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Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 ноя 2011, 12:19

Да ни о чем не договорятся все равно. Все разбредутся кто-куда. Я лично так и сделаю, например. Мне в подобном обществе как-то западло вертется. :|

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 ноя 2011, 13:31
Онлайн хамство русскоязычных и до этого во многих онлайн-играх бывает. Дошло до того, что немногие адекваты стыдятся признать, что они русские и стараются сменить свой ип через прокси, чтобы не светить триколором в приличном обществе :(

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 ноя 2011, 23:03
Проще собраться своим библиотечным обществом в одну или несколько команд, да и общаться на тему игры лучше здесь :oops:

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 ноя 2011, 23:08
Intek писал(а):Проще собраться своим библиотечным обществом в одну или несколько команд, да и общаться на тему игры лучше здесь :oops:

Как всегда в точку. Работаем в этом направлении. Будем принимать только камрадов с нашего форума.

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 ноя 2011, 23:52
Well bargained and done!

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 ноя 2011, 00:05
Я тоже за местное самоуправление,а то почитав что там писали в форуме - Russian clan как то боязно стало.

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 ноя 2011, 00:27
А собираться где будем? :oops: :)

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 ноя 2011, 07:54
У нас, чуть позже топик там сделаем
Why you want MechWarrior® Online™ to be Free-To-Play!

Since the announcement came out, one of the hottest topics has been about Free-To-Play (F2P). This Into the Lab will discuss the details of why MechWarrior® Online™ is F2P and how we came to love the concept () and why you should too. So let’s get started.

How many times have you bought a game for 60 bucks and felt disappointed? Or if you’re like me, paid 60 bucks, played for 2 hours and never touched the game again because you get busy with life or work? Or loved a game so much, that you wished there was more, only to wait 2 years for a sequel! The Free-To-Play model solves this problem by allowing players to drive value and content.

How does this translate into MechWarrior™ Online™? Great question! Let’s talk about the design principle we’re using to drive MWO, simply referred to as: “All Carrot, No Stick”.

The core experience is available to anyone for no cost at all. You as the player, get to choose how and if you spend money. And make no mistake, I want you to spend money, but only on the things YOU value. In fact, when you spend your money, it tells me that we’ve succeeded in creating a game players enjoy. Sounds like a basket full of carrots to me.

Key to achieving this concept is a design that rewards players for participation, skill, tactical thinking, team play, and heroics in a way that is engaging to the individual and contributes to the overall community experience. These rewards take many forms, including in-game currency called C-Bills, experience points, and prestige. Players can also purchase items which make this experience more fun, engaging, or efficient depending on what matters to them.

For example, if you are an offense player like me, you will be rewarded with money, experience, and prestige by dealing damage, and killing or helping to kill the enemy. I’m also a collector; I love to own one of everything. So MWO provides me with the ability to acquire and store items of value (collector), while rewarding me for doing what I love most, crushing other MechWarriors in the field of battle (offense player)!

We are catering to all major player archetypes, the lone wolf, the team player, the collector, the efficiency/tuner, the tinkerer/builder, the leader and many more. These archetypes are all represented within the context of MechWarrior® Online™ a free-to-play BattleMech action/sim.

Now let’s talk about Pay-To-Win, the red-headed step child (no offense to all the red heads, we really do love you).

There are those who will rumble about Pay-2-Win, which equates to the person with the biggest wallet winning. I’m not going to lie, some things can and will allow you to acquire items faster, or even instantly with real cash.

Foul! Foul! You said you can’t buy a tactical advantage! That’s a stick! That guy with the wallet is going to be able to buy the biggest, bad assed items in the game! He’s going to kick my butt with his wallet.

Well here’s some food for thought, maybe the biggest isn’t always the best! To take a quote from an early MechWarrior® presentation – This is not your father’s MechWarrior®! One of our core pillars is Role Warfare and is designed to, well – level the playing field – another concept from our original design. We're doing away with the arms race and making BattleMechs of all shapes and sizes have a purpose and role on the battlefield. If you love scouting, grab that light mech, train and gear it up. Be that sneaky guy who relays critical information back to the rest of your lance. Maybe you’re a commander type, who loves to multitask, directing fire support, air strikes, and multiple lances in a mech suitable to that role. If you play any of these roles well, and with skill, you will be rewarded.

So remember this, time and experience (the real kind), will always equal greater skill. Greater skill will always equal more rewards. You can’t buy skill, you earn it.

Now if that wasn’t enough here are some of my other favourite reasons why you want MechWarrior® Online™ to be F2P!

We can iterate quickly.
This means we can listen to your feedback and actually do something about it.
We have live game metrics.
This means we can respond to key indicators and refine the game play experience.
We are not bound by content delivery limitations of a console platform.
For now, getting new content delivered through a console is a costly and arduous process.
We can use test servers and a beta community to test our ideas and new content before pushing it to live servers.
This isn’t new concept. However, it’s vital to keeping the quality bar high for MWO.
In summary:
All Carrot, No Stick.
Balanced roles to suit a variety of player styles.
Skill is earned.
You can make your own choices!
Spend money on things YOU value.
MechWarrior™ rules! (Fan Boy moment)

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 ноя 2011, 13:01
RU уже на втором месте, приятно:

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 ноя 2011, 13:31
Да там мы были всё время. Европа вроде как ни разу не догнала.

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 ноя 2011, 00:42
353 мембера - круто.

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 ноя 2011, 17:05
Вот-вот, это самое главное

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 03:03
Очень показательный диалог у меня сейчас случился. Действующие лица: я и 14-летний подросток из Словакии. Выдержка:

Wish I could have so much nice "things" (everything from books to miniatures), but Battletech doesn't exist in our country.

Where are you from?

I'm from a country nobody knows and noone can find on the map (well it was true to this year). Slovakia, only 5 million people, like in one city.

Well, WE know.

Who is "WE"?

Oh my!
Look at my profile.

You mean Russians actually know of our little country? The ones who had organized rebellion and were one of the reasons behind the fall of USSR? That USSR is just a tip, I don't see any reason why should you know us, besides history, when we rebelled against "YOU".
Am I right?

Не хило им там мозги промывают! :o :shock: :facepalm:

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 03:13
:shock: :facepalm:

хтонический пипец...

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 12:09
Оффтоп: Мда... Все поминают нам танки в Праге?
А что еще и нас обвинили в распаде СССР... Последнее оледенение случаем не по нашей вине случилось? И Христа, конечно, мы распяли...

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 12:32
Оффтоп: Мне больше другое понравилось. Их на полном серьезе учат что именно из-за "восстания Чехо/Словакии" произошел распал СССР! Ну или по меньшей мере это был один из важнейших факторов.

Правда паренек в итоге оказался адекватным. Показал ему свои фото армейские. С припиской: "Here i am! Terrible russian aggressor Who "eats babies for a breakfast". Ответил что "Yup, exactly as in the books". Вместе посмеялись.

Но осадочек остался. Хреново как-то. И это Словакия, а не допустим Прибалтика или еще где нас ОСОБО любят.

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 12:40
Это подросток в интернете. Чего ты хотел?

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 12:43
А ты думаешь что в реале они думают совершенно иначе?

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 12:57
Посмотри на нашу интернет-школоту. Подумай, насколько осмысленны подобные экстраполяции.

Re: Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 ноя 2011, 16:12
А вот так вот ТОЛСТО трололо братьев клансменов:

http://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/1413-w ... n-players/

:lol: :lol: :lol: