Alliance Reclaims Summer, Mizar

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Alliance Reclaims Summer, Mizar

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 янв 2008, 18:14

10 Jan 3069 [FSP] Free Skye Press received word today from its Garrison affiliates that the worlds of Summer and Mizar have finally been liberated from the grip of the invading Free Worlds League. While local LAAF liaisons declined to list the specific units involved, early estimates place the liberators as either elements of the Skye Guards or the Lyran Regulars. We will have more information for you when it becomes available.
Many of you will have heard the rumors from Syrma and Zebebelgenubi concerning supposed “death camps” and other atrocities perpetrated by the Free Worlds League Military. No reports of hostile treatment at the hands of the FWLM have reached this office, but of course that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any. We have received reports, however, of several random acts of violence attributed to the Word of Blake Militia units administering security to the HPGs of both worlds. When the LAAF forces attempted to force them from the HPG compounds, the Blakist tanks and infantry instead turned their guns on the compounds themselves. FSP has learned that no vital components of the generators themselves were damaged, but many supplementary facilities such as barracks and administrative buildings were heavily damaged.

Rumors also persist about a general weakening of the entire Free Worlds front. With the recall and then destruction of the Knights of the Inner Sphere last year, perhaps the tide is finally turning against the Marik invaders. If so, it could mean several more easy victories for the LAAF, which would free even more of our troops up to face the Blakist offensives.


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