[MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Юджин » 08 сен 2010, 10:00


Это точно. :D Хотя ТК можно и не убирать - пусть живет. Кашу маслом не испортишь... ;-)
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 08 сен 2010, 10:53

Если ТК и ЕСМ не убирать - не влезет.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение ShadowBlade » 08 сен 2010, 11:23

Siberian-troll писал(а):лучше б вместо Т-компа и ер ларджа впихнули лардж пульс.

ТК и ЕР тоже хорошо.
А вот ТК и пульс это уже дэвионщиной попахивает 8-)
И хотя бои между кланами велись на планетарном масштабе,своими действиями они больше напоминали драку воспитанников младшей группы детского сада не поделивших песочницу (с) Era Digest: Golden Century
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 08 сен 2010, 17:45

Потому я и говорю, что пульс без ТК, незачем самим себе трудности создавать.
+1 за прыг на -1 за ткомп хуже чем +1 за прыг на -2 за пульс, а вес и дамаг тот же.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Юджин » 08 сен 2010, 17:46

За прыжок +3 идет модификатор вообще-то. :)
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение ShadowBlade » 08 сен 2010, 18:10

Siberian-troll писал(а):Потому я и говорю, что пульс без ТК, незачем самим себе трудности создавать.
+1 за прыг на -1 за ткомп хуже чем +1 за прыг на -2 за пульс, а вес и дамаг тот же.

Лардж пульс менее дальнобойный в отличии от ер ларджа. Хотя при том обвесе, что стоит на мехе логичнее смотрелся бы пульс.
И хотя бои между кланами велись на планетарном масштабе,своими действиями они больше напоминали драку воспитанников младшей группы детского сада не поделивших песочницу (с) Era Digest: Golden Century
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 08 сен 2010, 18:35

CSA_Eragon писал(а):За прыжок +3 идет модификатор вообще-то. :)

Знаю, а за бег +2, а стоять на лайте это уже самоубийством попахивает. Так что штатный +2 для меня естественен.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 сен 2010, 07:51


Mass: 60 tons
Chassis: Process 3 Standard
Power Plant: Dagda-Production Series A 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: 17-K Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 2 Type 0 HAG/20
2 Kolibri Medium Pulse Laser
2 Series 1f ER Small Laser
Communications System: KP-3 “Screamer”
Targeting & Tracking System: Series VI TTS

The Predator is a rare sight outside the Clan Homeworlds. ComStar has only ever seen three outside of the Fire Mandrill ranks, and of those three Diamond Shark ’Mechs two were destroyed during the Trials for the ownership of Twycross. The third remains on that world, although it appears to be serving as a test-bed for new weapons systems for the Diamond Sharks.
In its current configuration the Predator mounts two hyper-assault Gauss rifles in place of the Ultra autocannons it was originally designed to carry. The armor has been slightly redistributed to more effectively protect the ’Mech, and the extended-range medium lasers have been replaced by medium pulse lasers for greater accuracy. The extended-range small lasers in the ’Mech’s legs remain unaltered.
Despite several ROMs’ worth of observation, we have been unable to tell if this Predator is the first of a new production run from one of Twycross’ many factories, or if the Sharks are simply testing new weapons on a convenient chassis.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Юджин » 11 сен 2010, 11:22

Приличный хэвик огневой поддержки, хотя Мэд Дог Прайм все-таки эффективнее и более живуч.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 14 сен 2010, 09:38


Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Dorwinion Hyperactive 3 Endo Steel
Power Plant: Nissan 200 Light
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: HildCo Model 12
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Starshield Ax Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 2 BlazeFire Longshot ER Medium Laser
1 BlazeFire Swingshot Large Variable-Speed Laser
2 Magshot
Communications System: Achernar Electronics HICS-15
Targeting & Tracking System: Federated Hunter Type 3

The disadvantage of basing a ’Mech design off the preponderance of surplus is that surplus—inevitably—runs out. The manufacture of the Sentry BattleMech quickly moved away from existing stockpiles and into purchased equipment, but Robinson Standard BattleWorks quickly moved to upgrades whenever possible. With the AFFS procurement process hopelessly snarled by the Jihad and the lack of communication with New Avalon, they’ve released a new upgrade to the general market.
The core of the Sentry has been redesigned around a light fusion engine and a heavy-duty gyroscope. The PPC is replaced by a new BlazeFire large variable-speed pulse laser, and the small pulse lasers upgraded to extended-range medium lasers. The machine guns have been removed and replaced by a pair of small magshot Gauss rifles. The Sentry’s armor has been upgraded to a light ferro-fibrous compound, which together with the other augmentations has pretty much scrapped the Sentry’s reputation as a pick-up BattleMech.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 сен 2010, 06:59


Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: Alshain Type Heavy Chi Endo Steel
Power Plant: Vlar 225 Light
Cruising Speed: 46 kph
Maximum Speed: 69 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
Armament: 1 Lord’s Light 2 Extended Range Particle Beam Weapon
2 Lord’s Light Light Particle Beam Weapons
1 Krupp B-pod
1 Krupp A-pod
1 Shigunga MRM 30
Communications System: Garret T-19F with C3 Computer and Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: Cat’s Eyes 5

Although the Shugenja is a well-designed lance command vehicle, the parade of sales that Independence Weaponry expected never really developed. The ’Mech sold to the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, to be sure, but not to the acclaim that Independence hoped for. Initial combat in the Dominion War showed it vulnerable to side-torso destruction, which would destroy the containment fields for the extralight engine. As the Jihad forced every manufacturer into overdrive, Independence took another look at the Shugenja.
A light fusion engine removes the outright-destruction danger from the side torso, and the placement of a compact gyro further reduces the likelihood of crippling damage. The paired large lasers have been swapped out for light PPCs, which allowed a reduction in the number of heat sinks. The ferro-fibrous armor has been downgraded to standard armor, which makes field repair much easier. The C3 master computer and the medium-range missile launcher remain, as does the long-reaching extended-range PPC, and both A and B-pods have been added for close-in defense.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 17 сен 2010, 09:28

Фигня какая-то. Даже я б Шугенгу лучше сапгрейдил...

Код: Выделить всё
Type/Model:    Shugenja SJA-7DX
Mass:          75 tons
Chassis:       Alshain Type Heavy Chi Standard
Power Plant:   300 Vlar XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 43,2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64,8 km/h
Jump Jets:     None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type:    Light Ferro-Fibrous
  1 Binary Laser Cannon*
  1 A.E.S*
  1 Snub-Nose PPC*
  1 PPC Capacitor*
  1 Cі Boost Master*
  1 MML7 (SRM)*
  1 MML7 (LRM)*
Manufacturer:  Independence Weaponry
  Location:    Quentin / DC (IW)
Communications System:  Garret T-19F w/C3 Computer
Targeting & Tracking System:  Cat's Eyes 5

Type/Model:    Shugenja SJA-7DX
Mass:          75 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  114 pts Standard              0      7,50
Engine:        300 XL                       12      9,50
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:   6
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:     15 Double [30]               9      5,00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LA, 1 RA, 1 RT)
Gyro:                                        4      3,00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3,00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA    R: Sh+UA+LA       14       ,00
Armor Factor:  204 pts Light Ferro-Fibrous   7     12,00
 (Armor Crit Loc: 1 HD, 1 LA, 1 RA, 1 LT, 1 LL, 2 RL)

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             23         31     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 10     
   L/R Side Torso:           16      21/21     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              7/7     
   L/R Arm:                  12      21/21     
   L/R Leg:                  16      28/28     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Binary Laser Cannon*   RA     16           4      9,00
1 A.E.S*                 RA      0           1      2,00
1 Snub-Nose PPC*         LA     10           2      6,00
1 PPC Capacitor*         LA      5           1      1,00
1 Cі Boost Master*       RT      0           6      6,00
1 MML7 (SRM)*            LT      4   14      5      5,50
  (Ammo Locations: 1 CT)
1 MML7 (LRM)*            LT      4   17      5      5,50
  (Ammo Locations: 1 CT)
TOTALS:                         39          75     75,00
Crits & Tons Left:                           3       ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        20 898 500 C-Bills
Battle Value:      1 131
Cost per BV:       18 477,9
Weapon Value:      1 576 / 1 576 (Ratio = 1,39 / 1,39)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 24;  MRDmg = 17;  LRDmg = 3
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 5/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 4/2/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 11
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение ShadowBlade » 17 сен 2010, 15:10

Siberian-troll писал(а):Фигня какая-то. Даже я б Шугенгу лучше сапгрейдил...

Тебе только дай волю, такое начнется! :D
И хотя бои между кланами велись на планетарном масштабе,своими действиями они больше напоминали драку воспитанников младшей группы детского сада не поделивших песочницу (с) Era Digest: Golden Century
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Diamond » 17 сен 2010, 16:45

То, что канон не вымаксован в OVER 90% случаев, как бы понятно.
Вообще-то я противник всякой войны. Война портит солдат, разрушает шеренгу и пачкает мундиры.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 сен 2010, 07:41


Mass: 95 tons
Chassis: Corean IX (quad)
Power Plant: Pitban 285
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: Chilton 950 Improved
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Starshield II Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Imperator Light Gauss Rifle
4 Diverse Optics ER Medium Lasers
1 Diverse Optics ER Large Laser
Communications System: Corean TransBand-J9 with Guardian ECM Suite and C3 slave
Targeting & Tracking System: Corean B-Tech

Corean Enterprises’ Sirocco has been a mainstay of Marik assault units for several years after getting very favorable reviews from its first posting, the Second Knights of the Inner Sphere. The decimation of the Knights has done little to tarnish this reputation, and we’ve even managed to intercept Blakist reports from Atreus that at least one of the Sirocco’s belonging to the Knights has been modified to make it more dangerous to the hostile elements on that world.
Using a small cockpit to free up space at the expense of comfort, the Guardian ECM suite has been moved to the ’Mech’s head. The rear-firing extended-range medium lasers and all of the anti-personnel pods have been removed to make room for five improved jump jets—which means that now, along with the strongest armor (which this ’Mech has shifted to light ferro-fibrous) the Sirocco can outjump any other ninety-five ton ’Mech in existence. To make room for these heavy jets the Ultra autocannons were removed and replaced with an Imperator light Gauss rifle and an extended-range large laser, and a C3 slave was added.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 23 сен 2010, 08:23


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Hellion Slopeback V1 (Quad) Endo Steel
Power Plant: 180 XL
Cruising Speed: 97 kph
Maximum Speed: 151 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Compound Alpha Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Series 2f ER Medium Laser
2 Tau-II Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle
1 Type-3a ATM 3
Communications System: HCFA 3035 2.0 with ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: HCFA 3047 1.5

The Jade Falcons captured at least one Snow Fox from the Ice Hellions during the Harvest Trials, and one of our adepts recently obtained recordings of it in action on Kikuyu. It operated with a Star of swift light OmniMechs during a raid by elements of the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces.
The ’Mech’s speed had been increased, which we have attributed to an extralight engine, and our computer models bear this supposition out. The MASC system and the extended-range small lasers have been removed and replaced with an ECM suite and a three-tube advanced tactical missile system. Two anti-personnel Gauss rifles provide close-in defense, although even the use of an endo steel internal structure couldn’t remove the need to lighten the ’Mech’s armor protection a bit.
In combat the Falcon Snow Fox remained at the rear, using its ATMs to support its Starmates in a surprising break from zellbrigen’s rules. We have begun reviewing Falcon data more closely to see if this signals a change in the Falcon’s tactics or if this was an isolated incident.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение maxlotter » 26 сен 2010, 00:41

А какой резон пихать капаситор почти в каждый новый мех. Не сильно эффективная на мой взгляд штука, а рвануть может.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 сен 2010, 08:32


Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Type QX745-50 Mod III
Power Plant: Mk XI 250 Standard
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: BMP Series XXI Mod 13 Improved
Jump Capacity: 240 meters
Armor: Compound RSH5 Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 CCWP-16 SRM 6
2 Series PPS-XIX Medium Pulse Lasers
2 DeltaX-series Heavy Small Lasers
Communications System: Build 1700/1 Tacticom
Targeting & Tracking System: Series XXXII Mulitrack with Targeting Computer

Although initial reports placed single examples of the Stalking Spider among the Touman of the Jade Falcon Clan it wasn’t until the forces captured during the Harvest Trials arrived in the Inner Sphere that ComStar was able to confirm the Stalking Spider among the Falcons’ ranks. A holovid recording of a public Trial of Possession on Graus recently highlights a new modification to the Stalking Spider’s frame.
Apparently modified from the Stalking Spider 2, this third variant is also a dedicated striker. The most striking advantage the already-mobile ’Mech offers is an octet of advanced improved jump jets, giving the Stalking Spider the ability to stalk from the air up to 240 meters. Paired medium pulse and small heavy lasers provide accurate firepower, enhanced by a targeting computer, and a six-tube short-range missile battery offers a bombardment capability to break contact while jumping away.
Although we’ve only seen the one Stalking Spider 3 among the Falcons, we cannot determine whether this is a modification undertaken by Jade Falcon scientists or if the Cloud Cobras are testing new versions of this ’Mech in their Fangs in the Homeworlds.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Leonid » 26 сен 2010, 19:31

Синдром новой игрушки, наверное.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 29 сен 2010, 07:47


Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: York YT
Power Plant: 275 Standard
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Compound Alpha Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 21.5 tons of pod space available
Communications System: York Y-2 Com
Targeting & Tracking System: York Y2-T&T

A recent intelligence coup in the Hell’s Horses Occupation Zone netted our section a series of captured battle ROMs from Homeworld engagements. One such recording showed a Star of Blood Spirit ’Mechs in combat with the Star Adders—including two new Stooping Hawk configurations.
The first is a very mobile machine, with improved jump jets to give it a 240-meter jump radius and Streak SRMs, heavy medium and small, and medium pulse lasers for close-in striking power. Each of these weapons have repeatedly proven their accuracy and potency, making them obvious choices for the cost-minded Blood Spirits.
The second Stooping Hawk highlights the Spirits’ dire technological straits—four commonly-available extended-range medium lasers are placed with wide fields of fire in the Hawk’s arms, while three ProtoMech-scale autocannons are mounted in the OmniMech’s torso. Whether the Spirits believed the smaller weapons were a valuable addition to the Omni’s firepower or just what they had available when the Star Adders attacked is unknown.
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