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СообщениеДобавлено: 17 янв 2009, 13:49
16 January 3073 FSN is pleased to publish this fifteen-part excerpt of a journal recently unearthed on Kentares, dating from the Kentares Massacre itself. In these dark times, the knowledge that we have always fought against the darkness is comforting as we fight against the encroaching zealotry of the Word of Blake.
You can’t imagine this. You really can’t.
I mean, we’ve all seen the HV dramas, the horrible things people do in war. We all saw the casualty reports from the SLDF campaigns against Amaris. I’ve read the history of the Reunification War. I know how many millions of soldiers died in those wars. I know the numbers.
But you can’t imagine, not really, what a hundred thousand dead people look like. What they smell like. I mean, how often have you ever seen one hundred thousand people together? I mean, Memorial Stadium in New Derry holds sixty thousand people, but I’ve never seen it full. There were more people than that in Gould. We went through there yesterday, in cars, because nothing was moving and it didn’t seem safe to breath the air long enough to walk.
We’re going back. Hakama’s about to snap, I can tell. He just cleans his rifle, counts his bullets. He stood and watched a church burn to the ground the other day—the remains of the church, anyway. The Dracs were just ahead of us.
We didn’t see a single living person in Gould. Not one.