New Avalon Defenders Push Back Word a Second Time

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

New Avalon Defenders Push Back Word a Second Time

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 июн 2008, 18:38

New Avalon Defenders Push Back Word a Second Time
[30 March 3069; FSNS] Reports today conclude that the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, under the command of Marshal of the Armies Jackson Davion, have succeeded in driving away a second Word of Blake assault force in as many years. Although we’re not at liberty to discuss the precise troops involved, prominent units such as the First Davion Guards are known to be on-world, and we can safely assume the presence of several other AFFS regimental combat teams, perhaps even from the Brigade of Guards.Little data is confirmed about the Word of Blake aggressors. Department of Military Intelligence briefers will only confirm for us the presence of at least one if not two separate Word of Blake Militia divisions, and a source speaking on condition of anonymity revealed that this new force is entirely different from the early Blakist attackers. Furthermore, rumors about in the bars surrounding the Fox’s Den that these new forces are more of the so-called phantom divisions that the Word of Blake has unveiled since the start of their genocidal war on the Inner Sphere.
“Today the soil of New Avalon is again free of invaders,” Marshal Davion announced in a pre-recorded press release. “We have driven the Word of Blake from New Avalon with the sweat of our brows, the power of our ’Mechs, and the blood of our sons and daughters. Every citizen of the Federated Suns should take a moment and contemplate the ultimate sacrifice that these valiant patriots—and the millions like them across the Suns still facing assault—have made in the service of our nation.”
Casualty lists have not yet been released to the public, but our local affiliates have already been in contact with New Avalon hospitals in an effort to expedite such information.


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