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Fourth Quarters Numbers Good for TriCon

СообщениеДобавлено: 08 апр 2008, 22:13
Vehicle Manufacturer Sees Record Sales, Profits
[14 November 3071; DBC]
TriCon, Inc., a manufacturer of emergency medical vehicles for civilian hospitals and emergency response agencies all across the Alliance, announced today record sales figures for its premier line of wheeled ambulance vehicles.
Despite the dangerous times of the Jihad, TriCon has managed to keep approximately sixty-nine percent of its contractual delivery responsibilities all across the Alliance. Although these disappointing figures at first seem weak, TriCon executives are quick to point out an Estates-General mandated report that shows more than seventy-eight percent of Alliance industries that deal with off-world trade defaulting on more than sixty percent of their contracts due to shipping difficulties, enemy action, or outright piracy.

“We’re pleased to announce to our shareholders that TriCon, Inc. has posted record sales and profit figures for the fourth quarter, and while we decry like all sane people the violence that sadly makes our products even more necessary than ever, we’re certain our growth will continue.” This prepared statement, delivered by TriCon CEO Tabitha Alphonse, was met with few questions.

TriCon’s line of ambulances reaches to worlds as diverse as Tharkad and Donegal, Melissia, and even Gienah. Several industry pundits have questioned this report, wondering whether or not TriCon’s willingness to sell to clients inside the Word of Blake Protectorate has some influence over their successful delivery percentages.

“We’ve been lucky so far,” Alphonse said when questioned. “We can only hope that all people continue to respect the universal neutrality of the wounded and the injured.”