BNC-9S Banshee

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

BNC-9S Banshee

Сообщение DeJaVu » 22 ноя 2008, 09:29

Type/Model: BNC-9S Banshee
Mass: 95 tons
Chassis: Star League XT Standard
Power Plant: 285 Pitban Light Fusion
Walking Speed: 32 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Starshield Standard with CASE
Armament: 1 Defiance 753 Heavy PPC
3 Defiance E3M Extended Range Medium Lasers
1 Defiance B3M Medium Laser
1 Defiance 250 Light PPC
1 Poland Main Model A Gauss Cannon
1 TharHes Maxi SRM-6 Rack
Manufacturer: Defiance Manufacturing Annex
Primary Factory: Kwangjong-ni
Communications System: Angst Clear Channel 3
Targeting & Tracking System: Angst Enhanced Clear View 4B
The Banshee’s fortune has waxed and waned multiple times in its history. After the monstrous success that the 7S model achieved over the 6S, Defiance was again looking to upgrade one of their flagship designs but didn’t want to shut the line down multiple times searching for the ideal design. Using a refurbished plant on a former Rim World’s Republic planet, Defiance constructed a handful of a pair of models for testing. The exploits of the ax-wielding 8S are well known, but not exactly as executives had planned. Soon after the line was revamped, the Word of Blake took Hesperus II and started using the output for themselves.
Defiance, desperate to keep cash flowing in continued to produce this model as fast as they could on Kwangjong-ni. However, they still had the line for the 9S as well and began producing that as well. Most of the 9S versions were shipped to Adam Steiner’s coalition and the Word of Blake got a harsh surprise from the Banshee on Donegal. As Blakist forces engaged the Lyrans, they learned the truth of this new massive assault ‘Mech. While its speed matches that of the old 3S, it uses a light version of the reliable Pitban 285. Mounting 18 tons of standard armor and CASE offsets this slow speed and the use of an XL gyro to free up more mass for weaponry.
At long range, this Banshee offers up a deadly pairing of a heavy PPC and a Gauss rifle with a light PPC added almost to insult the enemy. Units that close will soon find a trio of extended range mediums that can be added to that barrage, finally with a standard medium laser and a six tube SRM rack at close ranges. Fourteen double heatsinks let the unit cycle through most of its weapons without heat issue as long as the pilot uses some bracketing of weapons. While this would be a dangerous enough machine with all that firepower and armor, the Lyrans surprised the Robes with more accurate fire than expected.
While some was no doubt due to General Steiner’s training, the Banshee pilots were also assisted by a massive eight ton targeting computer tied into all the weapons except for the missile system. Upon closing with the enemy, the Banshee targeted the most damaged parts of the Blakist units. While many weapons missed, enough hit to exploit earlier fire and drop their enemies faster than expected. With the success on Donegal, Defiance will likely keep producing the 9S version in limited quantities.

З.Ы. Господа прошу вас быть терпимее друг к другу.
1. В приватной беседе с Леонидом мы все же пришли к консенсусу, поэтому весь флуд отправляется в могильник(флудометры не станут меньше;)). Тем не менее, рекомендую воздержаться совсем уж от явого флуда. Преценденты были, я уже удалял некоторые посты участников.
2. Картинкам быть.
3. Все пожелания и недовольства ТОЛЬКО в Конструктивном форуме, либо в приват одному из админов. DeJaVu
Последний раз редактировалось DeJaVu 24 ноя 2008, 20:48, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Сообщение Siberian-troll » 24 ноя 2008, 20:46


Бэньши 5S Из 50U

И на этом вроде все из канонических официальных картинок.
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Сообщение Denny_UA » 24 ноя 2008, 20:52

Огромное спасибо! :friends: Ну разве так не проще?
Мне полегчало.
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Сообщение Andos » 24 ноя 2008, 21:36

Роджер. Есть два наряда вне очереди.
Повторите пожалуйста ту замечательную фоту миньки.
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 24 ноя 2008, 21:46

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