Word of Blake Renders Humanitarian Aid

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Word of Blake Renders Humanitarian Aid

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 мар 2008, 23:15

Earthquake Strikes Agricultural Area
[10 January 3072; Mirach]
A Scale-9 earthquake struck the Mandinka region of Mirach four days ago, leaving thousands without shelter or adequate services following eight long months of shortages resulting from increased wartime production. The inhabitants of Mandinka—mainly farmers and small industrial workers—have been hard-struck by this incident, and it is only the generosity of others that is keeping them alive
Already badly overtaxed by the continuing violence of the Jihad, the Interstellar Red Cross is only able to devote a small force to the rescue and reclamation effort here, but in their stead the local Word of Blake Militia garrison and local Protectorate Militia forces have been mobilized to help with the rescue efforts.

Helicopter and hover vehicle patrols from the Mirach Protectorate Militia have been scattered across the region, picking up the homeless and the injured and returning them to a central care and collection facility near Akibo, the unofficial capital of the Mandinka region. BattleMechs have been be deployed in the hardest-hit regions, using their brute strength to move aside boulders and terrain obstacle to allow rescue workers—mostly disarmed infantrymen from the Militia ranks—to access areas where more may be trapped. Although the unit is small, a flight of aerospace fighters have been making repeated overflights to scout for signs of survival where ground units cannot yet reach.

Concerns about what the Word of Blake will ask for in return for its cooperation have been rebuffed by the senior officer in Akibo. Speaking from one of several field hospitals the Word of Blake established, Adept Peter Samson said “We’re here to support these people, not penalize them. Better to ask yourself, what are you doing to help, rather than question our doing so in your stead.”


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