Hero’s Homecoming Delayed by Violence

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Hero’s Homecoming Delayed by Violence

Сообщение DeJaVu » 22 ноя 2008, 09:29

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Hero’s Homecoming Delayed by Violence2008-10-04 08:31:42 ://: encrypted transmission from Solaris Broadcasting Co.
Hero’s Homecoming Delayed by Violence
[29 December 3070; ISAP] The celebrations for local hero Clarissa Donahue, of the Avalon Hussars, was disrupted today by a small group of malcontents who charged the dais where Baron Kentmore was waiting to receive the leftenant at the end of her triumphal parade through downtown Abercrombie.
Four men, dressed in civilian-style personal body armor and carrying Federated Long Rifles, charged from the mall behind the dais and engaged the Baron’s personal guards with rifle fire. Three of the guards were killed outright before their comrades could return fire and kill the attackers. All four of the malcontents were killed in the exchange, although four additional members of the Baron’s personal guards were injured in the exchange. Baron Kentmore himself was not injured in the attack, and Leftenant Donahue was safe inside her Fireball BattleMech. In fact, the leftenant left the parade to place her ’Mech between the Baron and the mall entrance in case more attackers appeared.
Our readers will remember Leftenant Donahue from her heroic actions against the Capellan invaders during the deadly battles in the Capellan March. The leftenant is credited with single-handedly destroying four Capellan tanks and a light BattleMech while leading a mission to divert a Capellan lance while the rest of her lance—all damaged—made their escape.


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