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[Релиз]Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exosk

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 сен 2014, 22:01
MechWarriors receive all the glory; aerospace fighters are a close second; vehicles are considered the workhorses of any military; infantry are even given their day in the sun in the minds of the common citizen. But no battle could be waged, nor won, without the mammoth apparatus of support vehicles that feed the war machine of the Great Houses. From cargo trucks to tanker airships, airborne MASH to communications satellites, armored transport rails to coastal patrol boats, hauler exoskeletons to AgroMechs, even hover and wheeled police cruisers or civilian vehicles conscripted to the military: the support vehicle is the true backbone of any military machine.


Re: [АНОНС]Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & E

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 сен 2014, 22:28
Наконец-то. Давно пора навести порядок в машинах поддержки.

Re: [АНОНС]Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & E

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 сен 2014, 00:48
Маленький Скорпион
Давно пора, ага.

Re: [АНОНС]Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & E

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 окт 2014, 23:38

Re: [АНОНС]Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & E

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 окт 2014, 07:04
Маленький Скорпион
Боевой самосвал Д90 "громмет" -- фаворит сезона )))