Origins, 2011, Журнал.

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Origins, 2011, Журнал.

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 28 июн 2011, 07:03

ссылка на оригинал. ... 184.0.html

Chas пишет

06-21-2011: 00:01 Hours:
Okay, my previous day did NOT go as smoothly as I'd planned. Figured I'd work from home. Have plenty of time between calls to deal with some of my pre-con final packing.
Wall-to-wall hell for 8 hours. One client after another calling up today with their hair on fire.
Anyhoo, my car is 90% packed (all the stuff that's not my clothes or my computer stuff).
I'm sitting down to a late night pizza. All that's before me is a shower, then 5-6 hours of sleep.
Oh. And I'm the lucky sod who's transporting all the new shirts to the con. The new CBT shirts look sweet!
Keep eyes peeled to this thread.
And for those of you going to Origins.
At least until we get there, Catalyst is Booth #511.
Come on down, stop on by!

okay. try again. stoopit phone!
Booth up.
A few snafu to overcome. But we're getting there.
If you're coming to pick up box sets, we don't have em till Friday afternoon-ish, due to distributor screwup. But they ARE coming.
A few last minute tweaks and we' ready to open tomorrow.
Man...I'm going to wind up one of those (not so) little old farts, confined to a bed, yelling "It hurts to LIVE!" But I have met my exercise goal for the year now.
Now to take some painkillers (44 Magnum please!), shower the stink off and hit the bed.

Okay, painkillers taking effect.
Much less sweaty and stinky now.
Feeling about three octillion percent better.

Anyhoo, I'll work at getting some pics from around the con once everything is unwrapped tomorrow. We still have a little setup to go before they let the VIPs in early.

Переужал снимки до 800 на 600, так что извиняюсь, если у кого будет колбасить монитор


Sorry about the lack of updates guys. I didn't get the info on the minis, mostly because I've been working straight through, and when I wasn't at the booth, I've been in the car making supply runs.
I have all the pics on my phone at the moment and will try to get them uploaded as soon as I get an FTP app on there (Bad Nerd! No geek cred!)
Doing better today. Made a run to Target last night for some insoles. Should have got arch supports, but the gel soles help some...
Will post up as soon as I have the pics up.

Okay, took a bit of doing (and finding out that my gallery software is an antiquated piece of...surat droppings...
For now:
Just a bare directory. Warning! The images are raw dumps. 1.5-ish MB each!

I will note that if you're not a Verizon customer, internet connectivity here in the Convention Center area is a *BLEEP!* joke.
My Sprint Galaxy S is usually rock solid at full bars anywhere in the Chicago area.
Out here, the connection is so damn shoddy that using it as a phone is unreliable and forget 4G!
Luckily, since we need to have internet access in the evenings for business purposes (since breaking our thumbs texting on phones is NOT going to happen), we're covered. But even there, the connectivity is just kinda overwhelmed by everyone in the area. The gateway has gone down more times than Connor MacLeod in the original Highlander "Boston Commons" duel scene.
Just VERY not happy about it.


1: парень, трогающий диораму в начале, это Роб ДеХофф, мастер, что ее и сделал.

2: Борода Рэндалла это часть супер-тайного спора, на тему кто отрастит самую эпичную бороду.

Интересный Рэндалл-факт: Под бородой не подбородок, а Левиафан, повернувшийся бортом для залпа...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand we're done!
We had a good year this year. Sales went well, our GM suport was OUT-FRICKING-STANDING, and while 8 hours is a LONG time to spend on your feet, I'm doing MUCH better than last year (see PAIN-FLAVORED jello from the hips down). With help from our GMs, we even managed to all get a couple shopping breaks in. Even booth breakdown went smoothly. We had FEWER helpers this year ad we managed to break down and pack up in an almost identical timeframe.

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