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DropShip Missing in Magistracy

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2008, 20:58
Monarch-class DropShip Last Seen Over Marantha
[11 December 3071; Repulse] Shipping conglomerate Night Star Travel has put out a bulletin for a missing Monarch-class DropShip named Grace’s Kiss. The liner was last seen orbiting Marantha before heading for the nadir jump point to link up with the White Star Lines JumpShip Tabitha. The Tabitha’s captain reported the DropShip missing when he arrived at the zenith point at Campoleone, after having waited for the Grace’s Kiss for more than sixty hours.
The leading suspicion at the present time is foul play; no maintenance problems aside from common wear and tear have been noted in the Kiss’s log for the last sixty years, and all previous operators have reported her a proven and reliable vessel. While it is possible that some deep-space malady affected her course, no distress or warning beacons have been discovered thus far in the Marantha system.
Of particular note is the presence aboard of Word of Blake Precentor Harrison Blume, who is known as one of the senior administrators in the Abbey District operations of the Word of Blake. Although he not a member of the Word of Blake Militia, and therefore a combatant, it is very likely that a rogue military unit may have apprehended the DropShip for the purposes of capturing the Precentor and using him to ransom the word of Blake. With the lack of information coming from Canopus and the surrounding systems, no tactic can be said to be “off the table” as Magistracy Armed Forces units attempt to reestablish contact with the Magestrix on Canopus.
Night Star spokesman Aristixenos Koumalides claimed “no reports of foul play have been received, nor attributions of responsibility, but in these tumultuous time was cannot rule out hostile action.”
Any information regarding the DropShip is requested to be forwarded to Night Star Travel, care of Campoleone HPG.

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2008, 21:24
Любопытно, как это у них вышло... Полетел своим курсом, и не прилетел куда надо.
В "Гроссмейстерах" у них были радары и все такое, чтоб безотрывно проследить дропшип с выпрыга до самой планеты. Пусть задержка в обработке, пусть лаги на скорость света, но чтоб совсем не пасти внутрисистемное пространство в ходе боевых действий....
ЗЫ Мелкий простеб над "Титаником" я уловил.