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It’s Hard to be a Mercenary

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 апр 2008, 14:07
It’s Hard to be a Mercenary
Despite Negative Press, New Units Form
[11 December 3071; Galaport Screamer] The mercenary trade has been hard-hit in recent years, with many large and famous commands being shattered or discredited. Indeed, even the mighty Wolf’s Dragoons, guarantors of mercenary honesty and treatment, were subjected to near-annihilation by the Word of Blake, and the new Mercenary’s Star, Outreach, was razed to a glowing cinder. The public almost as a whole has turned against mercenaries, as if the Inner Sphere were Rasalhague writ large.
And yes, despite all this, new units continue to form every day on Galatea and other words across the Inner Sphere. A sampling is provided below:

Benito’s Brawlers: a lance-sized medium ‘Mech force, the Brawlers recently hired on with Duke Boyar of Lamon to provide security for his personal grounds. Commanded by former leftenant Azim Benito, the Brawlers claim defensive duty as a specialty.
Dun Tiger Brigade: a battalion of mechanized infantry using Goblin IFVs to provide support, the Dun Tigers are currently shopping for an employer in the halls of Galatean City, but their high asking price will likely keep them from finding quick employment.
Victory’s Vassals: Victory Jones-Dimon commands this aerospace-only unit, consisting of six light Thrush aerospace fighters. Having just returned from a successful escort mission through Lyran space, the Vassals are looking to hire a DropShip before their next mission.