What's With the Mysteries?

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

What's With the Mysteries?

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 янв 2008, 18:16

What’s With the Mysteries?
Disappearing Ships, Vanishing Mercenaries, And More!
25 October 3068 [Solaris Broadcasting Company] Almost every child in history has been told bedtime stories about missing heroes, great battles, and disastrous events. Any child in the Inner Sphere can tell you about Tyra Miraborg, for example (probably many children in Clan space, as well), and I don’t think there’s a living soul who doesn't know who Natasha Kerensky was. These were true, living, bona-fide heroes, with established credentials and historical proof. But what about the unproven theories? Could they be true as well?

What ever happened to Clinton’s Cutthroats, who absconded in the middle of a Davion assault after meeting with several unknown persons? The Cutthroats, one of the better mercenary regiments of the time, simply climbed aboard the unmarked DropShips and were never seen or heard from again.

What about the Tripitz, a Star League-era battlecruiser that some say haunts the space around New Vandenberg in the Taurian Concordat? Is this a derelict ship or a ghost haunting its old stomping grounds? And, if it is a ghost, do the Vandenburg White Wings fly off her decks or against her?

Who really killed Hollings York? What about Ryan Steiner? We could go for pages and pages on unsolved assassinations, but that would only stir up the "Katrina had nothing to do with her mother's death" camp and we’ve only just shut those wackos up. Besides, it has about as much chance of being resolved as the "what ever happened to Frederick Steiner" conspiracy. As if the Kuritas would let a Steiner live…


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