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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 16 июл 2010, 09:35

Что посеешь, то и пожнешь
автор: Крэйг А Рид
Пираты, бандиты, и прочие преступные группировки, предпочитают слабых противников. Вынюхивают слабейших и отбирают у них немногое их достояние, укрывшись за броней и ощетинившись стволами. Но иногда нюх подводит...
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение Leonid » 03 авг 2010, 23:32

Бэттлкорпс разродился.
Grave Covenant Стакпола - все читали в переводе Армады, добавить нечего. За исключением досадных мелочей, вполне сносный перевод.
Пара сценариев:
Uninvited Guests
When the Blood Spirits attack the Burrocks on Albion, red-hot combat is the result. Play this scenario now or at Gen Con!
Amateur Hour
When the Draconis Combine raids the Federated Commonwealth, fury is usually the order of the day. When both sides are cadets, it's even more a morass than usual.
И наконец, самое интересное!
Шметцер To lead and serve.
"You tap them on the nose, they'll follow you anywhere."
In the first of a series of four stories set during Operation Klondike, we follow Star Captain Kami Sword of the Goliath Scorpions as she battles the Pentagon forces on Dagda.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение Leonid » 28 авг 2010, 17:17

The Dark Night of the Soul
by Christopher Purnell
The things that mankind does to itself during times of war are amongst the most horrible in history--but sometimes the days just after the war ends can be just as deadly.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 03 сен 2010, 13:51

The Color of Authority
by Craig A. Reed

The Word of Blake has its fingers in pies all across the Inner Sphere, from grand schemes and battles on Successor State throne worlds to petty schemes in back alleys... all of them have effects.

Scenario: in for a Penny
by Scenarios

The Armed Forces of the Federated Suns have long derided the soldiers of the Capellan Confederation, but every so often they're reminded that pride goeth before the the fall...

Binding Force
by Loren L. Coleman

BLOOD, STEEL, AND HONOR Aris Sung is a rising young star in House Hiritsu, noblest of the Warrior Houses that have sworn allegiance to the Capellan Confederation. The Sarna Supremacy, a newly formed power in the Chaos March, is giving the Confederation some trouble -- and Aris and his Hiritsu comrades are chosen to give the Sarnans a harsh lesson in Capellan resolve. But there is far more to the mission than meets the eye -- and unless Aris beats the odds in a race against time and treachery, all the ferro-fibrous armor in the galaxy won't be enough to save House Hiritsu from the high-explosive cross-fire of intrigue and shifting loyalties....
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 сен 2010, 07:52

Track: Bank Shot
by BattleCorps Exclusive

Pirate raids are a common nuisance along the long winding border of the Periphery, sometimes so common that the defenders know the pirates almost as well as they know themselves. Every so often, that familiarity has an unexpected side effect, as this BattleCorps Exclusive Track illustrates.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 сен 2010, 08:07

A Turn of the Wheel
by Lance Scarinci

In our second Operation Klondike story, Lance Scarinci takes us through one man's redemption and revelation among the newly-returned Clans.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 19 сен 2010, 09:24

A Tale of Mercy in Defeat
by Chris Hussey

In our third Klondike story, Chris Hussey shows us how the Clans made their conquests--and how they lived afterward.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 сен 2010, 09:23

Family Ties
by Craig A. Reed

In our fourth Klondike story, Craig Reed shows us that warriors fought on both sides of the conflict. Warriors, and brothers and sisters and fathers and daughters and uncles and cousins.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 25 сен 2010, 11:02

Prince of Havoc
by Michael Stackpole

TO THE VICTOR GO THE SPOILS... Task Force Serpent has triumphed and Clan Smoke Jaguar is shattered beyond redemption. But the final battle is still to come, when Prince Victor Steiner-Davion braves the unknown and travels to the very heart of the Clans: Strana Mechty. There, with elite units from across the Inner Sphere, he must wage the ultimate battle to destroy the Crusader cause and forever eliminate the possibility of a new Clan invasion. Pushed to the edge of endurance by a peace they cannot understand, the Clans accept the challenge -- and the ultimate battle begins. But even if the Inner Sphere should prove triumphant, will their return be what they expect? Prince Victor left an Inner Sphere united under a new Star League to battle the most dangerous for the Inner Sphere has ever encountered: the Clans. But he also left behind his scheming sister Katrina Steiner, whose ambition knows no bounds. Task Force Serpent and Prince Victor believed that facing the Clans on their own homeworlds would prove the most difficult fight of their lives. They will soon learn that their fight has just begun.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 окт 2010, 08:26

Falcon Rising
by Robert Thurston

A WARRIOR NEEDS A WAR As the Khans of the Clans gather on Strana Mechty to plan a new invasion of the Inner Sphere, Jade Falcon Khan Marthe Pryde strives to rebuild her Clan to its former glory. She bloods new warriors and wins others in Trials from other Clans, but she cannot waste any fine warrior - even those who are freeborn. She gives a Trinary composed entirely of freeborns to a freeborn Star Captain and allows Diana, the freeborn daughter of a Jade Falcon hero, to compete for a bloodname. The Khans of the Steel Vipers -- long-standing rivals of the Falcons -- use these radical moves against Marthe, attacking her in the Grand Council. In the midst of this war of intimidation, the Inner Sphere accomplishes the unthinkable -- an invasion of Clan space. But even that cannot stop Marthe Pryde or the Steel Vipers as their ripening conflict explodes into war...
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 окт 2010, 00:46

Decision at Thunder Rift
by William H. Keith

WINNER TAKE EVERYTHING Thirty years before the Clan invasion, the crumbling empires of the Inner Sphere were locked in the horror of the Third Succession War. The great Houses, whose territories spanned the stars, used BattleMechs to smash each other into rubble. Grayson Death Carlyle had been training to be a MechWarrior since he was ten years old, but his graduation came sooner than expected. With his friends and family dead and his father's regiment destroyed, young Grayson finds himself stranded on a world turned hostile. And now he must learn the hardest lesson of all: it takes more than a BattleMech to make a MechWarrior. To claim the title of MechWarrior all he has to do is capture one of those giant killing machines by himself. If it doesn't kill him first.

Mercenary's Star
by William H. Keith

GRAY DEATH LEGION The Gray Death Legion, born of treachery and deceit, takes its first job, serving as the training cadre for farmer rebels on the planet Verthandi. Though Grayson Carlyle has the knack for battle strategy and tactics, getting the bands of Verthandian freedom fighters to unite against their superior foes is not always easy. The Legion has no choice this time. It must win or die, because the only way off planet is via the capital city, controlled by minions of Carlyle's nemesis, Kurita's Duke Ricol. The story of Grayson Death Carlyle and the Gray Death Legion began in the novel Decision at Thunder Rift and continues in this second BattleTech novel of the Gray Death's adventures.

The Price of Glory
by William H. Keith

The Gray Death Legion has been betrayed. After a year-long campaign in the service of House Marik, Grayson Death Carlyle and the warriors of the Gray Death Legion were ready for a rest. But their home base has been destroyed, their families scattered, and now they have been branded as outlaws. A lost Star League treasure is at stake in a suspenseful race against time. Even if he is successful, Carlyle must ally himself with old enemies and face his former employers in a savage battle where both sides learne THE PRICE OF GLORY.

Выложу утром. Ибо на работе голая машина, пароли не помню :D
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 29 окт 2010, 13:00

Ghost of Winter
by Stephen Kenson

A FROZEN PLANET...CAUGHT IN THE HEAT OF BATTLE. All his life, Sturm Kintaro wanted to be a MechWarrior. Now, he is one -- untested in combat, but eager to show his prowess and be transferred away from the backwater planet Kore. But he is about to get a bigger opportunity than he ever wanted when a band of interstellar pirates launches a surprise attack and takes control of the planet. After the rout, Sturm finds himself stranded in the frozen wastes of Kore with no 'Mech, no help, and no hope.... Until he stumbles upon a long-hidden secret, one that will help him prove himself a worthy MechWarrior. Now, Sturm must wage a one-man war against the invading force -- and resurrect a ghostly legend of Kore -- if he is going to save his people from annihilation.

Выложу утром. Ибо на работе голая машина, пароли не помню. Или если распинаю Леонида, то сегодня позже.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 ноя 2010, 22:54

Bc Unit Digest: 405th Syrtis
by BattleCorps Exclusive

They may not have BattleMechs, and they may not be known throughout the realm, but the 405th Syrtis Grenadiers are soldiers just the same. Now offering one-off BattleTech and A Time of War gameplay aids!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 ноя 2010, 14:05

Threads of Ambition
by Loren L. Coleman

A 'MECH INVASION Sun-Tzu Liao is the First Lord of the resurrected Star League. In the last year of his reign, he decides to milk his power for every ounce of benefit to himself. His dream to rebuild his Capellan Confederation at any cost is about to become a reality. His first victim: his own aunt, Candace Liao, who deserted the Confederation in the Fourth Succession War, taking the St. Ives Compact with her. Answering Sun-Tzu's call to battle is Warrior House Hiritsu, always ready to serve, and the Hustaing Warriors, who will do what is necessary to get the job done. As border skirmishes between BattleMechs turn bloody, military units rally to Candace Liao's call to hold the line. Both sides are unyielding in this hard-fought war. And as Capellan fights Capellan, the high price of glory will be paid....

Добавлено спустя 11 часов 1 минуту 48 секунд:
Feather Vs Mountain
by Stephen A. Frabartolo

There are two sides to every conflict, and when the conflagration on An Ting between Wolf's Dragoons and House Kurita spills over into the streets, both sides pay a cost.

Rise and Shine
by Stephen A. Frabartolo

There are two sides to every conflict, and when the conflagration on An Ting between Wolf's Dragoons and House Kurita spills over into the streets, both sides pay a cost.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 12 ноя 2010, 08:49

Ship Profile: Ths Repulse
by BattleCorps Exclusive

BattleCorps Ship Profiles are gameplay aids designed to offer players possible game and adventure hooks set on or around historical WarShip, DropShip, or JumpShips.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 14 ноя 2010, 06:21

When Small Men Stand
by Chris Hussey

In our first story to parallel the publication of Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, Chris Hussey shows us how sometimes, even when the war is over, the fighting is just beginning.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 23 ноя 2010, 08:15

Those Who Stand High
by Jason Hansa

In our second story tied to the release of Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, Jason Hansa shows the cold and merciless tempo of a hard-fought campaign
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 ноя 2010, 10:23

The Killing Fields
by Loren L. Coleman

CHAOS NATION In hope of salvaging the embattled worlds of the renegade St. Ives Compact, Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao has launched a war that stretches far beyond the scope of military conquest. His mission: reunite St. Ives with his own Capellan Confederation. But after months of combat extend into years, the smash-and-destroy tactics have turned the crippled Compact into a bloody wasteland -- and the Chancellor's costly victory into a virtual deathwatch. For the warriors of House Hiritsu, and for the Capellan and Compact soldiers on the 'Mech-shredded front lines Sun-Tzu's noble crusade has become a nightmare. And now, with his dream of glory slipping away, the Chancellor will make one last desperate gamble -- a final solution to regain total control of a civil war exploding out of control. No matter what the cost.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 04 дек 2010, 23:29

Stable Report: Gilgamesh Stables
by BattleCorps Exclusive

A BattleCorps Stable Report is a gameplay aid designed to offer players a glimpse into one of the myriad unnamed and unkown smaller level MechWarrior stables in the Inner Sphere. This first report is a smaller stable on Solaris VII, in the year 3013.

Bitter Harvest
by Christopher Purnell

In our next story written to support Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, Christopher Purnell gives us a closer look at a more intimate action than the previous two stories, as combat rages through Budapest.

Scenario: Unleash the Horde
Now see if your player group can get a pirate force past a blocking unit of the Taurian planetary militia!

Roar of Honor
ORDERS ARE ORDERS Angela Bekker is a rising star in the Ghost Bear Clan. Devoted to duty and honor, relentless in the pursuit of flawless victory -- a prime example of Clan excellence in mind and body. So when she receives orders to form a new Trinary fro scratch, she jumps at the chance to have her own command. Especially since they are to be stationed on the planet Toffen at the leading edge of Ghost Bear space. But what is an honor for some is an opportunity to strike for others. Led by the bloodthirsty Dirk Radick, forces of Clan Wolf launch an assault to take the valuable planet from the inexperienced troops. But the hunters soon become the hunted, as the Stalking Bears live up to their name. Only when the smoke clears does Angela realize that great honor comes at a great price -- one that she may not be willing to pay....
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 08 дек 2010, 11:58

Lyran Fire
by Lance Scarinci

In our next story solicited to tie into Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, Lance Scarinci shows us how professional soldiers react when they're faced with unbeatable odds.
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