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Сообщение Leonid » 09 янв 2008, 14:34

Благодаря Stan, произошел большой прорыв в наполнении! Большое спасибо! Разгребаюсь и выкладываю по кусочкам и авторам.
Первая порция: Isle of the Blessed - ПОЛНОСТЬЮ!
Второе: Добавлены новеллы авторов:
Jeff Kautz;
Dan Duval;
Louisa M.Swann
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Сообщение Leonid » 10 янв 2008, 16:18

День второй:
В качестве приглашенных звезд выступают:
Лорен Коулмен с полным собранием частей рассказа Trial Under Fire и с A Race to the End
In the Chaos March, victory is often in a close race for survival. Loren L. Coleman mixes and matches forces for a new unit. But before they ever made it to Outreach, first they survived Pandora's jungles on the world of Gan Singh.

Герберт Бис II - Growing Up
Trent Hasseldorf: The would-be Baron Hasseldorf, would-be soldier, would-be mercenary officer.

Other Perspectives
Bertram Habeas: instructor at the Chekswa School of Literature on Donegal, historian, Lyran. His work has taught him that other perspectives are necessary to understand an event. Yet, when INN offers him the chance to help provide those other perspectives on the Word of Blake Jihad, Bertram finds himself strangely reluctant-until history intervenes…

Prometheus Unbound (Proliferation Cycle, part 2)
Star League engineers created the first BattleMech, but where did it go from there? First up to the plate, the Lyran Commonwealth. In a daring raid on Hesperus, a Kelswa ancestor braves his own fears and fights for the future of the Steiner realm. Story by Herb Beas.

Третьей приглашенной звездой на нашей скромной вечеринке выступает дама - Ильза Бик
Damage Control
On the world of Thuban, during the Steiner-Davion civil war, two regiments have squared off against each other. But the ultimate cost of such divisive fighting proves that this war will be anything but civil.

Gauntlet Book One: Descent: Parts 1-5
The year is 3028. The historic Davion-Steiner wedding is just weeks away, a marriage destined to unite these two great Houses into the most powerful of the Successor States. Yet, in Rome, phantoms from the past threaten to derail this union by exposing explosive secrets: of forbidden love and unacknowledged desire; of a child who holds the key to the future; of a Catholic Church bent upon recapturing lost glory. Of murder, and Hanse Davion, gone mad.

Gauntlet Book Two: Crucible: Parts 1-5
The year is 3028. Multiple people have been murdered at the Vatican. A nun witnessed Hanse Davion fleeing the corpses - a man now missing. Also gone are a Vatican official, and a young baby in his custody. Now, Ardan Sortek must work with the local police to clear his prince's name, even as the Vatican works to cover up the very events Sortek is trying to investigate...

Memories of Fire and Ice at the Edge of the World
Ilsa J. Bick brings us on a trip to the darker side of science. Or is it just another way to wage war? You decide.
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Сообщение Leonid » 11 янв 2008, 17:15

День третий нашего банкета.
Молодые и не очень таланты разной степени засвеченности читают нам свои творения. Напоминаю, что тухлые яйца и гнилые томаты изымаются при входе :). К приглашенным звездам разрешается подходить только для вручения цветов, руками не трогать. ;)
Annie Reed
"As I watched, the thing hovered just over the jagged peak above us, moving slowly toward the jungle in the valley below. Its size was beyond my understanding. It seemed as if a second moon was falling from the sky but was taking great care where it landed. I heard bellows from the jungle, saw the tops of trees bend and sway as the beasts fled from the strange sound and light. Even the mightiest creatures of the land were afraid of this new thing that had come to our world."

In Love and War
16 August 3028: Next on INN... Aureleen Allen reports on the wedding of the ages. Now if only her dad would let her and she had a ticket.

Chris Hartford
A Dish Served Cold (Proliferation Cycle, part 5)

Chris Hartford makes his BattleCorps debut with Jason Hardy. Together they bring us the tale of how House Marik get's the BattleMech.

Christian Grainger
Playing Outside

I can see him coming at me. I am not afraid...

Christofer M.Trossen
Nothing Ventured (Proliferation Cicle, Part 3)

What do you do when your best military efforts have failed, and your nation runs the risk of fielding an inferior military? When you are the Federated Suns, you quite simply put your best man on it. Even if the fight will take place off the battlefield, and inside the ambassadorial chambers on Tharkad itself. Christoffer Trossen unveils this third part in The Proliferation Series, giving us a man with an eye toward the art of the deal.

Coleen Donelly
The Theseus Knot

The SLS Minotaur and the FSS Kligenthal were engaged in joint combat over Panpour against Taurian raiders-that is, until the Kligenthal was destroyed. Damaged and adrift, the Minotaur seems headed for the same fate…

Dayle A. Dermatis

A day in the life of an Astrokaszy dancing girl. Or is she? Dayle Dermatis, in her BattleCorps debut, takes a glance at the Arabian Nights lifestyle on Astrokaszy, and adds a few new curves as well.

Pledges of Allegiance
Nansa Altercan pledges allegiance to no one except herself. So what's a smuggler to do when she has a hot cargo, a damaged ship, Capellan troops on her tail, and no one to turn to? A story by Dayle Dermatis.

Stitch in Time
Dayle Dermatis weaves us a tale of shear bravery and bravado.

Rhian Hunt

New BattleCorps Author Rhian Hunt tells a tale of the best of House Kurita vs that of the Star League.

The Pear
To a samurai, peace and war must be kept in balance. One cannot truly know one without knowing the other. But when a Kuritan is kidnapped by the Star League while under his care, Shimobu Yoshitora finds his blood rushing to battle to free her—and most of his fellow dojo students feel the same. But they can't do it alone; they must enlist the help of a rival dojo. But victory is not always found in the heat of combat…

Rita S. Knight
Final Game

New author Rita S. Knight takes us to the back alleys of Solaris VII for a glimpse of cleaning up on the shadier side.

Victor Milan
Callie's Call

Though just thirteen summers old Callista MacDougall knew about death and loss. You didn't come up in the wildlands of Galisteo without seeing plenty of it up close.
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Сообщение Leonid » 12 янв 2008, 23:18

Сегодня у нас выступают мэтры, знакомые еще по "классике". Осторожно с предложениями выпить! Гости не вполне осознают силу могущественного шаманского снадобья "vodka" и могут написать про мехов и отряд наемников, которым все моря по колено. Мы же не хотим очередных уберов, правда?

Блейн Парду

Chapter 15
Blaine Pardoe has contributed to the Classic BattleTech Universe for many, many years. He's given us Scenarios, units, heroes and villains... and now he gives us a tried and true parody of our beloved universe!

Great Gaffa's Ghost
"Great Gaffa's Ghost!" has been heard by many MechWarriors in the heat of battle. Generally it's not associated with something good. But does anyone really know where it came from? Join us to find out...

Рэндалл Биллс

Echoes in the Void
Most stories take place on known worlds under any of a thousand different suns. But what about the darker stories that slip in between stars? And the dark souls who would ever journey into the void...

Proliferation Cycle: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight.
House Kurita struggles to capture plans for the most powerful warmachine ever built...but does so under the albatross of a Coordinator intent on reshaping his realm into a mirror of his hate.

Left Side of Sanity
Desperate. Alone. His entire world turned into a miasma of pain and suffering and illness. How far will one soldier go for queen and country? What drives him? Randall Bills looks hard and at the dark side of honor and decorum.
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Сообщение Leonid » 16 янв 2008, 19:14

Произошло большое обновление данного раздела. Завтра будет последнее, после чего "зеркало" станет полным, и будет только обновляться в тот же день или с небольшим опозданием от новинок самого Корпса.
Будет добавлен каталог новелл.
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Сообщение Leonid » 17 янв 2008, 23:40

Свершилось последнее обновление. Что у нас есть, можно прочитать здесь.
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Сообщение Leonid » 23 янв 2008, 15:51

by Jason M. Hardy
Life as a mercenary on Antallos has its ups and downs, and even for a unit as good as the Death’s Head Mercenary Corps, those ups and downs vary greatly… but when trouble does come calling, it always knocks loudly.”

Strange Bedfellows
by Steven Mohan, Jr.
In a conflict where enemies barely know each other, old assumptions come to light and are broken across the mantle of reality. New assumptions must be made, assumptions based on the hard truths of the moment.”
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Сообщение Leonid » 25 янв 2008, 17:23

by Steven Mohan, Jr.
Criminality has always been glamorous to those outside and harsh and unrelenting to those inside. Pirates are the worst of the lot, and when a pirate—when a man—sees a chance to do some good, he does it.
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Сообщение DeJaVu » 03 фев 2008, 11:07

by Jason Schmetzer
There are few wars more brutal than a civil war, and no realm is more familiar with them than the Free Worlds League… but in warfare, not even a brother is as important as the trooper next to you.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 09 фев 2008, 11:06

by Steven Mohan, Jr.
In the Periphery perception defines reality. The true nature of things, be they men or rocks, are not defined but rather revealed, and those who survive are masters at defining other peoples’ perceptions.


Сообщение Leonid » 24 фев 2008, 22:00

An Ill-Made House: Part I
by Jason Schmetzer
The Star League is remembered as the greatest testament to human ingenuity in history, a period of peace and growth… but all peace must be defended, and even the most important growth is never without pain.

Founding of the Clans: Fall from Glory: Part IV

by Randall N. Bills
In the final installment of Fall from Glory we follow Andery from the rumbling beginnings of the Exodus civil war to a lonely tarmac where he asks himself this question.
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Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 мар 2008, 11:11

An Ill-Made House: Part II
by Jason Schmetzer
Betrayed by their comrades and forced into hostile territory, can one company of the Star League Defense Force survive long enough to summon help and escape?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 08 мар 2008, 22:50

Not the Way the Smart Money Bets: Chapter I
by Michael Stackpole
Two brothers arrive on Galatea with money in their pocket and a vision to create a unit that will change life for the better. But first they have to deal with life that is worse.

З.Ы. Напоминаю, первая глава будет у нас в свободном доступе


Сообщение DeJaVu » 22 мар 2008, 00:08

Not the Way the Smart Money Bets: Part II
by Michael Stackpole
One brother dives into the sharks den. One brother dances into the local scene. With both actions the Kell Hounds set themselves on a course that could collide or collude with the powers of Galatea.

З.Ы. Маленькое добавление, напоминаю вам, что у нас собраны ВСЕ материалы корпса, если вы хотите стать их счастливым читателем, стучите ко мне или Леониду в приват, аську и т.д. По сравнению с прошлым годом условия несколько изменились.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 04 апр 2008, 15:07

Not the Way the Smart Money Bets: Part III
by Michael Stackpole
"A month"... If the Kells could recruit and outfit their unit in a month then they just might skirt around a raging Blizzard hiding a Social General with a chip on his son's shoulder. Of course to do that they have to dodge idiot son's, assassins, politics, and even angry potential future girlfriends. They probably wished they had brought their 'Mechs.

Ожидаем Леонида, когда выложит.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 апр 2008, 21:25

Hector: Part I
by Jason Schmetzer
Hesperus II is the prize of the Lyran Commonwealth’s military-industrial complex, a Star League-era factory that churns out the assault ‘Mechs that give the Lyrans their strength. Many foes have attempted to steal that jewel from the Lyran crown, and all have failed. Under contract to House Marik, Wolf’s Dragoons have come to try their mettle against the Lyran defenders.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 апр 2008, 09:57

Not the Way the Smart Money Bets: Part IV
by Michael Stackpole
One brother at an embassy ball, the other at a fine restaraunt. One will spar with words, the other weapons, but both Kells are winning friends, influencing a planet and pounding on those that oppose them in their quest to form the Kell Hounds.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 апр 2008, 10:09

Напоминаю, если вас заинтересовал доступ к корпсу, напишите или постучите в асю мне или Леониду.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 25 апр 2008, 13:05

Hector: Part II
by Jason Schmetzer
Deep in his first battle as a company commander, Lucas Kenner is breaking new ground with every step his ‘Mech makes. Will he make the right decision, or will Dragoons die because he makes a misstep?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 май 2008, 19:29

Smart Money: Part V
by Michael Stackpole
The fight is set, the outcome will determine if the Hounds rise like a rocket or plummet like a rock. But first they have to make sure that Patrick and his 'Mech actually make it to the fight in one piece.



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