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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 03 июл 2009, 06:50

А про The Barrens ничего не известно?

вряд ли это государство :wink: скорее, брошенные(вымершие)планеты
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Rabid Coyote
Лучший Фанфикописатель 2007, 2008
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Сообщение Hobbit » 06 июл 2009, 08:37

Маленький Скорпион писал(а):
Хоббит писал(а):Пошукал на кбт.ком, сказали, что это пиратское королевство
А поподробнее? неужто и впрямь - Моррисон?

Судя по всему - да.
Not so far from this realm lies the Rim Territories, an eleven-world bandit kingdom, forged from worlds that broke away from Lyran rule in the chaos of the Jihad, plus colonies settled by refugees of that same horrible conflict. Desperate for order and for protection, these people came easily under the sway of powerful bandit leaders based in the area, and continue to scratch out a living while their “protectors” prey on neighboring realms.

Кроме Моррисона из "влиятельных бандитских главарей" в регионе вроде никого нет.

А про The Barrens ничего не известно?

In the coreward regions, beyond the occupation zones of the Clans and the boundaries of the Rasalhague Dominion, lie the Barrens, an expanse of worlds where no laws hold sway, but where pirates and renegade Clansmen are a constant hazard. The true frontier, these worlds lost all semblance of the order brought to them under Clan domination; when, shortly after the terrible fighting of the Jihad, there were twin invasions by the Hell’s Horses and Ice Hellion Clans (not to mention the catastrophic fighting among the Clan homeworlds, fighting the Clans refuse to discuss, which cut them off from Clan space). Once known as the region where three minor powers held sway—the Oberon Confederation, the Greater Valkyrate, and the Elysian Fields—these worlds are now united only in their people’s fierce determination to remain free of Clan and Inner Sphere rulers. In this region it is not uncommon to find pirates at work, not looting or raiding these planets, but acting as mercenaries and protecting them in a series of informal alliances. Descendants of refugees from the Jihad may also be found here, working hard to develop respectable colonies far from an Inner Sphere they now see as corrupted beyond measure, a strange mix of the barbaric and the noble, in a region that has, for centuries, seen nothing but the former.

Короче, это новая Марка Хаоса, но более дикая.
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 06 июл 2009, 08:59

Hobbit писал(а):Кроме Моррисона из "влиятельных бандитских главарей" в регионе вроде никого нет.

Теперь есть. Личное творение Киллэни - капитан Антон Кайман.
"Pirates of the Penance"
"Endgame on Engadine"
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Сообщение J.S. » 06 июл 2009, 12:57

Hobbit писал(а):Короче, это новая Марка Хаоса, но более дикая.

Любопытно. Спасибо за инфу
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Сообщение Typhoon » 06 июл 2009, 21:35

Hobbit писал(а):Короче, это новая Марка Хаоса, но более дикая.

Я бы это назвал старой периферией :)
PS За информацию спасибо.
You think you have defeated us? You think you have defeated the Master’s Chosen? We are Domini! We are ethereal! We are eternal! Blake eleison! We will fight you until the heavens burn, and the skies fall…
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