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[БЕТА-РЕЛИЗ]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 июл 2015, 23:08
Some soldiers fight for king and country, some for honor and glory, others for liberty or loved ones. We’ll fight for that too, whatever your cause, as long as the check clears.

For over forty centuries, mercenaries have plied their trade and been instrumental in toppling empires or holding the tides of war at bay. And as mankind expanded to the stars, soldiers of fortune rose to new heights of power. Business is booming, yet along with those riches comes a dangerous life and the scorn of many who see only filthy lucre-warriors. It’s a dangerous life, but as long as you keep your ’Mech intact and your bottom line balanced, the universe is yours!

BattleTech Combat Manual: Mercenaries contains information on the soldier-for-hire trade and their place in the Inner Sphere. This manual takes a look at some of the most renowned mercenaries of the 31st century, detailing their histories, tactics, unit crests, paint schemes, and notable personnel. This Alpha Strike expansion includes special rules for unique character abilities, faction-specific rules, force-building, and a mini Technical Readout—everything you need to field your favorite mercenary command on the tabletop or create your own.

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 авг 2015, 06:39
Combat Manual: Mercenaries Art
So a month ago, in BattleTech circles, I had fun breaking the internet with this crazy-cool cover.
Well, Combat Manual: Mercenaries is just about through with development and art is proceeding fast.
We’ve got a pile of brilliant photos provided by the fantastic crew at CamoSpecs.
And we’ve got illustrations coming in as well. And that includes the elements that will flesh out the mini-Technical Readout to be found in each Combat Manual.
So here’s the pre-final Warhammer’s write-up:
The Warhammer is one of history’s most successful and prolific BattleMechs. StarCorps Industries delivered “a mobile ’Mech with enough firepower to destroy or severely damage any ’Mech of the same weight class or lower.” Preference was given to firepower over combat endurance. The Warhammer appears in every House military in large numbers. It is also part of too many mercenary commands to count.

The Warhammer mounts an impressive weapons array, symmetrical save for the missile rack. Enemy MechWarriors rightfully fear the Warhammer’s long-range weapons, but its short-range firepower is intended to destroy both enemy ’Mechs and infantry. In some ways, incorporating anti-infantry weapons on such a large ‘’Mech seems superfluous, but the Warhammer’s position at the front often leads it into urban areas where infantry ambushes are likely. Unlike most other heavy ’Mechs, the Warhammer sacrifices self-protection in the name of damage infliction. Its light armor has cost many precocious and reckless MechWarriors their lives.

In 3019, Wolf’s Dragoons assaulted Hesperus II by order of Captain-General Janos Marik. The battle bogged down as the Dragoon regiments failed to break the defensive lines of the Twenty-fourth Lyran Guards, Third Royal Guards, Hsien’s Hotheads, and Hansen’s Roughriders. Captain Natasha Kerensky, in her black Warhammer, surprised a lance of defenders in an arroyo and pushed towards the Defiance Industries factory complex. Only the stalwart and desperate effort of Hansen’s Roughriders stalled the breakout attack. Kerensky reaped a heavy toll on the Roughriders, tallying more than a dozen kills on the Defiance doorstep. Of note, she routinely ignored the Warhammer’s commonly-regarded flaws and engaged ’Mechs generally considered superior. Major Cavanaugh “Pinpoint” Striker sought to block her path in his Awesome and paid for it with his life. Selfless courage sent a Roughrider medium lance into her path. She destroyed a Phoenix Hawk and Griffin while her command lance took out a Scorpion. Only a brave Shadow Hawk pilot remained and chose to throw herself against the attackers. Kerensky respected the show of courage and only disabled her ’Mech. That MechWarrior, Celeste Rio, went on to a long and respected career with the Rough Riders.
Among the darkest deeds performed by Warhammers in combat, McCarron’s Armored Cavalry used a lance of their “Hot Hammer” variant to destroy villages and towns on New Valencia in 3007. “The flamers glowed red on New Valencia” was the only recounting the Cavalry offered in reporting the atrocities. The effort to lure out Wolf’s Dragoons did not have the effect the Cavalry might have hoped. Instead of sallying boldly forth from their defensive perimeter, Colonel Jaime Wolf dispatched a lance of Phoenix Hawks to locate and ambush the perpetrators. The fast-moving medium ’Mechs outmaneuvered the Warhammers in the burning rubble of Paxton, a suburb of Raiteland. Only one of the Phoenix Hawks returned to the Dragoons, but none of the Warhammers returned to the Cavalry.

Like most centuries-old BattleMechs, the Warhammer has numerous variants. Some are the result of desperation, as lack of proper replacement parts led to complete weapons changes, while others are rooted in individual nations’ preferences. Some add additional heat sinks, while others increase the ’Mech’s relatively light armor. New variants are cropping up, too, as the Houses leverage recovered technology to augment the venerable and common ’Mech.

Notable Units

Captain Reece McGee: Captain McGee is the grandson of Colonel Andrew McGee, former CO of McGee’s Cutthroats. Reece was one of the disaffected members of the command whose calls to leave the Draconis Combine after the Fourth Succession War finally boiled over into open mutiny. Reece was forced to fire upon his own family members during the battle for control of the Cutthroats. When Matthew Simonson’s coup was complete, he rewarded the youngest McGee with a company command.
Experience Level: Veteran
BattleMech: Warhammer WHM-6R/7M
Special Pilot Abilities: Hot Dog, Melee Master
Available To: Mercenary/Simonson’s Cutthroats
And of course, for each write-up, you have to have an illustration, which you’ll find above. And when Brent–our art director–made sure I knew this was the artist’s “sketch”, I almost fell out of my chair. Sketch…ha!
Gonna be awesome watching these unfold!

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 авг 2015, 09:31
Чуть-чуть побольше неряшливости, и нормальный задник - и Вархаммер был бы неотличим от хорошо покрашенной миньки. :thumbup:

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 авг 2015, 10:05
Народ, так это будет на подобие Mercenary Supplemental Update?

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 авг 2015, 11:29
Lima Zulu
Лол, у вархаммера на плече камера "Стрелка".

Гибддшный вархаммер, для тех случаев когда вертолеты уже не помогают, видимо. И цвета как раз совпадают.

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 сен 2015, 22:29
I previously posted the cover and some internal illustrations for the coming Combat Manual: Mercenaries. Thought I’d share some more of the brilliant miniatures photos from the fantastic crew at CamoSpecs that’ll be showcased in this coming series of books.

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 сен 2015, 01:14
DeJaVu писал(а):I previously posted the cover and some internal illustrations for the coming Combat Manual: Mercenaries. Thought I’d share some more of the

Лучше бы он не картинки "обменял" - а тексту добавил нормального. Картинок и мы ему можем насыпать.
Прописать вместо места ими занимаемого еще 2-3 юнита подробно , и к ним "нафантазировать" еще пару баз найма - было бы куда более полезно. :(

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 сен 2015, 02:34
Меня одного бесят фотки минек в мануалах вместо эпичных рисунков?

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 сен 2015, 03:16
KolbunD писал(а):Меня одного бесят фотки минек в мануалах вместо эпичных рисунков?


Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 сен 2015, 07:35
Rabid Coyote
KolbunD писал(а):Меня одного бесят фотки минек в мануалах вместо эпичных рисунков?

так дешевле.)))

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 сен 2015, 19:02
KolbunD писал(а):Меня одного бесят фотки минек в мануалах вместо эпичных рисунков?

Насколько я понял , именно из за "эпичных рисунков" тот же хендбук Курита так долго и выходил. Долго и дорого.

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 сен 2015, 19:09
Rncavenger писал(а): Насколько я понял , именно из за "эпичных рисунков" тот же хендбук Курита так долго и выходил. Долго и дорого.

ИМХО можно было бы объявить конкурс среди фанов на лучший рисунок, и его включит в бук. Победителям подарить мануал с автографами....

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 сен 2015, 19:48
Маленький Скорпион
barbos, серьёзный художник по нынешним временам на такое не поведётся, а тяп-ляп рисуночки мы уже проходили по сурсам 80-х. По мне, лучше уж фото минек, чем снова они.

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 сен 2015, 20:03
Я пока верю, что человек обладая талантом и получая удовольствие от того, что он делает, может это сделать без финансовой подоплеки....
и может есть фанаты во вселенной СБТ соответствующие нашим высоки художественным требованиям...
ведь общее голосования никто не отменял...

хотя благодаря всеобщему голосованию у меня под окном в место планетария построят новую церковь, и я так этому рад (ирония)...

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 сен 2015, 20:31
Не может.
был уже конкурс "нарисуй бэтлмастера и стань иллюстратором каталистов". За 3 месяца набралось аж 5 желающих, и только 1 рисовал лучше, чем я в 9 классе, на уроке.

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 сен 2015, 22:23
Все авторы, рисующие для БТ, наперечет, и посчитать их можно по пальцам едва ли не одной руки.

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 сен 2015, 22:57
acefalcon писал(а):Все авторы, рисующие для БТ, наперечет, и посчитать их можно по пальцам едва ли не одной руки...

...мастера йоды :D

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 окт 2015, 07:27
Marshigama’s Legionnaires' - эмблема подразделения в новой книжке
Сарна рулит

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 окт 2015, 17:39
I’ve been showing off art for the coming Combat Manual: Mercenaries, including a great, full-page illustration of our re-imagined Shadow Hawk.
Time to show off the great line art of that design, by Anthony Scroggins!

Re: [АНОНС]Combat Manual: Mercenaries

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 окт 2015, 18:03
Мотня большевата