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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 14 апр 2014, 08:05

Call or Fold
by Cody Ouellette

During the last days of the Rim Worlds Republic, the People's Army of Hood must fend off an invasion from the Lyran Commonwealth.

Operation Red Lion
by Craig A. Reed

An attempt to apprehend a crime boss on Medellin in the Lyran Alliance involves cooperation between Lyran forces, Wolves-in-Exile, and local law enforcement.

The Eagle's Plunge: Part II
by Christopher Purnell

As Kenyon Marik's plans against his father's regime move forward, new allies present themselves, and new threats, in the long-awaited continuation of "Eagle's Plunge."

A Matter of Honor
by Craig A. Reed

An orphan adopted into a minor Draconis Combine family faces personal tragedy, and his honor demands he seek justice. Story by Craig A. Reed.

The Eagle's Plunge: Part III
by Christopher Purnell

Kenyon Marik's revolt against his father comes to an end in the conclusion to this Dark Age-era story of family ties, civil war and Free Worlds League politics.

Trial of Faith
by Stephen A. Frabartolo

In the early days of the Clan Invasion, a detachment of second-line Jade Falcons in the Deep Periphery finds a group that challenges their warrior traditions.

State of Grace
by Craig A. Reed

Craig A. Reed brings us a story from the Word of Blake Jihad! On New Avalon, the Word of Blake seizes a church as a base of operations against Federated Suns militia, and the parish priest finds his faith being tested.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 апр 2014, 06:44

by Lance Scarinci

Tortuga pirate Eddie knows how to spin a good tavern tale, but Black Kevin and his strange ’Mech have a past better left untold.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 18 май 2014, 17:41

Seven Years' Bad Luck
by Philip A. Lee

In a Steel Viper sibko, two identical sibkin seek to prove they are destined for greatness together. Will both of them survive to become warriors of the Clan? Story by Philip A. Lee.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 июн 2014, 21:48

by Jason Schmetzer

On an airless rock, Clan Star Adder challenges the Hell's Horses to learn why the Horses have been wandering the Deep Periphery. Who will survive hard vacuum? Includes playable scenario, Seeds of Discontent!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 08 июн 2014, 21:21

A Fall of Ashes
by Christian Grainger

During Devlin Stone's liberation of Terra, a squad of Word of Blake operatives set out to destroy the fighters at a Coalition spaceport in Arhens, Greece. But one of the members begins to wonder whether this mission is worth the cost.

Автор встречается вот тут - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=953&hilit=Christian+Grainger
Иррегуляры - перечень воинов и машин

1-я рота
Лэнс альфа (иногда эйбл)
1) "Mongoose" - Master Sergeant Reema Chowla
2) "Enforcer" - Dwight Martin - ныне покойный
3) "Valkyrie" - Albert Whuang - потерял руку
4) "Blackjack" - Chamos Daniel - ныне покойный
лэнс бета
5) QKD-4G "Quickdraw" - Jarrae Heather
6) "Hatchetman" - Borden
7) PNT-10K "Panther" Lieutentant Gendou Knepper
8 ) зарезервировано, кролик будет вытащен из шляпы в нужный момент.
лэнс гамма
9) QKD-5A "Quickdraw" - Lieutenant Avery Clint - ныне покойный
10) "Hussar" - Alejandro Fuentes - ныне покойный
11) "Vulcan" - Lieutenant Dora Campbell - ныне покойная
12) "Centurion" - Lieutenat Gabriella Marion

2-я рота
лэнс альфа
13) "Huron Warrior" - Captian Ariel Peregrine
14) "Whitworth" - Mendel
15) "Hermes II" - Carson
16) "Griffin" - Talbot
лэнс бета - "Круши и хватай"
17) "Phoenix Hawk" - Leftenant Davis
18 ) "Spector" - Lieutenant Grainger Christian
19) "Firestarter" - Cynthia Jospeha "CJ" Cherry
20) DV-7D "Dervish" - Troy Truman
лэнс гамма
21) "Assassin" - Andrew
22) 7M "Trebuchet" - Jacques
23) "Hunchback" - M'Bala
24) "Centurion" - Leitch

Tank Corps
1) "J Edgar" - Captian Jacoam - Sergeant Theodora Yanni
2) "Vedette" - Barnes
3) "Vedette" - Trace (был Ноублом, как Барнес и Ноубл, книгопечатники, но даже и у Киллэни есть рамки для шуток)
4) "Packrat"- Sergeant Procter
5) "Swiftwind Scout Car" - пока без кардана.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 авг 2014, 10:23

On Solid Ground
by Jason Schmetzer

During the Clan Invasion, Leon Diaz was the sole Draconis Combine survivor of the Smoke Jaguar attack on Tengu Company on Asgard. Will Leon overcome his bad luck when the Jaguars renew their assault, or will he curse his new lance? Also includes a playable scenario!
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 30 авг 2014, 09:26

The Longest Day: Part I
by Jason Schmetzer

In 3050, when the Smoke Jaguars were just beginning to slice into the Draconis Combine, no one was quite sure what they were facing. For the mercenary Seventh Hell's Brigade, their last day would be their longest. Part 1 of 6.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 сен 2014, 19:43

The Longest Day: Part II
by Jason Schmetzer

In 3050, when the Smoke Jaguars were just beginning to slice into the Draconis Combine, no one was quite sure what they were facing. For the mercenary Seventh Hell's Brigade, their last day would be their longest. Part 2 of 6.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 сен 2014, 07:54

The Longest Day: Part III
by Jason Schmetzer

In 3050, when the Smoke Jaguars were just beginning to slice into the Draconis Combine, no one was quite sure what they were facing. For the mercenary Seventh Hell's Brigade, their last day would be their longest. Part 3 of 6.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 18 сен 2014, 10:11

The Longest Day: Part IV
by Jason Schmetzer

In 3050, when the Smoke Jaguars were just beginning to slice into the Draconis Combine, no one was quite sure what they were facing. For the mercenary Seventh Hell's Brigade, their last day would be their longest. Part 4 of 6.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 08 окт 2014, 07:02

The Longest Day: Part V
by Jason Schmetzer

In 3050, when the Smoke Jaguars were just beginning to slice into the Draconis Combine, no one was quite sure what they were facing. For the mercenary Seventh Hell's Brigade, their last day would be their longest. Part 5 of 6.

The Longest Day: Part VI
by Jason Schmetzer

In 3050, when the Smoke Jaguars were just beginning to slice into the Draconis Combine, no one was quite sure what they were facing. For the mercenary Seventh Hell's Brigade, their last day would be their longest. Part 6 of 6.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 13 окт 2014, 18:28

Loyalty's Price
by David G. Martin

During the Fourth Succession War, the Northwind Highlanders must bite the hand that feeds to regain their ancestral homeworld, but will the personal cost be worth it?
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 25 окт 2014, 10:40

Righteous Fury
by Alan Brundage

Despite orders from above, the Com Guards on Jeanette refuse to back down against Clan Smoke Jaguar's invasion force.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 08 ноя 2014, 09:03

The Field Is Lost
by Lance Scarinci

When unknown raiders arrive at Winfield, the commanders of Winfield's Regiment must pull out all of the stops to keep the planet out of enemy hands.

Sorrow of Eden
by Alan Brundage

In the wake of Operation KLONDIKE, Clan Jade Falcon must survive a test of loyalty or be torn apart.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 13 мар 2015, 08:14

by Jason Schmetzer

On the water-rich Periphery world of Barahona, the Barahona Defense Force must face thirsty pirates intent on stealing water at any cost. Includes a playable scenario and two unit digests.

The First Battle
by Jason Schmetzer

A Federated Commonwealth private must win her first training session or risk being flushed out of MechWarrior training.

Operation Blue Tiger
by Craig A. Reed

After Operation Red Lion, Ulysses Steiner meets with the Word of Blake, but will he survive making a deal with the devil? Story by Craig A. Reed.

Sons of Janus: Part I
by Jason Schmetzer

Even in the midst of a planetary invasion, secrets must be protected. Or stolen. As the Circinus Federation invades Blantleff, an elite team of mercenary infiltrators moves toward a Marian research facility, intent on stealing the secrets hidden there. Part 1 of 7.

Sons of Janus: Part II
by Jason Schmetzer

The Marian security at the Rostrum site was as competent as it could be, but unarmored infantry sent against battle armor is at more than a disadvantage. When that battle armor is piloted by veteran mercenaries, the disadvantage is even greater.

Sons of Janus: Part III
by Jason Schmetzer

The mercenaries have found what they came for, but they've taken too long. Outside the facility a platoon of Marian tanks has arrived. It will take all of their skill to escape the powerful units sent to stop them.

Sons of Janus: Part IV
by Jason Schmetzer

As Cabot and his team change modes of transportation, a new officer takes over the pursuit. Centurion Bohan had fought the Circinus Federation before, but what had come from the sky in this invasion was nothing like what he'd fought before.

Sons of Janus: Part V
by Jason Schmetzer

Having made their escape, the small mercenary team lays up, waiting for their Circinan contact to arrive to pull them out. Behind them, their Marian pursuers are closing the gap. Things should be winding down, but for Cabot and his team, trouble is only beginning.

Sons of Janus: Part VI
by Jason Schmetzer

As the meet disintegrates into violence, Cabot and his team fight desperately to survive and escape. Around them, the elite infantry of the Word of Blake fights back, and it will take an unlikely ally to save them.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 16 мар 2015, 19:42

Sons of Janus: Part VII
by Jason Schmetzer

Betrayed and embattled, the small group of professionals must work together if they're going to escape the Word of Blake and their proxies as the battle for Blantleff enters its final stages.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 апр 2015, 08:43

Because It Matters
by Jason Schmetzer

It's a military truism that a soldier will fight the way he trains. If the training is hard, he will fight hard. If the training is soft, so will he be in combat. On Shoreham, when once lance of Davion MechWarrior cadets squares off against another, all of them will have to decide just how realistic their training will be. Will it be just another sim run? Or will it have real consequences?
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 18 май 2015, 08:49

The Face of the Enemy
by Philip A. Lee

During the lull of peace in the Star League's Golden Age, a lone Kurita warrior seeks to win his own personal war.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 июн 2015, 00:22

Broken Brotherhood
by Chris Hussey

After the formal declaration of the Free Rasalhague Republic, a member of the Night Stalkers must choose to follow orders and abandon defenseless Draconis Combine citizens or be hunted down as a ronin.
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Re: Новинки battlecorps.com

Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 ноя 2015, 09:58

The Bear's Kin
by Lance Scarinci

After a Clawing gone awry, two Ghost Bear warriors must keep their wits about them to survive.
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