us on this matter?"
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - All communications with the Homeworlds has been cut off. I wouldn't put any stock in rumors alleging to come from that sector at this time.
<DarkISI>: ScottSR/Habeas2 - do you mean the ER: 3062 cover or did I miss another cover art?
<ScottSR>: WoR cover art darkISI
<ScottSR>: available on facebook as well
<ScottSR>: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =1&theater
<DarkISI>: Holy cow. Drooling again - and I thought there was no drool left over after the ER: 3062 cover art

<Trboturtle>: Herb, what's the hardest thing about riding herd on all the freelancers?
<Trboturtle>: Is it like herding cats?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - It's worse than cats. Cats can get along!

<ScottSR>: [VotOA]: "One more question [as the VotOA anyways] for you. There are also 'unsubstantiated reports' of a so-called "clan stone raptor", or some such nonsense. Was someone just watching entirely too much jurassic park lately?"
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Almost certainly.

<ScottSR>: I apologize if this question has already been asked, are we likely to see any homeworld clan units, or references thereto, in the upcoming TRO3090?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - There are no direct references to any of the Homeworld Clans in the next print TRO

<Fletch_CHH>: WoR is still slated for middle of next year?
<Habeas2>: Fletch_CHH - I'm afraid I cannot offer an estimate at this time. Sorry.

<ScottSR>: are there plans to include the clans in the news "objectives" pdf series?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Yes

<ScottSR>: I've decided that pretending to be a news reporter is relatively ineffective at getting helpful answers, so: WOB killed marthe pryde right?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Do you really expect me to answer that when the war's still not over?
<ScottSR>: I thought it was "old news" but if its not then I'll wait

<Fletch_CHH>: Did the WoB ever shower?
<wolflancer4>: considering the WOB has been at gencon the past few years i doubt they did
<Habeas2>: Fletch_CHH - Oh, yes, daily.

<ScottSR>: will periphery and IS clans be the final 2 installment in the field report series?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Yes

<Fletch_CHH>: any reason there are no previews for Era Report: 3062 given it's size and costs?
<Habeas2>: Fletch_CHH - No particular reason, really.

<ScottSR>: Are we looking at any new releases in the JTP or DATP series in, say, the next month or two?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Of course!

<ScottSR>: this might have already gotten fielded, but someone on the forum wanted to ask "Can someone ask if there are plans on unabridged record sheets for TRO 3050 and TRO 3067? " Any word there?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Yes

<J_Schmetzer>: Can I tear the head off a teddy bear?
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - I'm surprised you haven't already
<wolflancer4>: *tosses jason a ghost bear* there ya go
<J_Schmetzer>: No, I mean a new one.
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Sure. Why not?
<DarkISI>: J_Schmetzer - try biting it off, just for a change

<ScottSR>: Care to say anything about the cover art for WoR and what it depicts? Also, are there any "in canon" references to "stone raptors" in the clan homeworlds, ie is that a creature we've heard of there before?
<Trboturtle>: Raptors on drugs....
<wolflancer4>: a certain company was feeding raptors cows with some drugs in them on some island in the pacific
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - It depicts an action that occurs in the War of Reaving, on Strana Mechty (I think). As far as I know, the stone raptor may be a local Clan animal, but I am not sure. Would need to research that.

<ScottSR>: If you were a mad cat, what omni configuration [A, B, C, etc] , or what numerical version [Mk2, 3, 4] would you be?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Me? I'd be a Mk. II

<ScottSR>: any word on updated timeframe for the release of hexpacks: cities and roads?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - SOmetime this year

<Trboturtle>: Will Origins being moved up a month starting next yer affect any product?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - It will likely affect our schedule of products, yes

<ScottSR>: You said before that the aim is to have TRO3090, and maybe another sourcebook, ready for gencon [thats the one in august right?]. Is that still looking feasible? Any words on hopeful timing for release of the final two JHS series sourcebooks, ir still hoping for this calendar year?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - We sure hope to have at least two new books for GenCon, yes

<ScottSR>: For the GenCon WoR scenarios, will details of those be announced beforehand, or only at the time of the event?
<wolflancer4>: *perks up at scotts question*
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - There should be some advance word.

<ScottSR>: Are the Eridani Light Horse likely to have any major "facetime" soon in upcoming products for the current timeline?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - No

<ScottSR>: Speaking of current story timeline, are we in 3078/3081/3085/3086/3090 at the moment/soon?
<Habeas2>: We're (mostly) in 3079 now
<Habeas2>: But as we've also had a TR3085 and a TR set in 3090 soon, it gets ambiguous.

<ScottSR>: Will the clan units in TRO3085 have equal or more developed tech than what shows up in XTRO clans, given the 3078/3085 time difference?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Since both products have yet to be published, I guess we'll need to wait and see
<ScottSR>: TRO3085 came out LAST summer!

<ScottSR>: Are XTRO clans and FR:clans both looking likely for June? or perhaps early July?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - XTR Clans is possible for June. Not sure on FR: Clans

<Trboturtle>: Anything on the RPG front?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - We are working on an expansion for the RPG as we speak.

<ScottSR>: Is the second draconis combine-Ghsot bear war starting in 3090, or after? I think its that decade, just not sure what year
<ScottSR>: ie, will it get any coverage in TRO:3090?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - No word on that
<roosterboy>: ScottSR - The 2nd Combine/CGB War begins in 3098

<ScottSR>: Do we generally ask good questions, or are there things you wish we'd focus on more or focus on less? I know lots of my questions are about upcoming products...
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - To be honest, I am better equipped to answer questions that don't invole "when will [unpublished product] come out?" I try to be helpful, but there's only so much my NDA allows me to reveal.

<Habeas2>: Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer aided Public Relations Activity!

Добавлено спустя 19 минут 54 секунды:
Небезынтересные новости:

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Филтвельт скоро получит свою машинку )

С романами все также глухо. Они работают над этим.

Херб: Фрилансеры хуже котов, коты все же могут под тебя подстроиться. /can get along/

<ScottSR>: Are the Eridani Light Horse likely to have any major "facetime" soon in upcoming products for the current timeline?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - No
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Re: Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 30 май 2011, 15:49

<Centurion03>: Thanks, Mr Habeas, if I may jump in with a question. Is there going to be a Field Report: RAF?
<Habeas2>: Centurion03 - No. There is no scheduled Field Report for the RAF, because the Field Report series is actually set in 3079, a few years before the RAF is even formed.

Зато можно было бы сделать филд Репорт: Ком-Гвардия и филд репорт: Милиция "Слова Блейка". Никто не хочет подкинуть идейку? ;-)
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Rabid Coyote
Лучший Фанфикописатель 2007, 2008
Сообщения: 2309
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2007, 11:28
Откуда: Near Periphery
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Re: Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 30 май 2011, 15:51

Хорошо бы.... :idea:
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Администрация btbooks.ru
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Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2007, 04:28
Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Re: Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

Сообщение KolbunD » 30 май 2011, 16:07

Мысля "грязна" и интересна.
"Межзвездные операции" все еще задерживаются

вот это я не понял. Про что именно идет речь, про кантору транснациональную? Но она же вроде как "Межзвездные экспедиции" называлась
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Лучший Фанфикописатель 2009, 2011
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Re: Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

Сообщение Andos » 30 май 2011, 16:42

KolbunD писал(а):
"Межзвездные операции" все еще задерживаются

вот это я не понял. Про что именно идет речь, про кантору транснациональную? Но она же вроде как "Межзвездные экспедиции" называлась

Это последняя книга в линейке правил TW-style про планетарные операции в масштабе звёздной системы.
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Re: Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

Сообщение Typhoon » 31 май 2011, 15:14

Rabid Coyote писал(а):Зато можно было бы сделать филд Репорт: Ком-Гвардия и филд репорт: Милиция "Слова Блейка". Никто не хочет подкинуть идейку? ;-)

"А разве еще что-то осталось? " (С) Кролик.
От тех или от других. :twisted:

Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 50 секунд:
Andos писал(а):Это последняя книга в линейке правил TW-style про планетарные операции в масштабе звёздной системы.

Это как раз "Strategic Operations".
Interstellar еще на уровень выше. Что-то типа Inner Sphere in Flames по масштабу.
You think you have defeated us? You think you have defeated the Master’s Chosen? We are Domini! We are ethereal! We are eternal! Blake eleison! We will fight you until the heavens burn, and the skies fall…
Сообщения: 1851
Зарегистрирован: 10 ноя 2008, 15:31
Откуда: Киев, Украина
Благодарил (а): 231 раз.
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Re: Свежий бэтлчат от 28 мая

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 31 май 2011, 15:18


По состоянию на 3079 год кое- что должно было остаться. ;-) И у тех, и у других.
Аватара пользователя
Rabid Coyote
Лучший Фанфикописатель 2007, 2008
Сообщения: 2309
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2007, 11:28
Откуда: Near Periphery
Благодарил (а): 268 раз.
Поблагодарили: 306 раз.
Награды: 1
Отличный переводчик/писатель (1)

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