Marians Raid League, Federation in Response

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Marians Raid League, Federation in Response

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 26 сен 2008, 16:08

Marians Raid League, Federation in Response to Alleged Insurgency
[28 August 3070; ISAP]

In the Circinus Federation disaster relief crews are fighting the conflagrations started during the brief but vicious fighting between elements of the Marian Legions and the House McIntyre Guards. A single cohort of an as-yet-unidentified legion dropped on several outlying facilities and wreaked considerable damage before the Federation defenders were able to mobilize. No statement has yet come from Circinus directly, but her representatives here on Tamarind have condemned the attack as baseless vandalism by outlaw Periphery bandits.
In the Free Worlds League another Marian cohort staged a series of lightning raids across the worlds of the Abbey District and the outskirts of the Duchy of Tamarind. None of the worlds had front line military units defending them but the planetary militias in each case did their best to defend the citizens in their charge. The militias on three worlds were savaged by the experienced Periphery state-sponsored troops, with casualties in the hundreds on all three worlds.
In both instances the Marians left messages indicating these raids were in response to the fomenting of rebellions in the Marian Illyrian and Lothian districts, although actual statements were not taken. The raiders carried off as much booty as they could, claiming at least one JumpShip from the Free Worlds merchant fleet and several pirated DropShips. Casualties among the raiders were not reported, although small amounts of salvage have been taken on all the worlds the Marians have struck.
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