The Season at Rankar’s Deep—Week Three

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

The Season at Rankar’s Deep—Week Three

Сообщение DeJaVu » 19 апр 2011, 07:46

Welcome to this week’s Rankar’s Deep Report. We look at the Kroner Kings’ matches this week.

Lee Lumley, competing in Class Four, has had a miserable 0-2 start. He tried to get back on track against Rick Dekker of Regulus’ Wrath Stable, but the match was a no-hitter. Lumley had a hard time hitting Dekker’s Rifleman, while Dekker was more concerned about keeping out of a Crusader’s missile swarm then damaging Lumley. When time expired, Lumley gained his first point of the season.
Soren Murphy, 1-1 in his first weeks also found himself facing a Regulus’ Wrath’s MechWarrior, Tyrone Dyhr. Each needed a win to get into Class Three contention. While Murphy’s -3U Clint’s ER PPC had more punch than the Phoenix Hawk’s large laser, Dyhr used his ’Mech’s advantage in armor to pull Murphy into a running battle that ranged all over the Deep. After fifteen minutes, Dyhr’s large laser burned through the armor and melted the Clint’s left hip joint. Unable to continue, Murphy conceded the match and the points to Dyhr.
Going 2-0 the first weeks put Jean Cuvier into Class Two contention. The Black Eagles’ Acca Haig was his opponent this week, and Cuvier used his Spider’s speed and agility to frustrate Haig and her Panther. A wrong guess about Cuvier’s path of flight cost Haig a foot actuator. Gamely, Haig tried to hang on for the draw, but after losing a knee actuator, she conceded the match.
Meg Shaw won her first match of the year against Anne Foster, using the short-range firepower of her -3K Charger to hammer Foster’s Cudgel into submission before the Wrath ’Mech could close.
Stay tuned for next week’s Rankar’s Deep Report!
This broadcast of the 3086 Rankar's Deep Report brought to you by Branson Breweries of Xolara. All fights are sanctioned by the Solaris Gaming Commission and the Lyran Alliance Gaming Board.
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