What Might Have Been on the Game World

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

What Might Have Been on the Game World

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 31 мар 2008, 18:18

Spotlight: Alan Canadensis
[2 February 3072; SBC] Before the outbreak of hostilities there were several up-and-comers among the lesser-known gladiators of Solaris VII, and Alan Canadensis was one of them.

A minor Class Three contender, Alan fought in the major arenas in Solaris City without a steady sponsor, instead using a prodigious family fortune to keep his BattleMech, a refurbished Thunderbolt, operational when his contracts didn’t cover repair. He quickly became famous for fighting methodical and calculated fights in whatever arena he fought in. Many Class Three opponents came to fear long-range missile barrages and the final large laser shot that would end long periods of harassment.

Canadensis was often ridiculed for fighting in such an outdated ‘Mech, eschewing upgraded technology for the familiar. He’d had his stock Thunderbolt modified, replacing his short-range missiles and machine guns with jump jets for added mobility but keeping the standard weaponry that had made the Thunderbolt a familiar and solid BattleMech for hundreds of years. Many of his opponents—and many bookies, early in his career—gave him long odds when facing such advanced ‘Mechs as Anvils and Verfolgers, but Canadensis was always able to defeat his opponents. His rare defeats came at the hands of MechWarriors as crafty as he was, and it was those defeats that had him considering investing in newer technologies.

When the Jihad reached Solaris VII Alan was seen fighting with other gladiators against the Blakists invaders, but he never appeared at a rendezvous after a skirmish near Xolara in 3069. No reports of his capture or the destruction of his ‘Mech were recorded, but given the poor state of communication on Solaris, the lack of report means little.
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