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Blakist Marauders Hit Buckminster

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 июл 2008, 10:08
Millions dead in WarShip raid
[20 October 3069; VotD]
Taking a cue from privateers of old, the cowardly Word of Blake today struck the Buckminster system, attacking the prefecture capital from orbit using capital-scale weapons instead of honorably facing our valiant DCMS defenders in open combat.
Entering the system at the nadir jump point, the Blakist WarShips—which we have not be able to identify, although some if not all were the devious “Pocket WarShip” contrivances—destroying the jump point defenses and proceeded in-system. With so much of our combat power deployed to face the predations of the Blakists, the Snow Ravens, and even encroaching Davions, the Blakists had unfortunately a clear path to orbit.
Upon entering orbit, the Blakists began a systematic bombardment of several Buckminster cities and the garrison posts of the Seventh Light Amphigean Assault Group. Casualties have been horrendous, with millions dead in the cities and most—if not all—of the Seventh killed from fire in the skies. After a sustained bombardment, the Word of Blake flotilla exited Buckminster orbit and returned to the jump point, where they then exited the system. No Word of Blake forces were reported touching down on the surface.
Analysts are at a loss to guess the Word of Blake’s motives, but the local media has leapt upon the Blakists, calling them genocidal maniacs with no other motives than the annihilation of the Buckminster and her citizens. With the continuing fighting in the Dieron Military District taking such a toll on the DCMS, Combine citizens are advised to resist however possible and to donate any and all supplies to their local DCMS collection points.