Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 фев 2011, 01:18

Часть первая
<Habeas2>: Hello, and once again, welcome to the Catalyst Game Labs official BattleTech Live IRC BattleChat. As ever, I am your only host, BattleTech Line Developer, Herbert A. Beas.
<Habeas2>: This chat is scheduled to run for one hour, during which I will be attempting to answer all of your questions, but I ask that you keep questions brief and to the point, so as to be courteous to your fellow guests in this chat.
<Habeas2>: As ever, I am not officially logging this chat, so logging is up to you.
<Habeas2>: As ever, the BattleTech Line Developer (me) reserves the right to refuse answers or even eject from the chatroom anyone who's questions are deemed inappropriate or abusive.

<Al098>: Since February was a slow month, we will be expecting a lot from battletech in March?
<Habeas2>: AI098 - There are a number of products slated for release in March, at least three of which are PDF-exclusive.
<Al098>: Great, my birthday in that month I will be happy.

<the_Drufause>: ELH were abandoned, absorbed or destroyed during the Jihad. Will we get a product or information that gives us the story of how they came to the dark age as mercenary again? I may be the only one interested in this.
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - There is no such product expected at this time that will focus on the Eridani Light Horse

<J_Schmetzer>: Is it true that the Tetatae were really just dwark Blakists in cybernetic Howard the Duck outfits?
<J_Schmetzer>: er, dwarf.
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Of course not.... They were mutant Genecaste sibbies

<Wolf_Lancer_4>: how is work proceeding on the jihad book after JHS: Terra?
<Habeas2>: Wolf_Lancer_4 - Frankly, it's a little behind schedule

<the_Drufause>: With A time of War you released a special beta product. Was this method popular enough; useful enough to offer it with the release of Interstellar Operations?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - Anything’s possible, but as of yet we have not decided whether IO will be given a Beta release.
<Wolf_Lancer_4>: how is IO progress coming along?
<Habeas2>: Standby
<Habeas2>: Wolf_Lancer_4 - Progress on Interstellar Operations is proceeding about as quickly as one might expect for a core book

<Al098>: When we get the book about what happen in the Clan homeworlds (War of the Reaving), will there be new Mechs, Protomechs, and new battle armor?
<Habeas2>: AI098 - Possibly.
<GhostBHR>: AI098- actually, it's "maybe," "maybe," and "definitely no."

<the_Drufause>: can i as a slightly silly question
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - Yes you may ask a silly question
<the_Drufause>: Can we get a directive to kidnap B.L. Pardoe and force him under duress to write a new novel for us?

<Trboturtle>: How far ahead are the story arcs plan?
<Wolf_Lancer_4>: seeing as how the Hellion invasion was detailed in Blake Documents will we perhaps get a PDF only product or overview of the Horse invasion of the Wolf OZ in another product?
<GhostBHR>: WL4 - not really, no
<Wolf_Lancer_4>: drats
<GhostBHR>: TT - can't speak for Herb, but it's pretty far ahead. He's devious that way.
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - AT present, the story line is planned out well into the 33rd century
<Wolf_Lancer_4>: its detailed 1,000 years in advance where pigs have wings and cats rule the universe and humans are their slaves
<Habeas2>: Wolf_Lancer_4 - I'm sorry, but my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.

<the_Drufause>: Will there be a Field Report Comstar? Will these only be for major factions or could we get one for smaller such as Raven Alliance?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - No. There is no Field Report scheduled for ComStar
<Wolf_Lancer_4>: what about a FR for the IS Clans?
<Habeas2>: Wolf_Lancer_4 – Yes
<Wolf_Lancer_4>: woo hoo for a FR on the IS Clans
<wackrabbit>:Also, is there a plan for a FM: RoTS on the table?
<Habeas2>: Wackrabbit - There is no plan for a RotS Field Manual
<Stormcrow>: Will there be an FR for the individual Major Periphery factions or will it be in one FR (rather than four)?
<Habeas2>: Stormcrow - There will be a Field Report for the major Periphery powers, yes
<Sagittaire>: Who's up next for FR?
<Habeas2>: Sagittaire - By my schedule... FWLM

<wackrabbit>: In about what time increments is the time frame moving forward according to DA Mean Time, by which I mean the last two TRO were ten years apart in game.
<Habeas2>: Wackrabbit - At present, we are advancing the story at roughly two year intervals. This will change as time goes forward.

<Trboturtle>: Has whatever the era after Dark Age been named yet?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Yes. Internally
<the_Drufause>: Have you obtained the product rights to 'dead suns' yet so you can use it for the era after Dark Ages when the Federated Suns are all by wiped out?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - No

<Stormcrow>: Will the Dark Ages be followed by the TOG?
<J_Schmetzer>: No one mention the Tetatae Grand Imperium. That's still a secret.
<Habeas2>: Stormcrow - Please refrain from acronyms. I am unfamiliar with the term "TOG" in this context.
<ColBosch>: TOG - Terran Overlord Government, from FASA's Renegade Legion.
<Trboturtle>: Herb -- Renegade Legion's big bad Roman Interstellar Government....
<the_Drufause>: Have you obtained the product writes to 'dead suns' yet so you can use it for the era after Dark Ages when the Federated Suns are all by wiped out?
<Habeas2>: Stormcrow - In that case, absolutely not.

<Wolf_Lancer_4>: whats the XTRO up for release after Steiner?
<Habeas2>: Wolf_Lancer_4 - Retro-tech

<the_Drufause>: I know that technology advanced and heavier equipment are very popular but moving away from the Jihad will there be a return of smaller more cost effective designs.
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - I am uncertain exactly what you refer to regarding "smaller, more cost effective"?
<the_Drufause>: Mechs that are under 50 tons and most Mech's costing less that 6 million
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - That is open to debate.
<J_Schmetzer>: Which hasn't been the standard since 3028? Doubtful.

<Trboturtle>: What is the biggest challenge for Battletech in the Real World future?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - That customers will lose interest and stop buying our product. This is especially likely as it appears our fan base is growing older, not younger.
<Habeas2>: This, of course, is a problem the entire industry faces.
<mib_p8ehis>: Welcome to the Digital Age, where people video games because it involves less work

<Sagittaire>: Will we see more Historical beyond RW?
<Habeas2>: Sagittaire – Yes

<the_Drufause>: Speaking of which. Have you heard when we can expect more information on Mechwarrior 5?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - The development of more MechWarrior computer games is beyond our control or awareness at this time. We will likely know at the same time you do.

<Trboturtle>: Will we see more of the Battle Force-based stuff?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - More in terms of what?
<Trboturtle>: More scenarios, more products geared to that level of play.....
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Anything is possible on that front.

<the_Drufause>: With the return of the LAM. Are there plans to have new production with never before seen designs coming?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - Yes

<the_Drufause>: The Jihad introduced a lot of experimental technology to battletech. Will we be seeing much of it become tournament legal in the near future?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - Yes
<Wolf_Lancer_4>: oh that’s interesting to know

<ColBosch>: Where would you like to see BattleTech in another, say, five years?
<Habeas2>: ColBosch - Thriving in an all new setting that's at once familiar and simpler to play

<Wolf_Lancer_4>: any news about the Clan Box Set? will we perhaps see its release this year?
<Habeas2>: Wolf_Lancer_4 - Not this year

<Trboturtle>: Will there be a product that does what the Blake Documents did -- lay out the story of the Jihad like a historical, or is that too big a task?
<GhostBHR>: TT - I don't think we have anything like that on tap.
<Trboturtle>: okay!
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle – No

<ColBosch>: Are you totally sick of the Jihad yet?
<the_Drufause>: Love the Jihad
<GhostBHR>: ColBosch - no. I still have stories to tell, and hopefully I can drag them out of my head.
<Habeas2>: ColBosch - No

Часть вторая
<Lenny_from_Memento>: Hi Herb. I'm glad to be here, but I should warn you I have this condition. I might ask you the same question occasionally...
<Habeas2>: Ahem
<J_Schmetzer>: Everyone relax, I'm here.
<Habeas2>: Hello, and--once again--welcome to the Catalyst Game Labs official Live BattleTech BattleChat....
<Frabby>: ...yay! I made it it time!
<Habeas2>: As always, I am your sole host, BattleTech Line Developer Herbert Beas. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Way and the Light, the Beginning of All Things and the End of ... Well, Something.
<Habeas2>: I am the God of Nukes, Fire, Death, and Justice. (And therefore I am not a Davion.)
<J_Schmetzer>: Can I be Geoff, the god of biscuits?
<Habeas2>: As is always the case with these chats, I will not be logging the proceedings, and I reserve the right to kick anyone out of the channel who does not show courtesy toward his fellow chatters (including the BattleTech Line Developer)
<Habeas2>: J_ Schmetzer - No you may NOT!
<Habeas2>: In keeping with standard protocols, keep questions short and to the point. Or you will be baked and then there will be cake.

<Lenny_from_Memento>: So what can you tell us about Historical Reunification War?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - Writing for Historical: Reunification War is nearly finished and the rules are in final play-test as we speak.
<Lenny_from_Memento>: Did i ask you about Historical Reunification War yet? You see, I have this condition...
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - Yes, you did.
<Lenny_from_Memento>: Looking back in the log, I can see I've already asked you about Historical Reunification War. Can you tell us which Historical is planned after that one?
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Hmmmmm
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - I believe that would be Liberation of Terra, Part 1

<Frabby>: Probably touching upon a sore point here, but I was somewhat surprised to see that the 25th Anniversary Box Set edition isn't actually the 25th Anniversary edition anymore. Is it going to be the regular edition now?
<Habeas2>: Frabby - I presume it will simply be considered a "Special Edition" Box Set now. After all, BattleTech is now 26 years old...
<Frabby>: Since you're presuming, I take it it wasn't (or isn't) your decision then?
<Habeas2>: Frabby - Nope. It was a corporate decision.

<CranstonSnord>: Herb, did you watch "I, Robot" recently?
<Habeas2>: CranstonSnord - Not lately, no.

<ScottSR>: Can you tell us what the next clan-related product will be?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - This year.

<Lenny_from_Memento>: How is the MUL coming along> Close to release yet?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento – Yes
<The_Drufause>: yay
<Frabby>: Does the release of the MUL hinge on the release of products-yet-to-come?
<Habeas2>: Frabby – Yes

<ScottSR>: Other than ER:3062, and TRO3058 reprint+record sheet book thingy, can you tell is what other products are in development for Q2 of this year?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - It remains against Catalyst Game Labs policy to identify products by release dates that are only estimated at any given time. Therefore, references to release quarters are non-applicable in this discussion, and so I cannot answer that question coherently
<ScottSR>: The press release on Feb 4 mentioned that ER3062 and TRO3058 were "additional products are in development for release during the second quarter of 2011", so I wondered what was already announced as in production for that quarter.
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - I do not speculate on what products are slated for what quarter. I maintain a schedule in which products are arranged by the months I would like them to publish in, but--as has been established for a great number of years in this business--final determinations as to what will release in what quarter, is ultimately up to more than my schedules.

<mib_icjk1y>: Will the home clans play a part in the next era (after Dark Age)
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - It is as yet undetermined how the Home Clans will affect the setting post-Dark Age

<Lenny_from_Memento>: Herb, do you have any ideas for new types of products, and if so can you share?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - Yes, and no.

<mib_icjk1y>: Is it possible for future Jade Falcon Mech designs to be more heavy weapons focused? Some of the new Jade Falcon Mechs like the Flamberge and Onager carry light weaponry compared to there more classic cousins like the Night Gyr or Turkina Mechs.
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - Should there be more Jade Falcon designs, their weapon load-outs will be determined by the appropriate designers, based on the unit's mission parameters. As it happens lately, the Falcons have tended to deal with more mixed forces and thus support a wider range of weapon types.

<ScottSR>: RS3085ONN lists a number of underwater versions of Mechs, are there any products currently available in the Jihad time-frame that involve underwater combat scenarios?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Underwater combat remains a relative rarity in BattleTech, but thanks to the expanded rules in Tactical Operations, there has been a new interest in submarine ops, explaining the additional submersible design types.
<ScottSR>: IN addition to rules for fighting underwater, we now have rules of Mech's in space and corresponding record sheets. Are there current or future-planned "in space" scenarios, or is it similar to underwater scenarios, the RS exist and players can come do the rest?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR – Yes
<ScottSR>: back to scenarios in space, was that yes to plans for scenarios in space, or yes to like underwater and players make their own scenarios?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The latter.

<Lenny_from_Memento>: Herb, what can we as fans do to help promote the game if there are no gaming stores in our area? Do you have any suggestions, or a web site with ideas you can direct us to?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - Honestly, that is tricky. The best that can be suggested is to find like-minded players in your area, and see if there is a Catalyst Demo Team Agent nearby. Brick-and-mortar game stores, in general, have a habit of being rare these days, but many can order product by request (as I understand it). Show enough regular interest in CGL product (BattleTech, or even Shadowrun) and there is bound to be an eventual rise

<Trboturtle>: Is there a product you wanted to do, but for some reason or another, couldn't?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle – Yes

<Lenny_from_Memento>: Herb, what upcoming product are you most excited about, besides the Box Set?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - The first one after we wrap up the Dark Age should be fun

<The_Drufause>: Have there been any plans to making a linked campaign style book using the Chaos rules combined with something similar to flashpoint/stiletto?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - Hmmmm. I am not certain how it would differ from what we are already doing in the Hot Spot books?

<mib_icjk1y>: Do you see Battletech becoming popular if mechwarrior 5 or a mechwarrior movie comes out?
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - Those certainly wouldn't hurt.
<mib_icjk1y>: awesome

<ScottSR>: Has it been decided how may more jihad turning point e-books to do? Is solaris7 still the next one on that list?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - There are, as I seem to recall, about two or three Jihad-based Turning Points remaining

<mib_icjk1y>: Do you have any future plans for the Fidelis from the Mechwarrior book Surrender Your Dreams?
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - Eventually.

<Lenny_from_Memento>: How soon in real years do you see putting out products for the Dark Age?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - We foresee the Dark Age time cycle being wrapped up by the year 2013, in real time

<mib_icjk1y>: Are you guys going to add anything new to the art gallery?

<ScottSR>: Are there plans to have playable scenarios relating to whatever is occurring in the clan homeworlds? Say in a source-book, or pdf-only product or whatnot.
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Likely, yes

<Lenny_from_Memento>: What's your dream product for Battletech?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - An alternative universe where the Amaris Empire succeeded in holding onto the Terran Hegemony
<J_Schmetzer>: Oh, so when Victor Davion wakes up and realizes it's all been a dream and his real name is Vittorio Amaris, we'll be set, then!

<mib_icjk1y>: Do you have new radical Mech weapons in development for future Mech's?
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - Yes

<Lenny_from_Memento>: When and where do you do your writing? Do you have a set schedule, or just work it in?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - technically, I am at work from the moment I get up until I go to sleep. As long as I have access to my computers and the internet, I am working. Even if I am away at game night, I am working (I take my laptop along). I even took work with me during my recent trip south for my grandfather's funeral. I believe I am a workaholic like that

<mib_icjk1y>: Do you have new Mech ideas in the works that are dramatically different than your normal Mech?
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - Not too dramatically, or they would break with BT aesthetics

<Lenny_from_Memento>: Do you plan to do another Interstellar Players book?
<Habeas2>: Lenny_from_Memento - That remains to be seen.

<Trboturtle>: Will we ever see that three legged 'Mech., or was that just just a bad burger of a nightmare??
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Es we will

<mib_icjk1y>: How many people do you have working on new Battletech ideas/products?
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - Counting writers, editors, layout, and art alone.... Over 20.
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - Adding in play-testers and fact-checkers pushes that to roughly 100

<mib_icjk1y>: How do you like working at Catalyst?
<Habeas2>: Mib_icjk1y - I love it

<ScottSR>: can you tell us what some of the jihad TP after Solaris-7 might be?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - We have a Jihad-based Hesperus II Turning Point on our schedule

<CranstonSnord>: do you think robots should be allowed to play Jeopardy?
<Habeas2>: CranstonSnord - Yes.
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 28 фев 2011, 05:53

Сдается мне кто-то напоил Херба сывороткой правды. Столько инфы разом он еще не выбалтывал.

3 пдф в марте.
На данный момент о ЭЛК ничего не пишется (вероятно просто потому, что никто не хочет этого сделать, а учитывая, что такие продукты - чисто фэнские творения, желающие могут дерзнуть)
Следующий Джихад Хот Спот несколько отстает от графика. (т.е поздним летом? )
Межзвездные операции висят, как бы ни хотелось Хербу этого не признавать.
Роум все же пишет войны опустошения в домашних мирах кланов. И там будет много протов... походу, домашние кланы забили на элемов? Впрочем, вроде все элемские кланы вроде уже ушли в Сферу, нет?

История БТ прописана вчерне до 3300х... :D
Филдрепорты - Марик, Периферия, Кланы Сферы (он, похоже и будет "клановским продуктом уже в этом году")

Следующий ХТРО - ретротех.

Новые ЛАМ, новые плюшки, эдвансед тех будет легальным для турниров.

Клан бокса в этом году не будет... :facepalm: Юбилейный бокс сет больше не юбилейный, а "отдельный"

Хисторикал войны Воссоединения почти закончен
Следующий хисторикал - Освобождение Терры, часть первая

Пока еще не ясно, какую роль будут играть домашние кланы в пост-ДА. Не решили пока.
Упс. Так что забудьте о них еще лет на 5-10

Поворотные точки Джихада - Солярис 7, Геспер.
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 28 фев 2011, 06:48

Siberian-troll писал(а):История БТ прописана вчерне до 3300х... :D

Команда разработчиков собирается жить вечно? :shock: Или опять будет "Большой скачок лет на 150?

Siberian-troll писал(а): Филдрепорты - Марик, Периферия, Кланы Сферы (он, похоже и будет "клановским продуктом уже в этом году")

А Штайнеровский? Его ж еще не было?
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Rabid Coyote
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 28 фев 2011, 06:51

Rabid Coyote писал(а):
Siberian-troll писал(а):История БТ прописана вчерне до 3300х... :D

Команда разработчиков собирается жить вечно? :shock: Или опять будет "Большой скачок лет на 150?

Siberian-troll писал(а): Филдрепорты - Марик, Периферия, Кланы Сферы (он, похоже и будет "клановским продуктом уже в этом году")

А Штайнеровский? Его ж еще не было?

Упустил значит. Вставь его между Мариками и периферией.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 9945
Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2007, 04:28
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение Diamond » 28 фев 2011, 08:22

Роум все же пишет войны опустошения в домашних мирах кланов. И там будет много протов...

В баттлчате про "много протов" ничего не сказано.
На форумах всякие отдельные замечания про "армии протомехов" мелькали, но, емнип, это всё были фанатские экстраполяции. Авторы про роль пторомехов в War of Reaving и далее не писали ничего.
Так что вполне возможно, что ты принимаешь желаемое за действительное.

походу, домашние кланы забили на элемов? Впрочем, вроде все элемские кланы вроде уже ушли в Сферу, нет?

Нет. В Баттлчате было сказано только то, что новых баттларморов в War of Reaving точно не будет.
Скорее у авторов после Combat Equipment / TRO 3075 / TRO 3085* иссякла фантазия на баттларморы.

История БТ прописана вчерне до 3300х...

33й век - это 3200е =)

эдвансед тех будет легальным для турниров.

Advanced Tech - это артиллерия, главным образом. Про Advanced tech в баттлчате ни слова. Артиллерию вряд ли сделают турнирной технологией.
Experimental Tech - частично перекочует в Tournament Legal. Что уже произошло, например, c Light AC, Heady Duty / XL / Compact gyro, ... . Про тотальную легализацию experinmental tech в баттлчате ничего нет.
Вообще-то я противник всякой войны. Война портит солдат, разрушает шеренгу и пачкает мундиры.
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 28 фев 2011, 08:55

Признаю, ошибся.
Спасибо, что поправил.
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 фев 2011, 08:59

Для всех поклонников мв5
<the_Drufause>: Speaking of which. Have you heard when we can expect more information on Mechwarrior 5?
<Habeas2>: The_Drufause - The development of more MechWarrior computer games is beyond our control or awareness at this time. We will likely know at the same time you do.

Каталисты ничего не знают, либо не хотят говорить. В общем в ближайшее время ожидать ничего не стоит...
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 28 фев 2011, 09:11

А откуда им знать? КГЛ всего лишь арендаторы лицензии, и никакого отношения к другому арендатору другой лицензии от другого держателя другой лицензии иметь и не могут.

Насколько я помню, права на настол и карточник у Топпс, а права на игры по вселенной к Майкрософт. Никаких связей между ними нет.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 9945
Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2007, 04:28
Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
Благодарил (а): 428 раз.
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Re: Бэттлчат 19 февраля 2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 фев 2011, 09:21

В 2009 именно, Биллс если мне не изменяет память, дал ссылку в твитере на тизер. И пиарили они вместе.
Логичным было бы предположить, что знают - но не говорят.
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Администрация btbooks.ru
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Зарегистрирован: 17 июл 2009, 17:41
Благодарил (а): 154 раз.
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