Word Welcomes New Converts from Alula Australis, Zosma

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Word Welcomes New Converts from Alula Australis, Zosma

Сообщение DeJaVu » 31 авг 2008, 20:36

Former Free Worlds Planets Seek Blakist Protection
[25 June 3070; VoB]
Two more worlds have thrown off the yoke of Successor State oppression and sought the benevolent protection of the Word of Blake Protectorate. The planetary governments of Zosma and Alula Australis have requested that the Word of Blake, not the Free Worlds League, assume stewardship of their planetary defenses.
On Zosma, the withdrawal of the frontline Free Worlds League Military forces left the planet unable to deal with the predations of pirates and adventurous military units. The planet’s noble ruler allowed a referendum, which showed that most of his subjects preferred to place their lot with the Word of Blake. The arrival of a detachment of Protectorate Militia unit—the advance unit of a promised contingent of frontline defenders—was greeted with fanfares and parade-like triumph through the capital city.
Alula Australis, tired of being a gatekeeper world for military units to pass through, expressed similar sentiments as their peers on Zosma, although in this case with was the commander of the planetary militia who initiated the contacts with the Blakist administration. Faced with inadequate forces to guarantee his constituents’ security, he requested military assistance from the Word of Blake militia. After the timely arrival of a small Word force drove off a coincidental bandit raid, the world’s population voted to join the Protectorate fully. The planet’s noble ruler, incensed by the people’s betrayal, fled into the Free Worlds interior.
These two worlds may not be the last to voluntarily join the Protectorate. There are rumors of border-jumping coming from Kalidasa, Dubhe, and even Stewart.


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