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Coup on Atreus?

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 июл 2008, 20:56
[13 August 3069; ISAP][The following has been reported by our Atreus-based affiliate, EagleWatch. The veracity of this information is still being confirmed.]

As reported by the Atreus Chronicle three days ago, the Captain-General has been replaced by Corrine Marik, daughter of Minister of Intelligence Paul Marik, after a quorum of the ruling Marik family decided that the man known as Thomas Marik—who was revealed as an imposter placed on the throne by ComStar—was no longer fit to rule the Free Worlds League. Most of the media coverage has been peaceful, and the few reports of violence have been quashed as rumor or civic unrest due to the state of conflict raging across the Inner Sphere.
But more evidence is coming to light…
The deaths of both Minister of Defense Heather Alexander and General Cassandra Blake, the noted aerospace pilot, in the last few days from “accidents” cannot be discounted. Several other accidents claimed the lives of quite a few of the Dormuth Household Guards, and members of the Captain-General’s personal staff have also had unfortunate mishaps. In the best traditions of three hundred years of Succession Wars, no deaths from combat have been reported, but the military funeral detachments in Dormuth have been booked for the next month.
In addition, several secret convoys have left the morgues and been loaded onto unmarked DropShips for transshipment off-world. There have been rumors that several members of the former Captain-General’s family were killed during a firefight—it’s possible that these were their bodies being removed from the public’s eyes.