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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Re: Форум classicbattletech dot com взломан.

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 26 янв 2011, 08:39

Форум заработал. Вэлком на регистрацию.
Старых постов нет. Пока нет, или вообще нет, пока не выяснил.
Первые десять постов придется верифицироваться под постом набором букв, потом это пройдет.
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Re: Форум classicbattletech dot com взломан.

Сообщение Leonid » 26 янв 2011, 09:59

Вспомнилось... На бэттлтех ру как-то Общий форум слетел, восстановить не удалось. Тогда бардак с бэкапами боком вышел администрации. У нас с этим в порядке, Петерхост их делает автоматом.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
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Re: Форум classicbattletech dot com взломан.

Сообщение Whitar » 26 янв 2011, 20:03

Ужас что с форумом сделали... Он почти пустой
Волк никогда не успокоится, пока его челюсти не сомкнутся на горле Дракона...

http://vkontakte.ru/club12696552 - Украинская БТ группа вконтакте
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Re: Форум classicbattletech dot com взломан.

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 26 янв 2011, 21:16

Это ненадолго, наполнят. Там уже люди по 60 постов успели за день набить.
Wombat - 74 поста менее чем за день.
Аватара пользователя
Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 9945
Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2007, 04:28
Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
Благодарил (а): 428 раз.
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Re: Форум classicbattletech dot com взломан.

Сообщение Leonid » 26 янв 2011, 21:21

Вот флудерасты )))) Только зря они это сделали... Производить слияние двух баз еще можно, но там же теперь внутренняя нумерация пересекаться будет, куча запросов как итог... А уж слияние двух аккаунтов ручная работа.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 5808
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2007, 12:22
Откуда: берлога под Санкт-Петербургом
Благодарил (а): 567 раз.
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Re: Форум classicbattletech dot com взломан.

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 янв 2011, 23:14

Рендалл в твиттере рассказал о более чем 600 регах за 16 часов
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Форум classicbattletech dot com взломан.

Сообщение Andos » 27 янв 2011, 16:31

Последние заголовки сообщений если кому интересно
Вытащил из RSS

Re: New Catwoman chosen

Quote from: Reaver on Today at 15:23:39
Hathaway strikes me initially as too buxom and curvy for Selina Kyle, but I'll give her the chance.


Too buxom and curvy? Um...how else would you describe Catwom...


Re: Mechs to use in a Grand Melee

From your list I would take the Viper B, and if you are allowed to customize your arsenal I would strip the SPLs for a TC and the Flamer for an ERSL. The BV is a little steep but it should not be too bad, especially if other people start dropping assa...


Re: Battletech Anime

Yeah, Kai came off as Stackpoles' Drizzt. Which made me hate him. Because I hate Drizzt. Chaotic Good and he has qualms about either killing a bunch of evil goblins or freezing to death in a blizzard in the mountains? sounds like a paladin, but wai...


Re: Davion mechs in 3085....

Agreed, relating BT factions to the real world is only asking for trouble as shown when some genius tried to say that the FedSuns aggressiveness, whose lack thereof recently is the only thing I don't like about the faction, with the 'aggressiveness' of...


Re: What if no armor limit?

That has more to do with the Enforcer's design than the rule. Id take a centurion against your turtle Enforcer anyday since I can force PSRs without being point blank, and the LRMs increase the chance of head hits, they also outrange you, and the more...


Re: No posts?

Lol, for some reason any post we do its not showing...


Re: No posts?

The counts seem to be reset, but I see threads. Tongue At least some of them.


Re: No posts?

Is this forum having trouble? I'm having a hard time even getting it to load.


Re: No posts?

It's a ComStar plot!!!


Re: No posts?

There are no threads in the Clan section, or in several other areas

Matrix crash?


Re: The AFFS High Command: The Once and Future Prince

Lots of missing records, if they were ever there. Some people don't seem to care.


Re: No posts?

Maybe we have been hacked?


Re: Another new product: Field Report AFFS

Were did they bury him anyway? Terra, New Avalon, can't have been Tharkad.


Re: No posts?

Quote from: Stormlion1 on Today at 18:37:19
Maybe we have been hacked?
I'm with Stupid


Re: Lion Class Drop Ships

Not even that much. It's just that no one ever bothered setting one up that way.


testing eins, zwei, drei....



Nope. Just tried it.

EDIT: Wait, it does. If I get trouble for it, fine, but I think you're onto something.


Re: No posts?

Quote from: ItsTehPope on Today at 19:35:54
Relax. Backups exist for a reason.
Exactly. I'm sure an evil genius such as Herb has secure backups. They would, obviously, be secured in a location keyed to ope...


Re: No posts?

well, my account was delated.. so had to sign back in with my handle....:-(


Re: iMac or Mac Pro?

Quote from: Peter Smith on Today at 13:31:08

http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2011/ ... repair.ars


Phones and laptops...I'm sensing a trend here.



C3 and C3i unit composition

I was wondering what types of C3/C3i composition players favor and how many.

For one, how many spotters and what kind. Is it best to have a single super evasive type like the OTT-10CS Ostscout or two or more skirmisher types who can dish out a ...


Re: “The Double Deuce” II/II-σ [3053]

OOC: The boards were hosed for a portion of the day, and seem to be coming back now. I know Failure16 has one post ready to roll, and possibly a second that relates to the investigation. I'm going to give him another day or two to get them up unless ...


Re: Old stuff

They're back now - you starting a new topic make them visible again. Smiley


company composition help

OK I would like some help and opinions. I am attempting to make up a reinforced combined arms company. My other units are done and I want a new project. One maybe two laces of mechs and two vehicles and one BA platoon with transport. I want it to be...


Re: I know it's a german news feed - but China is about to launch first Carrier

Best bet would be to call it a training Aircraft Carrier, to train crews, and pilots. That way when they produce a new carrier the most important part, a working crew and a trained squadrons will be available. I seriously doubt it will ever stray to fa...


Re: Mechs to use in a Grand Melee

Quote from: NKH on Today at 18:48:47
The details are more ambiguous and varied than you're implying.

Not really, I've already implied that the details are ambiguous and varied. I was just trying to give an ...


Re: I need some opinions

The Clans, Warriors of Kerensky is a sourcebook, here's what the cover looks like. It goes into detail about Clan society as a whole. It doesn't have the detailed hi..


Re: No posts?

Periphery board should be back around, and if anyone has an answer to my question there, I'd appreciate it!


What is the best Star Trek series?

What is the best Star Trek series? Add comments in this thread.


Resurrection Spell Thread

Arise from Death, oh vast and vainglorious Mechwarrior Hall![brew]

Let's see if this actually works. Fingers crossed...


Re: Brantford, Ontario Canada

Glad your game went well!


Re: Systems with more than one world.

If the star systems that close, wouldn't the gravity be all wonky?


Re: That which is last shall be first sentence thread.

Bad day describes what happens when your water cooler is filled with radioactive swill.


Re: Rim Worlds Armed Forces 3025

Leonidas threw his warlord to the right as twin flights of LRM 20's flew past, targeting the still cooling Mad Dog, he unleashed twin PPC bolts at the hapless clanner. Armor melted, ammo exploded tearing the clan machine apart.
Leonidas quickly s...


Test thread.... Pay this no mind.

- Herb

последнее сообщение датировано 21 числа 6:49 (часовой пояс Московский)
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