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Outpost Struck, Pirates Blamed

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 фев 2009, 00:13
[2 November 3071; DBC] LAAF officers today announced the destruction of the Simon Granger Training Facility on Rajkot, near the Free Worlds border near the Periphery. The facility, isolated in the Sanga Mountain range roughly four hundred kilometers from the city of Kashmir, was a small unit dedicated to mountain training for LAAF infantry from the nearby worlds.
No casualty reports have been released, but records obtained by this agency show a permanent assignment number of 342 LAAF officers and enlisted troops, with a rotating enrollment in the mountain school that varied from company- to battalion-size. No records indicate which, if any, infantry units were there when the pirates—or whomever—attacked.
Rajkot, recently become a border world with the incursion by the forces of Tamarind marshall Jeremy Brett, hosts a small LAAF garrison but the raiders had already lifted for space by the time the armored column arrived to relieve the training station. Survivors recovered from those units on training deployments in the mountains around the station reported a mixed force of black BattleMechs and a large amount of infantry. The Circinan pirate band known as the Black Warriors used black-painted ’Mechs, but the LAAF does not confirm or deny that evidence was found at the scene to corroborate that supposition.
No other areas of Rajkot were attacked.