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All in a Day’s Work

СообщениеДобавлено: 10 фев 2009, 16:36
All in a Day’s Work
[19 May 3072; SBC]
For all you game theory conspiracist nutters out there, this one's for you. Straight from Solaris Broadcast Channel's own Rumor Mill, where anything goes - and gets posted.
Subject: Re: [SEC:CLASSIFIED] Solaris Police Department Confidential Briefing
From: Thomas, Daniel PD 399894
Date: 19MAY3072
To: Reefman, Kyle PD 436690
CC: Jenkins, Kate PD 425601; Phillips, Sanjeev PD 432706
We’re being lent on by the GC to expedite restoration efforts, and that means shutting down the opportunists ASAP. Bringing you in on this as Kate and Sanjeev don’t have the personnel to counter new intel. Well, not that they can trust, DeLon has compromised half the force since the Blakies left. I need you to go through and find out which of the men on your end you can trust.
Op details are as follows: Kate’s SRTs will set up a cordon around the target, and Sanjeev’s snatch squads will breach and secure HVTs. We’re trying to avoid a major confrontation with DeLon, but with Gray supporting him the likelihood of heavy metal is increased. Hence the need for your boys. We need you to set up a perimeter and keep Gray and his goons from interfering. Further details to be hashed out later.
And Dan, you need to keep this off the radar. Seems some of the brass are compromised. Let me know ASAP what you need. The Blakies left us a bunch of gear we might find useful, if we can stop DeLon siphoning it out from under our noses.
Not confident I can keep it quiet. Half of the Burgton precincts are DeLon’s. Got a counter offer for you though: we snatch Gray. We can’t hold him for long, but we can use it as a diversion to cover the DeLon snatch. Your call – I can have a blackbag team ready to go in fifteen.
One of my CI’s also dropped a bomb about the yaks tooling up from the IZ caches before we had a chance to lock them down. About two companies worth. Not sure how accurate that is, But we might want to bring in Big Mike from Nowhere. DeLon doesn’t have the reach down there he does here, and the 25th “gifted” the NPD with a whole bunch of toys while they were camped at Blue Shot. Not sure how we’d keep that quiet though.
I’m also concerned about how we keep the other stables out of it. Seems any move we make will just cause a power vacuum they’ll rush to fill.
As for what I need, any assaults we can have – my boys are okay, but I’d prefer a show of force to calm things down than get involved with some of Gray’s stablehounds. Maybe we can make them think twice before joining in.