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Personal Arms Sales Show Record Growth

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 ноя 2008, 09:28
[28 December 3070; MercNet] Among sellers of weapons there are always apocryphal stories of the ‘good old days,’ when people bought guns and ammunition like groceries, when fear of invasion or danger was high enough that everyone wanted a way to protect themselves. For those who sell weapons, such periods are like having their own mints.
With the Word of Blake conquering star system after star system, citizens of every realm are purchasing the means to defend themselves in record numbers. Weapons manufacturers such as Irian PersArms, Rorynex, and Sternsnacht have been increasing production as quickly as possible. Interstellar business reports show record numbers of licensing agreements being reached, spreading the design of personal weapons across borders and space.
Along with the sale of these weapons, cities and planets across the Sphere are showing record enrollment in gun safety programs and self-defense training. Even those philosophically opposed to the use of firearms are taking courses in unarmed combat and conflict resolution. Reports of increased violence related to firearms are increasing, but given that reports of violence of any kind are also increasing, there appears to be no statistical link to more guns equaling more violence.