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Форумы cbt.com подломили хакеры из Нигерии

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 авг 2008, 21:21
Lerdo Martman

Site Maintenance
Posts: 7334
Yeah I want Cheesey Spoo

We had a few user account login attempts that appeared to be a brute force attempt to login - much to no avail. Some valid user accounts were invalidated, I have since fixed them.

They did manage a minor script injection that borked a few of the 'log' tables. The hole has since been plugged, but as a side-effect of the cleanup you will find that for a great many of you every topic and post on the forum is now marked as 'new'.

I apologize for the inconvenience of this, but it was collateral damage I tried my best to contain.

-- Addendum --

I'm going to be making some changes to the server the next couple hours to bring a number of things up to date, try to speed things up a bit more, and to verify nothing else got tampered with... Oh, and for those of you who tried to hack us, the 'Party Van' will be with you shortly given what you tried to post.

Oh, and to our Nigerian fans, sorry I had to ban your entire COUNTRY.

-- edit again --

... and if you see occasionaly mySQL errors the next hour or so, that's just me trying to fix things up on the back end.

В общем, Нигерия забанена, попорченые логины восстановлены, но логи немножко потерлись и теперь все треды на форумах для всех снова новые.

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 авг 2008, 23:04

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2008, 09:36
они не варвары а рассисты :oops: и придурки в кубе