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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:03

<Habeas2>: This channel has been moderated briefly to contain a flood of comments while I make a few important preliminary announcements.
<Habeas2>: As this is the first such live chat in some time, and is now being held in a new IRC format (or and old IRC format, depending on your perspective...)
<Habeas2>: ...We will not be moderating actual dialog once this period of initial moderation is over. Nor will an official log be generated at this time....
<Habeas2>: ....Furthermore, rather than attempting to square the personal schedules of other writers, contributors, and developers into these time slots, for the immediate future, the only "guest of honor" for these chats will be me....
<Habeas2>: ...At this time, Catalyst Game Labs would like to remind you that while this chat is a means to directly connmect with the Line Developer, the Line Developer reserves the right to refuse any questions he does not like, boot any chatters whose attitudes he does not like, and generally rule this channel as a dictator would a small third world country (like Texas)....
<Habeas2>: ....Nothing said by the Line Developer in these official chats may be used against him at a later date, nor will it necessarily be considered canon except in cases where the Line Developer deems it to be so....
<Habeas2>: ....Do not look directly into the operational end of the Line Developer....
<Habeas2>: ....Do not submerge the Line Developer in liquid, even partially....
<Habeas2>: ....And be advised that BattleMech Hell is a real place, where you will be sent at the earliest signs of defiance....
<Habeas2>: ....Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs Line Developer-aided enrichment activity. Your specimens have been processed, and we are now ready to begin the test properly....
<Habeas2>: Moderation will now end in 5... 4.... 3....
<Habeas2>: 2....
<Habeas2>: 1...
+++ Habeas2 set the channel to mode -m
<Korsar>: Thank you, Herb for doing this again
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:09

<Trboturtle>: test
<Habeas2>: You're welcome.
<Habeas2>: Test successful.
<Habeas2>: Hello....
<Mendrugo2>: So, how do you feel with JHS: Terra released?
<Habeas2>: At this time the floor is open to questions; please be patient if it takes me time to get to yours, especially if this becomes a flood.
<raven>: So totally awesome, especially after JHS: Terra was released yesterday, so I guess my first question: Is the chaos campaign or some system of track campaigns going to continue after the Jihad?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - I feel it is time to get to the next project. The days when I celebrated every release have dwindled lately.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:11

<Habeas2>: Raven - The CHaos Campaign system is the established method all future scenarios and in-universe tactical campaigns will be using, replacing the old FASA-era scenarios concept. So, yes, they will continue even after the Jihad sourcebooks have run their course.
<Habeas2>: Raven - The CHaos Campaign system is the established method all future scenarios and in-universe tactical campaigns will be using, replacing the old FASA-era scenarios concept. So, yes, they will continue even after the Jihad sourcebooks have run their course.
<VIV>: Randall Bills has written two books of the series Foundation of clans. The first book in the canon, as published in English. Is the second book as canon?
<Habeas2>: VIV - yes

<Mendrugo2>: Question - why didn't Mercury rate a writeup in JHS - Terra, considering it's got a higher population in 3078 than Venus?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Because Mercury still is little more interesting to the Terrans than the rest of the Belter settlements.
<Welshman_BC>: Hey boss.
<Habeas2>: Hello, Catalyst Staff Member Welshman_BC
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:14

<raven>: So what are the big releases that are planned to be in for Gencon?
<BH-21>: otherwise known as that 3085 guy
<VhenRa>: The Dragon's Breath seems very similar in the concept of salvo'ed missiles and heavy ECM.
<Korsar>: As we continue with the PDF-only-products and the Turning Points-Series seems like a very good job: Is there a chance that we see any adventure seeds (like in the chaos campaign) for AToW in future TP-products?
<Frabby>: First off, thanks Herb for taking the time again to do this kind of stuff!
<Habeas2>: We cannot be certain of GenCon releases, even now. It is our hope that the Box Set will make an appearance, as well the first of the Map Tiles products, and at least two print BattleTech sourcebooks.
<Habeas2>: Korsar - An AToW Adventures series was plannewd for PDF release, but fell behind schedule and has been suspended pening the print release of A Time of War (as well as the resultions of several issues that cannot be disclosed at this time).
<Frabby>: And a question, while I got a few seconds at the keyboard: Any plans (or even wish) to bring the XTROs and Turning Point products into actual print (DTF)?
<Habeas2>: Frabby - You're welcome.
<Habeas2>: Frabby - Eventual print publications of Catalyst Game Labs' PDF-exclusive products is a subject that we will be discussing internally at some point in the future, but the immediate plan is "not yet".
<VhenRa>: Had it been established prior to JHS: Terra that Mars was terraformed to the point you could walk on the surface without a space suit?
<Habeas2>: VhenRa - Yes.
<Frabby>: @VhenRa: Wasn't it implied in "Last days of Zeta" (BattleCorps) that the atmosphere was *not* breathable?
<VhenRa>: Huh, didnt notice it. I am going to guess... Star League Sourcebook?
<Habeas2>: Please note: A noticeable taste of blood or smell of zone is not part of any Catalyst Game Labs test protocol, but is the unintended side-effect of discussing game products with the Line Developer which may--in semi-rare cases--lead to nuclear attack.
<Mendrugo2>: That was addressed in the Blake Documents - Blakist terraforming work caused a localized storm that killed the Zeta pilots who ejected.
<VhenRa>: Oh hell. The Blakists have a weather control machine?
<Frabby>: ...as somebody who doesn't like cats and went to Texas (and liked it) for my only visits to the US ever, how much worse can it get?
<Mendrugo2>: No - they just smashed a few big ice asteroids into the planet to up the water levels.
<VhenRa>: What does cats have to do with anything?
<BH-21>: Herbs marital bliss
<Habeas2>: VhenRa - Cats have to do with everything.
<Trboturtle>: Cats = Masters
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - The cats were here first.
<Mendrugo2>: Herb - I love the Rattler. Can you speak as to whether or not the mobile orbital guns from MechCommander are canon? They seem to be similar class mobile structures to the Rattler.
<Trboturtle>: Herb -- WHat do YOU want to see in Battletech?
<raven>: Era Report: 3052 and the Clan Boxed Set, still being worked on or shelved at this time?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - It remains to be seen; after all, even in the Star League's day, we heard very little indications that even Terra had a ground-mobile SDS platform of any kind. The Rattler may be a unique Word of Blake creation that surpassed even Star league combat engineering.
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - What I want to see will begin in 2012
<Habeas2>: Raven - One was shelved. The other was not.
<VhenRa>: The Phobos Skyhook in the Touring Terra section of JHS: Terra. Is that an actual Skyhook based on the concept similar to a space elevator. IE a long cable ranging down from space into the atmosphere?
<Frabby>: Does that mean the Jihan timeline will run out this year? (As in, getting wrapped up and all associated products published?)
<Frabby>: ...doh. Forget that last comment.
<Habeas2>: VhenRa - That is a subject I would refer to the author of the section.
<VhenRa>: Which is?
<Habeas2>: Frabby - The Jihad timeline has two more sourcebooks planned, which should appear next year.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:27

<Habeas2>: VhenRa - The author was Michael Miller ("Cray" on the CBT forums)
<VhenRa>: Ah. I expected that.
<Mendrugo2>: Herb - re: Rattler - JHS:Terra p. 188 says it was built in Jonathan Cameron's time. The WoB just changed the payload.
<VhenRa>: And built more if I recall correctly.
<Frabby>: I thought it was a nod to the computer game
<VhenRa>: Where would I ask on the forums in order to get a reply to that question?
<Mendrugo2>: That would imply that when the Clans give you SafCon, they really mean that otherwise they'd blow your DropShips out of the skies...
<Habeas2>: It is not uncommon for us to build rules inspired by the video/computer games, but given how such games are always developed outside of our direct interaction, what happenbs in the computerized/video game BT products may not equate to canon
<Habeas2>: VhenRa - Since virtually all authors have been stripped of their Writer's title on the forums, General Discussion, include a "CRAY HELP ME!" in your title
<VIV>: Will we see in the near future at battlecorps Founding Clans book 2 and 3.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:28

<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Given the considerable challenged involved in their transport and manufacture, it seems unlikely the CLans have any mobile SDS Structures
<Korsar>: Herb - @authors: O.o That was unexpected
<Habeas2>: VIV - That remains to be seen, but we hope so. Managing Developer Randall Bills will require time to do so, however, and is quite busy these days on other matters.
<Habeas2>: Korsar - This was a necessary action in regards to recent developments on the forums.
<Mendrugo2>: Is the art for the Caspar Mk II drones intended to also represent the general appearance of the Caspar Mk Is? Or do they, canonically, look like big eggs with "HALT" on the forward display?
<Habeas2>: Mewndrugo - No
<Taurevanime>: A simple question. Who is the person responsible for making that insane Devastator from the new XTRO: Davion? And would it be possible to inform him that I love the insanity of that machine?
<VhenRa>: They have? Huh. Learn something new every day. Well I suppose I should be heading off to bed. It is getting rather late here (Ha, what an understatement. 4:30 am is not rather late. It is where did all the time go late)
<Habeas2>: There will be a second chat todayt in 8 hours, VhenRa. If you have more questions
<VhenRa>: Nah. I will probably be asleep. My sleep timestable is screwed up.
<Habeas2>: Taurevanime - That would be Chris Smith (AKA "Chunga" on the forums)
<Taurevanime>: Why am I not surprised it was him? XD
<Habeas2>: Taurevanime - Given that I do not know you personally, I have no idea why you are not surprised. However, fun fact: The Mech was very nearly redesigned after the similarities to the XTR: Corporations Charger were underscored.
<Korsar>: Herb - Jihad HotSpots: Terra: Do you like the way it came together? Is there a part you really like?
<Mendrugo2>: Herb - is "Free Mars" in JHS-Terra a conscious nod to Babylon 5 (a series you're known to look on kindly)?
<Habeas2>: Korsar - Completing it. Due to scjheduling issues, towards the end, all of the assignments I reserved for myself had to be turned over to other authors, leaving me primarily to simply organize the book.
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - All things considered, a Martial liberation movement would be hard-pressed to find a better name, really. While I very much enjoyed Babylon 5, this was not a deliberate nod to the series.
<Frabby>: Seeing how we're mainly discussing current and upcoming products, I have to ask: Will all OOP products from FASA times eventually become available as PDFs? I found these extremely useful, as I am highly interested in fluff and context. The Star League book for some 7 bucks as opposed to a collector's item for 170 was a great bargain
<BH-21>: Habeas - Will any historical products either HTP: or Historical: (Print) or even "A Time of War" set to focus on Helm in 3028?
<Frabby>: and so was Tales of the Black Widow, and other early products. PDFs and private collection together I have almost every OOP book now, with the notable exception of FCCW sourcebook and Rolling Thunder. Any chance to see these in PDF at some point?
<Mendrugo2>: A question about the EARC versions of the novels - does BattleCorps plan to release all the old novels in that format over the coming years? What about the status of The Sword and the Dagger, which was never had a ROC printing?
<Habeas2>: Frabby - At the time, the plan to rublish OOP FASA products in PDF form remains an active consideration, yes.
<Frabby>: @Mendrugo: Ardath Mayhar said in her essay about writing the book that apparently, there was some legal issue that prevented an online publication of the book - she seems to want it published online, and fans apparently keep asking her
Последний раз редактировалось DeJaVu 17 июл 2010, 20:38, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение Юджин » 17 июл 2010, 20:37

Жаль что не было вопросов по Домашним Кланам и Войне Опустошения...и когда что-то каноническое выйдет по этому сегменту БТ... :(
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:39

Задавай здесь. Только быстрее
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:41

<Habeas2>: BH-21 - Regarding a Tuning Point set on Helm, it is a possibility
<BH-21>: Nice!
<HsojVvad>: Hello everyone
<BH-21>: Hola
<HsojVvad>: I am late, interent connection troulbes hope I don't get booted
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - I believe the plan is for BattleCorps to publish EARCs for all novels they can, but I am uncertain at this time whether they have EARCs for all of the novels that ever were.
<HsojVvad>: how is everyone? What didi I miss?
<BH-21>: stuff
<Mendrugo2>: If you're looking for another Campaign Turning Point like "Red Corsair" (spread over a bunch of planets), you couldn't do much better than McCarron's 'Long March' campaign. Just sayin'.
<HsojVvad>: will there be a transcript so i can read what I missed?
<BH-21>: Herb said no
<Maelwys>: Well, no official one
<Oystein>: HosjVvad - not an official transcript, but I'm sure someone is logging it.
<HsojVvad>: ah, ok. hope i don't aske what was said already
<Maelwys>: But somehow I doubt there isn't someone out there logging.
<Korsar>: No official. I'm already logging
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - At this point, the Line Developer would like to indicate that it is a Catalyst Game Labs policy to NOT accept unsolicited concepts or project ideas from "off the street".
<HsojVvad>: let us know where we can read it please
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:43

<Korsar>: I'll post it to the forums
<HsojVvad>: thanks Korsar
<Korsar>: If that's okay with the TPTB
<Habeas2>: O.o
--- Habeas2 has banned *!*@cloak-F8419FF1.hsd1.ct.comcast.net
*** Dumpshock was kicked by Habeas2 (Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs Line Developer-aided enrichment activity. Good bye!)
<BH-21>: lol
<HsojVvad>: What is TPTB?
<Korsar>: The Powers To Be
<Korsar>: aka Herb
<Maelwys>: Interesting
<HsojVvad>: lol
<Taurevanime>: I thought it was The Powers That Be. Considering that they are in power now.
<Korsar>: Or was it "The Powers That Be" I always mix them up...
<Mendrugo2>: These Pringles Taste Bacony...
<Habeas2>: HsojVvad - "TPTB" is an acronym for "The Powers That Be", first used (IIRC) in a MWDA novel based on the event around Liao, written by Loren Coleman. On the forums, it is taken to refer to all those with a yellow writer's icon, but this is, in fact, an error.
Последний раз редактировалось DeJaVu 17 июл 2010, 20:44, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение Юджин » 17 июл 2010, 20:44

А можно? :)

Stragglers from Clan Ice Hellion
reportedly raid the Periphery edge of the
Ghost Bear Dominion, hitting Holmsbu,
Constance, and Pinnacle, before Rasalhague
KungsArmé forces manage to pin them
down on Damian.

- это были беженцы из Кланспейса, "щепки" Войны Опустошения?

И когда появится какая либо информация по Войне Опустошения в Кланспейсе?
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:52

<Korsar>: Afaik it was also used in the Angel-TV-series
<Maelwys>: Oh no, its been around forever.
<HsojVvad>: I got to get me some BT books to read. I havn't read a good book in a while
<Habeas2>: With most of the writers since stripped of the "Writers" badge, the remaining "Yellow Mechs"--now "Gray Mechs" represent the official representatives of Catalyst Game Labs....the actual "PTBs"
<HsojVvad>: The Powers That Be sounds like a very good title for a book
<Habeas2>: Korsar - If it came from the Angel TV series, the Line Developer is not surprised; Loren Coleman LOVED those shows.
<BH-21>: Anyways, back to the game. Herb was there references to or was it a whim to make Michi's Ostroc a jumper?
<Mendrugo2>: Herb - can you speculate (non-bindingly) about what sort of products might be considered down the line to flesh out the Republic of the Sphere? A Handbook? A Field Manual? A glossy coffee table art book?
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - Unknown by me. But considering that the fact-check group did not flag and change it, it appears that there either was support for it, or no canon against it.
<BH-21>: check
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - One TRO, one Era Report, and possibly one Field Manual\
<Maelwys>: Are any time jumps planned in the future?
<HsojVvad>: Time jumps? As in time travel? I hope not, enough of that in Star Trek
<Habeas2>: Maelwys - Yes.
<Korsar>: Interesting
<Maelwys>: Don't supposed you'd like to give dates
<HsojVvad>: or you mean time jump as in moving up in the time line, advancing the story into the future
<Mendrugo2>: Herb - Can you update us on the current status of the Core Book series? Interstellar Ops? Universe Book? Progressing? Back Burner? Released last month but we didn't notice?
<VIV>: Stragglers from Clan Ice Hellion reportedly raid the Periphery edge of the Ghost Bear Dominion, hitting Holmsbu, Constance, and Pinnacle, before Rasalhague KungsArmé forces manage to pin them down on Damian. - They were refugees from clanspace, "slivers" Civil War of Clans? You see how any information about Civil War of Clans in clanspace?
<Habeas2>: Maelwys - As most of you should not be shocked to hear, covering the period between the Jihad and the 3130s is largely seen as a relative waste of time; the conflicts were very limited, and spread out across 60 years. We will not linger in the ashes of the Jihad very long as a result.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:53

<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - AToW: Awaiting print. Interstellar Ops - In progress. Universe Book - Waiting for me to axe it.
<Trboturtle>: But there will be historical based between 3085 (or so) - 3130?
<Korsar>: Man, AToW would make a nice christmas present...
<Habeas2>: Turtle - There are several Historicals still on the schedule
<Taurevanime>: There has been a lot of feedback on the two recent PDF releases, some positive some negative. Does this feedback have a (minor at best) influence on future products. I mainly ask because I have witnessed computer games going downhill because developers only listened to the vocal negative minority. And so am basically looking for reassurance that such a fate is not in store for Battletech.
<Habeas2>: VIV - The Ice Hellion stragglers are an unknown factor at this time re: their origins.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:55

<Habeas2>: 5 minutes until chat shutdown.
<HsojVvad>: What do people think if something new was introduced like aliens, so it's not human vs human all the time?
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:57

<Maelwys>: So the Ghost Bear war and Capellan conflicts with RotS are going to get the original War of 3039 treatment ala 20 year update?
<Habeas2>: Taurevanime - Feedback has some effect, but sales have far more effect. Needless to say, the negatives are horrendously outnumbered when one looks at sales figures.
<Taurevanime>: With the chat rounding down then. I would like to ask what your oppinion is about how the first official chat in such a long time has gone?
<Habeas2>: Taurevanime - This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: "HUGE SUCCESS!"
<VIV>: Will be decided whether favorably with paper books - Warrior, Bonfire? I love when they are pleasing to the eye on the shelf
<HsojVvad>: so far so good Taurevanime, wish I was here earlier
<Tolan>: Are there any products related the War of Reaving in the works?
<HsojVvad>: Is there going to be another one at 8pm EST?
<Habeas2>: VIV - I cannot say for certain whether paper novels will make an appearnce on the shelves again soon, but we remain committed to that goal nevertheless.
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 20:59

<Habeas2>: HsojVvad - Yes, a second chat today is scheduled for 8 PM (EST). 7 hours from now.
<Habeas2>: Tolan - Maybe.
<HsojVvad>: Thanks Habeas2
<VIV>: very thanks
<Habeas2>: HsojVvad - You're welcome.
<J_Schmetzer>: Thanks Herb!
<J_Schmetzer>: (see, I was quiet!)
<Mendrugo2>: Habeas1 - Who will win - Wolverines or Aliens?
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Yes, HERE.
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Me.
<Tolan>: Will you be at GenCon this year?
<J_Schmetzer>: Hey. YOU started it.
<Welshman_BC>: ....
<Habeas2>: Tolan - Yes. I have to be.
<BH-21>: Will Welshman get a cookie for his work on 3085, or a kick in the groin?
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение Юджин » 17 июл 2010, 21:02

Спасибо. :beer:

Хех, от ответа по ВО - отвертелся... :(
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 21:02

<Habeas2>: BH-21 - Welshman got his kick in the groin by GETTING 3085
+++ Habeas2 set the channel to mode +m

Спасибо за внимание. Следующий чат сегодня в 4 утра. Поскольку в данный момент я на работе - скидывайте возникшие вопросы, я задам их, желательно сразу на английском
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 июл 2010, 21:14

<HsojVvad>: thanks for having us
<BH-21>: anyone want a log
<HsojVvad>: I would like to read what I have missed
<HsojVvad>: yes BH-21
<Taurevanime>: Time for dinner. See you all later.
<HsojVvad>: Lunch over here lol
<SMJ>: Thanks, Herb--appreciate the info . . .
<BH-21>: there sent you a file
<Korsar>: Yeah, thanks again. I think I'll be listing in on the second chat as well
<BH-21>: if your on a clinet IRC you should be able to DL it
<Taurevanime>: See you all later.
<BH-21>: later
Habeas2 starts humming "Still Alive"
<BH-21>: LOL!
<HsojVvad>: later Taurevanime have a good day
<BH-21>: its ok to post this long on the forums isn't it
<BH-21>: log
<Mendrugo2>: And pretty fast, sniping the Dumpshock lurker in the middle of the chat...
<Mendrugo2>: Herb's got an itchy trigger finger.
<HsojVvad>: any plans for today herb?
<Maelwys>: Which was pretty childish.
<HsojVvad>: Humid over here today, what is it like for the rest of you guys?
<Habeas2>: Hmmm?
<Korsar>: So.. where to with the BattleChat-Log-PDF? General Discussion?
<raven>: thanks Herb
*** Oystein is now known as Lance
<P_Dupree>: I hope it will be dry in K�ln, as I�m going to see the fireworks
<Habeas2>: "Childish" is just another name for the Internet
<Korsar>: Dry in Kiel, even if it rained just about an hour ago
<Habeas2>: HsojVvad - SInce my wife left me this morning, it seems all I have to do is work on Battletech for the next four days
<HsojVvad>: where is Kiel?
<Korsar>: Germany
<HsojVvad>: Oh no. Sorry to hear.
<BH-21>: popular bomber target in WW II, due to the subpens
<Mendrugo2>: Hot'n'humid in Kyiv, but cooling down as night approaches.
<BH-21>: http://www.classicbattletech.com/forums ... msg1674056
<BH-21>: there is the log
<Korsar>: Northern Germany. A small city, which had a little significance during the german "Kaiserzeit" as a harbor for the navy
<Korsar>: It still is a navy harbour today.
<Lance>: also the site where most drunk norwegians come ashore from the ferry.
<Taurevanime>: Dinner is late so I am here for some more time.
<Korsar>: How do you know that, Oystein? You've been here?
<Lance>: yes
<Mendrugo2>: Sorry to hear that the Smoke Jaguars don't actually have mobile orbital guns. I had fun taking those out in MechCommander.
<Taurevanime>: What celebration is in K�ln today?
<tprice>: hello. Odd, i was in the "other" battlechat live and it was just 3 of us. we were there since 1145 eastern...
<Taurevanime>: It's fine weather over here in Almere in the Netherlands.
<P_Dupree>: It�s called "K�lner Lichter", as special fire works event, quit nice to see
<tprice>: aaaah. I see the problem. the original link had no ! in the name. the current one does.
<Taurevanime>: I always wanted to visit K�ln for the cathedral there. It's said to be one of the finest Gothic cathedrals in the world.
BattleChat-Live! Your place for official BattleChats with the Line Developer! - Next Chat today (17 July) at 8 PM EST!
Topic set by Habeas2 on Sat Jul 17 2010 21:11:57 GMT+0400 (Russia Daylight Time)
<Korsar>: It is. I was there this spring during the RPC, a big role playing convention in Köln and had the chance to visit the cathedral.
<Taurevanime>: Hey Herb what kind of music do you like to listen to?
<P_Dupree>: The cathedral is quit impressive, we made several class trips to it when I was in school, but to be honest, you get used to it.
<Korsar>: On the other hand: The beer from Köln isn't the best...
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Re: Бэттлчат возвращается!

Сообщение Пауль » 17 июл 2010, 21:47

Про Ягуаров если возможно. Тему будут раскрывать? Те подробнее про выживших. Про побег из лагеря (упоминание в Терре), про Фиделис?
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