Old Made New Again

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Old Made New Again

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 май 2008, 18:19


Type/Model: WHM-8KWarhammer
Mass: 70 tons
Chassis: StarFrame Heavy Endo Steel
Power Plant: GM 280 Fusion
Walking Speed: 43 km/h
Maximum Speed: 65 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Valiant Ringmail Light Ferro-Fibrous Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 2 Lord’s Light 3 Heavy Particle Beam Weapons
1 Guided Technologies 2nd Generation Streak SRM-4
1 Streak SRM-4
Manufacturer: Field Refit
Primary Factory: None
Communications System: Garret T-60 FastScan with C3
Targeting & Tracking System: Garret F22C

There has never been a shortage of Natasha Kerensky imitators, but I’m intrigued by the sheer variety this legion of people display. I suppose it may have something to do with the outrageous number of Warhammer variants currently being produced. And if that’s not bad enough, I’ve got data on three more models about to stalk the battlefields of the Inner Sphere and nearby Periphery.
I’ve lost count of the number of existing variants, but I can tell you that every single nation in the Inner Sphere uses at least one Warhammer. I can tell you that when my granddad was a MechWarrior, he told stories of the deadliness of these ’Mechs. I can tell you that I’m glad it’s the nations of the Inner Sphere building these killers to face the Word of Blake. I can also tell you all about them.
In Kurita space there’s a refit facility—I don’t know where—taking the Dragon’s extant Warhammers and turning them into Blakist-slaughtering machines. All of the standard weaponry is removed and replaced with a Guided Technologies Streak SRM system and two of the new Lord’s Light Heavy PPCs. These Combine-designed weapons are easily a match for the Clan ER PPC in every category except range and mass, but against the Blakists they should prove very deadly. A sheathing of imported light ferro-fibrous armor offers an increase in protection, but the real defensive value should come from the offensive value of the heavy PPCs.
The Taurians are taking their stock Warhammers and refitting them with new equipment, but I have no idea where that equipment is coming from. I have my suppositions, of course, but no hard data. All I have are the reports of the Taurian forming new heavy cavalry units for deployment in the Pleiades based on the Warhammer. An extra-light engine will make their -10T model as fast as the Davions’ -9D, but the real threat is the improved jump jets and double heat sinks. With a jump radius of 210 meters, this Periphery Warhammer will be an unwelcome surprise.
The newest model I know of is coming from Wallis, where Ronin, Incorporated is building semi-standard Warhammers with a light Gauss rifle replacing most of the supplementary weaponry. Clearly intended as a long-range fighter, I don’t have any information about the performance of these ’Mechs, except to note that there was indications of fighting near the Ronin factory just before the outbreak of the Jihad.
Except for the Taurians—and who can figure them out—the rest of these should be very prickly to the Word’s sensibilities. They’ve taken the entire output of the factories they’ve captured, so they’ve got no shortages of their own Warhammers. If we can keep them guessing about which version of the Warhammer they’re facing, then that’s an advantage.
And we need all the advantages we can get.


Сообщение Siberian-troll » 16 май 2008, 07:48

Как говаривала Эллочка-людоедка - "Жуть". "Мрак".
"Уамми", прыгающий на 210 метров, как "Тарантула", да, это, пожалуй, действительно "смерть сверху".

Но в чем я действительно потерялся, так это в новых видах ферро-фибры. Чем легкая ферро-фибра вообще отличается от тяжелой?
Что они дают?
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Сообщение Click » 01 июн 2008, 13:20

Siberian-troll писал(а):Но в чем я действительно потерялся, так это в новых видах ферро-фибры. Чем легкая ферро-фибра вообще отличается от тяжелой?
Что они дают?

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Сообщение Stan » 11 июн 2008, 02:05

Случайно наткнулся:

Standard armor is equally available to BattleMechs of Clan or Inner Sphere tech bases. Inner Sphere ferro-fibrous, heavy ferro-fibrous, light ferro-fibrous and stealth armor is available only to BattleMechs with an Inner
Sphere Tech Base. Clan ferro-fi brous armor is available only to BattleMechs with a Clan Tech Base.

ну и табличка, мне помогла разобраться:

Base Armor Points per Ton: 16
Armor Type - Base Points Multiplier - Slots(Inner Sphere) - Slots(Clan)
Standard ------------- 1.0 ------------------------- 0 ----------------- 0
Stealth ---------------- 1.0 ------------------------ 12* -------------- NA
Light Ferro-Fibrous -- 1.06 ------------------------- 7 --------------- NA
Ferro-Fibrous (I.S.) -- 1.12 ----------------------- 14 --------------- NA
Ferro-Fibrous (Clan) - 1.2 ------------------------ NA ---------------- 7
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous - 1.24 ----------------------- 21 --------------- NA

* Stealth armor requires 2 critical slots each in the arms, legs and side torsos of the ’Mech on which it is installed; a Guardian ECM Suite is also required to use stealth armor.
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите.
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 11 июн 2008, 07:05

Ясно -
в легкой фибре 17 пойнтов и минус 7 слотов в итоге.
в просто 18 и 14 слотов
в тяжелой 20, но жрет она 21 слот.
клановка 19 и 7

Еще один способ разгрузить мех.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 9945
Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2007, 04:28
Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Leonid » 11 июн 2008, 17:54

Минуточку. А табличка есть, показывающая, сколько единиц повреждения все эти брони выдерживают? Или зависит от типа вооружения (баллистика - энергетика)?
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Сообщение Stan » 12 июн 2008, 00:46

Все в табличке: базовое значение - 16 умножается на множитель типа брони - первый столбик, напр., 16*1.06 для легкой фибры, а потом на колличество тонн брони.
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите.
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