MilSpec from BC

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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение Diamond » 20 май 2013, 11:40

Только не британская, а американская.
И не прототип, а воевала во Вьетнаме.
M50 Ontos.
Вообще-то я противник всякой войны. Война портит солдат, разрушает шеренгу и пачкает мундиры.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 21 май 2013, 20:42

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: GM 180 XL Fusion
Cruising Speed: 65 kph
Maximum Speed: 97 kph
Armor: Jolassa 320
Armament: 1 FlameTech Inferno Plasma Rifle
4 SperryBrowning Light Machine Guns
Manufacturer: Brooks Incorporated
Primary Factory: Irian, Kendall
Communications System: Garret T21-C
Targeting & Tracking System: Corean B-Tech

Rarely thought of as a major military manufacturer, Brooks Incorporated’s plants in The Republic and Free Worlds produce large numbers of Galleon and Main Gauche light tanks. These common vehicles can be found in garrison forces throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery. While BattleMech production outside the Confederation and Free Worlds is steadily slowing, demand for less expensive militia vehicles remains steady. APCs and IFVs are in particular demand, as almost every major military increasingly looks to flesh out their strength with infantry forces. Looking for a simple way to capitalize on this trend, Brooks has developed a variation of their Main Gauche that serves as an infantry transport and support vehicle.
Armed primarily with a single FlameTech Inferno plasma rifle, the Main Gauche is capable of dealing significant damage to any manner of target, be it ’Mech, tank, or battle armor. The main gun is backed up by four light machine guns for close-in defense, supporting the infantry carried against their opposite number. The only area not covered by the machine guns is the rear of the vehicle, where two bay doors allow a platoon of foot infantry or squad of medium battle armor to disembark.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 май 2013, 09:04

Mass: 40 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: Magna 185 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 97 kph
Maximum Speed: 151 kph
Armor: Maximillian 43
Armament: 1 Zeus LRM-10
2 Priestly 600p Medium Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Brooks Incorporated
Primary Factory: Irian (variant no longer in production)
Communications System: Maxell 600b with C³i system
Targeting & Tracking System: Maxell TA70

Protectorate Militia forces were regularly equipped with large quantities of weapons and vehicles the Word of Blake had procured from the Free Worlds League, through means both overt and clandestine. The Stygian strike tank, a relatively simple hover vehicle produced in massive numbers for use both in planetary militias and line regiments, was an overt acquisition. The Blakists already possessed several dozen Stygians by the time they began exerting overt political control over the planet Irian, prompting the development of a variant specifically geared to meeting their needs.
Blakist Stygians were modified to act as cohesive members of a C³-networked Level II. Outfitting the vehicle with the C³i system required the removal of five of the vehicle’s fifteen missile tubes, but this was deemed acceptable as the system would greatly enhance the accuracy of the remaining missiles. For instances in which the Stygian would be called upon to assume the network spotter role, both the medium lasers were upgraded to utilize pulse technology.
While the Blakist configuration has become a relic of history, the basic Stygian remains in production. The Republic has seen fit to allow its sale throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery, with the design particularly common amongst the Andurien Rangers and Tamarind military. Talk of constructing a Brooks factory on Maderas have thus far come to nothing.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 авг 2013, 08:29

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: Shipil 205 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Armor: ArcShield Heavy
Armament: None
Manufacturer: Cyclops, Inc.
Primary Factory: Skye
Communications System: Cyclops 1J
Targeting & Tracking System: None

During the Jihad the Lyran Alliance re-implemented the Archonette system, the better to allow its distant provinces to fight on without direction from Tharkad. But it was one thing to make the political moves required, and another for the logistics to cope. Lyran militias were never intended to fight years-long campaigns without the aid of main-line forces and their logistical trains, but that’s exactly what they often found themselves doing.
Fortunately for Skye, authorities there assumed (hoped?) they were on their own early on and had set about making the best of it. The Glaive, a sturdy, easy to modify tank, was chosen as a good candidate for alteration. By removing the turret, all its weapons (and the ton of armor protecting it), as well as the targeting system, enough room was freed up to install a mobile field base, while a few modifications to the chassis gave the Glaive a limited amphibious ability, the better to accompany its parent unit on campaign. Units this variant reached were extremely grateful, allowing as it did the chance to effect repairs without being tied down to static bases or easily-discovered DropShip facilities.
With Skye now in Republic hands, the RAF has commissioned a number of examples for their local militia units.

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: Type 170 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 97 kph
Maximum Speed: 151 kph
Armor: Forging MHC07
Armament: 2 Helga Series 7-tube Multi-Missile Launchers
2 Sperry Browning Light Miniguns
Manufacturer: Joint Equipment Systems
Primary Factory: Alshain
Communications System: Neil 500
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Econotrac

In the middle of the Jihad Clan Ghost Bear and the Draconis Combine shared a common foe—Word of Blake, and a common problem—devastating losses. For the Ghost Bears the issue was a lack of ’Mechs, and while no Kuritan plant could produce enough Clan-spec parts to matter, the Combine could provide valuable raw materials and simple components that would help eliminate certain production bottlenecks. In exchange, the Bears offered the Tyr Infantry Support Tank, a unit the Bears had more of than they needed (or wanted) and which the Combine, lacking the ’Mech-centric focus of Clansmen, were glad to put to use. By 3070 cautious negotiations had hammered out an agreement.
Though the electronics, considered middling by Clan standards, were left intact, the Bears weren’t willing to part with the original’s Clan-tech arsenal. Eventually they were persuaded to include a pair of flexible 7-tube Multi-Missile Launchers instead, while the Combine provided the remaining firepower—a pair of common light machine guns. Needing machines as fast as they could get them, the Combine chose to forgo the hull refit required to install CASE, despite this model’s preponderance of ammo-dependent weaponry.

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: GM 165 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Armor: StarGuard CIV Ferro-Fibrous with CASE
Armament: 1 Mydron Tornado Rotary AC/5
Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises
Primary Factory: New Avalon
Communications System: Corean Transband-J9
Targeting & Tracking System: Corean B-Tech with TAG

Always placing an emphasis on combined-arms, this inclination has become an imperative to the post-Jihad AFFS. With numerous units restructured into highly-integrated, battle-armor heavy LCTs, the demand for military transport vehicles seems to continually increase. Corean Enterprises wisely responded to these demands in 3080 by making minor changes to their popular Musketeer hovertank.
A long-time favorite of heavy hovertank crews across the Federated Suns, the sudden appearance of Musketeers on the flanks and rear of Blakist forces turned the tide of several engagements during the recent conflict. That the Musketeer can rapidly bring its rotary autocannon to bear anywhere on the battlefield is a point of pride amongst their operators.
Corean’s new model makes use of a fusion engine to increase the tank’s speed to 130 kph, able to keep up with some of the swiftest BattleMechs on the market. Not wishing to mess with success, the only other change made was the removal of the rarely used streak missile launchers in favor of a four-ton infantry bay. Unsurprisingly, this decision has only further cemented the Musketeer's favor amongst AFFS high command, as it allows Cavalier battle armor squads to move across the battlefield swiftly.

Mass: 60 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: VOX 280 XL Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Armor: Durallex Standard
Armament: 3 Corean Magshot Gauss Rifles
Manufacturer: Ceres Metals Industries
Primary Factory: Tikonov
Communications System: Overlook J11 with Ground-Mobile HPG
Targeting & Tracking System: Brightstar 17 Mk. II

When the Word of Blake seized control of Tikonov, they quickly began feeding their forces with the material produced from almost all the factories on-planet. The one exception was the Morningstar line owned by Ceres Metals. The Morningstar, while a capable tank, was completely unsuited to Blakist combat doctrine and tactics. The infantry bay was too small for a proper Level I of power armor, the C3 network system was incompatible with the networks used by the WoBM, and the main gun depended on specialty munitions that the Terran logistics infrastructure was not prepared to supply in quantity.
Unwilling to leave the line completely idle, Blakist engineers decided to take advantage of the Overlook communications gear and created something not seen since the days of the first Star League: a mobile hyper-pulse generator for field army use.
To make room for the directional antenna, the turret assembly with the Mydron had to be removed, and the onboard electronics were subsumed into the HPG’s own systems. Indeed, every electronic component, including the targeting system, is interfaced with the FTL communications system. With the removal of the autocannon, its deep ammunition bin was used to expand the infantry bay enough for a proper Level I of Purifiers to escort the new communications vehicle. Finally, as a nod to the pretense of self-defense, the antiquated machine guns were removed and replaced with a trio of the newer and much more effective Magshots.
Deployment of this variant was understandably restricted both by intended use, and the rarity of the technology. The WoBM’s plans called for one HPG Morningstar to be assigned to every Division, both normal and Shadow. It is unclear how many divisions received their Morningstar before Tikonov was retaken by Allied forces.

Mass: 70 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: Magna 350 XL Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Armor: StarSlab/3 Ferro-Fibrous with CASE
Armament: 23.5 tons of pod space available
(maximum of 15 tons in the turret)
Manufacturer: StarCorps Industries
Primary Factory: Crofton, Loburg
Communications System: O/P COMSET 3
Targeting & Tracking System: O/P 2550

The introduction of increasingly heavy suits of battle armor has left more than one regiment suffering a transport crisis. Too massive and bulky to make regular use of conventional APCs, and too slow to keep up with the slowest conventional vehicles, assault suits like the Federated Suns’ Grenadier have forced units to rely on a plethora of sub-optimal solutions. During the early Jihad, Davion RCTs found themselves making do with such improvised solutions as stripped-down battle tanks and up-armored civilian trucks to get the ponderous but powerful Grenadier suits to the battlefield.
Seeking a more effective solution, officers of the Sixth Syrtis Fusiliers ordered a lance of their Manteuffel tanks configured with a battle armor bay large enough to accommodate the largest suits available. With its thick armor plating and swift ground speed, the Manteuffel proved the perfect delivery vehicle for assault battle armor. Intended to operate in conjunction with the Grenadier suit, this loadout, later formalized as alternate configuration D, was equipped with long-range weapons to compensate for the Grenadier’s weakness at those distances.
The Jihad era also saw the introduction of the C configuration, equipped with a C³ master system to coordinate fire for an entire lance of OmniVehicles. In addition to providing the lynchpin for the lance’s combat network, the Manteuffel C backs up its lance-mates with a powerful Gauss rifle.

Mass: 80 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: DAV 220 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: StarSlab/6 with CASE
Armament: 2 Defiance Bombard Thunderbolt 15 Launchers
1 Coventry TH6b Streak SRM 6
1 Zippo Flamer
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries
Primary Factory: Hesperus II
Communications System: Johnston Q-Band
Targeting & Tracking System: Scantrex DualTac

When the Fortune originally debuted in 3067, it was at first praised for being exactly what its designers intended it to be—a huge upgrade to the many archaic Hetzer assault guns serving in militias across Lyran space. Soon enough, however, reports began coming in from the field complaining about a lack of range and secondary armament. Angry Defiance engineers were heard muttering that Fortune drivers were being pretty ungrateful for a bunch of militiamen: perhaps they wanted their Hetzers back?
Marketing won out, with Defiance cooking up a refit package available through order or produced directly on Hesperus. The need to accommodate the original’s massive autocannons meant the Fortune’s turret could handle almost anything, but Defiance engineers settled on an in-house weapon—the Bombard Thunderbolt 15. A pair of these launchers had half again the range, at the expense of some striking power and battlefield endurance. The complaint about secondary weapons was addressed by a highly-accurate Streak SRM-6 launcher and a basic anti-infantry flamer, and they even found room for CASE. In the end, both drivers and executives were happy, a win-win for all concerned.

Mass: 85 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: DAV 220 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Valiant Plate Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Lycomb-Holly Arrow IV Missile Artillery System
1 Jalastar Engineering Plasma Rifle
3 Diverse Optics Extended Range Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Johnston Industries
Primary Factory: Benet III (refit only, closed in 3090), New Syrtis (opened 3090)
Communications System: CommuTech Multichannel with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: BlazeFire Ranging System Type 3

The Taurian attack on New Syrtis in 3076 and heavy irradiation of their sites shattered Johnston Industries' ability to continue production of its various products there for at least a decade, including the Glory, which had seen hundreds of vehicles constructed since 3067. As Johnston started to pick up the pieces, executives realized that rebuilding would be a long, expensive process and began to look at options for bringing in revenue while they brought the New Syrtis factory back online. In the interim, the Valiant manufacturing site on Benet III was expanded to do refits and repairs on other chassis, including an extensive rebuild of the Glory to incorporate an Arrow IV.
Combining a Crofton-built extra-light fusion plant with heavier armor and CASE, the new Glory is intended to be a highly survivable artillery platform, one that can easily absorb counter-battery fire or endure (and possibly repulse) attempts to silence the guns by more direct assault. Although the limited ammunition endurance is a serious drawback, this new Glory has seen a lower rate of combat losses. A larger than expected share have been posted to the Capellan March's LCTs, where their durability, ECM, and plasma weaponry all have significant uses in the face of the CCAF operational doctrine, and at least a lance is believed to be part of the guard force at the rebuilding New Syrtis factories. Another lance is known to be deployed on Benet III. Johnston has offered the design for sale to The Republic, but so far the Procurement Division is still mulling over the performance of the handful bought for evaluation.

Mass: 95 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: GM 270 XL Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: ArcShield Maxi II
Armament: 42 tons of pod space available
(maximum of 35 tons in the turret)
Manufacturer: General Motors
Primary Factory: Kathil, New Valencia, Salem
Communications System: Neil 6000
Targeting & Tracking System: Sync-Tracker 39-42071

While the Manteuffel has proliferated to most of the Inner Sphere’s major militaries thanks to the liberal (some would say questionable) trade policies of StarCorps and the Lyran Commonwealth, its sister OmniVehicle, the Ajax, has seen far more limited deployment outside of the Federated Suns. AFFS High Command was unable to restrict sales of the Manteuffel from StarCorps’ Lyran branch, but prevented the wholly FedSuns General Motors from marketing their assault tank to foreign powers, only allowing a handful to be sold to the LAAF as a reconciliatory gesture, and following the outbreak of the Jihad, the Com Guard.
Com Guard officers immediately recognized the Ajax as a valuable vehicle, perhaps too valuable to be risked in direct combat. Taking advantage of the Ajax’s flexibility, they began equipping it as a general Level III support vehicle. Mounting an artillery missile launcher, a drone control system, and transport bays for both an infantry escort and reconnaissance drones, the Ajax D can easily monitor its area of operations and deliver accurate artillery support wherever needed. If more direct firepower was needed, the Ajax could always be reconfigured to a more mundane weapons load in a matter of minutes.
Today, the Ajax is commonly found in the AFFS and RAF, which absorbed the surviving Com Guard tanks and continues to purchase the vehicle from General Motors. Both make use of the D Configuration, in addition to the C configuration optimised for urban ambushes.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 авг 2013, 08:49

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: 110 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 129 kph
Armor: Compound VM22 Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 6 tons of pod space available
(maximum of 5 tons in the turret)
Manufacturer: Csesztreg Industriplex Beta
Primary Factory: Csesztreg
Communications System: Build 1700/5 Tacticom
Targeting & Tracking System: Series XL FWS with TRTTS Mk III Active Probe

Upon its introduction in 3064, the Hephaestus broke several conventions. While it was unsurprising that it would be Clan Hell’s Horses who introduced a modern OmniVehicle, the scout tank showed a disconcerting contradiction between front-line capabilities and its decidedly second-line conventional infantry charge. While it was argued that the tank thus featured dual flexibility, it was initially distained, despite being supplied to illustrious units.
This changed when the Clan relocated to the Inner Sphere in apparent haste during the Jihad. Embroiled in various conflicts on new worlds and environments, the Hephaestus proved its worth time and again. Its adaptability allowed it to both deliver troops to claim an objective, while swapping pods for diverse support roles, instantly made it more valuable to the Horses than even the vaunted Epona. This renaissance ensured the tank’s resurrection in the Inner Sphere, with new models rolling off the lines at Csesztreg in 3076.
The philosophical problem of the unit combining polar opposites of Clan military doctrine—even in a Clan as egalitarian as the Horses—was solved with a neat trick. During the Jihad, a new standard configuration appeared, mounting light but powerful lasers and anti-personnel weapons in the turret, while the infantry compartment was expanded to hold a point of battle armor. This configuration is deadly and though the basic vehicle remained absolutely unchanged, it has been reappraised and will likely play a central role in Clan Hell’s Horses’ future touman.


Mass: 55 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: Type 275 XL Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Armor: Compound VM20 Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Type KOV LB-10X Autocannon
1 Zeta-series X Plasma Cannon
3 Mk.22 Type III SRM-6 Launchers
2 Tau-II Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifles
Manufacturer: Swedenborg Heavy Industries
Primary Factory: Kirchbach
Communications System: Build 1750/4 Tacticom with ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: Series XLII TLS

Upon their return to the Inner Sphere, the Hell’s Horses were faced with doctrinal changes that the progressive combined-arms Clan had difficulty adapting to with existing equipment. In occupied cities, they now faced enemies that required less powerful and more flexible military solutions. Next to the Horses’ powerful assault and support tanks, the Enyo Strike Tank has established itself as a mainstay of their conventional forces, its prestigious status marking it both for immediate production in the newly refurbished factory on Kirchbach, and supplying the answer to the touman’s need.
Some of the first Inner Sphere built Enyos were over-engined prototypes. These yielded invaluable research results but ultimately were a developmental dead end. The need to police cities on occupied planets called for a much simpler modification. Replacing the large 330 XL engine with a 275 XL freed up mass for an increased and diversified payload, while still nimbly propelling the tank around a city. Surplus production of the 330 XL was re-routed to the Turhan II. The main laser was replaced with a plasma cannon and a co-axial LB-X 10, while the Streak racks were swapped with standard SRMs capable of launching mission-specific payloads. These modifications allow the Enyo to retain its firepower while exponentially increasing its capability to combat conventional forces.
The "Sholef" joins other units that suggest a possible Ka'an Cloister influence brought with the Hell's Horses to the Inner Sphere. Unlike the traditional equipment favored by Ka'an warriors however, these units have all been designed for the highly adaptable and flexible warfare for which the Horses are known.


Mass: 70 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: 260 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Armor: Compound Beta
Armament: 1 Type KOV LB-10X Autocannon
10 Aleph-1 Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifles
2 Series 2b Extended Range Medium Lasers
2 SEP Class SRM-4 Launcher
Manufacturer: Refit
Primary Factory: Various
Communications System: Build 1685 /5 Tacticom
Targeting & Tracking System: Series XXVIII IWS

Once the opening phase of the Jihad had passed, Clan Nova Cat discovered two rather unpleasant facts. First, that ATM munitions usage drastically outpaced production and second, that Word of Blake battle armor assets and the rare Manei Domini troops were a much greater threat than they could have imagined. These two facts led to a refit of the Shoden that had a more anti-infantry focus.
Reasoning that the existing light machine guns were wholly inadequate to the task of dealing with Djinns, never minding the heavier Blakist suits, the Cats replaced them with a staggering array of ten AP Gauss Rifles, four of which are mounted on the bow. Regretfully, while two tons of ammunition would be sufficient for most designs, a Shoden that finds itself surrounded by enemy suits will burn through that supply rather quickly.
Part of the reason for this small supply is the inherent unwillingness of Clan designers to leave Warriors with no way to gain “proper” honor by way of single combat. The turret assembly of the Shoden now carries a LB-X cannon, flanked on each side by a SRM launcher and an ER laser, providing a hefty, if short-ranged, punch.
The overall simplicity of the Shoden design has helped it survive the destruction of its primary production center. All of the Shoden’s components save the weapon systems can be replaced by readily available Inner Sphere equivalents, considerably reducing the burden on the Nova Cats’ infrastructure. Rumors indicate the Clan’s scientists and technicians are investigating the possibility of manufacturing and distributing a base chassis that can be completed by technicians at the Clan’s various enclaves with locally available components.

Mass: 85 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 240 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Compound JX4
Armament: 1 Type 0 Hyper Assault Gauss 40
2 Type XV “Crossbow” LRM-15 Launchers
2 Pattern J1 SRM-2 Launchers
Manufacturer: New York Vehicle Y2 Facility
Primary Factory: Trondheim
Communications System: Consolidated Type 2M with ECM suite
Targeting & Tracking System: Consolidated Type V TTS

The refitted Morrígú Fire Support Vehicle is a product of corporate greed and little else. Where Clan Blood Spirit utilised one of the most cost effective weapons around, Clan Diamond Shark has replaced them with one of the most expensive. The only good thing about this situation is that the new HAG has slightly better accuracy than the lasers it replaces as well as adding an anti-aircraft capability.
Sales have been brisk, with the majority going to Inner Sphere customers. This has meant most combat reports have come from relatively open sources-the most prominent of these being on Newcastle where mutual probes by the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Principality of Regulus saw a lance of new Morrígús engage a lance of Morrígús. Relatively open ground turned the combat into a sniping match where the Morrígú 3s greater firepower slowly overwhelmed their opposition. Seizing the opportunity Clan Diamond Shark has trumpeted the action and given the Commonwealth lance free HAG ammo for a year.

Mass: 95 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: Second Grade 285 XL Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Royal-7 Standard
Armament: 2 Type KOV LB-10X Autocannons
21 tons of pod space available
(maximum of 15 tons in the turret)
Manufacturer: WC Site 4
Primary Factory: Arc-Royal
Communications System: K9 Communications System
Targeting & Tracking System: Hunter (2) Dedicated TTS

A common complaint about Clan combat vehicles is a lack of armor, but the massive Heimdall seems to be an exception to this, protected by nearly twenty percent more armor than the foreboding Daishi. With two dedicated LB-X autocannons, the Heimdall has been called a 'semi-Omni' but with over twenty tons of pod space, it has more possible configurations than many smaller units. The first common configurations seen showcased brand new Clan equipment, first a heavy laser and next an ATM system. The Jade Falcons captured some Heimdalls on Melissia and have eschewed using new weapons for tried and true equipment. The configuration, labelled "B", merely mounts three long range missile racks, with a total of sixty tubes in the turret with six tons of ammunition in the body.
Clan Wolf in-Exile has recently traded some Heimdalls to their closest Clan ally, Clan Hells Horses. The Horses have eschewed the primary configuration but have used the A configuration to some success. Desiring another model, they have created a version of their own. The two autocannons paired with a turret mounted HAG constitute the long range firepower. For close support, three medium pulse lasers are included, two in the turret and one aligned with the autocannons.

Mass: 30 tons
Frame: UOC Light Spec 3
Power Plant: GM 210 XL
Armor: Outworld Weave Standard II
Armament: 9 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: United Outworlders Corporation
Primary Factory: Ramora
Communications System: Outworlds Advanced 6ai
Targeting & Tracking System: Multiplatform T12d

Popular not just within the Outworlds Alliance but throughout Clan space, it comes as little surprise that new configurations of the Corax have appeared. Most common is the OR, a configuration later aped by the Wusun, which offers blisteringly accurate fire at short ranges. The OD configuration on the other hand gives the small fighter some much needed ranged punch with the inclusion of a nose-mounted LRM launcher.
All Corax variants have seen heavy combat since the craft was introduced in 3067. The OR didn’t become popular until the mid-3070s when Clan Snow Raven fully accepted the fighter. Its Omni capabilities have made it particularly attractive for service on carriers which saw the Corax taken to Terra aboard the Ghost Bear and Snow Raven WarShips escorting Stone’s forces. Since then it has spread to Clan Diamond Shark, but their traditional animosity towards Clan Snow Raven has prevented them buying them in large numbers for resale despite a proven market.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 13 авг 2013, 08:27

Mass: 45 tons
Frame: Johnston Rapier Mk.VII
Power Plant: GM SuperFusion 225 XL
Armor: Kallon AeroWeave Ferro-Aluminum
Armament: 18 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: Johnston Industries
Primary Factory: New Syrtis
Communications System: ChatterComm 224
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mk. XIX

Johnston Industries has been clawing its way back ever since the CCAF looted their primary factory on New Syrtis in 3069. Production had just been fully restored the previous year when the facility was shattered by a Taurian attack in 3076. The radiation from the dirty bombs used by the Taurians took until 3090 to finally be reduced to safe levels, the clean-up process costing Johnston a small fortune. Whilst some of Johnston’s production lines, such as those for the Cataphract and Axman, were completely unrecoverable, the company has been able to restart small-scale production of some of their other signature designs.
The return of the Dagger was perhaps the resurrected product most vital to the AFFS, due to the high demand and dwindling supply of the advanced OmniFighter. During the Jihad, two more standard configurations had been developed. The first was a simple and common configuration with a nose-mounted extended-range particle cannon tied to advanced fire control system and backed up by a variety of medium lasers. This gives the DARO-1C a stand-off capability while still improving its firepower over the DARO-1A. The second is an aerial reconnaissance configuration equipped with an active probe and six medium pulse lasers for close ground support. A single extended range laser and an ECM suite complete the load-out.

Mass: 50 tons
Frame: L2 Standard
Power Plant: VOX 250
Armor: Durallex Heavy Standard
Armament: 2 Diverse Optics Type 51V Large Variable-Speed Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Gutierrez Aerospace
Primary Factory: Trellisane, Ellsworth
Communications System: Telestar G-3 with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking System: SynComDEC

Designed as a fleet interceptor for the FWLM, the mass defection of the League Navy to the Word of Blake placed numerous squadrons of Lancers in their hands as well. As the conflict raged, Blakist technicians set about upgrading the Lancer to better suit their needs. Stripping the fighter’s armament, the Word of Blake installed paired variable speed large pulse lasers, making it into an even more deadly dogfighter. With the long-range missile rack deemed superfluous to its mission role, it was removed in favor of sensor jamming equipment, with the difference in weight made up by a slight increase in armor protection.
With the defeat of the Blakists, Gutierrez Aerospace has been selling the Lancer on the open market, with the fighter proliferating to many forces beyond the Free Worlds. Generally, these are the LX-2 variant, but the LX-3 has been sold when supplies of VSPLs become available. The government of Trellisane hopes to discourage invasion by selling to all potential aggressors, but this hasn’t stopped Gutierrez from hedging their bets. Enticed by the lure of a secure world and hefty government contracts, ground has recently been broken on a new Lancer factory on Ellsworth in Regulan space.

Mass: 55 tons
Frame: Mujika Aerospace Modular Version 6
Power Plant: Magna 220 XL
Armor: Ceres Standard
Armament: 26 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: Ceres Metals Industries
Primary Factory: Capella
Communications System: Ceres MaserCom Variable 3s
Targeting & Tracking System: Dwyerson Upgrade Multitask Version 3

Despite a lack of any hard evidence, the belief that the Capellan Confederation colluded with the Blakists during the Jihad remains common amongst the population of the Capellan March. The appearance of many Capellan-constructed war machines amongst the Blakist Militia did little to dispel this rumor, amongst them the Phoenix Hawk, the Koschei, and the Defiance. Indeed, the Capellan OmniFighter would not have been possible without the assistance of Blakist engineers, resulting in a large number being sold to the WoBM. The Defiance was popular with Blakist pilots, who developed the alternate configuration D to use their latest weapon technology.
The DFC-OD mounts a trio of large weapons capable of penetrating the armor of other fighters and damaging their internal systems. Paired large VSP lasers give the configuration significant advantages in the tight confines of a dog-fight, whilst the thunderbolt launcher gives the fighter a hefty ranged punch. Unsurprisingly, the later appearance of CCAF fighters operating in D configuration has been seen as more evidence of a Liao-Blakist alliance by Capellan Marchers eager to find fault in the Confederation. Capellan assertions that they reverse-engineered the Blakist weapons technology the same as many other nations have largely fallen on deaf ears.

Mass: 55 tons
Frame: Wakazashi V-On
Power Plant: Shinobi 275
Armor: Chatham “Bakemono” Ferro-Aluminum
Armament: 1 Shigunga MRM-40 Launcher
6 Diverse Optics 20X Extended Range Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Wakazashi Enterprises
Primary Factory: Chatham
Communications System: Garret T22
Targeting & Tracking System: Neko Megane 6 with Apollo FCS and ECM

Loved by quartermasters, disparaged by armchair generals, tolerated by pilots, the Oni has proven to be a solid low end fighter for the Draconis Combine. With the opportunity to reinvigorate the design with modern technology Wakazashi has kept things remarkably simple. Working to the Oni’s strengths the Diverse Optics Type 30Xs have been downgraded to clusters of the smaller 20X model. This freed up tonnage for the Shigunga to be upgraded and fit with superior fire control. The result is that the Oni’s already solid short-range punch has been nearly doubled. The loss of long-range firepower was considered regrettable but standard tactics made it little more than a nuisance, with high speed passes the normal approach for this hard-hitting fighter. In addition Wakazashi was able to fit a Guardian system, which was felt to offer better protection than increased armor.
The ON-2 has since seen action on the Raven Alliance front where it has been used to menace Raven DropShips. After the near loss of a Titan Monitor at Weisau the Alliance has paid special attention to the Oni, with the lightly-armored fighter suffering higher than normal losses.

Mass: 70 tons
Frame: Wakazashi VII-Modular
Power Plant: Shinobi 210 XL
Armor: Naketsu MetalWeave Standard
Armament: 41 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: Wakazashi Enterprises
Primary Factory: Chatham
Communications System: Garret T22
Targeting & Tracking System: Neko Megane 6

Despite the depth of the Draconis Combine’s logistical and technical support apparatus for its OmniMechs and OmniFighters, the Jihad caused severe disruptions to this network. Even with its manufacturer surviving the Jihad intact, the Tatsu OmniFighter struggled for parts and weapons pods for its established configurations. Reacting to this, enterprising techs soon cobbled together whatever weaponry was available in the form of various ad hoc configurations. Often featuring captured Blakist weaponry, and later reverse-engineered versions of it, a number of these so-called "salvage configurations" later became widespread.
First appearing in numbers in 3072, Configuration D is a new take on Config C. Twin MML 9 launchers in each wing provide the mainstay of the MIK-OD's armaments, supplying decent long-range firepower and a lethal barrage at short range. Eight tons of ammunition provides tremendous staying power and flexibility. Backup weapons consist of an ER large laser in the nose, and twin aft-mounted ER medium lasers. Two additional double heat sinks round out the configuration, but pilots must alternate firing the lasers and missile launchers to avoid a rapid heat build up.
The second configuration to gain widespread acceptance, Config E, appeared in 3075. Based around twin nose-mounted plasma rifles, generously supplied with four tons of ammunition, and supported by a snub-nose PPC and ER medium laser in each wing, the MIK-OE possesses deadly short and medium range firepower. Eight extra double heat sinks help to keep the variant cool, but pilots must exercise careful heat management. Defensive systems consist of a nose mounted anti-missile system, and a Guardian ECM suite.

Mass: 65 tons
Frame: Mujika Aerospace Version V
Power Plant: Magna 260 XL
Armor: Detroit Ferro-Aluminum Special
Armament: 1 Ceres Arms Eradicator Heavy Particle Projection Cannon
3 Death Blossom Rocket Launcher 10 packs
6 Blankenburg Lite Variable-Speed Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Detroit Consolidated AeroSpace
Primary Factory: Detroit
Communications System: Ceres MaserCom Variable 3s
Targeting & Tracking System: Dwyerson Upgrade Multitask Version 3

Looking to expand the market for their aerospace fighter, DCA introduced the CMT-6T Troika, a dedicated close support fighter intended to cut into the market share of the Transit. The CMT-6T’s armament consists of a single heavy PPC backed up by six VSP lasers. Initially, these lasers were obtained from wrecked Blakist vehicles strewn across the Magistracy, but recently reverse-engineered lasers imported from the Confederation were substituted. While virtually useless in space combat, this array of energy weapons makes the Troika extremely effective in strafing runs, and the Ceres Arms Eradicator is just as capable of decapitating a BattleMech as the Transit’s heavy autocannon.
The most unusual feature of the 6T was the decision by DCA to install a four ton jump bay in the aft of the craft to allow a squad of medium battle armor to be air deployed into a combat zone. Sales of this hyper-specialized variant have been limited, with few regiments desiring an aerospace fighter so restricted outside of a ground attack role and few MAF units possessing battle armor squads equipped with the jump jets needed to make leaping from the craft better than suicidal. The First Canopian Cuirassiers are known to field this fighter, as are the Fifth CRC, First St. Ives Janissaries and Warrior House Dai Da Chi.

Mass: 75 tons
Frame: TukTech H Frame
Power Plant: Janesek 225 XL
Armor: Orestes Cold Forge
Armament: 43 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: Janesek Industries
Primary Factory: Orestes
Communications System: J-Talk 73
Targeting & Tracking System: Knorr Block 3

Cursed with the misfortune of building an OmniFighter with nearly the same capabilities as the more advanced Jengiz, Janesek Industries has had to become creative. One of its main advantages is that the Huscarl is cleared for sale to Inner Sphere customers, and they have exploited this with gusto. Sales to The Republic of the Sphere, the Federated Suns and mercenary groups have kept the company above water. Of additional help has been the promotion of unusual configurations which more capable, heavier fighters have tended to avoid.
Few fighters as sluggish as the Huscarl want to get close to an enemy but the OD positively embraces the concept with fourteen pulse lasers. Developed by ComStar, the OD redefines strafing with its highly accurate fire. This powerful short-range battery makes it also a threat to airborne targets. Unfortunately the lack of reach means unless the Huscarl pilot scores a quick kill in is inevitable the craft will be drawn into a dog fight where the unmanoeuvrable fighter will struggle.
The OR tackles the more difficult challenge of attracting Clan pilots and achieves this by throwing convention completely out the window. Autocannons, LRMs, a plasma cannon and a total disregard for heat result in a genuine wild card of an aircraft. While raw firepower is lacking, against a highly stressed Clan fighter the plasma weapons are likely to force a loss of control. This makes the OR a high risk, high reward craft for warriors looking to make a name for themselves.

Mass: 85 tons
Frame: SHV X1 Standard
Power Plant: Pitban 255a XL
Armor: Andurien Composition 3 Ferro-Aluminum
Armament: 52.5 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: Nimakachi Fusion Products Ltd.
Primary Factory: Dalton
Communications System: Lassitor-5A
Targeting & Tracking System: Wasat Aggressor Type 6F with OmniLink

Although it is unknown where it originated, a squadron support configuration appeared around 3073, and quickly propagated amongst forces operating the Shiva. Carrying an ECM suite to provide electronic warfare support for its squadron-mates, the D configuration carries a battery of two standard and a single light Gauss rifle, granting it significant long-range hitting power. Utilizing this loadout, Shivas could be held in the back of aerospace fighter formations, minimizing their exposure to hostile fire while still able to participate in engagements.
Andurien AeroTech had only recently renewed exports of the Shiva when the planet Lopez was rendered uninhabitable by Blakist renegades. Sitting on over a decade of Shiva production, the Duchy opted not to rebuild the lost line, but the Duchy of Oriente and Rim Commonality, both lacking native aerospace fighter manufacturing, purchased the rights to the design in 3083. The governments sold the design to Nimakachi Fusion Products, which set about building a manufacturing center for the fighter at their Dalton DropShip yard. New Shivas are expected to begin rolling off the assembly line at the end of this year, with a thirty-seventy split of the production run going to the Rim Commonality Guard and DDOCFH, respectively.

Mass: 95 tons
Frame: Bowie E2
Power Plant: GM 380 XL
Armor: Donegal Omni-Sheath Ferro-Aluminum
Armament: 46 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: Lockheed/CBM
Primary Factory: Tharkad
Communications System: Rander 250
Targeting & Tracking System: Rander TA7

The destruction of Lockheed/CBM’s plant on Donegal shattered the backbone of Lyran aerospace manufacturing, costing House Steiner most of their medium and light aerospace manufacturing. A collective sigh of relief was released by LCAF procurement when the siege of Tharkad was lifted and factory lines for the Eisensturm were found to be still operational. With dwindling numbers of “lesser” fighters to fulfil utility roles for the Lyran military, the flexible OmniFighter found itself pushed into an ever-expanding number of roles.
The EST-OD configuration was developed to fulfil an atmospheric support role. Armed with a trio of plasma rifles tied to an advanced targeting system, the Eisensturm’s D configuration can inflict crippling heat and damage to enemy aerospace fighters and ’Mechs, and crack the armor of conventional vehicles and fighters like an eggshell. Backed up by wing-mounted multi-missile launchers, the EST-OD can quickly and easily overwhelm any ground target with multiple short-range missiles, while retaining the ability to strike other fighters at considerable distances.

Mass: 25 tons
Frame: Pattern IIA Standard
Power Plant: 225 Standard
Armor: Standard Comp A
Armament: 1 Series 6b Extended Range Large Laser
Manufacturer: Crest Foundries
Primary Factory: Quatre Belle (Refits only)
Communications System: Comm IV
Targeting & Tracking System: T&T Type 3X with Irecian “Squealer” Light Active Probe, TAG and Mark-5 Series Targeting Computer

Long a common fighter among Clan Snow Raven, large numbers of the craft have survived to the present, despite the upheavals of recent years. These surviving airframes have been considered ripe for experimentation. When it was determined there was a need for a new ground support and observation aircraft, the high speed Chaeronea was considered perfect. Typical for a Clan aircraft, only a small amount of space was used for the electronics package, retaining as much firepower as possible so that the Chaeronea 4 remains a dangerous opponent.
The Chaeronea 4 is typically deployed alongside fire support platforms like the BMB-14K or as a spotter for aircraft loaded with guided bombs, where it can use its TAG to provide targeting data. It has been used to great effect in this role against the Draconis Combine during their probing attacks in the early 3080s. Using their high speed Chaeroneas were able to penetrate the Combine’s air defences and direct devastating bombing strikes on their rear areas. In each engagement Combine interceptors either failed to make contact or were chopped down by the Chaeronea’s laser.
Currently small numbers of the specialist fighter are available for most clusters and Alliance Air Wings. Replacement craft are refitted on request.

Mass: 40 tons
Frame: Pattern I4 Standard
Power Plant: 240 Standard
Armor: Raven Ferro-Aluminum Comp II
Armament: 1 Series 6b Extended Range Large Laser
2 SEP-Class Extended Range Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: United Outworlders Corporation
Primary Factory: Ramora (Refits only)
Communications System: SR Com 7
Targeting & Tracking System: Type 11dr with High Resolution and Infrared Imaging

In the aftermath of their actions against Galedon and Dante in 3069, the ongoing Snow Raven efforts in the Outworlds Alliance faced both domestic resistance and the specter of Combine reprisal. Unlike the Clan way of battle, where combat zones, objectives and forces are announced openly, the Ravens were forced to go out and hunt the enemy down, and aerial reconnaissance assets were necessary. Some thought was given to adapting the Slayer but in the end, a selection of older Issus spaceframes were refit for the role.
Based partially on the Issus 2 refit, only a single Series 6b was placed in a specially developed nose mount. To save additional tonnage, the small Series 1b laser and the missile package were also removed entirely, as were two heat sinks. The tonnage saved was used to nearly double the fuel tank to increase the fighter's patrol radius and then add a high-resolution imager and infrared imager to the nose. While not as fast or stealthy as our new OF-17A-Rs, the Issus 3 is still a capable dogfighter, proven to good effect against a few militia strike fighters that attempted to ambush an Issus 3 over Baliggora in 3076 and with a victory over a Combine Sai in the skies of Valentina.
Sometimes piloted by Outworlders due to Clan warriors' disdain for a role they viewed as inglorious, a few Issus 3s accompanied Raven forces during the drive to Terra and provided quite a bit of actionable information. Ultimately attached to Task Force EARTHBOUND to support Operation SCYTHE, only one fighter survived to return back to the Outworlds.

Mass: 65 tons
Frame: Ripscale Type 3
Power Plant: 260 Standard
Armor: Formula Z5D Standard
Armament: 2 Type DDS “Kingston” Extended Range Particle Projection Cannons
2 Type VI SRM-6 Streak Launchers
1 Series 1g Extended Range Small Laser
Manufacturer: Gorton, Kingsley & Thorpe Enterprises
Primary Factory: Rasalhague
Communications System: S9G Gamma Series Communications
Targeting & Tracking System: Dexter 3 Sensor Suite

Clan Ghost Bear acquired production rights for the Ammon as part of their Leviathan program in the 3060s. Faced with the need to expand their aerospace force by a third the Clan needed a cheap, mass producible fighter. After several years of combat experience during the Jihad, Gorton, Kingsley & Thorpe Enterprises was tasked with applying lessons learned to a revised chassis.
The fighter that emerged dropped range for PPCs: the extra hitting power was found to be necessary against the heavily-armored fighters of the Inner Sphere. The tonnage saved was in turn invested in reinforcing the craft’s armor, a simple and inexpensive move that met the established design requirements.
Since its introduction the Ammon 2 has earned its place in the touman, slowly replacing the original Ammons and older fighters. As a fighter the Ammon 2 is unremarkable in contrast with Clan Diamond Shark’s advanced Ammon XR. The lack of an extra-light engine means it is underarmed even by Inner Sphere standards and it relies heavily on the penetrating ability of its PPCs and thick hull. For this reason the Ammon 2 is mainly deployed in second-line formations along the Draconis Combine border.

Mass: 85 tons
Frame: Type 42-5 Aero
Power Plant: 260 Standard
Armor: Compound XAS Ferro-Aluminum
Armament: 2 Type 0 Hyper Assault Gauss 40s
Manufacturer: HH-1
Primary Factory: Csesztreg
Communications System: KOW-Comm Type 9
Targeting & Tracking System: ASG Mark VII

The Xerxes 3 is yet another of the HAG refits that Clan Hell’s Horses unleashed on Clan Wolf in 3070. It is still not clear where the refits were done, but their impact was immediate. Armed with two HAG 40s under its wings, the new Xerxes was able to match the range and firepower of existing Xerxes without the crippling heat issues.
Primarily tasked with air-to-ground support, Clan Wolf learned to fear the Xerxes 3 and the accompanying conflagration of high explosives and hypersonic shards of metal. The presence of a single Xerxes could uproot a dug-in position in seconds. For all of the improvements many of the old issues with the Xerxes remained. Lack of armor left the Xerxes 3 vulnerable to attack by even the smallest aircraft, while ammo bins are limited. Both of these faults are not considered major issues given the fighter’s hit and run role.
Base Xerxes frames are now being built at HH-1. These are completed to order as any of the three Xerxes variants according to request, with no one variant dominating production. Few regard any of the Xerxes variants as particularly formidable, leading some to question the wisdom of keeping the design in production at all.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 авг 2013, 07:34

UNION-X (3071)
The early 3070s saw the introduction of a new Union-X at Shipil Company. An increase in combined arms deployments inspired the company to modify their Union-X’s cargo bay to carry a lance of vehicles and twelve squads of battle armor in place of four ‘Mech bays and expand the space for general cargo by ten percent. Firepower was increased and a missile defense system added.
In many ways the new variant continued the Union-X’s evolution away from a SLDF medium ‘Mech transport to stand alone DropShip suitable for use by small mixed military commands. This proved fortuitous for Shipil, as these qualities also made the craft attractive to the Republic procurement office. The RAF’s combined-arms forces have adopted the Union-X, but questions remain over whether the Union-X has an insufficient payload.
Despite these minor concerns, the 3071 model Union-X has seen near continuous action with various allied commands since its introduction at the height of the Jihad, and has earned a solid reputation as a platform able to get a fighting force to a planet’s surface under hostile conditions.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 19 авг 2013, 08:10

The Republic of the Sphere has adapted many of the Word of Blake’s former production facilities to their own needs. The Assault Triumph is the product of one such effort. The current production model produced for the RAF has been redesigned to eschew the abandoned base-six organizational system. The 3082 Assault Triumph carries a squadron of fighters, a company of ‘Mechs and heavy tanks, and leaves space for supporting light vehicles and battle armor. This was achieved at the cost of nearly half of the non-compartmented cargo space.
A number of older Assault Triumphs remain in service, mainly captured militia ships or those assigned to mercenaries who later changed sides. Many have been sold on the open market at a steep discount due to their inconvenient internal arrangement.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 21 авг 2013, 22:16

As one of the first “pocket WarShips” to enter service, the Overlord A3 has inevitably suffered compared to more recent designs like the Arondight. This has led to an “in field” refit called the A3A. The most noticeable change is the replacement of the Kraken missile launcher with a third AR-10 launcher. While powerful, the single Kraken-T launcher was considered to be ineffective in combat compared to the multiple launchers of vessels such as the Nekohono’o. Futher, slow, tele-operated missiles have largely come to be seen as obsolete with the increasing use of point-defense systems and large sub-capital weapons. The mass freed up by the removal of the Kraken has been used to install additional point defense systems and screen launchers. These changes combined with the existing heavy armor, the Overlord A3A a very tough kill. That barely any changes were made to the rest of the DropShip’s armament speaks volumes about its established effectiveness.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 авг 2013, 07:48

Dignitary transport design often results in boondoggle vanity projects. There is only so much that can be done to transport a VIP in safety, luxury, and with access to the levers of state or industry they demand. In times long past, WarShips were used in diplomatic shows of force, but today most travel by nondescript modified shuttles.
Avalon 1 is anything but a nondescript shuttle.
Based on a Conquistador-class DropShip, Avalon 1 was refitted in the heat of the Jihad to safely transport the Princess-Regent during her nomadic travels prior to the relief of New Avalon. Over the years a handful more Conquistadors have been refitted as spares and decoys, leaving a small flotilla available for favored nobility with the pull to request one for whatever diplomatic mission they happen to be on. The existence of these reserve vessels hasn’t been widely publicized, and only the vessel currently designated Avalon 1 gets to bear the distinctive livery used when carrying the First Prince.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 авг 2013, 09:28

ARCADIA (3080)
Used both as transports and assault ships, considerable numbers of Arcadias serve Clan Snow Raven today. It appears that the Clan appropriated the remaining vessels constructed for Clan Blood Spirit when they abandoned the Homeworlds, bringing them with them as they relocated to the Outworlds Alliance. Following United Outworlds Corporation retooling of their Ramora factory to work on the Raven’s Titan Monitor, limited production of new configurations of the Arcadia was begun.
These craft have proven essential to transporting the ProtoMech forces of the Ravens and their allies, but in addition to the standard configuration the Clan has also introduced a pure assault ship variant. This now model abandons most of its transport capacity in favor of two Manta Ray missile launchers. Combined with slight tweaks to the existing arsenal this makes this Arcadia a formidable close attack craft. Intelligence indicates these ships are expected to run interference for the heavier Titans in Raven naval Stars. Interestingly, this new model retains space for two points of battle armor and a point of Protomechs. This gives the new Arcadia the potential to act as a patrol ship or boarding craft.
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Re: MilSpec from BC

Сообщение DeJaVu » 31 авг 2013, 20:53

OUTPOST (3070)
The original Outpost lacked bays to transport ProtoMechs, having been designed just prior to Clan Hell’s Horse’s adoption of the technology. By 3070 this omission was addressed by a variant that stripped out the fighter decks for cubicles for a binary of ProtoMechs and an additional Star of battle armor. In an attempt to make up for the lack of organic fighter support additional flak-firing guns were installed, but these have come to be considered only sufficient while the DropShip is grounded. Flight and deep space transit leave the new Outpost configuration vulnerable and dependent upon supporting DropShips.
Nothing is known about the source of these new Outposts save that they have not been constructed in the Inner Sphere. The Horses currently lack any known ability to build new DropShips so it is surmised all Outposts that exist came with them from the Homeworlds. These vessels saw action in the Horse’s conflicts against Clan Ice Hellion and Clan Wolf, where their weapons and armor make them formidable targets, yet their cargo made them irresistible. With no new source, the number of surviving craft of this class can only be expected to continue to shrink.
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