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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 мар 2010, 10:52

Your Land Is My Land
by Scenarios

When the Free Worlds League attacks into the Capellan Confederation all resources are brought to bear in its defense. Scenario by Ken Horner.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 мар 2010, 09:51

I Am Jade Falcon
by Robert Thurston
SHAME OR GLORY? For years, Star Commander Joanna has had to live with the shame of the Jade Falcon defeat at Twycross, and the nightmares of the heroic Aidan Pryde flaunting his bloodname in her face. Now, with the arrival of the new Star Colonel Ravill Pryde, who will lead them against the Wolf Clan, Joanna must once again fight for her chance to recapture the glory of her victory at Tukayyid. But will her advanced age bring her to defeat again, or will being a Jade Falcon be enough for her to take on the legendary Black Widow in a repeat battle at the Great Gash on Twycross?


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение Leonid » 10 мар 2010, 22:52

Snow Birds
by Scenarios
Military actions are not always about the grand fight against evil--in war, sometimes its just about making things harder for your enemies. Scenario by Ken Horner.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 16 мар 2010, 11:12

Saving Tai-Shu Ashora
by Scenarios

When the saKhan of the Ghost Bears challenges the Warlord of a Combine Military District, sparks are sure to fly... Scenario by Ken Horner.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 мар 2010, 16:47

Johnny Mace, 'Mech Ace
by Edward N. Smith

Every successful mercenary needs three things: the right weapons, the right contract... and the right attitude.

by Robert Thurston

THE CONSPIRACY EXPERIMENTS Dispatch Horse to the planet Huntress! The orders to investigate the secret experiment being done by the Falcons on the Smoke Jaguar homeworld came down from the Jade Falcon Khan herself. But does the covert mission require the natural bravery of a freeborn warrior -- or do Horse's genetically engineered comrades consider him expendable? The perilous trek is dead-ended by a crash landing -- right into a Smoke Jaguar trap. His 'Mech confiscated, his DropShip down, his Trinary imprisoned, Horse is duty bound to the enemy Jaguars -- and closer to the core of the strange secrets of the Falcon stronghold than he ever imagined. For the Clan, the consequences could be explosive. For Horse, they could be fatal....

Savage World
by Scenarios

When the Coyotes attack the Fire Mandrills with previously-unknown 'Mechs, not even the kindraa can resist... Scenario by Ken Horner


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 30 мар 2010, 08:55

Over the River or Through the Woods
by Scenarios

The Ice Hellions press an attack against the forces of Clan Cloud Cobra. Scenario by Ken Horner.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 апр 2010, 21:03

Star Lord
by Donald G. Phillips

STEFAN THE TERRORIZER An ancient evil has slumbered for centuries, passing from generation to generation, until one day a man discovers the truth of his genetic heritage -- and proclaims himself Star Lord of the Inner Sphere. Disguising his army of renegade mercenaries as Knights of the Inner Sphere, the self-appointed Star Lord launches a series of raids that threaten and terrorize the universe! But Thomas Marik, leader of the Free Worlds League, cannot afford to have his Knights tarnished -- and two can play the game of impersonation. With the help of a trusted advisor, Thomas comes up with a plan to infiltrate the evil Star Lord's backwater legions. Enter Duncan's Demons, a company of MechWarriors so improbable only desperation could have dreamed them up. Two soldiers seeking justice, a dishonored Clanswoman, a ne'er-do-well gambler and a real Knight of the Inner Sphere are entrusted with saving the Free Worlds League. But first they must learn how to get along....


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 апр 2010, 08:22

Organic Ice
by Scenarios

When the Star League Defense Force returns to their captured headquarters worlds to unseat the Usurper Stefan Amaris, sparks will fly... scenario by Ken Horner.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 10 апр 2010, 08:05

Bad Water
by Kevin Killiany

War is a specialty trade... and just like most trades, it has unique aspects that require experts to succeed. When the Concordat goes looking for the just the man for the job, they get more than they expected about things they never knew...


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 13 апр 2010, 09:35

Lost Souls
by Scenarios

When pirates attack a lonely outpost in the Periphery its up to the Brotherhood of Randis to defend them... scenario by Ken Horner


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 апр 2010, 08:32

Jumping the Diamond Shark
by Scenarios

When the Smoke Jaguars come for the Diamond Sharks the Sharks have to use every tool at their disposal--even the the ground. Scenario by Ken Horner.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 23 апр 2010, 10:21

by Lance Scarinci

The tools of warfare are amongst the most fearsome ever crafted by man, capable of great destruction and great salvation... but not all tools are worth the cost.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 апр 2010, 09:42

Highlander Gambit
by Blaine Lee Pardoe

"AUTHORIZED TO SACRIFICE YOUR PERSONAL HONOR..." With these words Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao dispatched Death Commando Loren Jaffray to the planet Northwind. His mission: to singlehandedly destroy the elite Northwind Highlanders, the mercenaries who abandoned the Capellans in their hour of need thirty years before. As the grandson of famous Highlander warriors, Jaffray is the perfect instrument to exact Sun-Tzu's revenge. He can win the mercenaries' trust, then divide the Highlanders from within to ignite a war for control of their homeworld. But Prince Victor Davion is not about to give up this key planet without a struggle. And now, while Northwind and the rest of the Sarna March erupt in war, Loren must wage his own personal battle -- one between honor and duty. A battle that can only be fought alone.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 апр 2010, 07:30

The Loyal Son
For Raul Tinker, service with the Word of Blake is a calling he's happy to oblige--but even his faith is tested when ComStar attacks the Blakist capital during Case White.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 май 2010, 23:43

Hidden Talons
by Scenarios

In the reconquest of Coventry the Jade Falcons involved put forth a desperate plan... scenario by Ken Horner.

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 31 секунду:
Expediency: Part II
by Jason Schmetzer

The dangerous thing about conflict is that is always breeds more conflict: two men with knives face a guy with a pistol; the guy with the pistol a guy with a machine gun; a machine gun with a tank, a tank with a 'Mech. Escalation is always the enemy, as the Chagos Defense Force finds out...

Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 24 секунды:
Hearts of Chaos
by Victor Milán

ROCK AND A HARD PLACE The enigmatic Draconis Combine industrialist "Uncle Chandy" Kurita owns property on planet Towne. Upon hearing news of the secret Black Dragon Society's plans to invade, Uncle Chandy dispatches Cassie Suthorn and Camacho's Caballeros to protect his holdings there and organize the local militia to defend against the anticipated attack. To the Caballeros' surprise, Towne has become a faction-ridden shambles. The populace rejects all outside intervention, and the Caballeros find themselves fighting the very people they were sent to help. Cassie Suthorn must use her unique woman-to-'Mech combat style to unify Towne in the face of the Black Dragon threat -- or be ultimately destroyed....

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 44 секунды:
Fire in the Dark
by Scenarios

The Aegis-class Immortal Spirit has been marooned in the Coventry system for some time--but now that the Coalition intends to retake the system, it will have to be dealt with. Scenario by Ken Horner.

Добавлено спустя 9 часов 56 минут 16 секунд:
Seventeen Minutes
by Steven Mohan, Jr.

The first stage of any attack is the most complicated, as invaders pit their forces against those of an enemy commander... but if you can take out the enemy commander early, so much the better.

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Expediency: Part I
by Jason Schmetzer

The dangerous thing about conflict is that is always breeds more conflict: two men with knives face a guy with a pistol; the guy with the pistol a guy with a machine gun; a machine gun with a tank, a tank with a 'Mech. Escalation is always the enemy, as the Chagos Defense Force finds out...


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 май 2010, 10:10

Family Jewels
by Scenarios

When Hanse Davion came for the Capellan Confederation, some ran; some stood and fought; some grabbed up what they could carry and did both. Scenario by Ken Horner


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 май 2010, 14:06

Crucible at Campoleone
by Kevin Killiany

The Chaos Irregulars have been involved in some heavy fights in the past few years, but with the Jihad heating up they're looking for a more secure home...


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 18 май 2010, 22:55

End of Days
by Scenarios

The nice thing about being part of a free association is that you can leave just as easily as you join--can't you? Scenario by Ken Horner.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 май 2010, 15:15

The Promise
by Craig A. Reed

War makes for strong emotions, both for the victors and the vanquished. When those roles are reversed, the feelings expand exponentially, as the rescue force headed toward a Combine POW camp discovers.


Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 30 май 2010, 14:10

Черный Дракон
Виктор Милан

Генерал Джеффри Кусунуоки, герой имперских войн, поднял восстание с целью захвата планеты Таун, принадлежащей принцу Виктору Дэвиону. Синдикат Драконов не мог упустить шанс усилить свои войска за счет обитателей этой планеты. Кусунуоки призвал на помощь Теодора Куриту, но тот, не желая ссориться с принцем Дэвионом, отказался принять участие в восстании. В результате Черные Драконы терпят сокрушительное поражение, а сам Курита обвинен в предательстве.



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