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ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 авг 2011, 18:22
Итак, все знают(ну а кто не знает, знайте), что сегодня открывается одна из крупнейших выставок в мире - генкон. В этой, и только в этой теме, собираем все материалы по любимой вселенной. На время выставки прибью наверх)
Итак, первые кадры:

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 авг 2011, 18:25
Чорд, я так и знал, сколько денег на Генкон не давай - все равно надо в 5 раз больше.
Они продают Леопард в меха масштабе!
20 штук по 60 баксов

In addition, we will have limited quantities of pre-release sets of the September Bounty Hunter release-

10-050 The Bounty Hunter Set - Includes B.H. Mad Cat S Mech, B.H. Marauder II Mech, and 28mm scale B.H. Night Hawk Power Armor - $24.95

10-051 Bounty Hunter “Companion” Mechs - Includes Phoenix Hawk -3M, Cauldron Born A, Javelin-11D, and SHD-1Primitive Shadow Hawk - $39.95
All so, for the 1st time in many years, we will have limited quantities of our Mech Scale Leopard Dropship now re-available for a limited time for $59.95. We'll have less than 20 of these, so they are likely to go fast.

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 авг 2011, 18:27

Добавлено спустя 10 часов 25 минут 43 секунды:
The Wars of Reaving are Upon Us

Добавлено спустя 11 минут 23 секунды:
Steel vipers for Trial of Bloodright
Crossbow, Chi Galaxy
Hellfire, Chi Galaxy
Night-Gyr, Beta Galaxy
Ryoken, Nu Galaxy
Ryoken, Omega Galaxy

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 07:45
Ня!!! :bowl:

Хэллфайр няшен и каваист.
Хочу такую чешуйню на что-нибудь... Жаль, что они вымерли.

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 07:52
While I may not be there in person this year, my gaming heart is in Indianapolis. The ScrapYardArmory has two roving reporters snapping photos and taking notes to make sure BattleTech fans from near and far are kept in the loop.

The Line Starts Where?!

The lines for Will Call were very long. The GenCon staff seemed overwhelmed as it took attendees several hours to pick up their badges. This got so bad that some stalwart fans were forced to miss their first games. Other sources have suggested that the GenCon powers that be are hoping for/expecting a record attendance this year. They may very well be getting their wish.
For those of you lucky enough to be at Indy for the festivities remember to keep your badge near and dear. The GenCon staff are rather draconian when it comes to enforcing their badge policies. If you lose your badge, you need to buy a whole new entry.

Catalyst Game Labs

Several major product releases made the trip to Indy and were available for purchase at the Catalyst booth.

Wars of Reaving
Historical Reunification War
Era Report 3062
HexPack Cities and Roads
BattleTech Dice
The BattleTech Dice are available in several colors and feature a BattleMaster profile on the 6. These are a prototype run that may be expanded to feature faction logos. There are no promises as always.
Of particular note is the heft of the Wars of Reaving sourcebook. This item is Randall worthy in it’s size and ability to do physical harm when thrown. I can’t wait for the print product to make it to store shelves!

Iron Wind Metals

The team representing Iron Wind Metals brought their “A” game to GenCon this year. There was a wealth of new product on display including the Bounty Hunter packs. The “A Time of War” scale Nighthawk BattleArmor will be a welcome addition to many tabletops. Finally there is something reasonable to go up against the 28mm Clan Elemental!

BattleTech Games

BattleTech games were packed in the early sessions and into the night. From the arenas of Solaris 7 to the training sessions in the Boot Camp there were plenty of ‘Mechs getting bashed together to the delight of convention goers.
In Solaris 7 there was a fantastic shake-up when a janitor suited up in a BlackHawk to stir the pot! After a few frightening volleys, the players at the table wised up and began to team up to put an end to the wayward janitor. No mop-jockey was going to steal the show in this arena!

The Camo Spec Diorama

The diorama this year features a pivotal moment in the Wars of Reaving. The Kerensky Blood Chapel stands protected by Clan Wolf as a horde of attackers advance to claim the founder’s legacy. More pictures cause I know you love em…

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 10:19
:cry: :cry: :bowl: :bowl: Котел .... Хочу такого... в масштабе 1:32... (ну или к 64 хотя бы)

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 10:22
Пауль писал(а)::cry: :cry: :bowl: :bowl: Котел .... Хочу такого... в масштабе 1:32... (ну или к 64 хотя бы)

Вот тебе бумажные развертки, которые можно склеить в любом масштабе. Только посчитать высоту и все. (Прим: будет нужна Пепакура http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/)

Sturm’s Camo Skinset.: http://www.mechwarrior3.org/wforum/download.php?id=1545

Если принять условно, что у Калдыря высота 10 метров, то нужно будет перемасштабировать модель под высоту в 312 мм. В пепакуре такая опция есть.

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 11:15
Свинья, как известно, везде грязь найдёт, но мне кажется, что всё-таки эти модные нынче сопли из стволов всё портят.

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 11:20
Diamond писал(а):Свинья, как известно, везде грязь найдёт, но мне кажется, что всё-таки эти модные нынче сопли из стволов всё портят.

согласен, раздражают

Интересен волчий "Гауптман" и "Имп" на защите внутреннего двора Хранилища. Не думал что кланеры будут юзать лиранский мех

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 11:51






Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 12:19
Это Биллс решил ваххабита закосплеить?

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 12:21
О, как. Борода Рендалла все длиннее и длиннее.

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 12:25
Den [WM]
Если ты про вот это фото
то в центре это не Гауптман, а Сёгун

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 12:35
Левиафаны - это круто! Красиво сделали. Интересно, а дестройеры "Беркут" из стартового рассказа есть в виде минек?

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 16:41
Сергей, с пластика. Я участок продал уже, деньги есть :D

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 авг 2011, 21:07
Не совсем БТ, но типа темный век

Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 33 секунды:
Еще один отзыв
OK, GenCon Report: Day 1

Today was the first, official day of the Con. It started by waking up way earlier then I had planned
due to being a light sleeper at hotels. This means I was up at 3:30, and out of the room to not disturb my
other traveling companions by 4:30. Met a guy in the lobby who makes flowers, dragons, and other
stuff out of coins. He is also the guy who, at Cardhalla, made the dragon from 2009, and did some sort
of giant scorpion in 2010, for CardHalla to auction off. (He is auctioning off a coin made, transforming Optimus
Prime sometime tomorrow)

From there, I killed time until the Starbucks opened at 6:30, got out my cash spending money for the day,
and headed out to the brave new world of the convention center. I got in on game 3 of the Pods, and
then went to wait for the opening of the event. I was kind of sad that CGL's booth was at the far end
of the trio of doors. This meant that I could not see the opening ceremonies and first roll if I wanted to
get the important stuff(namely: The Wars of Reaving book). After my bank account ended up in a fetal position, saying "Daddy, please, no!" from my visit to the Catalyst booth (got a rather larger assortment
of things, and hit almost $600), I headed over to the AEG booth to find a specific book...and had to wait
in line there to buy the book!

Some constructive criticism for CGL's booth set up: some way to set up two queues would probably be
helpful. AEG even had a Book and Cards line and Apparell and other Stuff line, it seemed, by what
was displayed prominently at their booth on either side. Maybe I am the only one who ends up with
large loads of books and stuff in my hands at once, though, and it is just something that is just because
of me. Also, their carry bags....I would suggest some sort of aesthetic device on the handles that also
distributes to weight from just the small little cord it has, as that bites into your hands. This, BTW, is why
I bought one of their Battletech Satchells.

From there, I went to the hotel, dropped my stuff off, and went back to the convention center for the
Prefect Score. I got to take a look at the Dioramas...both the little one for Leviathans, and the large
one for the Kerensky blood Chapel fight. Both were awesome. Lots of little details I surely missed
on the first look through.

Some thoughts on the Prefect Score tournement. While it was well run, there were some noticable
issues. First, when my group and I had practiced it, we used the rules as published, which included
such things as randam maps, and the turretts on the command post all having 2 Light PPCs and 1 LRM 10,
which is different from how they suggested it. Also, I am not sure if this is a case of I have been running infantry wrong, or if there was some error from people not used to infantry...I always thought that
you rolled on the number of troopers alive, then compared the result of that on the cluster hits table to the
units damage level, and used that to determine the damage inflicted, not that you rolled on the maximum damage inflicted, and then cut that down to the damage levels.

After the Prefect Score came my participation in the Grand Melee. This was mostly just for fun. I took a Lupus B(3/4 skill), and had fun by fighting by Level 2 Honour(the: I will make physical attacks, but still mostly follow zellbriggen). I listend to Darrien Wolfe commenting on some issues with previous Trial of Bloodrights, and
that he had written the rules so that, when put with the choice of acting like a Clan Warrior, or playing to win,
the players would be encouraged to play like Clan Warriors, even if it meant losing. NOTE: I asked Teh Pope if
he could tell us what Bloodname was being fought for, or even if there was an actual name being fought for,
and he said that that was being kept VERY hush-hush..and left me feeling like it was a secret on a par with
the release of the War of Reaving when it was.

After I got knocked out of the Grand Melee(I was the second person eliminated...but, let's just say that I
lasted alot longer then I should have, the Lupus B proved alot sturdier of a 'mech then many people give
it credit for, and when I was finally eliminated, it was actually kind of funny because it took like an hour or so...and NOT through lack of anyone trying...), I joined my group in the Grinders, and stayed there until I
really couldn't focus anymore. From there, I went back to the hotel and started writing this report...

See everyone tomorrow! I compete in the Trial of Bloodright. This should be interesting!

Добавлено спустя 26 минут 52 секунды:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N-vvYqaWvs - кусочек стэнда каталистов 1 минута 16 секунда

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 34 секунды:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTtW2W6esn4 - г-н Рэндалл поражает нас своей бородой

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 авг 2011, 05:32
Куча столов и отрезы ткани вместо скатертей. Обычное дело для импровизированных выставок.
Много новых и неужатых снимков по ГОнкону

Добавлено спустя 23 минуты 35 секунд:

Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 47 секунд:





Косплей Далека о котором все постоянно говорят



Добавлено спустя 18 минут 24 секунды:


Лего-минотавр приглашает вас в "лабиринт"


Замок за 5 минут!

Добавлено спустя 13 минут 10 секунд:
А вот это уже любопытно:
TechCommander: Less about taking over Microsoft, more about mechs

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 авг 2011, 07:37
GenCon 2011 – Day 2

What’s Up with BattleTech and Catalyst

A big part of Day 2 is the BattleTech seminars where the loyal fans of the game get to hear about the state of the game from The Powers that Be in person.

At the front of the house for this year’s convention was Herb, Jason S, and Ben Rome. Loren Coleman and Randall Bill managed to visit towards the end.

New Product in the Pipeline

Closing out the end of this year we should be expecting the A Time of War Companion (previous edition conversions, advanced cybernetics, archaic weapons, creature creation), Jihad Reckoning (featuring an early Republic/Liao conflict), and Field Manual 3085. Moving into 2012 we should be looking for Handbook Kurita and Historical Liberation of Terra.

The Clan Introductory Box set is still in the works but is facing some serious difficulties. The hope is for all of the miniatures to be made in High Impact Plastic similar to the Loki and Thor from the regular box set (and also to fantastic looking Leviathans minis). Topps remains a jealous guard of plastic minis. They are not in the mood for anyone to make an attempt to redo the Click-Tech plastic miniatures even though that is absolutely not what Catalyst is doing. At one point Catalyst had permission to go forward but then Topps somehow forgot they gave them permission. The whole situation is frustrating but Catalyst remains cautious.

High detail plastic is in the future for the Clan Box Set AND the normal Intro Box Set. Not this reprint but the one after that, Catalyst intends to at least partially do away with the soft plastic miniatures in favor of high impact plastic. The current reprint in progress is around 7,500 boxes. At MSRP of $49.99 that is $374,925 of product. Start bugging your friends to buy one this Christmas season!

The PDF Turning Points series will be going strong with several titles in various stages of work. Titles that were mentioned include the following in no particular order;

A few other titles were also noted. These would be in the very early stages of work and few details were available surrounding their scope.

Solaris 7
Clan Widowmaker Absorption
Interstellar Operations is the Duke Nukem Forever of BattleTech (a title previously held by Operation Klondike). Randall is the one to bug about this monster. I highly suspect that baby seals everywhere will be on guard until it’s release.

Randall has a lot of big ideas and would love to do a large scale high production value “Twilight Imperium” style game in the same color as the old Succession Wars board game. Interstellar Operations is taking priority though.

Novels are going to happen. “If we don’t get them out … I’m going to hurt somebody.” – Herb. This is a big issue for the Catalyst guys and they are working several angles to get it done. Unfortunately the collapse of Borders has tightened everyone’s grip on their purse strings. A major brick and mortar like Barnes and Noble pays on a delayed schedule which makes things challenging to say the least. Catalyst is actively talking with several other vendors that may be able to bring novels into reality quicker and with less risk (think epub or print on demand, btw the Cosmic Patrol rulebook was done via print on demand).

A BattleCorps Anthology was not available this year due to work load issues with the Leviathans launch. Ultimately, they would like to have one available each year. There is at least a chance for one before the year is out if not early next. Regardless the series will continue to be produced and will highlight the best fiction available on BattleCorps.

The Plot Line Moves (and shakes!)

There is going to be a concerted effort to remove the white hat worn by the Republic of the Sphere. Nothing in BattleTech is completely white hat anyways. Davions are crooks. Steiner, which is Herb’s favorite, are also crooks. Liao have been the punching bag of the Inner Sphere for what seems like forever and have come by their black hats honestly. The Republic will be more of a stepping stone for the plot. No much happens over the course of 60 or so years so a jump is called for. 3150 will be the beginning of whatever era is next for the BattleTech line.

All the Rest

BattleCorps has been a bit slow since Jason has been tapped to review several products all at once. A new update is in the works that will provide additional functionality including ePub capability. This is still in early development so don’t hold your breath.

Rumor has it that the MechWarrior game had been sidelined lately but shows signs of movement once again. However, there is very little contact between Catalyst and the game developer so take this rumor with a Tharkad sized grain of NaCl.

There has been a recent shake up in the status of the unseen. Art previously thought to be back on the OK list is again off limits. The licensing issue and confusion at Topps have muddied the waters significantly.


Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 авг 2011, 07:53
Чорд, я хочу такие валлпаперы!

the bowling shirts are part of the general attire here this year.
Herb's says "Social General" on the back.
Mine says "Booth Monkey".
Pete Smith's says "Logistics Schmuck"
The various SR guys have * Johnson on theirs (Jason Hardy is "Sarcastic Johnson")
Loren Coleman: Figurehead
Heather Coleman: Herder of Cats

Re: ГенКон 2011

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 авг 2011, 08:16
во блин стартовый набор продают, хочу себе такой :oops: