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Panic on An Ting

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 авг 2008, 09:51
[20 April 3070; CSA_Eragon] Fellow citizens, beware! Look at the lies the Voice of the Dragon would have you believe:
“In Cerant taverns in past weeks there are rumors of hideous illnesses in the outmarches of An Ting, areas previously held as military training facilities and desolate dry lakebeds not often traveled by the planet’s natives. Rumors of flus, powerful auto-immune disorders, even hemorrhagic fevers. With the tragic reports coming off of Galedon, it’s only natural that such rumors should arise in other populations centers.
But, citizens of the Dragon, fear not. The Curse of Galedon is not jump-capable, after all, and with the DCMS in charge its certain that the quarantine has not been broken. Be calmed and certain in the Dragon’s devotion to your protection.
There are cases of illness on An Ting. It is not the Curse of Galedon. There is illness on every world man inhabits. Not even the Dragon is immune to viruses. If there are cases of influenza on An Ting, in Cerant proper or in the surrounding municipalities, they are simple influenza, not some super flu masquerading as the Yellow Bird. Rumors benefit no one, and the Cerant Friendly Persuaders have been instructed to treat any instance of rumor-mongering as a disturbance to peace and harmony.
In these trying times it is most important for all of the Dragon’s citizens to remain calm, and attempt to maintain the harmony. The Word of Blake exists to disrupt our harmony, and groundless rumors do nothing but further their cause.”
Is it groundless rumors filling our hospitals? Is it groundless rumors killing our children, our parents? Don’t listen to the threats of those whose uncaring eyes would watch us all die. Be on the lookout for illness, and beware!