[MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 23 июл 2010, 21:16

Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Coriolis Class VI Endo Steel Quad Frame
Power Plant: Fusion 260 Standard
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: Uplift 12
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Forging SA722 with CASE
Armament: 4 Series-9 AP Gauss Rifle
1 Type-20 Ultra AC/20
Communications System: JNE Integrated
Targeting & Tracking System: TRTTS Mark II with Active Probe and Targeting Computer

Before 3075 all of our information on the Fire Scorpion came from our embassy in Clan space, as we had never seen a Fire Scorpionoutside of the Goliath Scorpion ranks. The arrival of the Hell’s Horses in the Inner Sphere brought with them at least one captured Fire Scorpion, and we have finally obtained ROM data of its performance against the Jade Falcons on Lackhove.
Similar in design and function to the Fire Scorpion2, this third variant also has a 200-millimeter Ultra autocannon in place of the standard class ten, as well as an active probe. A targeting computer has been nestled in the right torso to improve the autocannon’s accuracy, and the defensive A-pods have been replaced by a quartet of anti-personnel Gauss rifles.
Although we haven’t learned the identity of the Hell’s Horses warrior he is clearly one of the Clan’s elite. We have recordings of his Fire Scorpiontaking down both a Falcon Thor and a damaged Turkina. Should this deadly new variant enter general service in the Inner Sphere we advise all Com Guard commanders to approach Hell’s Horses forces with care.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 25 июл 2010, 07:51

Mass: 35 tons
Chassis: Johnston Biped L-25-a2 Endo Steel
Power Plant: Omni 210 Light
Cruising Speed: 69 kph
Maximum Speed: 97 kph
Jump Jets: Rawlings 80-Beta
Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: Johnston Duraweave 6001 Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Federated LRM 10
1 ChisComp 12000 Plasma Rifle
Communications System: Lynx-shur 4.5
Targeting & Tracking System: Sync-Tracker (55-42071)

New Syrtis suffered greatly during the Capellan counter-attack in the wake of the failure of Operation Sovereign Justice, but the final withdrawal of the Capellan invaders left behind quite a bit of advanced Capellan technology in the form of disabled vehicles and other salvage. With New Avalon under siege by the Word of Blake, much of this salvage went to Capellan March research centers and manufacturers instead of the NAIS.
Johnston Industries provided the teams that copied the Capellans’ plasma rifles, and put the weapon to good use on a new production model of their Garm BattleMech. The plasma rifle replaces the LB-X autocannon, but Johnston didn’t stop there. They also took the opportunity to address a number of the Garm’s flaws.
A light engine offers enough mass savings to increase the ’Mech’s top speed, while the armor was replaced with a light ferro-fibrous compound and CASE wrapped around the missile magazine. An extralight gyro was used to free up enough mass to increase the jump capacity to match the Garm’s new ground speed, turning an otherwise average brawler into a powerful harassment ’Mech.

З.Ы. Закрепили бы тему где-нить сверху.

Сделано. S-t
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Юджин » 25 июл 2010, 10:25

Эк как Адские Лошади над Файер Скорпионом-то надругались...а что, хорошая машинко для клоз-танкования получилась и Т-комп в тему тоже. Мне нравится... :beer:
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 23 авг 2010, 20:43

Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Type 56-45C Modified
Power Plant: RFUM 225 Standard
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: CerPlate Mod 2F Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 3 Series 2b ER Medium Laser
1 Type 0 HAG/20
1 Tau-II Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle
Communications System: Block 7 TRACONM
Targeting & Tracking System: TRTTS-X Mk 1

Despite excellent second-line ’Mechs like the Arcas and the Ursus in its inventory, Clan Ghost Bear has been steadily upgrading its second-line forces with advance technology. A Rasalhagian technician defecting to the Draconis Combine paid his passage on a ComStar JumpShip with a maintenance log for an upgraded Great Wyrm.
The paired Ultra-class autocannons have been removed and replaced with a more potent hyper-assault Gauss rifle. An anti-personnel Gauss rifle provides close-in defense while the trio of ER medium lasers holds the midranges in check. The Ghost Bears must have cycled this Great Wyrm through a refit facility of some sort, as they’re replaced the ’Mech’s standard armor with a ferro-fibrous compound and used the weight savings to increase the overall protection.
With so many garrison Clusters it’s impossible for SigInt to estimate how many Great Wyrms may have been thusly modified, but we have alerted our resources in the Dominion to be on the watch for any more upgraded ’Mechs.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 25 авг 2010, 21:45

Mass: 70 tons
Chassis: Clan Modified Heavy Type X (Endo)
Power Plant: Clan Standard 280 Series
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: Clan Series Type 4 Heavy Improved
Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: Forging OTR17c (Ferro-Fibrous)
Armament: 4 Series 2f ER Medium Laser
1 Series-4 Streak SRM 4
Communications System: JNE Integrated
Targeting & Tracking System: Series XI KITT with Targeting Computer

The Wolves-in-Exile on Arc-Royal have few Guillotine IICs, but those they have are respected as powerful BattleMechs. The Guillotine enjoyed a well-deserved reputation in the Star League and maintained it in the Inner Sphere during the Succession Wars. Although it was rare outside of the Com Guards’ ranks, it was never extinct.
The Exiled Wolves have take the already-dangerous Guillotine IIC and turned it into a deadly dueling ’Mech. Although the large pulse lasers have been downgraded to extended-range mediums and the short-range missile rack removed, the addition of a smaller Streak launcher and an advanced targeting computer more than offset the loss. This new Guillotine hits what it shoots at no matter how far it jumps—which, thanks to the improved jump jets, is up to 180 meters.
One of our adepts on Arc-Royal recently observed a Trial of Position for a Wolf-in-Exile cadet. The promising young warrior was given a Guillotine IIC, and faced three OmniMechs in his trial. He defeated all three with precision fire, earning the rank of Star Captain. Whether he can use his ’Mech with the same precision on the general battlefield remains to be seen.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 25 авг 2010, 23:55

что-то распрыгались волки -- а ведь допрежь-то джампджеты не любили
Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
D.t.d. № ∞
S. Принимать до полного окобрения
Справка действительна по предъявлении справки о наличии справки

з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 авг 2010, 08:28


Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Beta Manufactured Standard
Power Plant: Model SF-3 (XL)
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Forging ZK11 Standard
Armament: 1 Type X “Short Bow” LRM 10
1 Type 0 HAG/30
4 Series 2f ER Medium Lasers
1 Zeta-Series X Plasma Cannon
Communications System: S9R Beta Series
Targeting & Tracking System: Able-7 Sensor Suite

Although the Diamond Sharks easily weathered the storm engendered by their sale of the Ha Otoko to the Draconis Combine, and even expanded on it by offering the Mad Cat Mk II for sale to all buyers, they did not completely denude themselves of the design. A new variant of this ’Mech has appeared on Twycross, and our operatives—disguised as traders—have compiled copious amounts of data.
Eschewing all but one of the missile launchers of the original, this new Ha Otoko uses an extralight engine to free up enough mass for a powerful hyper-assault Gauss rifle. Supporting this devastating weapon are two banks of extended-range medium lasers and a Diamond Shark-designed plasma cannon. The plasma cannon’s inclusion is especially telling—any enemy who has survived closing with the Ha Otoko is sure to be running a dangerous heat burden. Pushing that burden over the edge is a simple matter with the plasma cannon.
Although purchasing agents have been allowed to review the ’Mech, the only active models of this new version are in the Twycross defense Clusters. Whether the Sharks intend to keep this one for themselves is unknown.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 29 авг 2010, 19:16


Mass: 95 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 285 Standard
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
Armament: 43 tons of pod space available
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown

The Hauptmann, even more than a decade later, is still the pride of the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces. It’s understandable that the LAAF should keep it at the forefront of military technology development, and ROM has sent us data on two new configurations that the Lyrans have developed to help fight the Jihad.
The first new configuration is an assault lance command vehicle. A C3 master computer coordinates the slave units of its lance, while a Gauss rifle and heavy PPC provide powerful firepower. Twin extended-range medium lasers are tied together with the primary weapons into a targeting computer, making at least once lance of the famous Lyran long wall hyper-accurate. Two ten-rocket pods provide a last-ditch defense.
The second is clearly an assault unit, meant to overcome defending BattleMechs. A Gauss rifle provides deadly long-range firepower, supplemented by long-range missiles from a multi-missile launcher. When the Hautpmann E closes, the MML will switch to short-range missiles and dual plasma rifles, which can easily override the heat dissipation systems of nearly any ’Mech.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 31 авг 2010, 19:13


Mass: 60 tons
Chassis: Overlord Mk 3 Endo Steel
Power Plant: Pitban 300 Light
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 83 kph
Jump Jets: Swingline X-1200
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Taijian StarShield II
Armament: 1 Divine Wrath Heavy PPC
2 BlazeFire Longshot ER Medium Laser
2 BlazeFire Swingshot Medium Variable-Speed Laser
Communications System: Ceres SuperComm 3 with C3i
Targeting & Tracking System: Wentland Giga-Track

With the Word of Blake’s special hatred for ComStar it’s not surprising that they’ve captured a number of our Helios BattleMechs, but the way they’re refitting them and turning them against us makes us wish we’d designed them a little more poorly—or perhaps that Ceres Metals had built fewer.
The Blakists have stripped away the Helios’ Gauss rifle and replaced it with a heavy PPC. The short-range missiles are gone, replaced by a pair of medium variable-speed pulse lasers. The weaponry is not all they’ve altered, either. The ’Mech’s innards have been rebuilt, with a more-powerful 300-rated light fusion engine pushing the Helios to greater speeds. An extra jump jet adds another thirty meters to its jump capacity and a C3i computer ties the salvaged or stolen Helios into the rest of its Level II. Worst of all, the myomers are all triple-strength.
We’re unable to determine how many Helios ’Mechs the Blakists may have salvaged—too many units have been lost without an accurate accounting of damage to be sure. Where they’re refitting them is another mystery, although one of their stolen worlds near the Capellan Confederation seems likely.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 03 сен 2010, 18:15


Mass: 90 tons
Chassis: SL-XT Modified Endo Steel
Power Plant: Fusion 270 Standard
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: Prentiss-IIIA
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Arcadia Compound Beta
Armament: 1 EMRG “Captain” Series Gauss Rifle
1 MPA-14 Mod 12a Streak SRM 6
3 Type-6a ATM 6
3 Series 2f ER Medium Laser
6 Tau-II Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle
Communications System: C-XII Series B4GDS with ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: C-12 Mk III

When Clan Wolf opened the last of their Highlander caches after the havoc of the Refusal War, several Clan scientists quietly began gaming different upgrades using the newer technologies that were just emerging or trickling back to the Homeworlds from the Inner Sphere. One of these theoretical refits must have caught a Wolf officer’s eye, because a new-model Highlander IIC was spotted fighting on Tomans.
Although the familiar shape is unaltered, and the reliable Gauss rifle remains as the ’Mech’s primary weapon, the rest of the weapons complement has been swapped out. Advanced tactical missile launchers replace both the long and half the short-range missiles, and the pulse lasers have been replaced by extended-range mediums to free mass for a deadly arm-mounted battery of six anti-personnel Gauss rifles. An ECM suite protects the Highlander IIC from enemy electronics. Most striking is the endo steel frame and the replacement of the Highlander’s heat sinks with laser heat sinks.
SigInt is unable to confirm the number of modified Highlander IIC models—all others we have recordings of appear to be the standard model. It seems likely that the Khans of the Wolf Clan are waiting to see how this one performs before authorizing such massive upgrades on a venerable—and respected—BattleMech.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Юджин » 03 сен 2010, 18:59

Несмотря на ухищрения Волчьих ученых и инженеров - рефит клановского Горца не лучше стандартной платформы.
Полный залп он выдает на большей может быть дистанции и огневая мощь в ближнем бою за счет АТМ выше...немного, но этот мех требует хорошего стрелка. А учитывая упавшее качество подготовки воинов в большинстве "сфероидных" Кланов - выгоднее было бы (и дешевле) клепать стандартного Хайлендера 2К. :cool:
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 04 сен 2010, 00:16


Mass: 25 tons
Chassis: Hellion Light V3
Power Plant: 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Maximum Speed: 194 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Compound Alpha Standard
Armament: 2 DeltaX-series Heavy Medium Lasers
1 Echo IV ER Flamer
Communications System: Build 1685 Tacticom
Targeting & Tracking System: Series VI Integrated TTS with Light TAG

The Icestorm is a particular favorite of the Ice Hellion Clan, but the Wolves are the first Clan to attempt to correct some of the unusually fast ’Mech’s obvious flaws. Although not quite rare, it wouldn’t be fair to say the Icestorm appears with frequency in Wolf Stars, either. The number that do appear, however, seem to be changing.
The foremost complaint of Icestorm pilots—Ice Hellion or otherwise—has been the ’Mech’s dismal armor protection. The Wolves have taken the effort to upgrade the ’Mech’s armor to ferro-fibrous, increasing the protection across the entire BattleMech’s frame. The second concern—that the spotter ’Mech’s weapons are insufficient—has been addressed by replacing the extended-range laser and short-range missiles with a pair of heavy medium lasers. An extended-range flamer has been added as a defensive weapon, used to create concealing smoke screens. The target acquisition gear has been downgraded to light TAG, but with the Icestorm’s incredible speed, this is hardly an issue.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 04 сен 2010, 09:44

Ух ты... Придется брать Айсшторм....
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 04 сен 2010, 09:47


Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Geometric 1000 Endo Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 Light
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Strasbourg Armaments Type 3
Armament: 2 Fusigon Light PPC
3 Sutel Precision Line Small Pulse Laser
1 Doombud MML 7
Communications System: Blow 55 Net with C3i
Targeting & Tracking System: Scope 2000

With the fearsome production capabilities that only a Terran factory can achieve, the Word of Blake has flatly inundated their Militia with Initiate BattleMechs. It has become, in short order, one of the most popular ’Mechs for green Word of Blake MechWarriors and appears prominently in the Protectorate Militia. One wing of Martinson’s production facility recently reopened to produce a new variant.
The new Initiate’s worst flaws are unchanged—it’s still slow, and its armor hasn’t been enhanced with advanced materials. The weapons load has been refined, though. A Doombud multi-missile launcher replaces the long and short-range missile launchers, while a pair of light PPCs supplement the midrange firepower. The extended-range small lasers are replaced with small pulse lasers, sacrificing range for accuracy. To accommodate these changes the Martinson designers used a light fusion engine and a compact gyroscope. An improved C3 computer enhances the Initiate’s communication abilities.


Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Kallon Type XIV Endo Steel
Power Plant: VOX 325 XL
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Kallon Unity Weave Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 2 Johnston Parti-Cannon PPC
4 Intek Medium Laser
2 Johnston Lite Light PPC
Communications System: Garret T12-S
Targeting & Tracking System: Garret T11fc

Although the JagerMech III is a much more robust ’MechM than the previous incarnations, MechWarriors continue to complain that the ’Mech just isn’t powerful enough against modern enemies. Those AFFS soldiers who have to face the dreaded Celestial OmniMechs of the Word of Blake, in particular, still cite the JagerMech III as a deathtrap.
With its main factories on Talon annihilated, Kallon Industries has begun to offer a refit program to upgrade the JagerMech III further into a frontline-combat ’Mech. The big PPCs remain, but the light autocannons are replaced by a pair of light PPCs. The JagerMech III’s armor is increased in thickness but downgraded to a light ferro-fibrous, and four additional double heat sinks have been added to handle the heat burden of four particle projection cannons.
Although the armor replacement makes the upgrade a difficult refit, many Federated Suns MechWarriors are finding the time. To a JagerMech pilot, armor—not speed—is life.

JN-9CC Jinggau

Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Chariot Type II Endo Steel
Power Plant: VOX 325 XL
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph (108 kph)
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Hellespont Lite Stealth
Armament: 1 Blankenburg Large Variable-Speed Laser
1 Parti-Kill Snub-nose PPC
3 Blankenburg Small Variable-Speed Lasers
Communications System: Dian-bao Comms with Guardian ECM
Targeting & Tracking System: Dynatec Special T&T with C-Apple Churchill Beagle Probe

Olson's Rangers hit Victoria hard in 3068 but the Confederation allocated significant resources to getting the Shengli Arms facilities back online. As they lines were rebuilt designers were already hard at work contemplating revisions to the BattleMechs produced there, and when the Capellans acquired the specifications for the variable-speed pulse laser late in 3075 the Jinggau seemed a natural platform.
Fully outfitted with the near-ubiquitous stealth armor, the 9CC Jinggau also boasts a snub-nose PPC and seam-bursting myomer signal acceleration circuitry. Combined with the one large and three small variable-speed pulse lasers the new Jinggau is a deadly in-fighter, able to use its stealth armor to get close without being seriously damaged. While we have only observed one of these 'Mechs off of Victoria, it seems likely the Confederation Armed Forces will want all they can afford to purchase.


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Chariot Type 1a Endo Steel
Power Plant: Leenex 140 XL
Cruising Speed: 76 kph
Maximum Speed: 119 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Starshield A
Armament: 2 Lord’s Light Light Particle Beam Weapons
Communications System: Sipher CommCon SCU-4
Targeting & Tracking System: Cat’s Eyes 5

The Kabuto proved to be popular ’Mech with light BattleMech pilots until the outbreak of the Ghost Bear-Combine war, when they discovered that however accurate the paired Streak short-range missile launcher may be, they just didn’t have the striking power to down a Clan OmniMech in a stand-up fight. Event the disciples of Theodore Kurita’s reforms get weary of running in circles, praying the Streak system would get a lock. Warriors began to take matters into their own hands.
The most common field refit we’ve catalogued removes the Streak launchers in favor of two light PPCs. The light PPCs offer comparable, if more concentrated, damage, but have twice the range of the Streaks. In addition, however accurate, the Streak missile system can and did run out of ammunition. The light PPCs have no such limitations, and filling the ammunition bay with another heat sink does much to control the weapons’ heat buildup.


Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: Earthwerks MHL
Power Plant: Magna 220 Light
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: Rawlings 55
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Durallex Medium Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Diverse Optics Type 27 Medium Pulse Laser
1 Doombud MML 9
2 GM Minigun Light Machine Gun (arrayed)
1 Ceres Arms Plasma Rifle
1 Ceres Arms Light PPC
Communications System: Neil 9000-A
Targeting & Tracking System: Octagon Tartrac System C

Although the Marshal was intended for the Colonial Marshals, the short-lived service has to look to its own needs now that the Fronc Reaches are a sovereign nation. Protector Grover Shraplen directed that most of the Marshals intended for the Colonial Marshals be sold on the open market instead, before risings losses in the Pleiades demanded he purchase all extra production for the Taurian Defense Force.
That run of Marshals was mostly bought by the Magistracy of Canopus, the Concordat’s ally, and have been since refitted to take advantage of the advanced technology available to Canopian units serving in the Confederation under Naomi Centrella. The long-range missile launcher has been replaced by a multi-missile launcher, while machine guns have been downgraded to light machine guns and molded into an array. The large laser is replaced by a Capellan-made plasma rifle, and a light PPC supplements the ’Mech’s long-range firepower. We’ve observed Taurian officers serving in the Concordat expressing jealous envy at the modifications—despite the terms of the Trinity Alliance, such equipment rarely trickles into the Concordat.


Mass: 60 tons
Chassis: Viper NK7
Power Plant: New Kent Type 91 Fusion 240
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: Pryzhok WM 10
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Forging C629/j
Armament: 1 Type-9a ATM 9
3 Tau-II Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle
3 DeltaX-series Heavy Medium Laser
Communications System: Mercer 971
Targeting & Tracking System: GEG Pattern 491/6 with Targeting Computer

The Jade Falcons’ battles with the Steel Vipers netted them several Matador BattleMechs and, despite the stigma of being a favorite Steel Viper ’Mech, the Falcons couldn’t afford to mothball or destroy them. Instead, they serve in Falcon provisional garrison Clusters and solahma units. Several have been reassigned to sibkos for use in Trials of Position.
Reports from Chahar, however, show at least one Matador has been refitted with altered weaponry. An advanced tactical missile launcher replaces both Streak short-range missile systems. Dual heavy medium lasers replace the pulse and extended-range lasers, and a targeting computer has been installed to improve the heavy lasers’ accuracy. The machine guns have been removed in favor of a trio of anti-personnel Gauss rifles. The rest of the ’Mech’s systems have not been altered.
Whether this refit will help erase the Steel Viper stigma from these valuable ’Mechs remains to be seen—certainly we would be happy to see the Falcons keep their Matadors out of the line of fire.


Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: Endo Steel
Power Plant: 330 XL
Cruising Speed: 65 kph
Maximum Speed: 97 kph [130 kph MASC]
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
Armament: 17 tons of pod space available
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Beagle Active Probe

The Confederation’s medium OmniMech, the Men Shen, really came into its own during the retaliatory invasion of the Capellan March after George Hasek’s abortive Operation Sovereign Justice. With confused supply lines the flexibility of the OmniMech meant that it was hardly ever out of service, and two new configurations emerged from the fighting.
The first is a city-fighter, with two medium lasers and a plasma rifle for anti-vehicle armament and an incredible eight light machine guns (tied into two arrays) for anti-infantry work. This version figured prominently in the fighting on Relevow and Taygeta, decimating the defending AFFS infantry teams.
The second is a fearsome hunter-killer ’Mech, with dual snub-nose PPCs tied into a targeting computer. If the swift OmniMech runs into something it can’t handle, target acquisition gear is built into its electronics module to call in supporting fire.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Юджин » 04 сен 2010, 11:50

Улучшенный Айсшторм - пожалуй самая вменяемая и опасная модель этого легкого разведчика\споттера, способная и спиногрызом работать...
Матадор 2 - то же внушает, недорогой и сердитый гарнизонный хэвик с серьезным оружием ближнего боя.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 04 сен 2010, 12:45

CSA_Eragon, как по мне, то стандартный ТАГ лучше, чем лёгкий. Остальное вооружение для артиллерийского наводчика вторично. Т.ч. это, скорее, сдвиг в сторону "турнирности", где артиллерии нэма.
Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
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S. Принимать до полного окобрения
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з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 сен 2010, 07:55


Mass: 70 tons
Chassis: Mynx Type Heavy
Power Plant: Consolidated Fusion 280 XL
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Alpha Compound Plate
Armament: 38 tons of pod space available
Communications System: JNE Integrated with ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: Build 2 CAT TTS with Targeting Computer

The Nova Cat has been everything Clan Nova Cat had hoped for and more. An excellent heavy BattleMech, the deadly Omni has been at the forefront of nearly every combat the Nova Cats have fought since its introduction. The fast-and-bloody battling of the Jihad had led to the development of two more alternate configurations.
The first is a fast-strike and reaction ’Mech, clearly intended to act swiftly or respond instantly to threats. Six improved jump jets offer a fantastic 180-meter jump capacity that few other heavy ’Mechs can match, and two large and three medium pulse lasers tied into a targeting computer offer incredible precision in firepower.
The second configuration is a long-range fighter, meant to stand in the line of battle and support faster, lighter ’Mechs as they advance. An extended-range large laser supplements three twenty-tube long-range missile launchers, with a targeting computer to help land the delicate shots. Fast-moving enemies thinking to get under the LRM’s umbrella will find a deadly reception: eight anti-personnel Gauss rifles are spread across the Nova Cat G’s torso.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 05 сен 2010, 08:05

Эээ... Тут автор явно промахнулся. Вблизи клановские лрм такие же страшные. Минималки у них нет. Так что противопехотные гауссы мимо кассы.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 08 сен 2010, 08:08


Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Type AR1 Endo Steel
Power Plant: Light Force (XL) 180
Cruising Speed: 69 kph
Maximum Speed: 87 kph
Jump Jets: Leaper Model L5 Improved
Jump Capacity: 270 meters
Armor: Royal-7a Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Series 7J ER Large Laser
Communications System: K9 Communications System with ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: Hunter (3) Dedicated TTS with Targeting Computer

The Pack Hunter has become one of the Exile Wolves most successful ’Mech designs. It is prominent in every Cluster in their Galaxies and is exported to the Nova Cats, the Diamond Sharks, and several mercenary companies including the Kell Hounds. Over the years complaints have come in about the Pack Hunter’s thin armor, which the Wolves have taken to heart with a new version.
The armor has been replaced with a ferro-fibrous compound, increasing the ’Mech’s protections. By downgrading the engine and replacing extended-range PPC with an ER large laser, Wolf scientists have created enough extra space to improve the Pack Hunter’s defenses even more. An ECM suite is provided to jam enemy electronics, and improved jump jets provide an awe-inspiring 270 meter jump radius. To increase the laser’s accuracy, an advanced targeting computer has been embedded in the Pack Hunter’s left torso.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 08 сен 2010, 09:55

лучше б вместо Т-компа и ер ларджа впихнули лардж пульс.
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