Wanted: Breach of Contract

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Wanted: Breach of Contract

Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 июл 2008, 11:22

The following mercenaries have been declared rogue by the MRBC
[8 August 3070; MercNet] The appended list of mercenaries have been declared rogue by the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission and bounties have been placed on each of the unit’s members, officers, and support staff. Information leading to the capture of said units may also be rewarded; contact your local MRBC outlet for more information.

Bickley’s Bitters (Battalion)
Last seen on Zebebelgenubi, the Bitters had previously acted as a corporate security force for sixteen years. During the most recent contract—to secure and protect Adler Communications’ headquarters in Gabriel on Zebebelgenubi—the Bitters instead raided the corporate vault and departed the system in a stolen Adler DropShip. Charged with breach of contract and nineteen counts of murder, the Bitters are wanted for trial on Zebebelgenubi.
Star Guardians (Lance)
Last seen on Deia, this lance of light BattleMechs, led by Major Cally Star, retreated without authorization or opposition when the Jade Falcons landed on that world in 3069. Subcontracted to the Knights of St. Cameron, the Guardians fled to their DropShip and escaped the system within ten hours of the Jade Falcon’s landing—and two hours before any combat had occurred—with the collusion of a merchant JumpShip. The Guardians are wanted for breach of contract and cowardice—any information is to be forwarded to the MRBC or the Knights of St. Cameron.


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