Angela Hasek Installed as Duchess-Regent of Capellan March

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Angela Hasek Installed as Duchess-Regent of Capellan March

Сообщение DeJaVu » 22 авг 2008, 20:35

[22 March 3070; NSNN] In the wake of the assassination of Duke George Hasek, Duchess Angela Hasek has stepped in as the civilian administrator of the Capellan March. The second child of Marshal of the Armies Morgan Hasek-Davion, Angela has the experience to lead the March during these tumultuous times. Marshal Ally Swanson, aide to George Hasek, currently retains military command of the March’s forces, although that may change in the coming months as the shockwaves of the Duke’s assassination spread throughout the March.
Early indications from AFFS investigators place responsibility for the Duke’s murder at the hands of Word of Blake assassins, possibly even the cyber-warriors known as the Manei Domini. While no hard details have been released, the gossip mill on New Syrtis, especially in the districts around Saso, is rife with information. The Word of Blake. The Capellan Confederation. Even Taurian infiltrators have been named as possible assassins, but the AFFS assures us that evidence will soon be released to implicate the guilty.
Accepting the mantle of March Lord, Duchess Angela declared her regency and proclaimed that “…the throne of the March will be safe, strong, and secure when my brother’s heirs are of an age to claim it.” Already oaths of fealty to the Duchess-Regent have been received by every Capellan March world within HPG range of New Syrtis, although no word has yet been heard from the Princess-Regent or the AFFS High Command.
Given the turmoil of the last decade, this assassination has sown serious frailties into the fabric of the Capellan March. The scars of combat during the FedCom Civil War still linger in New Syrtis’ frozen tundras, and new scars from the Liao incursion have been added. Combined with the combat on New Avalon and the atrocities on Galax and other worlds, the death of an iconic leader is just one more bit of bad news that scrambles the confidence of the citizens of the Federated Suns.


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