Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

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Mechwarrior Online - Лето 2012

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 ноя 2011, 00:00

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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение acefalcon » 01 ноя 2011, 00:10

"Иду я чистым полем и тут из-за угла внезапно "Атлас" выходит. Текстуры не подгрузились".
Хз что будет, но что цирк с конями - это точно.
Jack, you have debauched my sloth!
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение Andos » 01 ноя 2011, 00:11

можно расслабится
ложная тревога
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение Sam08 » 01 ноя 2011, 00:15

А счастье было так близко, так возможно... :cry:
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение Voxel » 01 ноя 2011, 00:16

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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение KolbunD » 01 ноя 2011, 00:17

Что значит ONLINE? Что значит лето 2012?
Они ее по интернету пускать будут как Уорлд оф танк? че за хрень такая?
Лююююдииииии, скажите мне что нормальная игра на компе выйдет летом следующего года
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 ноя 2011, 00:18

Хмм, если это будет полноценный онлайн с реализованной картой ВС и боями, почему нет?
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение KolbunD » 01 ноя 2011, 00:20

DeJaVu писал(а):Хмм, если это будет полноценный онлайн с реализованной картой ВС и боями, почему нет?

патамушта здесь хренова куча пипла без английского, например со словарем читать какую нить хрень с игры будет весьма гемморойно
все, ушел плакать и ругаться матом. А ругаться матом я умею
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Лучший Фанфикописатель 2009, 2011
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение DC_Tigor » 01 ноя 2011, 00:21

Обещают что PC эксклюзив. Значит никакого браузерного бесчинства не будет. Полноценный PC клиент.
PS. понравился Hunchback на оф. сайте. :)
Лунным сияньем
Залита вишня в горах.
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Значит, цветы опадут?!
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 ноя 2011, 00:25

KolbunD писал(а):
DeJaVu писал(а):Хмм, если это будет полноценный онлайн с реализованной картой ВС и боями, почему нет?

патамушта здесь хренова куча пипла без английского, например со словарем читать какую нить хрень с игры будет весьма гемморойно
все, ушел плакать и ругаться матом. А ругаться матом я умею

Даивротегочихпых этот англицкий. Захочешь - будешь играть
Проблема в другом free2play или pay2playю Донатиться вилы, так и представляю, отошли три смс, получи чудной сундук, а внем 5% вероятность выпадания на пилотирование атласа

Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 11 секунд:
Welcome MechWarrior!

Piranha Games is proud to bring you the next instalment in the MechWarrior® franchise. It has been a long time coming and this synopsis will help to answer some of your questions. If you’ve read through Dev Blog 0, you’ll know that we are a premium Free-To-Play game based on the bestselling BattleTech® Universe. When coming up with the core game features for MechWarrior® Online, we create and focused on four pillars of design and player experience. These pillars include:

Mech Warfare – The embodiment of Mech to Mech combat.
Role Warfare – The ability for player’s to customize their experience to suit their own style of gameplay.
Community Warfare – The ability to let the players take part in epic combat for territorial control.
Information Warfare – Bring a new element to the battlefield that incorporates information technology to help control the fight.
Mech Warfare:

We want to make sure we bring the roots of the MechWarrior® titles back to the surface and also incorporate the basic rules from the BattleTech® Universe. Players will be able to customize their BattleMechs with weapon and armor upgrades as well as customize their cosmetic appearance in the MechLab. This means players can look unique or fall in line with their Merc Corp colors and truly represent themselves in combat. The next part of Mech Warfare is controls/piloting a BattleMech. Since our key platform is the PC, it only makes sense to really bring the simulation control system back for seasoned players, with the option to have easy access configurations for newer players. When dealing with controls, we really want to bring skill back into combat rather than heavily assisted combat as seen in most modern day first person shooters. The interface between the MechWarrior® and the BattleMech is being revisited as well. A new 3D HUD system is being designed for the neurohelmet pilot information display. The view point of the game is from the pilot (MechWarrior®’s) point of view. Players will be able to look around their cockpit and even customize the interior to suit their tastes.

Role Warfare:

When it comes down to play style for any given player, we want to make sure that we have as many options as possible to cater to as many player types as possible. This is where things get really interesting. Everything from choosing a BattleMech to how a MechWarrior® is trained, will allow a player to truly customize their own personal game experience. What is a player’s preferred role when playing MechWarrior®? Scout? Attacker? Defender? Commander? Whatever it is, a player will be able to train their MechWarrior to specialize in their style of gameplay. Players are highly encouraged to participate in team based gameplay. The fast manoeuvrable scouts will be able to relay information back to the commander units who in turn relay that information to the attacker and defender units. As players advance their MechWarrior in a role, more skills and abilities related to their role will become available. Remember, a team who plays together will always win together.

Community Warfare:

MechWarrior® in all of its incarnations has always had a loyal following of players in one of the strongest on-line communities in gaming history. Piranha-Games hopes to bring this community together in a friendly conflict of universal control. This may sound a little odd, but it is the fun competitiveness that will keep the game alive and kicking for years to come. Utilizing the BattleTech® Inner Sphere, we plan to have skirmishes amongst the Great Houses in BattleTech® lore. Allowing the player to have an active part in this conflict is one of our key directives in designing this game. Players will be able to create, manage and customize their Merc Corp’s player base and appearance, while banding together to really delve into the Inner Sphere conflict where House alignment reigns supreme. Merc Corp leaders will bid and fight for occupation rights to some of the most valuable planets across the Inner Sphere and challenge other Merc Corps for control of planets reaping large rewards.

Information Warfare:

Evolving the MechWarrior® experience required a new layer of gameplay. Instead of large open expanses and circle strafing parties, we wanted to examine the core play experience of the previous MechWarrior® titles and see if we could bring a more tactical/strategic experience to MechWarrior® Online™. Relying more on line-of-sight and incorporating information technologies, we feel that information warfare will bring a new level of realism to the fight and help enforce the idea of team based multiplayer even more. Another aspect of Mech Warfare, something that we can do with new technology, is urban combat. The battlefield is no longer open areas with mile long sightlines. . Tactical manoeuvres will be required now more than ever and the key to success is using InfoTech alongside great team play. The newly implemented Battle Grid will give commanding units a bird’s eye view of the battlefield and scouts will be able to feed real time recon information to them. The battlefield commander will be able to call in air strikes, artillery strikes and other support unit requests.


Q. Will MechWarrior® Online™ be PC exclusive?

A. At this time we have no plans to take MechWarrior® Online™ to any other platforms.

Q. What game engine is being used to develop the next MechWarrior® game?

A. Look forward to a future announcement about our technology partners!

Q. Will MechWarrior® Online™ be DirectX 11 compatible?

A. The engine and our implementation will support DirectX 9, 10 and 11.

Q. Any insight as to PC system requirements yet for MechWarrior® Online™?

A. We currently do not have final PC system specifications.

Q. When will we get more info on MechWarrior® Online™'s gameplay and release date?

A. We will release information when it becomes available. We are going to be working closely with everyone in the community as well so information will be steady as we go through development. The exact release date is still to be determined but it will be in 2012!

Q. What year is MechWarrior® Online™ taking place?

A. MechWarrior® Online™ is running an offset timeline of the BattleTech® Universe. As of this writing it is 2011 and the year is 3048 within the game. In 2012, when the game is launched, it will be 3049.

Q. Will MechWarrior® Online™ have Mech melee combat?

A. At this point in time we are not looking at melee combat. We may revisit melee combat if we can design something that is fun and does not compromise the overall gameplay experience.

Q. Will LRMs in MechWarrior® Online™ be guided or unguided?

A. LRMs will be semi-guided. What the heck does that mean? You will be able to lock on to your target but it doesn't mean the actual missiles will home directly to the target. The chance of missing will still be part of LRM gameplay. Use of the Artemis IV system and subsequent munitions, will narrow the area of damage by focusing the flight paths of the missiles. We're finding that this is a good balance between gameplay and staying true to the BattleTech canon.

Q. Will there be vehicular combat alongside Mechs for the players this time?

A. At the moment we are not following up with combined arms (tanks, hovercraft, jets etc.)

Q. Will I be able to fully customize my Mechs' load out, decals, paint job, and equipment?

A. You will be able to customize your load out, decals, paint job and equipment. But when it comes to armor, weapons and accessories please refer to the previous question and answer.

Q. Can I get out of the Mech?

A. Will you be able to get out of the Mech? No. One of our gameplay design pillars is that we are putting you in the role of the pilot (MechWarrior®) in a first person perspective.

Q. Will the Clans make an appearance or cameo?

A. ;)

Q. Can you list the Mech designs that will be included in the release?

A. At this time we can confirm the Atlas, Hunchback, and Jenner. Other BattleMechs® will be revealed over the coming months.

Q. Will the unseen Mechs make it into the game after all?

A. Look forward to a future announcement.

Q. Will MechWarrior have support for custom mapping joysticks/other input devices? (multiple device support?)

A. We have partnered with some of the industry’s biggest hardware manufacturers and will be doing our best to support all types of joysticks and flight systems.

Q. Will you offer a gradient of control schemes say from casual to simulation that alter play from FPS to robot?

A. Yes we will. It is important to us that new players experience the fun of MechWarrior® Online™ right beside the seasoned veteran who need to control every aspect of the game.

Q. Who will be the publisher of the new MechWarrior® Online™?

A. We are proud to announce that MechWarrior® Online™ is being published by Infinite Game Publishing.

Q. Will MechWarrior® Online™ have co-operative gameplay?

A. This is something we wanted to implement, but right now we are going to focus on multiplayer only.

Q. Will team play be a major part of MechWarrior® Online™, as described in the 2009 interview?

A. Yes. A big yes in fact. Team play will be critical in combat as player roles and BattleMech builds will vary from player to player. Whether you play as a scout or as an assault type, it's completely up to you and each of the roles is very important to fill on the battlefield.

Q. What are your plans for MechWarrior® Online™ multiplayer? Is it going to feel similar to other MechWarrior® games or new?

A. MechWarrior® Online™ is going to be a hybrid of new and old gameplay. Some controls and features will be familiar to seasoned players while some gameplay features and mechanics will be completely new. We really want to design the game so that it feels like you're piloting a HUGE BattleMech® in an epic combat scenario.

Q. Will you be able to switch from first-person to third-person views?

A. The game is played from the first person. We’re exploring ways to have a third person camera that make sense from a gameplay point of view.

Q. How loyal will MechWarrior® Online™ be to the tabletop rules (heat management, melee, armor penetration, etc.)?

A. We are adhering very closely to the BattleTech® tabletop rules. Some mechanics in the tabletop version of the game do not translate well into a videogame and we are coming up with our own rule sets that mitigate these differences in an intuitive and fun manner.

Q. Will you be able to pick what faction you play in MechWarrior® Online™?

A. When you first create your pilot, you are going to have to align yourself with one of the Great Houses in the BattleTech® Universe. Each house will have its benefits and drawbacks and it will be up to you to read up on the house selection menu on which house you will pledge your allegiance.

Q. Will players have the ability to form their own custom clans in MechWarrior® Online™?

A. We're trying to be careful with the naming of some features in MechWarrior® Online™ and "clans" is one of them. Players will be able to form their own customized Mercenary Corporations (Merc Corps for short). These operate in the same way that the term clan refers to in other first person shooters. A better way of thinking about Merc Corps is as a "guild". Within the guild you can create Lances("parties") and join matches in that manner.

Q. Will MechWarrior® Online™ have persistent character content such as leveling or upgrades?

A. Yes. One of the customizations in MechWarrior® Onine™ is to train your pilot to suit your play style. Pilots will bring their efficiencies to whatever BattleMech® they get in.

Q. Will MechWarrior® Online™ ship with a map editor or any other kind of Mod Support?

A. At the moment we are not planning on shipping a map editor for the mod community. While this may seem unfortunate, the beauty of how our content delivery system works in a Free-To-Play environment is that we will be constantly pushing new content downstream to the player. This prevents the game from stagnating like a standalone product and also allows us to keep on top of quality control so you as a player get the best experience possible.

Q. Will DLC be offered in the new MechWarrior® Online™ game?

A. Not in the way that you imagine it. Content will be pushed to you via the game patcher. Once a patch has been applied, new game content is immediately available to you. Larger patches could be considered expansion packs but again, it's pushed to you the player at no cost.

Q. Will MechWarrior® Online™ have any online persistency?

A. Yes, this is where our plan for the Inner Sphere comes into play. All players in Merc Corps will be fighting for control over various border planets. The state of these planets is persistent.
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение DC_Tigor » 01 ноя 2011, 00:28

Q. What year is MechWarrior® Online™ taking place?

A. MechWarrior® Online™ is running an offset timeline of the BattleTech® Universe. As of this writing it is 2011 and the year is 3048 within the game. In 2012, when the game is launched, it will be 3049.
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение Voxel » 01 ноя 2011, 00:29

Новости с сайта pcgamer:
У кого есть способности к переводу, то переведите для всех ;)
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение KolbunD » 01 ноя 2011, 00:30

DC_Tigor писал(а):Обещают что PC эксклюзив. Значит никакого браузерного бесчинства не будет. Полноценный PC клиент.
PS. понравился Hunchback на оф. сайте. :)

1. Когда PS?
2. Насколько он полноценный будем смтортеть дальше, а так предлагаю админам разместить сие чудо в ссылки. Все же это какой-никакой, а новый луч света в БТ
3. Это Атлас в Ханча пернул так жестко? :o
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Лучший Фанфикописатель 2009, 2011
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение DC_Tigor » 01 ноя 2011, 00:33

If someone has played a combination of Mechwarrior, Call of Duty, and Diablo in their gaming life, they’re going to have seen everything that we’re offering for the most part :D
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение KolbunD » 01 ноя 2011, 00:36

прочел аннотацию с помощью промт-переводчика и понял - у них нет бабла раскручивать комп-игру, они хотят с помощью онлайн-игрульки срубить бабла на продолжение проекта
пид....сы!!! :evil: НАфига было полтооа месяца мозк сообществу выносить.
Троль и остальные, кто крутиться на каталиском офсайте, скажите нам пожалуйста, что говорит капиталистическое сообщество по поводу появления этой игры
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
Аватара пользователя
Лучший Фанфикописатель 2009, 2011
Сообщения: 4028
Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2008, 12:26
Откуда: Минск
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 ноя 2011, 00:36

PC Gamer пообещал выложить интервью с Экманом чуть позже - типа что произошло за эти 2 года
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение IronHawk-711 » 01 ноя 2011, 00:40

Помнится, тут кто-то на форуме хотел онлайн-игру по БТ
Что ж, вот она ;-)
Действия профессионалов можно предсказать, но мир полон любителей.
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение Voxel » 01 ноя 2011, 00:46

IronHawk-711 писал(а):Помнится, тут кто-то на форуме хотел онлайн-игру по БТ
Что ж, вот она ;-)
Не знаю кто тут хотел MMO/F2P, но я вот хотел сингл-плеер, ну в крайнем случае кооператив (например, как в L4D).
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 31 окт 2011, 21:43
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 ноя 2011, 00:49

Blog Dev 0
Пересказ - мы искали издателя, но все крупные компании отказали нам, не веря в успех, поэтому мы взяли Дюка, как подработку. MW Online фактически родился зимой 2011. В итоге издателем стали Infinity Game Publishing
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Mechwarrior Online (Reboot ака 5) - Лето 2012!!!

Сообщение Kuntar » 01 ноя 2011, 00:53


Если у управление будет как в МВ4, то лично для меня они все умерли. Факинг бастардс. :twisted:

Если будет ближе к МВ3, то хз....

ПыСы. Английский не проблема. Если пойдет игрушка, то высока вероятность локализации.
Откройте, милиция!!!
Пошли на №"%, я сейчас полицию вызову!
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