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Cyclops, Inc Debuts new APC: the Saxon

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 авг 2008, 13:51
[11 November 3069; Warrior Magazine] Executives on Skye today announced the release of the Saxon armored personnel carrier, a heavy fusion-powered hovercraft with the capacity for a full platoon of unarmored infantry or a complete squad of powered armor battlesuits. With the rise of battle armor usage in recent years, Cyclops decided to field a vehicle that could move such forces around the battlefield with alacrity.

Two details set the Saxon apart from the long-standing queue of APCs that have been in use in the Inner Sphere during the Succession Wars. The first is its fusion engine, which allows the heavy thirty-five ton craft to move as fast as any other lighter hovercraft and frees the vehicle from logistical concerns. The second facet is the heavy armor protecting the Saxon, which mounts protection normally found on combat hovercraft.
The first groups of these swift APCs are slated for the Second Skye Guards regiment, which is tasked with protecting the Isle of Skye and enforcing Duke Richard Steiner’s foreign policy which, according to our affiliates on Skye, seems to be conquering the Free Worlds League. Purchasers for the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces, who are on Skye evaluating the design, appear to be pleased with it but haven’t yet placed a procurement order. Rumors are running through Curitaba that they are waiting for the Saxon to see some action before they decide.