[MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

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[MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:15

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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:16

CBR-03 Cobra
Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Defiance 450 Endo Steel
Power Plant: VOX 225 Light
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Lexington Ltd. High Grade Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 2 Coventry Star Fire LRM 15
2 Martell ER Medium Lasers
Communications System: TharHes Calliope 270
Targeting & Tracking System: TharHes Ares LM with Artemis IV FCS

The Cobra was intended by his Defiance Industries designers to be a counter for the Free Worlds League Military’s Apollo support BattleMech, and while on paper they appeared to have matched the Apollo’s capabilities in actual combat the Cobra has proven a poor substitute. The LAAF has logged dozens of complaints about inferior armor protection and inaccurate missiles. With Defiance of Hesperus under the thumb of the Word of Blake, Defiance-Furillo stepped to the fore.
A new production model of the Cobra is just beginning to walk off the lines, and it appears to have kept the best of the Cobra while addressing the worst. A light fusion engine and an extralight gyro free enough mass to increase the Cobra’s armor protection despite a reduction in efficiency by switching to light ferro-fibrous. Enough mass was left over to add Artemis IV fire control systems to both Star Fire long-range missile racks, and Defiance took the opportunity to upgrade the medium lasers to extended-range models. In addition, the ammunition-prone single large ammunition magazine has been split in two and wrapped in cellular ammunition storage equipment.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:17

Mass: 70 tons
Chassis: Earthwerks BGS Quad
Power Plant: Magna 350 XL
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Durallex Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Hotshot ER Flamer
2 Defiance 250 Light PPC
1 Martell Medium Pulse Laser
2 Martell Medium Variable-Speed Lasers
1 Doombud MML 7
Communications System: TharHes Euterpe HM-14
Targeting & Tracking System: TharHes Ares-8a with Artemis IV FCS

During a small joint operation on Ginestra, an adept commanding a Level II attached to a company of the Arcturan Guard observed a modified Lyran Barghest in operation against the Word of Blake. With the pounding the Lyran manufacturing base has taken since the outbreak of the Jihad it doesn’t surprise us to see field-testing well away from the common experimental divisions on Hesperus and Coventry.
This Barghest was seen to mount a diverse weapons mix, as well as modified armor that we believe was an example of the new light ferro-fibrous compounds. The twin extended-range large lasers have been replaced with similarly-ranged light PPCs, and the big-bore autocannon with a mix of multi-missile launchers and pulse lasers. Most striking is the presence of a pair of variable-speed pulse lasers—we cannot confirm whether these may be weapons captured from the Word of Blake or a Lyran-originated copy. What we can confirm is the Lyrans’ anger at the Word—after destroying an Initiate, the Barghest’s pilot set the hulk afire with what we believe is a prototype extended-range flamer.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:20


Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Beowulf 3
Power Plant: GM 270 XL
Cruising Speed: 65 kph
Maximum Speed: 97 kph
Jump Jets: Odin Type II
Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: Wall Type 6 Ferro Fibrous
Armament: 2 Diverse Optics ER Small Laser
1 Diverse Optics Small Laser
1 Diverse Optics ER Medium Laser
2 Blankenburg Medium Variable-Speed Laser
Communications System: Dash-2 Standard
Targeting & Tracking System: Blade 12 with Beagle Active Prove and C3 slave

Because of the danger of capture or salvage all Com Guard commanders should be made aware of a new possible variant of the Beowulf being field-tested on Arcturus. Designed to counter some of the Word’s middle-weight BattleMechs, this new variant would reduce the Beowulf’s scout capabilities in favor of more direct weaponry. Although trials are still pending, it seems likely the ’Mech Division will approve this model for refit.
The large pulse laser is replaced by a pair of first-model Blankenburg Medium Variable-Speed Lasers, with two additional extended-range and one standard small lasers added to supplement single remaining medium. The MASC system is stripped out and the entire ’Mech refitted with triple-strength myomers. To take advantage of the heat buildup generated by the large complement of energy weapons and the added strength of the TSM, our designers have fitted the Beowulf with a sword.
Until a replacement manufacturer can be found for Odin Manufacturing on Orestes, we are forced to use refit facilities to make the soon-to-be-approved conversions.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:21

Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: VOX 275 XL
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: Waterly Heavy Lifters
Jump Capacity: 210 meters
Armor: Kallon FWL
Armament: 3 Doombud MML 5
Communications System: Easy Talk 2 with C3i
Targeting & Tracking System: Instatrac Mark XIII

The Buccaneer has become one of the premier medium BattleMechs in the Word of Blake Militia, which means it has seen combat in nearly every theater of the Word’s operations. By the same token, the Buccaneer has fallen into the hands of a number of the Word’s enemies through both theft and salvage. Those captured through salvage are sometimes modified with other equipment, such as the chassis captured by our operatives on Muphrid in 3074.
This Buccaneer had been almost completely rebuilt, using a smaller engine which diminished the Buccaneer’s maximum speed. The resistance fighter who piloted it mitigated that lack by equipping his ride with captured improved jump jets. These new-model leapers grant this Buccaneer a 210-meter jump radius, which is not something an enemy will expect from the normally-ground-bound ’Mech.
For weapons the ’Mech was gutted and replaced. All of the original weapons were destroyed or replaced with three 5-tube multi-missile launchers, but only two tons of ammunition are allotted. Fortunately, they left the C3i computer which will make those small salvoes very effective.
And, of course—there’s still the hatchet.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:22


Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: SR 2830/b Endo Steel
Power Plant: Type 81 Fusion 240 XL
Cruising Speed: 65 kph
Maximum Speed: 97 kph
Jump Jets: Series-15 Improved
Jump Capacity: 240 meters
Armor: Forging C429/j Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 5 Series 14a Medium Pulse Lasers
Communications System: Raldon R1 with ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: Sloane 220 Lockover System

Although our sources in the Outworlds are severely curtailed after the Snow Ravens’ arrival, we can and do manage to slip operatives on and off-world via civilian freighters, passenger liners, and mercenary groups. One of our intermediaries recently purchases intelligence on a Star of Snow Raven ’Mechs that coursed a pirate group operating near Ramora. This Star included a pair of Clint IIC BattleMechs unlike any we’ve previously encountered.
The familiar autocannon and two lasers had been stripped out and replaced with a bevy of five medium pulse lasers. While this denied the Clint IIC its long-range firepower, the increased accuracy up close more than makes up for. To help this Clint get close, the Snow Ravens have used the recently-developed improved jump jets to give the forty-ton ’Mech a 240-meter jump radius.
From observed damage and enemy fire, it would further appear that the Snow Ravens have included an ECM suite in the upgraded Clint as well as modifying the armor—although we cannot tell if this modification is in weight or type.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:23


Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Clan Series Assault SXC (Endo)
Power Plant: Clan Type 240 XL Series
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: Clan Standard 14x Series
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Forging ZK11 (Standard)
Armament: 1 Series 7Ja ER Large Laser
2 Kolibri Delta-Series Large Pulse Laser
2 Type 0 HAG/20
Communications System: TJ6 “Bell” Integrated Communications System
Targeting & Tracking System: TRTTS Mk II CWS

When the Jade Falcons captured three Canis BattleMechs from the Coyotes during the Harvest Trials they were quickly sent to the Inner Sphere to face the Lyran Alliance. Unfamiliar with the new ’Mechs, the Lyrans lost several machines to the former Coyote vehicles, and on Blue Hole a Canis was observed with modified weapons.
Three of the four extended-range large lasers have been removed to make room for a pair of large pulse lasers. The fourth ER large laser is moved to the head, mounted alongside the cockpit. The two Ultra autocannons have been replaced by hyper-assault Gauss rifles, giving this Canis a truly formidable battery at long range.
The Canis’ pilot, Star Commander Patrick, has already been confirmed to have destroyed four Lyran Alliance BattleMechs single-handedly, including a Hauptmann OmniMech. ComStar has yet to determine which Bloodhouse he belongs to but it seems certain he is a rising star in the Clan.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:25


Mass: 90 tons
Chassis: Type MAES-90 Light
Power Plant: Consolidated Fusion 360 XL
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Forging ZZ7 Ceramic Plate
Armament: 42 tons of pod space available
Communications System: Series D8 CC-25X
Targeting & Tracking System: “Hermes” CT-42 Mk II

To date only on Blood Asp has appeared in the Inner Sphere, in service with the Hell’s Horses. From the obvious signs of repair we speculate it was taken from the Star Adders in a Trial in the Homeworlds before the Hell’s Horses arrival here. The Horses warrior has been observed in action several times, each time with a different Omni configuration, including two configurations we’ve never observed before.
The first new configuration appears to be a general combat version, proving deadly at all ranges. A pair of extended-range PPCs provide reach, with a shocking arsenal of Streak short-range missiles and pulse lasers. A plasma cannon helps to hobble its opponents, while a pair of anti-personnel Gauss rifles protect against swarming battle armor.
The second appears to be a dueling configuration: paired extended-range large lasers tied into a targeting computer for precision fire, a massive hyper-assault Gauss rifle for pounding through an opponent’s defenses, and medium-scale pulse and heavy lasers for close-in work.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:27


Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Coventry BTZ-VII Endo Steel
Power Plant: Magna 350 XL
Cruising Speed: 76 kph
Maximum Speed: 119 kph
Jump Jets: Rawling 45
Jump Capacity: 210 meters
Armor: Lexington Ltd. High Grade Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Defiance 753 Heavy PPC
Communications System: TharHes Muse 54-58K with C3 slave
Targeting & Tracking System: Cyclops 9b with Targeting Computer

The Blitzkrieg has always been an ambush hunter, using its incredible Ultra-class Thunder autocannon to crush through the armor of ’Mechs much heavier than itself. With sufficient speed to escape when necessary or to rush in when appropriate, the ’Mech is a dangerous opponent, but recent advances in tactics and weaponry have made the one-weaponed ’Mech susceptible to attack.
In response an Arcturan refit yard is experimenting with a modified Blitzkrieg designed to keep what works and discard what doesn’t. An extralight gyro has been added to open further mass for weaponry, as well as increased armor—which has been converted to a light ferro-fibrous. To correct one of the ambusher’s deficiencies, Rawlings 45 jump jets have been added to provide a 210 meter jump distance. The Thunder autocannon is removed and replaced with a crushing heavy PPC. Since the PPC’s most effective ranges are similar to that of the Thunder autocannon, pilots can be expected to operate similarly but more accurately, thanks to both a targeting computer embedded in the chest and a C3 slave computer near the cockpit.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:31


Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Fortune VII Endo Steel (quad)
Power Plant: GM 315 XL
Cruising Speed: 76 kph
Maximum Speed: 119 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Nimakachi Type 3X Light Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 2 Tronel XII Medium Pulse Laser
1 Martell ER Medium Laser
1 Lord’s Light Snub-nose Particle Beam Weapon
Communications System: Omicron 5000 with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: Eagle Eye B-18 with C3 slave

With the destruction of Nimakachi’s Tematagi facilities the Lapida II manufacturing complex has expanded to increase production to meet the DCMS’s demands. Although the Bishamon line has been running non-stop, a special division was created in 3072 to test additional variants, using the scant research and development budgets allocated by the wartime military.
In January we observed a new Bishamon undergoing trials, which we believe—if our analysis is correct—will be accepted. It replaces the Bishamon’s standard armor with a light ferro-fibrous compound and strips out the missile launcher for a Guardian ECM suite, an additional heat sink, and a snub-nose particle beam weapon. One of the extended-range medium lasers is removed in favor of a C3 slave system. Without the ties to ammunition replenishment that the original Bishamon had, this new version may be intended for independent operations away from supply lines—such as taking the fight out of the Combine and into the Blakist Protectorate.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 11:33


Mass: 85 tons
Chassis: Norse Heavy XT2-1A Endo Steel
Power Plant: Strand 255
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: Rawlings 54
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Valiant Lamellor
Armament: 1 Inokuma Gauss Rifle
1 Ceres Arms Crusher Heavy PPC
2 Doombud MML 7
Communications System: O/P AIR500
Targeting & Tracking System: DLK Type Phased Array Sensor System and TAG

With Northwind’s silence we have no idea if the Highlanders have reworked the Black Watch to operate with locally-made equipment. Since 3068 no new shipments of the flagship ’Mech’s weapons have arrived in-system from either the Free Worlds League or the Draconis Combine. Indeed, for all we know Northwind may have suffered the same fate as Galax and Buenos Aires.
On Galatea, however, a few expatriate Highlanders have joined together to try and drum up support for a relief mission to Northwind. One of them pilots a Black Watch and has modified the ’Mech’s weaponry using some of the more advanced technologies that trickle into the once-and-again Mercenary’s Star.
The Imperator light Gauss rifle has been replaced by a full-scale Inokuma Gauss rifle, although the ammunition for the heavier—and harder-hitting—weapon is limited. A pair of seven-tube multi-missile launchers replace the big Shigunga medium-range missile block, and unlike the Gauss rifle they are well-supplied with ammunition. Finally, a heavy PPC replaces the Ultra autocannon, providing similar damage without the dependency on ammunition.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 02 июл 2010, 12:53

Огромное тебе спасибо. Одним куском это все воистину смотрится лучше.
Кстати, на Баргест 7S есть отличная статья, с комментариями по его изготовлению от Psycho
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Diamond » 02 июл 2010, 13:00

Кстати, кто-либо разделяет моё мнение относительно того, что BGS-7S - убогий выродок в доблестной семье "пёсиков"?
Вообще-то я противник всякой войны. Война портит солдат, разрушает шеренгу и пачкает мундиры.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 02 июл 2010, 13:21

Ну, он лишился большой пушки, и я не уверен, что вариябли это возместят, но в остальном вместо песика-кусаки вышел песик-брехун средней дальности.
По логике вещей, с таким количеством мелких стволов он сейчас неплохой критсикер.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Hobbit » 02 июл 2010, 13:26

Siberian-troll писал(а):Ну, он лишился большой пушки, и я не уверен, что вариябли это возместят, но в остальном вместо песика-кусаки вышел песик-брехун средней дальности.
По логике вещей, с таким количеством мелких стволов он сейчас неплохой критсикер.

4 ствола + MML 7 - это не ахти какой критсикер.
Теоретически, из него может выйти неплохой истребитель пехоты и легкой бронетехники. Это если забыть, что он 70-тонный хэвик и квад.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Diamond » 02 июл 2010, 13:39

Хевик с вооружением среднего меха.
Мог бы охотится за быстрыми юнитами, но это не прыгающий квад со всеми вытекающими.
Вообще-то я противник всякой войны. Война портит солдат, разрушает шеренгу и пачкает мундиры.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Lyra Rise Again » 02 июл 2010, 16:20

испоганили прилично пёсика. надо было ему тяжёлый ПИИ повесить и снабноузами добавить или вариабельные лазера и тенденцию бы сохранили и новое оружие попользовали.
Lyra uber alles! Lyra rise again!
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 июл 2010, 10:16

Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Model MH-24 Endo Steel
Power Plant: Fusion 160 Standard
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: Model KT Boosters
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Compound H17 Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Type 0 HAG/20
2 Delta-series Heavy Medium Laser
Communications System: CH2 Series Integrated
Targeting & Tracking System: Version Gamma-VTTS with Targeting Computer

The Hell’s Horses brought few garrison Clusters forward with them to the Inner Sphere, but those that did come brought several Corvis BattleMechs with them. Although this ’Mech is a precursor to the Stormcrow, the other Clans have largely abandoned it. The Horses have traditionally used it in second-line BattleMech roles, supporting conventional forces and sentry duty. Their conflict with the Wolves, however, has forced them to look again at this ancient ’Mech.
A Corvis on security duty in Regisport on Verthandi recently came under fire from Verthandi resistance fighters and displayed advanced weaponry. A hyper-assault Gauss rifle replaced the Ultra autocannon in the Corvis’ right arm, and a pair of heavy medium lasers replace the original medium pulse lasers. From the precision of some of its shooting we infer it must mount an advanced targeting computer, as well.
The Horses’ efforts to upgrade such an ancient, derided BattleMech can only mean one of two things: either their combat with the Wolves has been even more costly than we believe, or they are beginning a general upgrade of their forces across their Occupation Zone, which suggests they’re even less damaged than we thought.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 05 июл 2010, 11:01

Ухты! Откуда картинка? Если она новая, то это первое вообще каноническое изображение ХАГ.
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Re: [MilSpec] Technical Readout: 3060 Upgrades

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 июл 2010, 11:02

С сарна.нет.
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