BATTLEBLOG - A Right of Passage. 12 may 2009

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BATTLEBLOG - A Right of Passage. 12 may 2009

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 май 2009, 09:42

Course the title has nothing to do with anything...just heard the new DT song so couldn't resist. ;-)
Anyways, let's much of what I listed yesterday was I able to actually touch.

Emails...always lots and lots of emails: Yup.
Check in to see if Dave has finished layout of the Balance of Power rulebook and if so proof: Checked in; Dave'll be finishing that this week.
Check to see if Brent has tweaked the Reference Cards for Balance of Power and if so proof: Came in, just need to print them out to make sure they're legiable.
Fold in final proofing comments from Reiner Knizia into Merchants and pass to Mat to finalize: Done.
Write another 750 word fiction piece for Seattle 2072: Done.
Check in with Loren to see if he's done a final proof on the Paparazzi card set...if so, pass those on to Matt to finalize: Checked in; Loren'll finish that this week.
Make sure there's no contracts waiting for may approval: Done.
Finish tweaking the booklet for HexPack: Roads and Cities so it can head to edit: done.
Check in with Loren to see if he's finished his story for 25 Years of Art & Fiction: Done; Loren called twice to verify some continuity, so he's writing!
Check in with Dave to see if the software for upsizing lowrez art files for 25 Years of Art & Fiction is working: Done; Dave'll set a day aside this week to finish that.
Make sure Herb doesn't need anything to keep finishing up A Time of War: Done; though if I could only find a way to get him a few more hours a day.
Check in with Dave to see if he's been able to answer any of my "where are some checks" questions: Done.
Proof A Time of War sections as they come in from Matt: 7 sections done in two's a miracle worker.
See where Paul's at with A Time of War sections: Done; got in the final Touring the Stars section, so the entire GM section should head to edit this week.
Check in with Rob to see if he's gotten me a status update for where all Eclipse Phase products are at: Rob'll have that in by end of week.
Pass along Running Wild sketches to the SR dev team for comments: Yup.
More emails: Of course.
Finish my own story for 25 Years of Art & Fiction: Nope...didn't touch this one, day simply vanishes with everything else I worked on.
Comment on art coming in for A Time of War: Yup...just waiting on the final color artwork to come in.
Comment on art coming in for Masters & Minions: Done...stunning art...and even got another section over to layout.
Finish tweaking the text for the print RS3075 intro section and get it to edit: Another one I didn't get to...this'll be first this this morning.
Check to see where RS3075 PDF is at: Done...still waiting on some pesky equipment to be implemented.
Finish formating Henchman rules and get them off to edit: Didn't make this either, though I was able to keep the graphic design side rolling.
Finish proofing sections for the 25th Anniversary Introduction Box Set: Another one I didn't get to...will do this after RS3075 action.
Finish writing adventure for the combined quick-start rules: SOOO didn't get to this one...will have to push till later in the week.
Tweat: duh...
Answer playtest questions for the Leviathans QSR currently underway: Yup...several great questions asked and answered.
Check to see where RS0355U PDF is at: Just a little bit more work on the aerospace fighters and we're done.
Sign off on proposed direction for parts of Interstellar Players: Another thing I didn't get to...may need to be pushed to Thursday.
Check in to see where proofing of Vice is at: And as ever, here's one that I totally forgot to check in on; writing note to do that right after this blog post.
Check in to see where the final map and art for Midnight is at so layout can begin: And another one that fell off the radar; writing another note.
Review price quotes on half a dozen different products to determine which manufacturer will be used: Phone call on this one; starting to make decisions.
More emails: Some days I should track how many emails I answer...some days it's just scary.
Blog (check...): duh.

Well, as ever, looks like I've got marching orders (working on those things I missed from yesterday, while several of those points above are on going; and will be for days and in some cases weeks of constant check ups and follow throughs). And of course there were several things that popped up yesterday that I had to deal with, as ever; some times I dread the phone ringing.
The glorious life of a game developer.... ;-) (Course I did promise Bryn--whose been home sick for almost 2 weeks--we'd played the new 4th Edition Talisman some time today...gotta fit 'that' work in some where....)

Type at you later.



Сообщение Typhoon » 15 май 2009, 10:32

Я не понял, Рендалл уже дошел до того, что выкладывает в блог свою записную книжку? :shock:
Что потом? Список покупок в супермаркете?
You think you have defeated us? You think you have defeated the Master’s Chosen? We are Domini! We are ethereal! We are eternal! Blake eleison! We will fight you until the heavens burn, and the skies fall…
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Сообщение Leonid » 16 май 2009, 21:27

Ну надо же ему что-то писать, имитировать деятельность и отмазываться, почему многие вещи мы все ждем и ждем...
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Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 16 май 2009, 22:22

"Вот он я, а вы мне рады?"
"Раньше я вела в тетради"
"Есть дневник – начну писать:

"Я люблю сегодня Машу"
"Я здесь лучшая, мать вашу,
Кто не понял – тот дурак"
"Я болею за Спартак"

"Я пАдонок, ниибацца"
"Панки грязи не боятся" -
"Оторвал тебе кавай"
"С Новым годом! Наливай!"

"Дописал главу романа"
"Изучаю дно кармана:
Два гондона, три монеты"
"Мне 12, счастья нету"

"Гарри Поттер любит Драко"
"У попа была собака"
"Ой, уже отходят воды!"
"Все родители – уроды"

"Задолбали эти глюки"
"Все мои подруги – суки"
"Я не сдам экзамен этот"
"Он ниче, хотя и препод"

"Целовалась возле школы"
"Этот мир – одни приколы"
"Я танцую в неглиже"
"Да пошли они в ЖЖ!"

"Зацените мои фото"
"Денег хрен, а жрать охота"
"Напишите комментарий"
"Вика ржет, как пролетарий"

"Не дошел до школы Тема –
выпил литр в два приема"
"Жизнь прекрасна – от и до"
Сервер временно недо....

"Да, я сволочь, ну так что же?"
"День был плох и вечер тоже"
"Current music, current mood..."
"Извините, дальше - флуд"

"Муж - подлец, а я вся в белом"
"Тесты глянул между делом"
"Я работаю как вол!"
"Вот как выглядит мой стол"

"Мелкий сделал то и это"
"Видел, давеча, в газете"
"Небо нынче в облаках"
"Не в ЖЖ пошли, а ...!"

"Посмотрите эту ссылку"
"Кинь мне номер на ю-мылку"
"Место встречи - как всегда"
"Подскажите, господа"

"О банальном - ни словечка!"
"Раз дощечка, два дощечка..."
"Книжку умную читал"
"Спать хочу. Замерз. Устал"

"Целый день в Сети сидела"
"Порыдать бы на плече"
"Вау, новые ПЧ"

"А тебе отвечу лично"
"Очень тонко и[ли]richно"
"Ложью мир пропитан весь"
"Фильм - дерьмо, подробней - здесь"

"Прага, Вильнюс, Мюнхен, Вена -
Отдохнули мы отменно"
"В тесто добавляем соль"
"Всем спасибо, я ушель".

Продолжение (с) Erfarot

"Коноплю ценю за стебли",
"Не раскрыта тема #бли",
"Задолбали эти боты",
"Я опять слетел с работы",

"Все казлы, я - д'Артаньян",
"Муж вчера купил кальян",
"СНГ идет к распаду",
"Аффтар сцуко выпей йаду!",

"Побывали на Мальдивах",
"Попили с друзьями пива",
"Почитал стихи Басё",
"Путин - это НАШЕФСЕ!"

"Отомстите за Саддама!",
"Тёща - тоже чья-то мама",
"Всех арабов забомбить!",
"Опа, раз3,14зделся жидЪ...",

"А из нашего окна
Баба голая видна,
А из вашего окошка -
Только бабушка немножко",

Блоги всякие нужны,
Блоги всякие важны
(с) не моё ;)
Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
D.t.d. № ∞
S. Принимать до полного окобрения
Справка действительна по предъявлении справки о наличии справки

з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Маленький Скорпион
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